Friday, January 3, 2025

Sirius Portal, Command 1208, Shakiso, 1:11 Divine Flash, Event Horizon

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to "happen" on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. Please cultivate your own inner guidance. For advice on how you can bring the Light before the Event, you can refer to this article and this article.

This will be a long but extremely important update covering many crucial topics. As time moves in spirals, things are rapidly accelerating as we head into the 12:21 Ascension Portal.

Firstly, you are more than welcome to join our mass meditation on January 5th:

Tomorrow, Earth will be exactly conjunct the triple star Sirius from the perspective of the Sun. This conjunction takes place exactly at 8 am EST on January 4th. This might activate the Sirian Fleet to enter our Solar System.

"Another piece (of Cintamani) was given to Nicholas Roerich, who attempted to achieve world peace with it. His well known Banner of Peace is a symbol related to the triple Sirius star system:"

You might remember that we are currently alive because Sirius was the only star system which remained safe during the Archon invasion of January 11, 1996:

You might also remember that the 50 year Sirius pulse will close the Ascension Window this year:

"Esoteric symbol of the Brotherhood of the Star is the heavenly stone of Sirius, fire jewel, cinta mani, lapis ex coelis, which represents the jewel of our true Self (atma-buddhi-manas)."

After much discussion, I have come to the realization that the word Cintamani is actually "Chit" (I AM presence) + "Mani" (stone).

"COBRA – No, it’s not illuminated brain. Cintamani stone, I would say, the stone which is the reflection of your inner jewel, your higher self, your I AM presence. 
Lynn – Does it have a relationship with the Pineal gland. 
COBRA – No, it has a relationship with your spiritual heart, your I AM presence and the totality of your being."

You might want to refresh your memory with quotes about Chitmani stones, including new quotes I just added:

Our I AM presence can be combined with the toroidal vortex of Code 12:21. This can be used to speed up manifestation, and also rise above the attack frequency of the Cabal:

"COBRA - The other aspect is people many times tend to perceive the situation from a victim perspective. Oh, I’m a pure human and there are other races manipulating over my destiny, when in fact each person, each of us, is a sovereign being with full intention of the I Am Presence, and if you connect with that potential and practice it, you will not be able to be manipulated by any body with no Draconian overloads or any other being. All those fears are based on, I would say, not putting enough attention on your own connection with your own higher self and your own power of manifestation."

In that regard, we can combine Chitmani stones with ATVOR (Advanced Technology Vortex), Code 12:21, and Divine Will:

"COBRA – I would recommend that people to just have physical contact with these stones during meditation and to have that contact will create an energy flow that can assist you in connecting with your higher self and transmute the plasma field around you. Those stones actually maintain their purity regardless of other people, so no need to worry about that."

"ATVOR activates the light body. Your light body is the scalar harmonic energy field which will activate your I AM presence. After your ascension, you will use your light body as a spaceship. You can travel with your light body through the space, anywhere you want. You will be trained to use this to travel through the solar system after your ascension. Before the ascension, it is your own protection shield. There is a certain advanced technology to use the principle of the light body. I can not tell you about this in detail now, but this manifestation technique using the principle of light body can accelerate your manifestation process. All those techniques are the activation of the light body itself, which is to activate your heart chakra as a stargate to your I AM presence, which creates the toroidal field around you. This toroidal field looks exactly like the Quantum Fluctuation Resonator. It is the same shape as the light body. It is the toroidal energy field with the double spirals going in different directions to the same central stargate inside."

The Quantum Fluctuation Resonator is a 12:21 toroid with a dodecahedron crystal in the center (12 faces). It is the perfect embodiment of our I AM presence and of Code 12:21.

In the image below we can see the double spirals of our I AM presence (8/∞) merging with the 12:21 ATVOR stargate toroid. This represents complete merger of both polarities into the One, the perfect embodiment of Command 1208:

This is exactly what happens when there is a healthy sexual merger between a man and a woman:

Which is why Command 1208 (healthy sexual merger among twin flames & soul mates) is the key to planetary liberation:

1208 is also the key to Immortality (reversal of entropy of energy bodies through sacred union): (notice how this was posted almost on 8/21, which is 1208 flipped)

And this is why the deepest human programming is of human sexual energy:

And so we can repeat the following quote:

"The main key for planetary healing is women allowing themselves to feel and express their sexual energy".

"The key of liberation of such society is for the most advanced women of that society to gradually start expressing sensual, sexual Goddess energy: 

"The main programme is monogamy. The key for men and women for liberating themselves from this programme is to strive to connect their heart with their sexual energy and vice versa. Men need to become aware of their Twin Soul connection whereas women need to allow themselves to have more connections. Keep in mind that there is a difference between having a committed connection versus an exclusive connection. In a committed connection the partners let each other free. They choose consciously to not make other connections. They do not feel they are each other’s property. About 10% of the awakened surface population has reached this level of committed connection."


(I highly recommend reading these notes).

Now that the Cintamanis (Chitmani's) and Moldavites and other tektites are being upgraded, let's hold our starry friends in our hands/on our body. Let's also use the ATVOR meditation and other meditations while holding them. My personal Tibetan Tektite (codenamed "628") is coming to life, as can be seen with the greyish spots developing on it:

I also found a tweet of the Templars (US Debt Clock) which quotes Ephesians 6:11. You might remember that I have been posting about how February 6-11 is the most explosive astrological period in the first quarter of 2025. The below Tweet was posted on the Portal day of July 21, 2024, which was during the time of etheric dragon leyline activation. It clearly shows DEMATRIX and the Victory of the Light Forces.

You might also remember that the US Debt Clock's first tweet was on February 11, 2024 at 5:51 pm EST (exactly 1 year before February 6-11, 2025):

5:51 is exactly the timestamp of Portal 2025, which occurs on August 21, 2025 (heliocentric conjunction of Neptune with midpoint of Uranus & Pluto). This showed to me that the February 6-11, 2025 time window must be connected with Ascension Portal 12:21.

You also may or may not be interested to know that the domain for the Kyoto conference was registered on August 21, 2024 (exactly one year before Portal 2025). So, the information given in the Kyoto conference will be super explosive, and it will be related to Portal 12:21.

In my estimation, the 7 year physical cycle will begin in February 2025 and end in February 2032. It will involve many exact Neptune sextile Pluto aspects (times are US Eastern):

You might want to know more about the positive Templars:

"Templars. Also called Faction 2 or sometimes White Hats.  This group originates from old European nobility that was almost wiped out by the Rothschilds. They have a strong power base in the US (Navy), UK and continental Europe. Their public contact is Lord Blackheath. Currently they are very much involved in the creation of the new 134 nations alliance financial system. They cooperate with the Positive Military group. Their main purpose is to bring down the Federal Reserve and to destroy the Rothschilds - their old enemy."

You might also want to learn about The White Knights:

"There is a soul group that keeps reincarnating with the sole purpose of fighting against the Cabal and setting the planet free. In the middle ages, they were fighting against the Inquisition. In the 17th and 18th centuries they were fighting against the Jesuits. Now, they are mostly against the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. This group is the cavalry that is coming. 
You can find them now inside the Positive Military, inside Templar groups, inside Faction 2, among members of the White Dragons Society, infiltrated inside various networks of the Cabal and among many freedom fighters inside the general human population. If you feel a burning desire for freedom of this planet and you are actually doing something about it, you may well be part of this group!"

The below Tweet of the US Debt Clock shows a White Knight (Silver Knight) slaying the Fed's negative Green Agarthan dragon. It was posted on July 7, 2024, which was right before the etheric dragon leyline activation in Tibet. It also represents the victory of human beings over the negative Draconians.

It is very interesting how the latest update mentions that the Order of the Holy Sepulchre is filled with great Light. The only other post about the Order of the Holy Sepulchre was on February 8, 2024 at 8:00 PM. This is exactly 1 year before the explosive astrological period of February 6-11, 2025. Its title is "Afrika" and its tags contain "Bukavu", "Order of the Holy Sepulchre", and "Shakiso".

The above post (Afrika) is one of the most significant posts ever made on The Portal. Lake Bukavu in Congo was one of the top 3 vortexes of the earth which was directly invaded in the 1996 Archon invasion. The reversal of the Congo Archon invasion will be our exit from this quarantine Earth. And the Shakiso emeralds of queen Sheba of Ethiopia are directly going to form the spiritual backbone of the new financial system, probably under the guidance of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre:

"The Solomon Code

The positive new financial system was invented by King Solomon 2,500 years ago. King Solomon was connected with the positive Green Dragons in the Arabian region. At that time, Islam did not exist, and there were Sufism orders in Arabian region. The Sufi orders guided King Solomon on how to build a positive new financial system.

King Solomon had a connection with the Queen of Sheba from Ethiopia. Ethiopia had a large emerald deposit known as the Shakiso mines. These Ethiopian emeralds were transferred to the Queen of Sheba’s court. King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba had a trade agreement.

Ethiopian emeralds form the core of the new financial system and are also central to King Solomon’s treasure. The new financial system will be supported by gold, while occult  knowledge and the Ethiopian emeralds  will serve as its foundation."

We are rapidly approaching the Divine Flash of January 11, 2025 (represented by the six pointed star mandala of planets around the Sun):

Both January 11, 2025 (Divine Flash) and February 7, 2025 (turning point of Window of Opportunity) are directly connected to Lunar Node and Neptune:

It is possible that an aspect of the Goddess energy will return to Earth on January 11, 2025. Eris will turn Direct on January 11. This will release suppressed planetary Goddess energy. And there will also be an exact opposition of center of M87 galaxy and Saturn/Chiron midpoint on January 11. M87 Galaxy's Love energy will heal Earth's wounds, represented by Saturn/Chiron midpoint:

In my estimation, our Universe will undergo a rapid Phase Transition soon after the Divine Flash of January 11, 2025. The final removal of darkness (primary anomaly) will allow the Universe to enter into a True Vacuum where the underlying physics of darkness will forever cease to exist.

"COBRA – Basically, there is no first cause. Absolute was not created, it always was, is and will be. Contingency was not created with a purpose. It was an outburst of a random function, an anomaly and those two things are logically opposite. They are two very strong but opposite forces, and the tensions between those two created the Universe."

Thus, this Window of Opportunity in Q1 2025 seems to hold tremendous potential for breakthroughs:

On January 1, the Light Forces once again showed us signs that our Liberation is very near:

Even more signs are coming from our Sun, with an exact X1.11 flare right before January 1:

The US is about to hit its debt ceiling sometime between January 14 and January 23:

The US Debt Clock is now talking about a System Reset:

The James Webb telescope is on the verge of discovering life beyond Earth:

You would remember that the first COVID-19 case outside China was reported almost exactly on January 11, 2020. The dark forces (Orsini family in particular) are again trying to create a plandemic before January 11, 2025. They do not nearly have the energetic support which they enjoyed in 2020. Their plans will fail, and will in fact backfire on them:

You might find the below paragraph about the Rothschilds and Rockefellers amusing:

"Rothschilds are nobility wannabes (their lineage goes less than two and a half centuries back and they come from Bauer family which is German for farmer) and do not understand completely the occult war that is going on in the highest circles as they are left out of the information loop. They are too immersed into the physical matter as well. Meanwhile, Rockefellers are plain commoners and do not have the slightest idea about what is really going on."

There is a new post by We Love Mass Meditation about Tachyon Chambers:

You might want to watch the below video to understand how Tachyon Chambers work:

You can learn more about the Alliance Fleet by reading this brilliant article:

We are about to exit the Event Horizon:

"We are making final preparations to exit the event horizon of the black hole that was our reality for the last 26,000 years." (notice how this article was posted exactly 10 years before February 6, 2025)

We will have an Explosion of Light once the dark plasmoids between the surface of the Earth and L2 Lagrange Point are removed:

"Dark matter plasmoids closer to Earth will be cleared in the subsequent phase of the liberation operations, allowing the Light to reach the surface".

"When we exit the black hole, there will be an explosion of Light. This means an end of quarantine status for planet Earth and end of darkness in this universe."

You would be happy to know that the Tachyon chamber in National Capital Region, India has been activated. You can contact me if you wish to experience tachyon energy:

Any and all donations to its fundraiser are greatly appreciated:

I have added my favorite articles from The Portal to the sidebar. You can check them out if you wish.

This nightmare will be over, soon.

Victory of the Light!

(Image with title "Aelora" from The Portal. Our sky will probably look like this after the Event. It will be filled with Galactic & Cosmic Love)


  1. It is always a pleasure to read your updates, Prajwal. The links to posts from the Portal are delightful since they are often inscrutable initially!
    And thank you for the video about tachyon chambers. I will link to it on my site,

    1. Thanks for your comments as always Dr. Joe! And thanks for linking the video!

  2. Thank you for your article. I enjoyed it

  3. Thank you so much!!! For the wonderful and very interesting information in a nut shell to understand what's going at present 🙏🐉🎇

  4. I think the Saffordite is the cintamani stone

  5. Eu amo, ler seus artigos, me inspiram e me dão fé.

  6. It’s really interesting cause my Galactic Cintamani is also growing those same geyish spots very recently, especially when I put her under the bright sun light!🙏🏻🌟🎆

  7. Thanks for your wonderful inference as always!

  8. Hello, I just read this article and I wanted to share what I experienced on January 11, 2025 during a meditation. We were connected with IONA and its energy, it was like a flash coming from the Galactic Central Sun and M87. Since then it remains very present with me every time I connect to IONA and since then I feel a great inner joy.
    Thank you for your explanations.
