
Turns out that August 16th and 17th are dates of planetary significance. August 16, 2024 will be exactly 37 years after August 16, 1987 which is the date when Harmonic convergence occurred. The number 37 is actually quite significant. A flower of life with 2 layers has 37 center points as can be seen below:

To quote Cobra-

“The first of the major planetary activations was the Harmonic Convergence. It occurred on 16th and 17th August 1987. On that day hundreds of thousands of dedicated beings anchored the fourth dimension, the astral plane, the plane of emotions. Thus access towards the astral plane was much easier and this allowed emotional cleansing on a planetary level. This signifies the beginning of the Antarion Conversion.”

“On 17th August 1987 hundreds thousands individuals have opened the doorway of Harmonic convergence, which strengthened a connection between the Galactic confederation and Earth. The Absolute has set planet Earth in the center of his attention by opening a dimensional doorway which causes a lifting of planetary consciousness from the third towards the fifth dimension between 1987 and 2012.”

We’re now less than an hour away from the mass meditation for Neptune sextile Pluto. Instructions and times can be found here- https://librain1221.blogspot.com/2024/08/make-this-viral-violet-flame-meditation.html?m=1

Excited to see what happens this weekend. The energy was really good on August 11. It felt like true light was starting to be anchored here in NYC.


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