Happy 8/21 portal!

Exactly T minus 1 year to Portal 2025! The process of removal of darkness everywhere in every universe should finally be kickstarted in full by 08/21/2025.


This might be the Portal that Cobra is talking about in this paragraph:
"Very soon, an even more powerful doorway will open which will lead to final removal of darkness from the universe, and also final liberation of this planet. All intel about that doorway must be veiled for now, except this hint: 

Starting from September, this future doorway is already sending time-reverse loops through Minkowski spacetime, and this is why the events and situations started to accelerate." (Source)


  1. I'm still sceptical that within a year all darkness will be removed. I'm hopeful that it is the case, however I have not seen any definitive evidence that it 100 percent is going to happen.

    I'm not being a hater, just my personal observation 😄 my gut says next year is a big year for the planet... Let's see if that includes first contact and the removal of darkness 🙂

    1. Hi Memphis warrior, the removal of darkness has to happen by 08/21/2025. This is a hard deadline. The universe has to make its evolution from its current state (false vacuum) to a more stable and evolved state (true vacuum). Cobra has also said that the deadline is in Aug 2025, in his Q&As

    2. Ok awesome 😄 I truly hope that you are correct 👌😎


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