- (Alfred) Right. Now, one of the feedbacks that I continually hear, and I am sure you’ve heard it too, is “oh they’re always talking about this and then it never happens.” I consider that to be a meme but it’s a fairly common meme and that’s very discouraging because it discourages one from even posting information. How does one deal with that meme?
(Cobra) Actually, it’s very simple. It’s a psychological response to something that’s never happened before. Everything that happened in human history had to happen for the first time. For example, before Mt. Everest was climbed, it was impossible before somebody did it. The same is true of the Event. Whenever we go beyond a certain psychological barrier, an impossibility and belief system, we create a breakthrough. I cannot give proof of the Event because it has not happened yet. The proof will be the Event itself when it happens. The same is true of every great achievement anyone has had in their lives. Until you are there, you are not there and you cannot prove it. It’s a psychological mind game that people play - it’s not important. What is important is to focus ourselves on the goal, make a decision and there are many specific ways to manifest. Our decision, our dedication and a repetition of that process will result in the manifestation of our goal. This is a scientific fact. But it might take some time, that’s all.
- Richard – Cobra, how long does it take for light or energy from the Galactic Central Sun to reach earth?
- COBRA Yes. It was a long long time before – and the Prussian military was one of the most advanced militaries at that time – and what happened is that the Pleiadians saw an opportunity to introduce the seeds of a positive secret space program and they have telepathically contacted many people in Germany inspiring them to start building their own spaceships. And that was happening in the 19th century already. And of course the first prototypes were very crude – they did not work. And then in the beginning of the 20th century they have contacted Maria Orsic – and I hope you know we are familiar with the story of Maria Orsic. She was a medium. She was a channel. She channeled Pleiadians from the Aldeberan star system and she was invited in a certain group which is called the Thule Society and then later the Vril Society – and this is how the German secret space program started and first the Rothschilds infiltrated the group through Hitler. There was one man that was part of the group – actually one of the founders of the group – which was Rudolph Glauer and he called himself Baron von Sebottendorff and he was connected very deeply with various occult forces in Turkey and those forces were – I would not go much deeper into this – but those forces were steering the narrative since then and then we have Karl Haushofer – one of those Germans and he travelled a lot into the East and when the Chimera group – the Chimera group was of course watching all that development and when they saw that this German program which had a potential for a breakthrough – there was a real possibility they would begin building an operational spacecraft that will contact the Pleiadians and make a first contact which could be public – they decided to intervene. So they sent Draco factions from Tibet into contact with Haushofer. And Haushofer came back then to Germany – he was in contact with Hitler and this is how the – the green men – started to control Hitler. It was the Dracos. And Hitler signed a pact with the Dracos. And of course this was not the only group that was influencing Hitler. The Rothschilds were in play – the Jesuits were in play – you probably know about the big Jesuit pentagram of concentration camps so each of those factions have their own idea what will happen in that war. The Jesuits wanted to have concentration camps, the Rothschilds wanted to earn money. The Dracos wanted to control the planet through Hitler. The Chimera group wanted to control the quarantine and then the Pleaidians…. there is a story about the Pleiadians. The Pleiadians saw what’s happening and they wanted to prevent the genocide and before World War Two the Pleiadians signed a contract with Hitler. They promised him technology in exchange that Hitler will not start the genocide but this was their last attempt to prevent the genocide. When this did not happen they cut all contact with Hitler and with the Nazis. That was I think in 1941 or 1942 and then the Dracos gave technology to Hitler. So it was actually a proxy war between the Dracos and the Confederation. Through this proxy war, World War Two, much of the galaxy was cleared. It was like part of the galactic war which had its anchor on the physical plane on planet Earth. And the Confederation had a partial victory and the Nazis had to go underground so part of them went to Antarctica and part of them went to the United States through Operation Paperclip and now we have the key Nazis controlling the United States. That’s what’s happening and this is the so-called Cabal. And they are of course merged with the bloodlines. Many of them belong to the bloodlines or now, of course, they work with the bloodlines.
- Does the Tachyon chamber sense when you are lying in it or does it continuously pour Tachyons from the moment you tune it in?
- COBRA - Truly amazing healings have occurred in these Tachyon chambers. One such example is the following: A person was diagnosed with AIDS and this person is now completely healed.
- You've probably read in the French (in a guest's experience report) that they also offer remote chambering for those who, due to their health condition, are unable to go to the chamber (for example, after chemotherapy). They place a photo in the chamber as if the person were there. Could it work in this form?
- Question: Most people experience a loss of time in the chamber and a deep state where they can't tell if they're awake or asleep, hearing the sounds of the outside world, and a tingling or mildly painful sensation in areas where they previously had physical complaints. Of course, this will go away completely later. But what's really going on in this state that we can't see with the naked eye?
- COBRA - The best resource is always the connection with your own higher self, because your own higher self, ONLY your Higher Self, has the power to reverse the entropy of the physical body.
- You suggest 3-6 sessions in the Tachyon Chamber. What happens after these sessions?
And in the months after treatments?
COBRA - The same.
- COBRA - Okay. The Tachyon Chamber is just a tool that can help you in your own process, but your own decision is still the key. So if you don't actively help the healing process, - no matter how much the chamber helps you in your healing, - you can disrupt it again with your actions and decisions. So if you work with the Chamber, you can achieve some pretty drastic, quite magical results. If you work against the healing energy of the Chamber, you destroy those results.
- COBRA - Okay. There is NO stipulation that you should feel anything during the treatment. Sometimes this work happens on a subconscious level. Sometimes the treatment happens on a cellular level. It doesn't always result in visible changes, but if you use the Tachyon Chamber long enough, you will definitely notice the difference, you will notice the change.
- COBRA - Actually, all the Pleiadian Tachyon Chambers are part of a much larger plan - called "New Atlantis" - to create a light grid throughout the planet. Each chamber transmits certain energies for the healing of the planet and the environment - city or place where the chamber is located.
- COBRA - Yes. Tachyon chambers align the vibrational frequency of human beings to be in complete harmony with the Event. When people visit the Tachyon Chambers, they and their physical body's energetic field will be prepared for the frequency of the Event.
- What will happen in these chambers during the Event, since we can already see that after one-on-one mass meditations, we feel the energies in the chamber stronger?
- What happens if someone is lying in the chamber when the Event occurs?
- The Goddess energy is about giving, receiving and embracing. It is eternity with hands held out. To engage with the goddess energy is to be open and to hear. We have to hear ourselves. We need to go deep into the silence. We need to listen to our intuitions. For men this involves a mental structure. For women this involves the guidance of intuition. This in a language is universal.
- The connection between a man and woman is designed to create a sacred union, to manifest love on the physical plane and anchor this for the planet. It is something the Archons don’t like. They do whatever they can to prevent them from meeting each other and connecting. They use advanced technology for this. If Soul Mates do meet, they create a trigger to arrange the partners to go into conflicts and misunderstanding. Scalar technology shuts down one part of the Soul Mate connection, but not the other one. This is the main reason for heartbreaks. This is not recognised and that is the main problem. In 3D many explanations are given on a psychological level, but it does not happen through a natural process: it happens through technology.
- Every living being is a torus. A soul family is a torus.
- Soul Mate connections are deeper than Soul brothers and sisters. There is a magnetic attraction between Soul Mates, and this can lead to deep transformation if both are aware and feel safe enough to proceed. A sacred union on all levels of creation (mental, emotional, physical) results to an opening of a portal, and this is one of the keys to immortality. This is also one of the secret mysteries of the Goddess.This sacred union results in the Kundalini rising to the Crown chakra, which activates a complete toroidal field thus reversing the ageing process.
- When Soul Mates meet, implants get activated and childhood traumas are triggered. These are the trauma of abandonment and trauma of suffocation. Archons trigger these opposite programs to prevent union. But if the Soul Mates consciously work on the programs they can reach sacred union, which will send Love energy to the Planetary Grid.
- "Twin Soul fantasy" is an Archon program to control females. (This program makes females project twin soul qualities and expectations onto the unsuspecting male partner to disrupt the relationship. Females expect the partners to live up to the standard of a Twin Soul.) They also believe that they are only allowed to have sex with a Twin Soul Marriage is another programming. Weddings are rituals to trigger all other related programming. This results in the husband being unable to manifest that expected perfection, eventually leading to divorce Hollywood pushes this programming Females are encouraged to be comfortable with emotions and they therefore know how to deal with them. They are allowed to feel emotion but not sexuality The exact opposite programming runs in males This basic male-female opposing programming is the source of all wars The key for peace is therefore to liberate female sexuality.
- Monogamy is another program copied from Orion system, where women were seen as the property of men and have no rights. This is territorial programming.
- Cobra showed how rape victims can heal their energies: Acknowledge what has happened, then PUSH those energies back to the perpetrator. Here's how ~ Ground, and stand firmly. Then push with all your might and emotions, sending the energies back to the perp.
- The main problem is fear which tends to cloud people's judgement. Some people have the tendency to deny the fear and pretend that everything is perfect and we are all one (the New Age crowd) or to project the fear and see everybody as the agent of the Cabal (the conspiracy theory crowd) The key to true discernment is to:
2. Educate yourself in basics of science, art and all other areas of human knowledge so that your mind can not be distracted with total nonsense many times appearing in alternative media (Nibiru crashing into Earth anyone?)
3. Meditate or find any other way to connect with your higher self
4. Free yourself from the bias and nonsense of the alternative media as you have freed yourself from the bias and nonsense of the mainstream media, and think with your own head.
- Lynn – Wonderful. OK. How would you define Cloning?
Lynn – Do clones have? normal ‘feelings’ like ‘curiosity’ and ‘concerns’ like ‘normal’ humans do?
COBRA – Clones are not much different from regular humans because in a cloned body you need to put a soul, so cloned body without a soul is just a piece of bad meat. You have to ensoul the clone by putting the soul, a living being into that body.
Lynn – Is cloning negative or positive.
COBRA – Depending on the purpose behind it. It can be both.
Lynn – Do clones have souls?
COBRA – I have just answered this question.
Lynn – What is an artificial soul?
COBRA – Artificial soul does not exist. Lately there was a lot of fear based material spread about A.I. Artificial intelligence in reality does not exist. It is just a computer program that always has to be operated at a certain level by a living conscious entity. So in fact A.I. is a term that is a contradiction.
Lynn – Can a ‘real’ human soul be implanted by forcing of technology into a clone?
COBRA – It is not a soul that is implanted but the personality which is ensouled is being implanted, various energy bodies can be implanted and unfortunately the physical body also can be implanted.
Lynn – What is the average lifespan of clones?
COBRA – Depending on the quality of a clone but it is no less the quality of a being on the surface of the planet.
Lynn – Will you point out the main psychological, physical & spiritual differences between a normal human being with a soul and that of a soul-less clone?
COBRA – A soul-less clone do not exist. You always need to put a soul being into that body. What people term as soul-less clones are actually robotic beings which have already been removed from the surface of the planet and from below the surface of the planet.
A: What about cloning? Did you or did you not talk about cloning in another interview? I haven’t been able to keep track of everything.
C: A little bit, a little bit yes. I can explain all about this. Actually there was a lot of cloning. The Cabal had this technology, but this technology has been cleared by the Resistance Movement. The Cabal can not clone anybody in the last 5 years. So there are no clones of anybody present any longer.
A: So all clones are eradicated?
C: Yes.
A: So I know that was causing problems. I had met several White Knights personally and they said it was causing a great deal of havoc. This was back in the late ’90’s and early 2000’s.
C: Oh yes, there was a problem at a certain point but it has been cleared completely.
- Lords of Karma have nothing to do with the Ascended masters. The whole teaching about karma is a disinfo programming attempt from dark force agents that have infiltrated mystery schools in India millennia ago. The purpose of that teaching was to strengthen the control mechanisms of the caste system in ancient India. Lords of Karma are beings on the astral plane that to a great extent dictate the incarnation path of those about to be reincarnated.
- Karma was never part of Ascended master teachings. Ascended masters teach about love, forgiveness and liberation. There are no direct Ascended master teachings on Earth right now. All Light teachings available on Earth come from their disciples and all those teachings are biased to a certain extent.
- U : Is it true that our thought forms or emotions can become beings of their own ?
- Cobra: Well, sometimes I might get angry, and this is very good because anger can be transformed into something that changes situations. So just as everybody, I have human emotions like everybody else.
- Richard – What is the best ways to lose anger and hate?
Richard – How can we work on our judgment towards other peoples and toward situation?
COBRA – Simply by understanding that they went through hard times somewhere in the past and they simply dont know how to behave better.
Richard – Thank you. How can we work on losing jealousy and envy?
COBRA – Simply by understanding that each person has their own mission, their own position in life and their own position in the human society and nobody can replace nobody else.
Richard – Cobra, What is the purpose of life?
COBRA – The purpose of life is to find a way back into the One.
- Cobra – Yes, of course. I would say the key here is to, first, develop your connection with your own higher self. Second, train your mind, educate your mind, because if you educate your mind, they will not be able to fool you because you will know, you will gather facts, you will connect facts. And third, heal your emotions. Healed emotions are very powerful tools for discernment, because healed emotions are a mirror of the soul. And until the emotions are healed, of course, the other forces can manipulate them. But actually your emotions are the key to your freedom. They’re the key to complete and full discernment. So I would say integrating your higher self, your mind and your emotions is the key to complete and full discernment, and then nobody is going to fool you ever again.
- COBRA – I do not agree with that. (OK) Basically right and wrong is clearly seen with the inner eye of the soul. You don’t need to have a police or any moral institution or religion to know what is right or wrong. (OK, thank you)
- Lynn – Someone wants to know why the word “Event” was chosen instead of something like “milestone” or something else? COBRA – It was chosen because this world, this word actually triggers certain associations that are not charged. They are neutral. (OK, thank you).
- C. Yes, of course, all animals are sentient beings and they feel all spectrum of emotions the human beings can so the advice would be to treat them as human beings
- Could you talk about Osho? COBRA – He was a soul coming from the Sirius star system. His mission was to awaken the western societies to the reality of emotional processes, clearing of the emotional body. He assisted to a certain degree in the liberation of sexual energy and integrating that energy with the energy of the heart and he was having a very important mission in bringing practical tools for the western society, how to deal with emotions. This was a key part of his mission. Of course, there were other aspects, and, of course, the Cabal was after him. He was actually . . . he had poisoning attempts and he was actually killed by the Cabal.
- COBRA – OK. Basically the core of this question is that people would like to be aware of other aspects of their being, other higher dimensions parts of their being. Actually, everybody is aware of that all the time. If you have any emotions, you feel your astral body. If you’re thinking, you feel your mental body. If you feel any type of energy running through your body, if you are tired or hyperactive or whatever your energy mood is, you feel your etheric body. So people are feeling those things already. They are not aware of it, but what is even more important here is to be aware of the source of all this, which is your soul, your higher self, your I AM presence. And you are also always aware of that simply by being. It is the state of existence. You are, and this I AM , or YOU are is your Soul. So I would not give any particular advice of how to get in contact with that because there are many books out there and each individual person has an individual path to reach that goal. I would say follow your deepest inspiration, your deepest vision and you will get there.
- COBRA – OK. Enlightenment is simply an experience of realizing who you really are. It’s a re-connection with your own true self and enlightenment does not mean that you’re completely free from all personality, that you’re free from all of your emotions and thoughts and beliefs systems. It simply means that on a deeper level you know who you are. Then everything that happens to you, everything that you do in your life, there is always an awareness of who you are. You never loose it again. So this is what is called enlightenment.
- COBRA – OK As you have mentioned Nirvikalpa Samadhi, this is exactly what ascension is. Ascension is when your awareness of your own self is so strong that you integrate all aspects of your personality. You shine a light through them and imperfect loving acceptance transforms them so that you actually no longer have a personality. That you dissolve all your lower bodies including the physical body, the etheric body, the emotional body, the mental body, and you completely align with your own divine spark. And then, of course, when you transcend all laws of entropy, you can materialize or project an image of yourself into the physical. But you never again identify with your physical body. You never again identify with your thoughts or with your emotions. That’s a short description of ascension. Of course, there’s much more to it. I will write an article at a certain moment about this, but the time is not right yet.
- U : Do you have any insight about how to release unwanted negative emotions and thoughts in a healthy way ? C : There are many techniques you can use, especially in the spiritual circles there are various techniques that can assist people in releasing accumulated tension, emotional and mental tension. The other thing that’s very healthy and beneficial is the element of water, and nature itself can absorb much of this. And the other aspect of this is healthy communication, which can sometimes, not always, resolve those emotions. Basically all of those emotions and thoughts originate from the implants. And when the implants will start dissolving, it will be much easier to disintegrate and transmute those emotions and thoughts.
- COBRA – Actually after you go through the tunnel into the light you will meet your loved ones. It is not a trick. It’s a real situation. There is more and a lighter presence on the etheric and the higher planes. You are still inside of the incarnation cycle. You are not able to be fully free to go and exit the solar system and go to Sirius or Pleiades. The situation is not as bad as it was, but if you’re leaving the incarnation in the usual fashion, you are old and dying. You are most likely in a quite balanced state of mind. But if you do commit suicide, you are in an excited state then the transition is not so easy simply because your emotions and your energy field is in an excited state and then the transition is not so easy and then it’s easier for the Archons to press your buttons – guilt, for example, and trap you more.
- C : Actually you could say that Osiris is symbolic manifestation of male principle, and Isis symbolic manifestation of female principle, and Horus or Ganesha is symbolic representation of the child.
- COBRA – OK. This is a more serious situation because, yes, the Cabal and the Chimera group is targeting the light workers and light warriors, especially with Plasma scalar wave directional weapons to lower down their consciousness, so if you are experiencing any unusual pressure, if you’re emotions are triggered in very strange ways. If you’re tired without explanation. If people around you are freaking out without any apparent reason. If you have strange sensations in your body, problems with your breathing, heart rate or sleeping patterns, most likely it’s a result of this. And usually the chimera group is combining the scalar wave attacks with etheric non-physical entities attacking at the same time, so people who are targeted with those facts usually have problems in their relationship which are artificially generated. People next to them turn against them. They begin to be attacked by people around them without any valid reason. People are just freaking out and people around them are freaking out because they are provoked and triggered by directional weapons and by non physical entities. This happens a lot especially with people who have a strong mission and have a strong potential to assist in the planetary liberation and those attacks can be extremely unpleasant.
- Cobra – It’s not easy. We have to . . . Actually the event needs to happen to completely break the quarantine status of the planet and then we will break free of this. And unfortunately yes, we have been trapped for at least 25k years here.
- Cobra – Whenever you contact your own soul, you go beyond that. So the more you have your soul contact the more you go beyond that. Rob – OK. I’d like to go into another question here. A couple more minutes here. We’ve got a few more minutes. How is the best way to contact your soul? Cobra – The first thing is to be absolutely sincere with yourself. The second thing is to allow yourself to feel your emotions and integrate. 3rd – is to appreciate beauty. 4th is meditation.
- C : Yes, they are spiritual initiations, the first means a certain level of mastery over the physical plane, the second means a certain level of mastery over the emotions, and the third a certain level of mastery over the mind. So these are actually spiritual initiations that are universal, throughout the Universe, in the whole Cosmos.
- U : How are the archons able to force them to reincarnate ?
U : Ok. So it's only through their own emotions that they can force them ?
C : Through their own emotions and attachments.
- COBRA Dreams are part of the daily cycle. As we have part of our existence on the physical plane, dreams are connecting us to the astral plane. Its a way for us to process part of our emotions which can not be processed consciously. Dreams have a symbolic language that speaks to us. Actually, souls try to speak to us through the symbolic language, but unfortunately the Archons, and.. . with their technology, have the ability to disrupt our dreams and to influence what we dream of. So we have to be very aware the manifestation of the dream is coming from. Is it coming from our higher self? Is it coming from processing our subconsciousness or is it coming from the Archon technology?
- COBRA I dont agree with the notion that karma is a system of punishment. Actually I dont like to use that word because it is so charged and it was greatly misused by the Archons who actually installed the punishment system on the planet on these two planes and on the physical plane. So I would just simply say that there is a law of manifestation. If you have negative actions you will tend to attract more of the negative actions in the future. I wouldnt even call it a law of cause and affect, because there are many factors which determine what will be manifested. But I will simply say, if you focus on the positive you tend to manifest more of the positive and if you focus on the negative in your thoughts and emotions and actions you tend to manifest more of the negative and there is no punishment involved in this. There is no reward or punishment system involved in this. The Archons have manipulated and misused that fact by distorting it and by actually creating a punishment system on the astral plane – also on the physical plane. I would never use that word because it is so charged and we have been so misused.
- C: Yes. There is a strong connection between the emotions and the physical body–and also with our thought processes. The way we think, the food that we eat and our environment influence our emotions a lot– and the other way around as well. It’s a like feedback system.
- Yes absolutely because the goddess energy is the energy that brings us in touch with our emotions and actually help us to heal our emotions. Because within our emotions is our greatest power and if we can access that power we can change the world. And there is always guidance and wisdom in all of our emotions And there is by healing our emotions we get the message and we get the guidance and that balance brings us closer to our individual liberation and also to our collective liberation and the guiding force that is guiding us here is the Goddess presence, the Goddess energy. Clear and healed feminine aspect of ourselves and the feminine aspect of the universe itself
- Lynn – Cobra can you tell us the difference between a light-worker (lightworker) and a light-warrior (lightwarrior)?
- Lynn – Thank you. What message of encouragement can you give today specifically for all those individual dedicated Light workers and light-warriors who are on the line of duty holding their lines by their light during this tumultuous critical time?
- “The Archon Black Nobility families are using Trump to artificially polarize the public into the left/right paradigm, and to focus them away from the real source of the problem : https://www.wanttoknow.info/g/donald-trump-polarizer Trump is being partially controlled by his Jesuit/SMOM/Gaetani handlers: https://ahuwahzeus583992924.wordpress.com/2018/09/02/trump/
Positive Military Intelligence is tactically stroking his ego by encouraging Trump worship in
alternative media through QAnon and other alternative channels, as opposed to Trump criticism
in the Rothschild controlled mainstream media. This makes Trump more willing to follow the
suggestions of Positive Military Intelligence.
Positive and negative factions are still fighting for their influence over Trump.
The Jesuits have influenced his choice to appoint Jerome Powell as the new Fed chairman. You might want to know that Powell was educated at Georgetown Preparatory School, the only Jesuit boarding school within US:
On the other hand, positive factions within NSA and US Military also influence Trump to a certain degree.
QAnon leaks originate from the positive faction within NSA and are about 70% correct. Trump is NOT QAnon.
- Gaetani family (the gatekeepers, handlers of Donald Trump through the Five Families NYC mafia clans, and through Mercer family, which is a Black Nobility merchant guild family):
- Since China made some huge strategic mistakes during 2024, the Light forces have decide to support the United States to be the country which will create the breakthrough.
The Light forces have put their power behind Trump presidency, and many positive occult Templar groups were meditating for fair elections, with Trump being elected effectively creating a positive timeline shift.
Andromedan and Aldebaran infiltration is taking place in the USA also, and they have communicated that they may contact Trump or Musk directly.
Trump is a grey hat, but at the moment he and his future administration is more suitable to work with the Light forces than any of the other main world leaders and their administrations:
- You can release your karma with a violet flame. When you feel a blockade in yourself or unpleasant emotional state, you can visualize a violet flame which is coming from the sky, flowing through you and releasing the blockade right to the centre of the Earth, where this blockade is transformed into the Light, into the fire of the Earth. This flame rotates into the anti clockwise direction and is always with you. When you think of it and call it, you increase its effect very much. If there is a pattern in your life, which is repeating and you can not get rid of it, use the violet flame to carry it away into the fire of Earth. Along with that you can visualize that it carries away from your body all cells which carry the energetic record for this blockade pattern. So the cellular memory for blockade will go away and will make room for Love. If you feel that your heart was wounded in your life, you can visualize a violet flame which carries away all wounds of your heart into the fire of Earth. In order to open your heart you need to heal it first from wounds of the past.
- Rob: Yeah, I was feeling that too. I wanted to talk a little bit if you could share what’s going on with your knowledge behind the scenes of the PizzaGate and the PedoGate and all of that type of stuff. It’s just so mind-boggling and brings so much concern and compassion to so many people to think of innocent children being used in this way. Can you share . . . Are some of these major systems being brought down or is this still going on at the highest levels?
- C : I would strongly suggest everybody to live in the present moment, and not be waiting for the Event, because if you are waiting for the Event, your life will get frustrated and boring and always waiting for the moment of the Event to come. If you live your life in the present moment, and actively are involved in speeding up the process, then your life will be full and very interesting, and then when the Event happens you will be more prepared.
- Aaron – Some psychics or intuitives are able to “see” people’s energy fields or beings both light and dark. They seem to be able to “see” a broader light spectrum. Is this accurate? COBRA – In most cases, no. (OK, thank you)
- COBRA Yes, those initial archons arrived here a little bit less – I would say around 900 thousand years ago. They have entered the solar system, they have put their bases on the moons of Saturn, they have put their bases on Mars. There was fighting involved because there were other groups in the solar system with their own interests. They have put their bases on the moon, they have landed in Antarctica, and finally arrived in Atlantis. Actually one group descended in Congo, one group descended in Antarctica, and then slowly they migrated to Atlantis because Atlantis was at that time a tropical paradise. And of course there was a very dynamic history in the last millions of years with both light and dark factions sometimes winning, sometimes losing. Until 25,000 or 26,000 years ago there was this final – I would say – the final invasion that sealed the fate of the planet for the last 26 thousand years because they completed the quarantine. They have made Planet Earth actually a dark planet with everybody just recycling through the incarnation process with nobody allowed to go in and out here except when allowed by the archons and by the Chimera group. The Chimera group was basically most of the time just observing this behind the scenes and they have not intervened much in human history. They have intervened only when there was a real possibility of breaking up of the quarantine status. And this is what’s happening now. But they were controlling the whole narrative for the whole time.
- COBRA Okay, here I have to say something – explain something – about the Reptilians. There are different types of Reptilians. There are so-called native Reptilians that were part of the Earth evolution that evolved here to remain in geological ages and the dinosaurs were part of that – I would say – native group that was native for this planet. It is true that they were destroyed in a cataclysm but there was one faction of those native Reptilians that survived below the surface of the planet and they were inhabiting many caves underground… they were inheriting areas along underground rivers and lakes and then about 1 million years ago as I said, there was an invasion and along with the Archon Families and the Dracos, many Orion Reptilians came and Orion Reptilians are much more warlike and they have infested the whole Reptilian population underground with that warlike mentality. So the native reptilians that were here before are not the same anymore. They have actually joined this… um… big warlike meme that exists among the Reptilian race and they consider this to be their planet….and they consider humans to be invaders and this is the main conflict between the Reptilian race and the human race and actually it is not easy to resolve this conflict but finally it will be resolved because there are not many Reptilians left on the planet – almost zero on the surface and very little below the surface and Reptilian race some of this – one part of the Reptilian race will reform back into the light. They will become peaceful and beings that will respect the free will of the others but the rest of the Reptilian race will have to go to the Central Sun so this is one of the issues that needs to be addressed here.
- COBRA Actually, I need to say something. It is not like this – suddenly there will be beings with tails and shape-shifting walking around the planet, but there is a certain part of the Reptilian race which incarnated – so the Reptilian soul is incarnated within the humanoid body so it looks like a normal human but his psychological makeup – the feelings, emotions, the thoughts the perception is Reptilian and you can find many of those Reptilians among mercenaries. They tend to gravitate towards that kind of profession.
- COBRA Actually, anybody that will not respect free will have to go. This will be a planet of respectful free will. It will not be an experiment where everything is allowed anymore. This is over. It’s not going to be allowed anymore.
- COBRA Yes, yes – you see the number is constantly changing. There is a dynamic going on. It’s actually a battle going on – a war going on – especially in the low Earth orbit which is not detected because all those ships are cloaked – and the number is constantly changing because the low Earth orbit area had not been liberated yet. And most of those ships are – I would say – some of those ships are commanded by the Draco personnel – some of them are different Secret Space Program factions – but all of them are controlled by the Chimera. And the purpose – the main aim of the Chimera is to defend the quarantine status. They do not want this planet to be liberated. They see this as an invasion. They see the Galactic Confederation forces as invaders that are invading their planet and interfering in the way they handle their so-called slaves. This is how they see it.
- Cobra: Okay, first I will describe a situation on the surface of the Earth. Yes, this was true there were many treaties signed because if those treaties would not be respected we would have two things happening. We would have Reptilians openly eating children for breakfast, and we’d have Pleiadians rescuing the victims of car crashes. And both things happening at the same time could lead to extreme actions, so this was not to be advised.
- COBRA Basically it was not successful enough because the bloodlines still ruled behind the scenes or sometimes even directly – it was not what they hoped for so they – the Light Forces – created a more thorough plan which they carried out through certain positive Freemason groups and that actually started in France – in the year 1775. That was a decisive year because there were certain lodges created in Paris and St. Germain was the force behind those lodges – in connection when Benjamin Franklin – that started this independence movement within the United States and the Constitution of the United States was stated in a way that if it would be completely respected, it would erase the Cabal from the United States. And this is why the Cabal is so allergic to the Constitution because it protects the sovereign individual and it protects the sovereign state based on a group of sovereign individuals and this particular project of the Light Forces was successful to a certain degree and without that project we would be in the Middle Ages right now.
- COBRA They were not nervous because they had the same objective although from a different perspective. It’s like there’s always rivalry between the Dracos and the black nobility but that rivalry is not like a question of survival. They are on the same page. The real conflict….the real polarization….is between the light and the dark forces. The dark factions actually many times they can agree better than the light factions.
- THE UNKNOWN LIGHT WARRIOR If that’s the case, who specifically did the Jesuits sacrifice all those Holocaust victims for? COBRA They were worshiping the entity called Moloch. And this is… they wanted to actually create a portal through which they would turn planet Earth into a dark planet. They wanted to reintroduce the Dark Ages… the Middle Ages, actually.
- COBRA I have a few things here to say about the situation. First about this new whistleblower that came and his documents…. there was a certain document called Mars-GRAM and I have to say this has nothing to do with planet Mars – it is simply a military auxillary radio system. It’s a radio system that some radio amateurs can use to support the military operations and it has nothing to do with planet Mars. I have to say that. Also, another thing that I need to say is that the Navy’s Secret Space Program was supported and still is supported by the Galactic Confederation. I would say the concentration applied within the Navy space program is much higher than in the Air Force Space Program and so we again have this tension which is a part of the…. I would say proxy war between the Chimera and the Confederation – the Chimera group trying to steer the narrative through the Air Force space program and the reason why the Air Force is so much focused now on increasing the Low Earth orbit activity and increasing the military presence in the Earth orbit because they are afraid again of the end of quarantine status. They are afraid of so-called quote-unquote “invasion” of the Galactic Confederation. They have actually issued some memos about this
- COBRA Basically, the U.S. is not the only country that has a Secret Space Program. Also the Russians and the Chinese have their own space program. And I would say the positive Alliance is supporting the Chinese and the Russian space programs quite much.
- COBRA Okay, here I have something to clarify. The Pleiadians were… had a strong cooperation with the Navy Secret Space Program starting in the 1950s and going on until 1996. Then there was the Archon Invasion and that connection was broken. The link was broken. What they are doing now is that they are….they have a certain channel of communication that I will not discuss how they do it… but they do… they have a way of providing intel to certain people within the Navy but this link of communication is different. It’s not the same as before…. The structure… the way how they influence positively the Navy Secret Space Program is different now.
- Cobra: Basically, the real control of the awakening group is not on the physical plane. The basic control network is on the plasma plane, I was speaking a lot about this in the past, about the plasma scalar weapons, about the archons network on the nonphysical planes and actually, the whole incarnation process is being controlled. So, in many cases, many circumstances in the lives of awakened individuals are controlled by those forces and this is what some people describe as Karma. Karma is in many cases, not in all, cases but in many cases engendered reality to delay and postpone the awakening of those who actually came here, to this planet to do our mission.
- "Your awakening begins, when you realize that you are angel coming from the stars. You begin to feel your angelic beauty; you are becoming aware that you are omnipresent One consciousness. You are existing in a zone of no-time in eternal now. So you are entering a new world, a world of oneness...
- As a starry being you are emanating a magnetic vortex of angelic energies that call your soul family, your soul mates and twin soul. You will create new forms of relating with them. Old perception of duality which allows only two beings to be intimately together will be greatly expanded. Many of you will form a group, unite and merge in sacred intimate oneness. And you will be close to each other as you were close when you were dolphins in the star system of Sirius."
- "World of duality and world of oneness are two worlds, each with its own natural laws. They are not compatible. You can not live in both worlds simultaneously. At some point you need to make a decision for one or the other. No compromise. If you decide for world of oneness, release all relationships that do not bring you happiness, that do not bring you joy, but suffering. You do not need to learn through suffering anymore. You are light beings and you will learn through love, through loving relationships. You are guardians of oneness for this planet, so take care for your happiness."
- Cobra: I would say the danger of entities during sex is much less because the etheric grid has been destroyed, the negative grid has been destroyed. But for the heart connections to get better, there needs to be influx of light, which is not happening yet.
- Cobra: No, no, no. The May 2023 is the demarcation line. The hope was to make the Event, to push for the Event, before that demarcation line in May. That will not happen. So my educated guess now would be the Event between May 2023 and up until the opening of the big portal in August, 2025. So that would be just.. this is just an educated guess. It can be completely wrong. It can be right. We will see. This is just an estimation, but it is extremely unlikely anything like this can happen before the activation of the Portal of Light, that is necessary step towards the energy conditions that are necessary for the Event to happen.
- Debra: Okay. Can you at least tell us, since it's almost 2022 and the Event has not yet happened, does the Ascension window still close in July of 2025?
- Cobra: First, I need to say there is a Galactic Confederation that is positive. It’s very real. They have actually saved my life many times, so they are very real, at least to me. And there are many races that belong to that confederation. And it is, from my perspective, the most powerful group in the galaxy, because they live in a reality of cosmic love. And they don’t have any, I would say, bad motivation, any agenda. They simply would like everybody to have that experience. They have a natural tendency to share and expand that galactic love and experience throughout the galaxy and to heal the anomaly which exists here. This is their primary motivation. And as the galactic network of Light expands throughout the galaxy, more and more races join through a process of integration to this galactic network of light. Through that process their sovereignty and integrity is respected and they enter this alliance as equal participants in the galactic evolution process.
- U : It can be difficult to imagine how life is on higher planes above the mental plane, can you give some information about it ?
- Cobra: Ok, there is a huge amount of disinformation about timelines and time-travel. Time travel is really not as simple as people think. Its not like that you go into a machine and then you come out in a different time zone or year. Time is a vector which is determined in the direction between the source and the primary anomaly and the time vector is not just something that you can bend by your will, or I would say it takes a very high level of consciousness to create time loops. And all those projects were actually attempting to do it and they were not successful in reality
- Lynn – Who “invented” the original template of the human body? Was it programmed to persist across densities?
Lynn – Is the prime template the same across the universe?
- Lynn – Now we have a couple of questions on IMPLANTS. A Scandinavian gentleman commented on your blog that he ended up with twice as many implants as before. How does one prevent the dark from reinserting the implants that have been removed? '
- Lynn – Are the new “cordless” iPhone with Bluetooth/Wi-Fi earphones meant to control people via messages sent through the earbuds?
- Richard – Cobra are there any other new technologies that are damaging to humans? COBRA – The most damaging technologies that I would mention again are the cell phones and of course the scalar wave technologies which are still quite. . . they are still quite present on the surface of the planet.
- Lynn – Cobra, what form of water is the safest and most healing?
- Richard – Cobra, is “dark matter” zero-point potentiality that has not manifested physically in the current universe?
- We are plugged into this Matrix and we do not want to be disconnected and that is one of the reasons why it takes time. Some will even refuse to be disconnected. But in any case the Light will turn off all matrix technologies at the event (television, internet, etc.). Social networks will no longer work, except personal messaging. A person then asks for Tiktok and Cobra reacts immediately, no TikTok will not work!
- Question: how to disconnect from the Matrix if you are working? Answer: you have to know how to maintain your integrity and see your work from a different perspective.
- This is how a targeted individual is attacked. They have lists that go to the space command. Then they hack cellphones, use the satellite tracking, use gangs around you, and shoot you with microwave. This program still exists although it has been partially reduced. This is how the dark forces attack certain individuals on the surface of the planet.
- One of the maintaining device is cell-phone towers. And there are individual cellphones. Your cellphones are individual scalar wave generator which maintain the dark network. Cellphone can be useful and beneficial sometimes, but do not rely too much on it. It emits the unusual electromagnetic wave.
- COBRA – And the Cabal is killing people with chemotherapy and with other drugs daily without anybody noticing and this is on a far larger scale than what happened in Las Vegas.
- Aaron – Next one is: Do psychedelics — or psychedelic drugs — help dissolve the veil?
Aaron – Can anything damage the pineal gland connection?
- COBRA – Alcohol and drugs in most cases have a negative effect on consciousness. If people use alcohol or certain other substances very consciously they can assist temporarily reaching higher states of consciousness. But in most cases the Archons are manipulating those substances to enslave people and tie them with lower astral plane.
- One of the main mental tricks of the Invisibles is that »all is well«, suggesting people to deny things that are not well and thus stripping people of their inherent power to change things that are not well.
- Paris vortex is one of the main anchor points for Saint Germain, whose main purpose is the final liberation of humanity
- At the moment of the Aion portal activation, a flash of energy will be emanating from M87 supergalaxy in Virgo. You can connect with its energy on Saturday during the activation: This Galaxy is the most important energy source in our cosmic sector and oversees the evolution of our local cluster of galaxies. The flash of energy from M87 at the Aion portal activation will gently trigger the awakening of the Central Sun in our Milky way Galaxy.
- Since that day, we will actually be in one huge Window of Opportunity that will converge into the Event when the time is right. Anyway, complexity wave analysis shows that timeframe between mid-March and the end of May is one of the times in the human history with most potential.
- Cobra: There are a few things you can do. Number one is to go in nature because if you are away from mass of human population these etheric pressure is less because the archons tend to concentrate in human densely populated areas. So, this is number one. Number two is make your own connection with your own higher self and the light forces. This will tend to remove part of the pressure. Of course, there are many protection techniques that you can use to protect yourself.
- And what is also important is for people to protect themselves before the meditation to remove all unwanted negative presences. You can use something as simple as the Violet Flame. Just visualize Violet Flame coming from the sky, going anticlockwise through your energy field, removing all unwanted energy away from the energy field, towards the center of the Earth.
- C : The tachyons are created in the Source and they emerge from the highest sub-plane of the cosmic physical plane into this Universe, that’s the Adi plane.
C : Yes, it’s a combination of densified Light and the primary anomaly
- P : Petit Trianon is a European palace full of goddess mystery and goddess energy, would you please name its counterparts in Asia?
- C : There is a certain samurai sword in Japan, and the Emerald Buddha, not the public one, an Emerald Buddha kept privately made of real Emerald. There are many other such power objects in the hands of Agartha in Asia but not on the surface.
- J : Is there ancient civilization or operating base in Greenland?
J : Is the haze problem in China related with the cabal?
J : Do no life objects such as computer, cup or spoon have energy bodies?
- C : It was a Nazi infiltration, chimera did not have agents inside USAF before 1996
- C : Yes. It was Jesuit’s plan to take over China via China Communist Party.
- COBRA – OK. Ascension is liberation from space/time continuum. It's beyond all mind concept or ? what. It's simply living and radiating love and light.
- COBRA – It is not exactly the same. Actually the whole concept of ego is ? of creation. People can just forget about the whole concept and just focus on expressing who they are. Forget about the whole concept. That would be my suggestion.
- COBRA – There are beings on a galactic level who have emanated from levels beyond the galactic central sun that are actually guiding the evolution of certain stars and star systems, star clusters and those are the beings who are monitoring the evolution of various sectors of the galaxy. I would say they are angels in a very high state of evolvement.
- COBRA – Those stories are a collective memory of the time of Atlantis when those beings were actually human beings, or hero's or antihero's who were walking on the surface of the earth. Most of them were of a positive nature. Osiris, Thoth, Ra and Isis were of the light. Then we have the negative nature -We have Set who was the leader of the dark forces in that period of time. Those are all beings from different star systems. Some of them were coming from Sirius, some of them were coming Orion and some were coming from Pleiades. Hathor came from the Pleiades. She was a goddess of light. They were living in the collective memory of the Egyptian people simply because Egypt was a colony of Atlantis before the deluge and people in Egypt had a collective memory of those times.
- Rob – OK. Is it possible, after we achieve liberation that the human free will will make a wrong turn and something negative could happen here as far as the dark force.
- COBRA – Yes, it will be a permanent and irreversible process when we are liberated. We will never be slaves again. It's not going to happen.
- COBRA – I would not agree with that. I would say that he is the guardian of this specter of the galaxy and he is overseeing the process of the transformation of the primary anomaly in this sector of the galaxy. (thank you very much)
- Terry: Yeah. In relation to this, you mentioned that Ascended Masters have not been able to contact the surface population due to the security reasons. Then why such an Ascended Master Rays transmission to the surface population has been allowed without a huge attack?
- C : Ok, do not try to deprogram or awaken a certain particular person, what you can do is just spread information, you spread intel you spread Light, and those who are ready will awaken to that particular level, and this is the basic protocol for all awakening on the planet. And I will simply say here that the state of awakening on the planet is not a concern for the Light forces, because when they will remove the veil, humanity is basically ready for the Event right at this moment so it’s not a problem, the main problem is the veil, the toplet bombs, the plasma anomaly, all those things and when they are removed or healed, the Event will simply happen.
- P : Oh so we are basically prepared right now
- Cobra:The ray which will be the most efficient is Saint-Germain Ray. And even those who have level 1 Saint-Germain react they would be advised to do this with a very high focus on Nov.11th. Those who have level 2 Saint-Germain Ray can put the whole planetary silver trigger activation when they visualize the healing process in their mind.
- C : Yes. They took risks, they understood the risks. There is an exception of course of the extraterrestrial light forces that entered the quarantine for a very short time on rescue missions. For example pleiadian light ships. They were sometimes interfering in world events to prevent certain dark things from happening, and the light ships were present inside of the quarantine for maybe a few minutes, but then it was gone back out again.
- U : Ok. And was Hawaii part of Lemuria ?
- U : Ok. People on other planets, do they wear clothes and shoes like we do, do they feel like they have to hide their bodies also ?
- U : Ok. Can you give examples of contingency in a harmless form ?
- U : Ok. Because it seems that the masculine is also suppressed, people have a hard time to take initiative and action.
- U : Ok. So there's a physical way that you use to contact the pleiadians and the resistance, how often can you use it ?
- C : The dolphins and whales are bringing energies of joy and they are stabilizing the planetary energy grid of the planet. And they actually receive light from Sirius directly.
- COBRA – Actually laser light is very focused photon ray which gets enriched on a quantum level by those tachyons. I would say the quantum signature of those quanta changes. It gets harmonized. The quantum fluctuations around those photons get harmonized. So laser light by itself is already a coherent source of photons and when it passes through a tachyonized crystal we have an additional harmonization happening there. So I would say the healing effect of such laser light if you’re using that laser light for example for healing can be greatly magnified. (thank you)
- Iruka: Can you list some Draconians other than Hillary and Rockefeller?
Iruka: Can you recommend some books about Pleiades or Sirius?
Cobra: “The Sirius Mystery” by Robert Temple and books by Sheldan Nidle and Amorah Quan Yin are good.
Iruka: How about Michael Jackson?
Cobra: When he tried to publicize that Illuminati were manipulating human, he was killed. Many of musicians are connected with the light forces but if they attempt to expose the Illuminati, they are killed.
- Cobra: Cabal members were buying Picasso’s artworks. Most of the arts in last 70 to 80 years were controlled by Rockefeller and Rothschild. The artworks nowadays are priced quite high so that Cabal can use the transactions for money laundering.
- J : What is the origin of star seed ? (starseed)
- J : Oh ok. So it means single is not good or ?
- Cobra: Aquamarine is the best stone to connect with the mother ships.
- Question about Area 51 being called “Dreamland”. Cobra answered that Dreamland is a codename for underground bases in the Southwest part of the US.
- Q. Is it possible to transfer the energy of level 2 Ray to water? A. Yes.
- In the Renaissance we have, with Palmanova in Italy (illustration below), an example of a city organized according to the principles of sacred geometry. The center of Paris would be modeled on the palace of Luxor in Egypt. This is the reason why the Germans, during the Second World War, could not destroy Paris because of quantum field resonance. This science has been mostly lost.
- It is very important to purify food. Food on earth is polluted energetically. You can purify food physically and energetically with violet flame. You can also bless food in the name of Lord Sananda.
- Group Mer-ka-ba bodies activate when at least three of you gather together. For this activation a combination of One being in a male body, and more beings in female bodies is recommended.
- If instead of decisions you accept compromises, you create that what you call tests. Tests appear to show you that you have accepted a compromise between duality and Oneness and not a decision for Oneness. So it is good for you to insist in decision for Oneness, regardless of external situation, regardless of your surroundings, regardless of the system, of your job, school, family, partner, friends or acquaintances. If you will insist this test will cease in a moment when you will transcend the compromise which you accepted with your surroundings or with yourself, and when you will accept a clear decision for Oneness. And more clear decisions you will accept in your life‛s, more joy will be there and the rainbow of Oneness will adorn your skies.
- C : Also for many beings inside this galaxy this drama is very foreign, actually it’s also very foreign to me because darkness is something that should not exist, it’s something that was never meant to exist, and is alien to most ancient beings in this universe.
- U : Can you talk about the history and role of the Betelgeuse star system ?
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