Portal 1/11

As a preface, I would like to remind you that we are on the Gamma timeline. This means that the only guarantee is that things should improve by August 2025, most likely by August 21, 2025. So please take all this with a grain of salt. The Light Forces have been fighting many intense battles on our behalf. We should be very grateful to them. I’m sure they are also tired of dealing with all this darkness.

Also, there is a lot to be said about this topic, and only so much that I know of.

Now I'm going to talk about certain things pertaining to early 2025. 
First we note that Pluto enters Aquarius on Nov 19, 2024. It subsequently stays there till March 2043.

Secondly, the US elections are on Nov 5, 2024. That’s just 2 weeks before Pluto enters Aquarius. In the Phoenix conference, Cobra said that the US Election Day is the last chance for the dark forces to cause mayhem. This could be such as WW3, US Civil War, hard financial crash, etc. And in past Q&As, Cobra has said that the breakthrough will happen right after the moment of changes in the US political system.

We observe that transit Neptune is sextile United States' natal Pluto from Sep 19, 2024 to Feb 19, 2025. It makes exact aspects on Oct 29, 2024 and Jan 15, 2025:

Interestingly, transit Uranus is also trine United States’ natal Neptune from Jan 11, 2025 to Feb 18, 2025.

And at an overall/planetary level, Neptune meets the midpoint of Uranus & Pluto on Sep 27, 2024 and Jan 5, 2025: 

To conclude, we can note the following dates which are close to 01/11/2025: 
  • Neptune is exactly at midpoint of Uranus & Pluto on 01/05/2025
  • Neptune is sextile United States natal Pluto on 01/15/2025 (date of exact of this aspect)
  • Uranus is trine United States natal Neptune from 01/11/2025 till mid February 
And as Cobra also spoke about in the Taiwan workshop, the dates to look out for are:
  • Sep 27, 2024 = dissolving of lurker
  • December '24 - Jan '25 = next breakthrough
Quoting Cobra's recent Taiwan workshop notes: “The first intersection, in late September 2024, is expected to remove the Lurker from the people and allow them to connect strongly with the Source. The second intersection, from December 2024 to January 2025, is expected to be the next breakthrough.” (Source)

And quoting Cobra conference notes from 2023: "When Pluto exits Aquarius, it will spend a short time like 2 months in Capricorn again. That will be a time of very intense purification of financial and political systems. And then 19th November, Pluto reenters Aquarius and stays there for decades. So after this intense purification, the real serious strong disclosure is expected after 19th November next year."

Jan 11, 2025 might be a turning point in terms of Earth entering its 4th planetary initiation:
"These energies are being distributed by the Solar Logos (the cosmic being that is our Sun), utilizing the Rod of Initiation, effectively starting the process of Ascension of this planet into its fourth planetary initiation." (Source)

January 11 has been a monumental date in at least 1992, 1996, and 2020:
"January 11th is a very powerful timeline day, and in the last few decades there were four powerful events that took place on January 11th that changed the destiny of this planet. Two of those I can mention, and they are the opening of the doorway of the 11:11 on January 11th 1992 and the Archon Invasion on January 11th 1996." (Source)
"Then on January 12th (2020) we have an extremely powerful Saturn-Pluto conjunction that will crack the global financial system open. It will not be just an ordinary Saturn/Pluto conjunction, it will be a tour-de-force Sun-Mercury-Ceres-Saturn-Pluto conjunction, with Saturn and Pluto also on their south nodes, which will amplify the conjunction even more." (Source)

Thus, on January 11, 2025 we might finally experience the beginning of AntariOn. I'm expecting this to reach a turning point on Portal 8/21 on August 21, 2025. That is the date of the 3 outer planets creating a Renaissance. August 21, 2025 could also be a serious kickstart in our universe finally making its transition from its current false vacuum state to the true vacuum. 

Cobra has already postulated that the sublimation of the Lurker will most probably end in approximately 2037:
"After the Event, the Source will disentangle all Lurker remnants from humanity and that process will be completed at the Solar Flash and corresponding tsunami, which is most probable at the moment of subsequent solar maxima either around 2037 or around 2049. Educated guess still puts the timing of the Event at 2025, although nobody knows when the real timing will be. The time frame between the Event and the Solar Flash will be a time of great healing for humanity." (Source)

Quoting Cobra:
"Now this world has reached the point where it can graduate from duality and enter a new dimensional patterning of Oneness. This results in drastic changes in consciousness and energy flows which you can already experience. This time of transition and completion is called the Antarion Conversion. The Antarion Conversion is connected with the constellation of Orion which holds the key of duality for this part of the galaxy. There are some very bright and some not so bright beings originating from Orion that are playing major roles in the drama of duality. And planet Earth is currently completing its participation in this drama."

And we know Metatron is the guardian of the portal between duality and oneness, in Orion:
"This will be the final liberation of your Solar system. By the year 2012 of your time, Dark Lords of Orion will be completely removed from Earth, which will enter the vibration of Oneness. At that time Archangel Metatron will close the dimensional opening of the 11:11, in the Star gate of AN. This will be a completion of unconditional redemption..."

In the Phoenix conference, Cobra said the following:
"Evil manifested only in this cosmic cycle (which began 8 million years ago). Archangels descended into matter through strong implantation processes. These Archangels lost the connection to their I AM presence, in Orion. The last remaining residue of the Dark Forces on the surface of the planet comes from the negative faction of Andromeda (i.e. the Black Nobility families). What also remain are the Draco and the Cabal." (Source)

As of the time of writing, I believe most of the Draco have been defeated (re: Dark Atlantean network is gone). What are really left are the negative Andromedans and their Black Nobility. Hence, in my estimation, the quote about the 11:11 portal probably needs to be updated with Portal 8/21 and the year updated to 2025. However, we can probably expect the quarantine situation to be resolved around January 11, 2025.



  1. Thank you votl628. What means the number 628?

    So I understand it correct. The Lurker will not yet be desintegrated on the event? Only mostly ... and then finaly at the solar flash?

    How the white hats do hinder some forces to just present a trump clone? Will they intervene and put in place the real Trump?

    1. In December 2023, Cobra revealed in an update that not everything of the Lurker has to be removed; only a critical mass of the disentanglement has to be reached.

      Keep in mind that the disentanglement process consists of 2 distinct parts:
      - disentangling the Lurker from the Universe
      - disentangling the Lurker directly from the surface population

      You can read that at the beginning of the following article:

    2. PS:
      To give you an impression how long the process can take - reaching the critical mass for disentangling the Lurker from the universe took about 7 months.

      "The Source is now quantumly disentangling the universe from the Lurker."
      From December 2023

      "As a result of this, the process of disentangling the Lurker from the surface population finally began."
      From July 2024

    3. Hi lightfulvictory88, thanks for your comment! 628 is related to a tektite I have. Cobra has said that the lurker will be fully absorbed back into Source at the time of the pole shift, in 2037. It is being disentangled from humanity now and we will be in the thick of this process till October. I personally would not put too much energy into Trump clones etc. They are body doubles, not clones

  2. Hey, votl, after doing the big work of waking the sleeping masses up for almost 15 years, finally we almost got into the 2025 where everything will be clear and obvious. Of course the real deep awakening of the soul is happening within me and other people. Also this cosmic spiritual war is obvious. Its more about the timeframe: everything is defeated only lurker left if something new appears then really cobra has to resign since his info is unreliable. Its the same as cast spells. We have all the astrological aspects ready for the big action to start everything is ready, what to wait? Til deep state will kill half of the world? Til one room apartment in the village will cost one million dollar? The bottom has been reached. Even Sebastian from unveilling does not even make any posts for half a year since nothing happened so I respect him for that. Cobra will put himself into a position of a joker if nothing happens since over the years during the conferences he gives same and the same calculations that lead to only 2025 as a final point so I hope for the people as well not be blind as sheeps and stop visiting that blogspot at all including myself. So we know what we know we have what we have. Also without the greatest turmoil on the planet no any military intervention will happen so nothing has even started to talk about the event, the streets will be on fire literally before the event but now its calm as in a dream. So lets wait and see and I am very glad that we have finally made it to almost the year of 2025, since if nothing happens there is a need to restructure the whole being on earth that we remain in a hostage position and when this life is over we again and again will be captured by the dar forces with the erased memory and will all be thrown anywhere without our knowing. So as I have read some of the cobra's readers' blogspots that they are pretty okay if the event does not happen, so simply they dont have a clue what they are talking about or they only think that they are awake and aware whats happening here. Without the event and all the dark technologies shut down we are all in a deep dar coma without the exit, so them people are very naive. Lets wait and see.

    1. Hi Crystal, the light forces have done a lot of work in the behind the scenes. And Cobra has also said that the ascension window will close in August 2025. We need to be liberated before then, otherwise the Earth will have cataclysmic events. The delays that happened in the past are not relevant to the situation today. The positive timeline has been fully secured with the removal of the chimera. Now we are mainly dealing with the black nobility and things like bioweapons, chemical weapons (search ‘Omega grid’ on the portal blog). So please do not give up hope, we are definitely going to be saved by August of next year; hopefully even by January

    2. Hey, Votl, thanks for your positivity, blessings and good luck!

  3. https://2012portal.blogspot.com/2022/02/ascension-plan-update.html?m=1

    This update explains that it will not be closed in 2025

    1. Hi Lunika thanks for your comment. Yes it will remain permanently open. The 2025 deadline for its closing was a placeholder for 08/21/2025

    2. If it is permanently turned on, will liberation still be in 2025?

  4. Thank you very much for your reply 😊
    I hope your and CB's analysis is accurate.


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