Friday, January 24, 2025

4:4 Victory of the Gamma Timeline 4:4

Note on January 26: Victory of the Source and Venus-Pleiades cycle has been added. Also added a quote on Sedna Alcyone conjunction leading to first contact in an 'explosive' manner.

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to "happen" on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. Please cultivate your own inner guidance. For advice on how you can bring the Light before the Event, you can refer to this article and this article.

In this post we shall discuss the astrology and significance of 4:4 Portal (i.e. April 4) in 2025. My estimation is that we are in for an extremely big breakthrough on that day.

There is a connection between 4:4 Portal in 2025 and Command 1208. I will make that connection later in this post. Note that Command 1208 is the key for Planetary liberation. You might want to read up on it, for instance in my linked article.

First I will give some theoretical context for 4:4 Portal (i.e. April 4). Then I will present an in-depth astrological analysis of 4:4 Portal in 2025.

In the Kyoto conference we have been told that there will be a big breakthrough around the 4:4 Portal in 2025:

"There will be another important breakthrough moment between end of March and beginning of April this year."

"The first part of this year, especially February and March, will be a critical period. When we go through the period, it will be getting little bit easier." (author's note: I believe it means after March things will get easier)

My personal estimation is that planet Earth might enter its 4th planetary initiation on that day:

"These energies [Gungnir] are being distributed by the Solar Logos (the cosmic being that is our Sun), utilizing the Rod of Initiation, effectively starting the process of Ascension of this planet into its fourth planetary initiation:"

Earth will transition from 3D to 5D as a result of clearing of dark Plasma entities around it:

"Plasma is the fourth aggregate state of matter after solid, liquid and gaseous and is in fact the connecting link between physical and etheric matter."

4:4 Portal is one of the most powerful timeline days. You may remember that the original date of the breakthrough was the 4:4 Portal in 2012. This can be seen in the below posts-

Something Big on April 1, 2012:

4:4 Divine Flash in 2012:

On that day (April 4, 2012), AN conversion system was anchored on Earth:

4:4 Portal in 2020 was the biggest increase in Grid Ratio (GR++) that we've ever seen:

The first time since 1996 that the Light was able to be anchored on the physical plane was 1 day before the Sedona workshop. This occurred 1 day before the 4:4 Portal in 2024.

4:4 Portal is directly connected to Victory of the Source (4 Elements). April 4 is the day we celebrate Source and its victory over its opposite (i.e. anomaly).

4:4 Portal is also the date of the 8-year Venus-Pleiades cycle. In other words, exact Venus-Alcyone conjunction happens on April 4 every 8 years (2012, 2020, 2028, etc.).

It is worth observing that there are 57 days between February 6 and 4:4 Portal (April 4). If you add 5+7 you get 12. Coincidentally, the first post on The Portal was on March 31, 2012 which was right before the 4:4 Portal. And it was made at exactly 12:57 pm (notice the 12 and 57).

We have almost finished traversing through the 13-year cycle from Portal 4:4 in 2012 to Portal 4:4 in 2025. There are exactly 13 planes of existence. This means that the Source (the Absolute) should be able to intervene on 4:4 Portal this year. Source will intervene from the 13th and highest plane of existence. Perhaps this is why the ATVOR Ray (which is related to the next Cosmic cycle) can now be given to humanity.

Below is the AN conversion diagram of the Gamma Timeline:

A post titled "The Plan" was made on the turning point of the Gamma Timeline:

Its decoding is as follows:

The original YouTube video has been made private, but it was this song:

And so we can create this heat flux chart (Note: now I do not think the phase transition will occur on 4/4/2025, but rather 7/7/2025):

Very interestingly, I found this article predicting the end of Kali Yuga on March 21, 2025:

The author of this prediction, Bibhu Dev Misra, has also correctly predicted that Earth will become uninhabitable in 2032. He has also predicted that Ekpyrosis (Solar Proton Event & Great Flood) will happen in 2040, which is very close to 2037.

Interestingly, there is this picture of "2025: Event Horizon" in the Kyoto conference notes:

In the Taiwan workshop we were told that the Aldebarans will contact some surface humans before April 2025:

"From February to March 2025, Aldebarans will review the performance of the Trump administration and then decide their following actions. They also intend to contact some surface general population before next March."

And that if Trump cooperates, we can have disclosure in April 2025 (from Kyoto conference):

"If Trump cooperates, we can have a quite easy transition towards the full disclosure. Aldebarans can contact Trump and Musk officially, and with their cooperation, partial disclosure can start immediately. With that timeline, this could happen between February or March this year. The information can start to be released in April.

At this moment, the percentage of this plan to be successful is estimated about 40-45 percent."

In the Kyoto conference there was a funny discussion where Cobra said that changes will happen on Friday. As someone put it, “In a world of lies, truth hides behind jokes”:

"Cobra: That is the moment when the real changes happen. Everybody asking me “When? When?When?” I’d say “maybe Friday.” I don’t know which Friday. [laughter]

Terry:maybe Monday?

Cobra:Friday. [laughter]"

April 4, 2025 coincidentally is a Friday:

History tells us that financial markets are prone to crashing on Fridays.

In the Kyoto conference there was a rhetorical question about whether anyone on the surface knows when the breakthrough will happen:

The Master of the fourth ray is called Seraphis Bey, and he is working with Angelic intelligences and Angelic beings. In this time he is working very much with cooperation between the Angelic and Human Kingdom. He assisted Metatron by opening the dimensional opening of the 11:11. I believe I have been given this information about the 4:4 Portal because I have been practicing his ray.

A very interesting exchange happened yesterday between the US Debt Clock and perhaps my blog. The US Debt Clock posted a tweet at 4:44 am EST (see below). They posted it less than a day after I made my first post about the 4:4 Portal. They deleted their tweet within 20 minutes. Thankfully I was able to take this screenshot:

I think it was a very cheeky move from the Templars to confirm the 4:4 Portal. In the tweet they made we can see numbers such as 444 (4:4 Portal) and 21:12 (Portal 12:21).

Now let's discuss the astrology of 4:4 Portal in 2025.

We have been told the following in Kyoto:

"In February and March, there will be much intense purification on darkness on the surface of the planet. This might be a quite challenging time, but then we will have new waves of breakthroughs coming starting from March 29. There will be Solar eclipse on that day, triggering a new breakthrough cycle."

The main aspects on 4:4 Portal in 2025 are:

  • Sedna-Alcyone conjunction on April 3. It means the return of the Pleiadians to Earth. It shall be active 1 week before and after April 3. 
This aspect is exact on April 3, not April 1 (which the software says). Our astrology softwares on Earth have limitations due to which we cannot be fully accurate about distant planets/stars. For instance, the first Sedna-Alcyone conjunction was actually on May 25, 2024 but the software said it was on May 22, 2024. Something similar is happening here as well.

This will be the last exact conjunction of Sedna with Alcyone for 20,000 years. From Phoenix conference notes:

"There is also a conjunction of Uranus and Sedna with Pleiades. This will lead to First Contact in an ‘explosive’ manner. Thus, 2025 is a very important year as it opens the doorway for First Contact".

Hence, the final conjunction of Sedna with Alcyone (on April 3, 2025) could 'explosively' cause First contact on the 4:4 Portal.

Sedona, AZ is the vortex for this aspect, being the anchor of Sedna on Earth. Sedona, AZ is also the vortex for the New Atlantis.

Below are Sedna and Alcyone's ephemeris:

  • Neptune enters Aries on March 30. It stays in Aries until October. This will bring a wave of new spiritual energy. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac.
Below are ephemeris of Uranus, Neptune and Aries in 2025. We can clearly also see that the second half of 2025 is going to be extremely intense. Portal 12:21 will open on August 21, 2025 and it shall be a Cosmic day of clearing of darkness. It will be a quantum leap into a completely different reality.

  • Solar Eclipse on March 29 at 9 degrees Aries, a fire sign. This will powerfully clear anomaly. The eclipse's path goes over the Atlantic ocean, which signals the revival of Atlantis. Since Sedna is also being aspected at that time, it means that Atlantis will shift from the Atlantic Ocean to Sedona, AZ (New Atlantis).

  • Sun conjuncts Alpheratz on April 3. Alpheratz is also known as Alpha Andromedae and is brightest star in the Andromeda constellation. Many members of the Resistance Movement are from Andromeda. This will be a huge push forward for the Andromedans and for the Resistance Movement, who will be taking actions on the surface.

Thus, the 4:4 Portal in 2025 contains both masculine (Sun-Alpheratz conjunction) and feminine (Sedna-Alcyone conjunction) aspects. This shows that Command 1208 (healthy sexual merger between male and female sexes) is satisfied. The 1208 Compression vortex will be active on 4:4 Portal.

And so it turns out that the "Green Light" was always a codeword for Source's network of subquantum Emerald Green Light:

There are some other aspects on Portal 4:4 in 2025 which are also worth mentioning:

  • Saturn makes an exact sextile with Uranus on April 4, 2025 at almost 12:21 pm EDT (pointing to Portal 12:21).

Saturn sextile Uranus happens at 12:21 EDT (Apr 4, 2025) and 23:32 EST (Aug 11, 2025). You might remember that 23:32 is the next evolution of this Universe. You can derive 23:32 from 12:21 by adding 1 to each number. In the Cosmic Evolution diagram below you can see that Portal 12:21 is followed by Portal 23:32. This shows that August 11, 2025 is also very significant from a Cosmic Evolution perspective. I have already mentioned that Portal 12:21 will open on August 21, 2025 which is just 10 days after August 11.

At the same time, Eris is exactly at the midpoint of Saturn & Uranus. Eris at ~25 degrees Aries is at the position of M31 Andromeda Galaxy (~28 degrees Aries). This shows another merger of male and female, i.e. another activation of Command 1208.

Also, Mars makes an exact Minor grand trine with Uranus and Saturn. In all, the configuration looks like this. Observe how all the planets are exactly at the same degrees:

Also, Mars will be "out of bounds" until April 7, 2025. And it will station Direct on Feb 23. This means that its effect will be much more pronounced especially between Feb 23 and April 7.

You can watch the below video to understand more about this:

  • Grand trine of Mars, Saturn (conjunct Venus, Mercury, Lunar Node), & Vesta. It reminds us of Metatron, whose symbol is the 3 Pointed Star of triangulation.

  • Minor Grand Trine of Jupiter, Sun, Pallas.
  • Yod among Jupiter, Vesta, Sun
  • Black Moon (Lilith) enters Scorpio on March 27.
  • Yod among Sedna (conjunct Alcyone), Neptune, & Haumea. Sedna and Alcyone will be almost exactly sextile Neptune on the 4:4 Portal.

  • Jupiter quincunx Vesta.
  • Jupiter conjunct Rigel on April 8.
  • Mars enters Virgo on April 2 (heliocentric). It makes a Yod with Neptune and Pluto. 
Also notice how Mars is at 1 degree 11 minutes Aries (111 Angel number) at 12:21 pm EDT on April 4.

  • There will be a heliocentric Grand Trine of Pluto, M87 Galaxy, Alcyone, Sedna. While it will be exact on May 12, it will be almost exact even on the 4:4 Portal. I have written about this aspect in my post about Victory of the Ascended Masters.

  • Mercury conjunct Lunar Node on April 4.
  • Moon conjunct Mars on April 5.
  • Neptune sextile Sedna on April 11.
  • Pluto opposite Vulcanus on March 23. The explanation of this aspect is shown below:

Thus, we will finally all be Together:

Notice how the post "Together" was made 1 year after 4:4 Portal of 2012. Its tags are significant: compression breakthrough, divine intervention, end of darkness, Event, Event horizon.

4:44 Victory of the Light 4:44
12:21 Om Shanti 12:21


  1. Thank you so much for the very detailed and useful information. Eagerly waiting for the ULTIMATE.

  2. Thank you, again, Prajwal! How elegant.
    I wonder if Untwine will be with us again?

  3. Wow, great post, thanks, you're really good with numbers. I even noticed you posted this at 12:57. How amazing, it seems that nothing is a coincidence.

  4. 4/4 is also 139 days before the incredible alignment on 8/21. 139 breaks down to 4.

    1. I don’t see the numerology here but yes 8/21/2025 is going to be huge

  5. 中国的易经推算出2025年的值年卦是“泽火革”,泽是水的意思,水在上火在下,象征沸腾,升腾。革字代表改革、变革、革新、革命。这一年是压力和动荡的一年,也是重大改变的一年,是新世界的开始。

  6. Thanks for the analysis, I also remembered the words of a lightworker who had attended the conference. He privately asked cobra when to hold a seven-day and seven-night carnival after the event. (If I remember correctly) cobra's reaction was: Then the first Friday after the event (laugh).

    1. Me personally I have very little interest in partying on Earth. I want to go straight back to Pleiades immediately

    2. There will be definitely have many people who can't wait to go home after the event✨.

    3. Fantastic analysis and aligns closely with some of my own investigations into this interval of time for powerful breakthroughs and first contact.

      I had communications with my soul family increase significantly throughout 2023, and it culminated in very direct exchanges of information by the end of 2024. The messages identified the approach of an energetic moment to initiate departures for many starseeds if they desire to return home. (this clearly represents the event).

      It was interesting to see a confirmation about departures in the recent conference notes, and it was also conveyed to me that many starseeds can leave immediately as the vast majority did not come here to complete the ascension process on the surface.

      My soul family entered this reality on Sirius initially, and I had many embodiments in the Pleiades as well. I also share the same desire to return home as quickly as possible, and with all the delays, in addition to the level of exhaustion for so many volunteers on this mission, a large number of starseeds are likely to choose that path. Thank you again for all of your wonderful analysis and detailed blog posts. Hoping very much that we will all enjoy the most beautiful culmination together soon.

    4. Yes we shall exit this quarantine very soon!


    Stephen: Cobra, you came onto the scene on the last day of March 2012 with your blog Portal
    2012. What were you doing prior to this and what prompted you to open your blog?

    Cobra: I was basically living my life on planet Earth as any other human being does, and at the
    same time fighting for liberation of this planet by being involved in Special Operations. I was
    instructed by the Resistance in late March to open my blog to inform the general public about
    the coming changes.

    Stephen: Why that particular day, March 31, 2012, to launch your blog? Was there a significant reason?

    C: It was a few days before 4-4 portal and consciousness level on the planet was getting ready to
    receive intel I was about to offer.


    1. You can use my interview compilation to search for quotes as well



  8. Replies
    1. Wow I didn’t realize this comment was exactly at 12:21 am, what a coincidence
