Thursday, October 24, 2024

Goddess Spiral, & Stop Cutting your hair!

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to "happen" on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. Please cultivate your own inner guidance. For advice on how you can bring the Light before the Event, you can refer to this article and this article.

This is my latest understanding of the Compression Breakthrough. Notice how the breakthrough occurs at the intersection of the minus (-) and plus (+) Polarities. The plus (+) polarity represents Portal 8:21 and the minus (-) polarity represents Point 12:21. They create the conditions for triangulation which results in the removal of darkness. It is very interesting that Portal 2025 shall occur on the date of Portal 8:21 (August 21). This means the Victory of the Goddess is guaranteed with mathematical certainty.

To remind you, The Portal's 4th post was at exactly 8:21 am (refer to Portal 8:21 above). It was about the 8-year cycle of Venus-Pleiades conjunction and the Return of the Goddess:

On Portal 8:21 in 2017, the day of the US solar eclipse and exactly 8 years before August 21, 2025, we saw the below message. Command 12 08 is the "PHXKEY" i.e. female sexual energy is the Key for planetary liberation (see Operation Phoenix).

The Compression Breakthrough is essentially the Cosmic version of the Samadhi experience. The snakes representing Pure Masculine and Pure Feminine shall meet. This will lead to the victory of the Goddess, and she will erase all darkness from the Cosmos. Thus, we can begin a completely new Cycle, a Phase Transition to the next version of the Universe (where darkness can never exist).

As noted above, we need both Portal 8:21 and Point 12:21 to create the Torus for Compression Breakthrough. For Portal 8:21 to be created, men and women to heal their navel implant which separates their heart and sexual chakras. Hence, we can reiterate the following:

Women feeling and expressing their sexual energy is the key to triggering the Event/Compression Breakthrough.

You can read about the deepest human programming (sexual programming) in these notes. I very highly recommend reading them in depth:

Deprogramming yourself from monogamy (ownership of your partner) is the key:

Female sexual energy can be expressed in an infinite number of ways. The key is to feel the sexual energy and combine it with your heart energy. 

Untwine knew this and wrote an excellent post about it:

For example, female sexual energy can be used to invoke the energy of Goddess Iustitia, the Goddess of Justice:

Belly dancing is also a way of expressing female sexual energy. It can be used to create a powerful Goddess vortex using the power of "8" (∞) and 12:21. It is possibly very effective in dissolving the navel implant which splits heart energy and sexual energy. By focusing female sexual energy in the middle of the body, Point 12:21 creates an "8" (∞) shaped toroidal vortex (8:21) which expands to the Cosmos. By doing so we can create an alchemical triangulation which can change our life, as well as liberate the planet. The movements of the below belly dancer are so powerful and remind one of a Cobra snake.

The Goddess Spiral and Goddess Vortex meditations work by using the same principle. They create an "8" (∞) shaped double spiral vortex/torus made of rainbow Light. The heart chakra of the person becomes Point 12:21, with the "8" (∞) shaped rainbow colored torus created around them as they rotate

Isis Astara experienced Goddess energy by dancing in a spiral and creating a vortex:

You can create your own Goddess Spiral and connect with your Soul mates, Soul Family, Twin Soul, Pleiadians, etc:

The higher planes are based on fluid patterns of Love and Light. This is why the Goddess Spiral and Goddess Vortex meditations, both of which use rainbow Light, are so powerful.

"Goddess Vortex is a rainbow spiral of energy which encompasses all possible combinations of Light".

Men and women can both anchor Goddess energy with the same techniques:

Lastly, please stop cutting your hair! It is your connection with the highest planes of existence!!

Rob – Okay. Yogananda mentioned that hair acts as an antenna to the astral plane and that longer hair makes one sensitive. Can you comment about long hair and the more intuitive energy that we received from it. 
COBRA – Yes, it actually does act as an antenna and it does connect to not only the astral plane, but also with much higher planes of creation.

U : Is it true that the hair on the head is like an extension of the nervous system, that helps to feel the environment, and have psychic abilities?
C : Exactly the hair is like an antenna which assists us in connecting with higher spiritual dimensions. 
U : Ok. This is why the cabal encourages people to cut them especially the men.  C : Yes that is why there is a trend to cut the hair as much as possible because the cabal wants to suppress humans spiritually. 

    Victory of the Goddess and Priestesses!


    1. Yup exactly, sexual energy is waaaay too manipulated here

    2. The answers are given above. Men and women need to be honest, feel their heart or sexual energy, and then make the heart and sexual energy merge

    3. Yeah the women were lurker infected. That’s why disentanglement was equally important as was removing the cabal

    4. Yeah it’s just about attacking goddess sexual energy

    5. Yeah they do, glad you can show your feminine side now

    6. Try to get healing in a tachyon chamber, it can help with this. Or therapy also. But yes, the galactic pulse should also help you and post the Event we’ll receive lots of healing and assistance

    7. Well, Houstan, I got a problem.

      Now those who know me are well aware, but to those who don't:

      MY hair starting falling out at the age of SIXTEEN, people. By the time I was twenty or twenty one, I was totally BALD, as in I make Jason Alexander looking like fucking Michael Landon in comparison. And, I'm the ONLY bald person in my entire family...on BOTH sides.

      This is just one, of MANY reasons I HATE my masculine body (My soul is that of an alien women, the darkies forced me to incarnate as an ugly little human man...of which I will NEVER forgive them for....only a burning NEED for healing, restoration, justice, and I daresay, VENGENCE!), and to this day, I keep wondering WHY do humans HAVE baldness...what do we NEED it for?! And why does it only effect certain people....shit, even monkeys don't go bald.

      Suffice to say, not only have I been denied my rightful alien femininity, I've also been denied, my antennas have been SEVERED, which is probably why I feel even MORE cut off, abandoned and totally alone.

      And what REALLY annoys me, I can grow a full beard, one that Wesley Crusher's evil clone, Matt Walsh, would envoy. And this I HATE so much.....baldness and beards, BIG masculine related things. Besides going bald at sixteen, I had to start shaving at thirteen. And, let me tell you, sexual energy is little to nothing, if you're bald when you're still a one wants you, period. Only reasons folks will Sean Connery (who did 90%+ of his movies wearing a WIG, and HE went bald at the same age I did), Michael Jordan or Captain Picard is because they are millionaires.

      I BETTER get that damned healing and restoration, folks. And I do hope I get to be able to KILL at least one darkie. I said it many times, if I had just one word to describe what the darkies did to my soul, that word would be RAPE.

      And to illustrate how much anger and hate I have for the darkies, and what they did to me, watch the movie, "Sudden Impact", from 1983. Pay PARTICULAR attention to Sondra Locke's character, a rape victim, and what she did. I really want to SEE those darkies who actually did all this to me be sent to galactic central to FRY.

      1. Yes true but keep in mind the slaves in the galactic colonies were treated much worse than us. They were being r*ped nonstop for millennia.

      2. @VTOL 628
        Does not change a thing. I'm focused on MY problem, the light forces have their safe starships and amazing tech to help and heal them. WE, on the other hand, have NOTHING. Add to the fact we are GENETICALLY RAPED, it makes it worse.

        And if you read my other posts, MY soul has been RAPED as well. Where's MY healing? Where's MY restoration? Where's MY justice, hmmmm?

      3. Justice will only happen after the Event

      4. This comment has been removed by the author.

      5. My educated guess is for the event to happen between Jan 5-21, 2025

    8. Yes we need to lose weight and return to the perfect archetype of physically beautiful humans. Probably will happen en masse after the event. For now we should try to exercise

    9. Wow, it makes sense now why only men can show their breasts.

    10. I came out to my group home with my feminine pronouns and new name, and so far they are accepting, so I am very grateful.

    11. Your post is very good, thank you for it. I particularly like this goddess vortex meditation. At first, I felt quite dizzy, today, I look like a Dervish. It is very easy to do and enjoyable, besides helping a lot in our current situation here on the planet. I always thought men with long hair were ugly, now I am reviewing my concepts after your article, thank you again! ✨️🪽✨️

      1. Yes long hair is beautiful and good to know you did goddess vortex

    12. I was somehow given a "processor-conduit-observer" role, and it is emotionally exhausting but I can manage.

      Also I have a bunch of info to give publicly.

      I channeled a few things. First of all, I work (telepathically) with an ET group that I may have been affiliated with or have had agreements with astrally or before birth, who have a very specific role, which yes, is related to exfiltration. In short my presence and lightwork helps make it possible on our timeline. But I did mention this before. Information can be seen on my latest blog posts. It's really odd, to know I'm the ONLY soul on ground level doing what I do. No wonder I talk on these blogs. But please, don't rely on me for your exfiltration, this is a cooperation between different parties. There are criteria and I don't decide anything. And please, don't take what I say too seriously.

      My extraction will be on-and-off.

      I might be repeating myself, but this is important to know.

      Libra, remember that dream where you were visited by a red-haired woman? I am still almost convinced this could refer to how someone will "assist" in these exfiltrations, and when I read "red-haired", it ran alarms in my head.

      And more evidence:
      I had earlier this year, I think, a channeling session with Pat Ulrich and her coworker, and they told me, from my ET family, that I will "go beyond contact regulations" and that they (Pat and her coworker) were not certain how.

      I care so much about our ground level group. I just do. Always did, regardless of who it is. If I can just aid giving to a minority of humanity the chance for leaving this place without resorting to suicide, I'd be so happy. :(

      I am also a survivor of narc abuse.

      And yes in case you are wondering I'm trying to live my life right now and not veering into overexertion.

    13. Thanks again, Seth, for a wonderful review. I forgot so much from the earlist information!

    14. @Libra
      I won't mind 'catcalls', shit....part of me WANTS to desired. When in high school, hearing the hot girls talking about this hot guy or that hot guy, plus hearing some of their sexual escapades....I really wanted MY name to be in those girls' conversations....sadly, all I got was constantly getting 'friend zoned', and we know, as Adam Corolla said, "That's DEATH, baby.". All I got was either them begging me to help them with their homework, or to help their BOYFRIENDS keep their grades passing and not get kicked off the football or basketball teams....or to listen to them whine about when their boyfriends act like otherword, they wanted me to either be a tutor, or be a Dr. Phil to them...and an UNPAID one at that.
      Like the episode of "Family Guy", where Meg, the daughter, who is very frumpy....she inherited PETER'S looks, the fat ugly slob, not Louis, her hot mom. She looked like Peter on HRT, and she did NOT get guys. There was an episode where she got a make over and pretty much become a hot, Britney Spears knock-off. And over time, she got popular and talent agencies were making her offers. Louis then said to her, "They're just going to exploit you!" and Meg said what is perhaps THE most truthful line I remember:

      Meg: Mom, I WANT to be exploited!!!!

      When one is an ugly, love sick freak, like Meg (not to mention ME), wants does have this deep, dark desire to get all that lustful attention. Part of me WANTS to be, as we say here in the states, 'treated like a piece of meat'. I admit it.

      And were I able to become the girl I need to be right now, even before going off into space, I can handle the catcalls and the idiots. I'd be a hot girl, but an ARMED hot girl. A small price I'd be willing to pay.

      And I do NOT give a damn about helping the normies anymore....I TRIED to help them since I was a teenager, my intent SCORNED, my help REFUSED. And given the verbal and physical abuse I got FROM the normies, I'm not going to throw myself to the wolves again. I also do not consider myself either a light worker, light warrior, or even a starseed...for that implies I make a willing choice to incarnate here, which I did not.

      To me, patience has become a both a cuss word, and an extreme sport. The longer you live, and the older you get, the more irritating patience becomes.

      So, I say, come on, light forces.....FIX ME UP, I'm ready to walk like a goddess YESTERDAY.

    15. Yep. Same for behinds. IF a girl wears, say tight, low cut pants and skimpy thongs, with a hint of ass showing....people shout "SLUT!!!!". Yet when a MAN's pants are down low, and his ass crack is there for the world to see, even if it's a HAIRY ASS, it's OKAY. Back in the 1990's and 2000's, if a girl's ass was showing on TV, like Jerry Spring, it got censored/pixelated. YET, on NYPD, each time Dennis Franz's big ass was showing, NO PROBLEM.

      Same for girls kissing other got pixelated, yet on SNL, Will Ferrel kissing some actress, tongue out for the world to see, it's OKAY.

      And let's not forget George "Dubya" Bush, and the FCC, waging their "DECENCY CRUSADE" after Janet's nipple popped out during the Super Bowl in 2004. BUT the big fat 'super fans' in the crowd got their shirts off, big beer bellies and saggy man boobs flopping about, painted in their team's colors....that's perfectly OKAY. *rolls eyes*

    16. @Libra
      The guy who complimented you, keep in mind, he might have been a homosexual.

    17. Same thing with the double standards about sexuality.

      IF a man sleeps around with lots of people, he's a STUD, a SLY OLD DOG, a PIMP, DA MAN! IF a woman sleep around with lots of people, she's a SLUT, a WHORE, a HOOCHIE, a FLOOZY.

      Fathers want their daughters to be virgins till they are 50, and pretty much beat the shit out of any person that looks at his daughter. YET the same fathers will high five their sons if they got laid.

      IF a man gets a younger woman, he's sly old dog. IF a woman gets a younger man, she's a cradle robber.

      And let's not forget some places chop off a woman's clitoris, so she won't get as sexual, and least likely to 'sleep around' behind her husband's back....and yet they don't chop bits off the males.

      And looks at women being villainized in the bible:

      Mary Magdalene
      Lot's wife
      Just to name a few.

      And, when I was a kid growing up in the 1980's and 1990's, there were cartoons that had toy lines....shit 95% of the shows had a toy line.....and there were some toy lines where the female characters were totally missing from the toy line, or were super hard to find. Took 18 years before Transformers had an actual Arcee toy that was not a convention exclusive, which were often just a recolor of an existing toy.

    18. August 21, 2025 is when Neptune meets midpoint of Uranus/Pluto heliocentrically. That is, from the pov of the sun. What’s more relevant for Earth is the geocentric meeting point, which is on Jan 5, 2025.

    19. Life after the Event will not be hard at all for people who are aligned with the Light. For the other people they’ll go through deprogramming and digesting intel

    20. Yeah the female sexual energy needs to be respected because it is the most powerful force
