Thursday, January 9, 2025

Project 2227, and Galactic Wave of Love enters via Phoenix, AZ

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to "happen" on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. Please cultivate your own inner guidance. For advice on how you can bring the Light before the Event, you can refer to this article and this article.

Update January 14:

After the latest Kyoto & Taiwan conference notes were released, my understanding improved. Now I do not think that the Galactic Wave of Love will occur in February, but laterThat being said, the energy of February 6-11 period will certainly be very strong.


Small addition:

I really liked this comment on my blog. Among other things (such as the Pleiadian bases), the Sirian connection (Cintamani's being found in Arizona) is also why the Galactic Wave of Love will enter through Arizona.


The dark forces are completely freaking out because they know their time is up. The Galactic Wave of Love is about to hit us within the next few months. There is no place left for them to hide anymore. They are going to be completely stripped off the surface of the Earth (and from everywhere else). 

I expect the Jesuit interplanetary network to be fully removed by January 11, 2025 even within L2 Lagrange Point. This will enable the Agarthan Silver Fleet to take to the sky all over the Earth. Despite everything going on right now, I hope you are able to enjoy the absolutely mega energies of January 11, 2025 and beyond: (See January 10 onwards)

Here I would like to make a cryptic remark that there is a connection between Phoenix, AZ and Command 1208, as well as the Planetary Ascension Process.

Project 2227 is a tag that I found on The Portal. From my understanding, Project 2227 pertains to Cosmic Evolution. We know this from the tags in the post "Wonderland" which mentions Project 2227. The tags are "Project 2227", "Cosmic Central Race", "USAP" (Unidentified Special Access Programs) and "Operation Wonderland" (merged with LSIP BNF ANNABELLA.exe exactly 6 years ago to this day).

To decode Project 2227, we need to break it down. It breaks down as Project '22' + '27'. Note that this is just my guesswork, and I could be completely wrong about this.

  • '22' refers to the Universe entering a True Vacuum. This is represented by state '22' in the state diagram below. In short, we can see that Portal 12:21 is just a pathway to take the Universe (i.e. Cosmos) from state '11' (False Vacuum/metastable) to state '22' (True Vacuum/stable). See my post on Cosmic Evolution to further understand this.

  • '27' refers to February 7 (which can be written as 2/7). I have already postulated that the Galactic Wave of Love will hit Earth on February 6, 2025, which is just 1 day before February 7. [Update: now I do not think this will happen on February 6, but at a later date. That being said, the below astrological analysis is still completely sound.]
This is because Pluto & its moon Charon will make an exact trine with M87 Galaxy on February 6, 2025. At the same time, Neptune and Lunar Node form an exact conjunction, and they will both square the Galactic Centre:

You would be interested to know that Pluto's moon Charon is the Portal between our Solar System and M87 Galaxy. And Ganymede is the Portal between our Solar System and the Galactic Central Sun, via Sirius. So, I believe the Galactic Wave of Love will pass from the Cosmic Central Sun to various galactic clusters (including M87 Galaxy). Then from M87 Galaxy it will reach our Galactic Central Sun. From there it will go to Ganymede and Charon. From Ganymede & Charon it will be relayed to our Solar System and to planet Earth, which will not have any more dark plasma entities blocking the Galactic & Cosmic Love energies. Thus, planet Earth will finally enter Galactic confederation domain.

M87 Galaxy is the source of Galactic (& Cosmic) Love for our sector of the Universe:

"Debra: Thank you for explaining that. You've indicated that the M87 galaxy is a source of galactic love for this sector of the universe, and will play an important role at the time of the Event. Would you tell us more about the M87 galaxy? Like how is it a source of galactic love? Is it inhabited? Does it have civilizations that are highly evolved, and if so, which dimension are they living? 
Cobra: I would say there is a huge galactic network of light and love in that galaxy, which is far more evolved than the galactic network in this galaxy. And the race inhabiting that galaxy is far more evolved than the galactic race in this galaxy; I would say they're super-evolved galactic cosmic beings. In Earth terminology, I would say 11th dimension and beyond. They are super-evolved cosmic beings of light and love."

"Debra: Does the solar flash that will trigger the Event need to come through the M87 galaxy before it reaches our galactic center? Could this December flash be considered a "dress rehearsal" for the Event? 
Cobra: The cosmic flash actually originates from the Cosmic Central Sun and travels to different galactic clusters. And one of the major paths of that, how the energy travels, is through M87 galaxy towards the galactic center of this galaxy. So M87 galaxy is always included in that path because there is a very strong connection with our local galactic cluster and the Virgo galaxy cluster. So there is a strong plasma, Cosmic plasma, hyper dimensional doorway between that galactic cluster and our local galaxy cluster. Whenever there is an important occurrence in this galaxy, there is a flash which travels from the Virgo galactic cluster because Virgo galactic cluster is overseeing the evolution of local galactic cluster."

"Debra: Okay, good. Is this flash of cosmic love energy an aspect of Goddess energy? 
Cobra: It is a very high aspect of goddess energy. (Beautiful) And Goddess Iona, which came to Atlantis and brought Goddess mystery, actually originates from M87 galaxy. She came traveling through our galactic central sun of this galaxy, then visiting many planets brought Goddess mystery to many star systems, especially in this region of the galaxy until she found herself on this planet 25,000 years ago."

M87 Galaxy is the Milky Way's great great great grandmother. On February 6, 2025, M87 Galaxy shall begin to heal her greatest grandchild, The Blue Jewel (Earth):

In order for the Universe to make its Phase Transition to a True Vacuum, there needs to be a Galactic Superwave & Solar Flash. As I mention later, I'm expecting the Galactic Superwave & Solar Flash to occur in 2037. 

There is a link between Phoenix, AZ and the Galactic Wave of Love (which is different from the Galactic Superwave & Solar Flash). If you look at the tags for the post titled 'Phoenix', you will notice 'Galactic Wave' written in the tags:

You might also be interested to learn that the tag 'Phoenix' was present in the post called 'The Final Battle'. It was posted on October 10, 2020, at the height of the Galactic War. Very interestingly, the only two tags in this post are 'Pandora' and 'Phoenix'. I will explain both of them shortly.

You might also remember Operation Phoenix, which is a top secret Resistance Movement operation. My guess is that Operation Phoenix refers to liberation of the physical plane of the surface of the Earth. We know that the etheric and astral liberation operation is known as Pandora.

I'm guessing the codeword 'PHX' also refers to the word 'Phoenix'. For instance, this coded message about PHX lock secure was posted when the Chimera was just about to be defeated:

And about Command 1208 being the PHXKEY (sexual merger is the key to planetary liberation):

The PHXC protocol was activated on November 11, 2024. My guess is that this refers to the 'Phoenix Compression' protocol:

You can review the numerous posts made on The Portal within February 6-11 time window in previous years. They can be found in this post:

Some more details about the astrology of February 6-11 time period can be found below:

So, in short, Phoenix is a very important codeword, and February 6-11 time window is a very important time. Thus, Phoenix, AZ must be connected with the Resistance Movement's plan to liberate Planet Earth. That's why it has been chosen as the vortex for the Galactic Wave of Love. Another very important vortex is Sedona, AZ, which is the vortex for the New Atlantis.

In the Phoenix conference of February 3-4, 2024 we were told that Arizona is the key place for the Galactic Wave of Love:

"The Galactic Wave of Love is necessary for a peaceful transition. Positive Light groups are waiting for it to happen, but enough anomaly needs to be cleared first. On the surface of the planet, Arizona is the key place for the Galactic Wave of Love to enter. Arizona has a long history of Pleiadian bases and the Pleiadians have prepared the ground work here."

We are rapidly approaching the timeframe in which the Source will have sublimated enough of the Lurker to be able to trigger the Galactic Wave of Love:

"Patrick: Okay. Next one. How scientifically will the galactic wave of love from Galactic Central Sun annihilate all the negativities on the Earth? 
Cobra: It is simply that the Source will transmute enough of the primary anomaly so that the negativity cannot exist anymore. So when enough of the primary anomaly is gone, it is theoretically impossible to create negativity, and then it's theoretically impossible for the negativity to exist. So when enough of that anomaly is gone, the darkness will be gone also."

So, the Phoenix workshop on February 1-2, 2025 will be from where we will begin the process of triggering the Galactic Wave of Love for the entire planet. 

Interestingly, Uranus will station Direct on January 30. This means that all 3 outer planets will be Direct as of the day of the Phoenix workshop. The workshop's timing is very Divine indeed.

Phoenix, AZ is an extremely important Booster vortex. From Sedona workshop notes:

"Phoenix is a booster vortex which pushes energy into the grid. The Phoenix vortex is also very important and there needs to be a Tachyon chamber in Phoenix. Anybody interested in setting up a Tachyon chamber in Phoenix can email" [Update: I have been told there is now a Tachyon Chamber in Phoenix]

So, Phoenix, AZ is exactly the vortex from where the Galactic Wave of Love will enter, and from there it shall be boosted to the entire planet. The Tachyon Chamber in Phoenix, AZ will play a Galactic role, as it will stabilize the Galactic Wave of Love for the entire planet.

You may want to refresh your memory about the Galactic Wave of Love:

"We are approaching a Galactic wave right now and it will culminate in the Event.

But the main aspect of this Galactic pulse will be a wave of cosmic Love. This Love energy is the basis of universal cosmic reality and is now reaching our shores. This energy has Galactic proportions and can not be stopped by the Cabal, no matter what they try to do. This energy will completely clear the primary anomaly and the plasma octopus entity around the Earth, which was called Yaladaboth in Gnostic teachings." (my comment: replace Yaldabaoth with Lurker for the 2025 version of this quote)

"The real Ascension process will begin at the moment of the Event. The incoming energies from the Galactic pulse will start to flow through the energy field of all human beings on the planet. They will be loving energies straight from the Galactic heart and will start bringing much needed healing to humanity."

The following quote is particularly interesting and links back to Cosmic Evolution (Project 2227):

"Interstellar sources are communicating that cosmic shift is accelerating, and the whole universe is going through a phase transition into the new cosmic cycle. So what we are about to experience is not only the Galactic superwave, but a cosmic shift on the scale never experienced since the creation of the universe."

You might be interested to know that Pluto also makes an exact trine with M87 Galaxy very close to August 21, 2025:

At the same time, Pluto makes an exact trine with Sedna. "Sedna trine Pluto is a very powerful aspect, which harmoniously starts to introduce us to the next Galactic Superwave which is about to occur in our near future."

The above aspects will help open the Ascension Window for humanity on August 21, 2025. From then onwards, the Ascension window will remain permanently open. And then people will continue to Ascend till 2032, after which Earth will become uninhabitable. Thus, humanity will be evacuated in 2032.

"Cobra: Yes, actually we have two pulses. The first one is triggering the Event, and the second one is triggering the planetary ascension. 
Debra: I understand. Will there be a series of natural disasters after the Event? It is said that many people will lose their lives possibly. Can these damages be slowed down or avoided? 
Cobra: We are not expecting any drastic cataclysms at the Event or shortly after the Event, but as we get closer to the final, big solar and galactic flash, there will be more and more shaking of the Earth and more and more of the earthquakes and reaching the final moment of the polar shift."

I believe the Galactic Superwave will hit Earth in 2037:

"After the Event, the Source will disentangle all Lurker remnants from humanity and that process will be completed at the Solar Flash and corresponding tsunami, which is most probable at the moment of subsequent solar maxima either around 2037 or around 2049. Educated guess still puts the timing of the Event at 2025, although nobody knows when the real timing will be. The time frame between the Event and the Solar Flash will be a time of great healing for humanity."

The plan is perfectly described in the below image from The Portal, which is curiously titled '1001' (see Cosmic Evolution state diagram above for arrows of 10 and 01):

Although the Galactic Superwave is different from the Solar Flash, they will both occur at the same time, in 2037. As mentioned above, they will trigger the pole shift and tsunami. By that time, Earth's magnetic field would have completely collapsed. Note that the Solar Flash & Galactic Superwave of 2037 are different from the Galactic Wave of Love of 2025.

"Debra: Are we still on track for the Event to happen as previously explained or has there been a change? Will it be still triggered by a huge solar flash, or as some people speculate, has that timeline collapsed and it is now coming in many "mini" solar flashes that will continue until 2025? 
Cobra: It will not be a solar flash. It will be, I would say, a Galactic pulse, which is not yet a big, big solar flash, which creates the cataclysm. So when the Event happens, there will be no global cataclysm, but there will be a strong flash of energy. And the plan is still the same."

So, I'd say we can expect the Galactic Wave of Love to hit us in 2025 with Phoenix, AZ as its entry point.

To conclude, I recommend everyone to attend the upcoming Phoenix workshop. This will ensure that the Galactic Wave of Love is triggered most harmoniously. And the Tachyon Chamber in Phoenix will play a major role in stabilizing the Galactic Wave of Love for planet Earth.

Victory of the Light! 
Victory of the Cosmic & Galactic Love
12:21 Om Shanti 12:21


  1. Thank you !

    I would love to hear more about the Galactic Cintamani! I have read the various articles you have posted on this subject but they are more quotes from Cobra than your own analysis. What do you think of these stones? do you think the galactic cintamani will be activated during the flash or even before ? Wearing them for the galactic wave of love…

    1. From my understanding, Galactic Cintamani's are more related to the Galactic superwave & pole shift. They will be activated the moment of the Event. Whereas Sirian Cintamani's are more related to the Galactic Wave of Love & the Sirius pulse in 2025. GCs can clear subquantum anomaly extremely effectively whereas Sirian C's can clear the plasma anomaly effectively.
      Search for galactic cintamani here:

    2. MAYBE these galactic cintamani come from Europe. If you search on Etsy someone sell these European Cintamani that MAYBE are the same galactic cintamani that sell Cobra.

    3. European Cintamani are NOT confirmed to be the same as Galactic Cintamani

  2. Cobra in the last update say that all interplanetary jesuits are removed so i think that now remain jesuits only on the surface. I think the Arizona is so powerful because near Safford there are in the desert many cintamani stones or Saffordite.

  3. I hope and I pray that these amazing event truly change the Universe into a place of pure joy, love and light. VotL indeed! Nice one VotL 628, you work is much appreciated ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

  4. It's possible that the portal 2025 begin on 6-7 february 2025 with the galactic wave of love?

    1. Yes, I have accounted for that. Look here:

    2. i think it's time for Cobra to release some informations about portal 2025

    3. Yes the Taiwan workshop notes should be shared either today or in a couple more days

  5. I have booked my flight to the Phoenix workshop!
