Short important update

We are slowly but surely approaching the second intersection point of Neptune and midpoint of Uranus/Pluto. It will occur on January 5, 2025 at 2:29 pm EST (UTC+5):

There will be a heliocentric six pointed star from January 6-12, 2025. The planets that will create the six pointed star are Vesta, Mars, Earth, Venus, Neptune, Saturn, Pluto and Mercury: 

You can feel the immense power of this configuration by looking at it from the perspective of the Sun:

Heliocentric six pointed star is a very favorable configuration. It facilitates the distribution of pulses from the Galactic Central Sun to our Solar System:

It is also worth noting that Earth's second moon makes its closest approach on January 9, 2025. This is significant because the triangulation of duality is being energetically done through Earth's second moon:
"Time between now and November 22nd is the time of final triangulation of duality, which will bring many things to completion. This process will be energetically done through the Earth's second moon." (Source)

January 11 is one of the strongest Portal dates. I analyzed the energies of January 11, 2025 in my post "The Pathway Home".
To remind you, the previous breakthrough was scheduled for January 11, 2020:

January 11, 2020 also had a heliocentric six pointed star. It was made by Earth, Juno, Mars, Mercury, Ceres, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, and Vesta:

Thus, the time has come to act with urgency and prepare the Earth grid for the energies of January 11, 2025.

Soon after January 11, Earth and Mars will make heliocentric oppositions with Pluto. This will occur from January 15 - 28, 2025. Earth will be exactly opposite Pluto on January 21. On January 21 there will be three heliocentric Minor Grand Trines and one heliocentric T-Square. Earth & Mars will be part of these aspects:

There will also be a geocentric Grand Trine, Grand Cross, Kite, and two Minor Grand Trines on January 21, 2025. The planets part of the Grand Trine are Juno, Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Lunar Node, and Mars. The planets part of the Grand Cross are Moon, Pallas, Chiron, ErisMercury, Mars, and Black Moon (Lilith): 

The following aspects will also be in effect on January 21, 2025:
  • Sun exactly conjunct Pluto at 1° in Aquarius
  • Lunar Node conjunct Neptune at 27° in Pisces. The last time this conjunction happened in Pisces was in the year 1524, almost exactly 500 years ago.
  • Venus at its North Node exactly conjunct Jupiter at 16° in Pisces
  • Mercury exactly conjunct Pallas at 20° in Capricorn
  • Moon conjunct Lilith at 22° in Libra
  • Lilith Quincunx Uranus
  • Eris exactly Quincunx Juno
  • Heliocentric Neptune sextile Pluto
  • Heliocentric Jupiter square Saturn

In the Northern Hemisphere there will be a planetary alignment in the sky of Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus, and Saturn in the evening of January 21, 2025:

All the above point towards the ushering in of an important Portal. Here is a snippet of what I believe to be Portal 12:21:

Scientists have found signs that the True Vacuum is imminent: 

Our physical Sun seems to be getting the memo too:

A reminder to keep your eyes on the sky:

And to connect with the Ganymede Portal, the strongest source of spiritual Light in our Solar System:

Perhaps to listen to music with sky themed album art:

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Mary, nobody can predict when the Event will happen. However, January 11, 2025 is a very important date

  2. What a wonderful exposition of the wonders in the sky that await us. Thank you, Seth!

  3. a few days ago,I have lots of weird dreams,but one of them is about Cobra's update,in that dream cobra updated some posts,and he posted " 1.21 "in one post.
    It's only a dream but pretty interesting:P

    1. Yes I have also seen December 5, 2024 in a dream. I have had many dreams of reading The Portal


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