Les Arachnides (The Spiders)

Now we can talk a little bit about spiders. Most (if not all) of the spider beings I'm going to talk about are probably dead by now. They were mainly relating to the Chimera group. However what can be left is the anomaly caused by such negative geometries.

Cobra has mentioned about spiders in this post from May 2019, among others. In the Phoenix conference, they said: "If we were to observe an Archon, it could take the shape of a snake/spider/different insects/animals, etc."

From Cobra's 2023 Taipei conference notes: "The blue energy grid around the Earth is an electromagnetic fence. It prevents the Light from entering the Earth. Some chimera plasma spiders are as huge as hundreds of kilometers in size."

Another crop circle hints at Chimera spiders being taken to the Central Sun: http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2019/SparticlesWood/SparticlesWood2019a.html


"It is interesting to note that this crop circle has appeared exactly on June 21st. The plasmatic Chimera spiders are being taken from the Tunnels of Set (dark plasma filaments) into the Galactic Central Sun right now." (Source)

Among most dangerous of those entities were Chimera spiders, huge plasma spiderlike beings with plasma toplet bombs attached to their skin, smaller ones being 10-100 meters (yards) in diameter, the largest ones a few kilometers (miles):



More about the Lords of karma who were arachnids (they are gone now- https://2012portal.blogspot.com/2023/06/situation-update.html)

Here Cobra talks about the spider beings, strangelet bombs, gamma timeline. Fully worth a re-read:

"In underground bases, the Light Forces are using Mjolnir quantum cannons and sonic weapons to remove as many physical Chimera spiders as possible. Some of those spiders are huge, measuring up to 10 meters / yards in diameter. There are huge spider nests in Chimera underground bases, and all together they form a spider web , a negative leyline construct which is the antithesis of the Flower Of Life leyline grid on the surface. Although many of these spiders are being removed by the Light Forces, the Chimera replenish the nests with fresh spiders which are materialized from quantum superposition state with advanced manifestation chambers. As soon as the quantum reservoir of the Chimera spiders will be gone, the Light Forces will be able to clear Chimera underground bases completely." (Source)

Cobra has given confirmation about the spider shape being used by the Chimera:

"In early December, The Light Forces have started to clear the huge last pit which extended below Washington D.C. in a spiderlike formation which roughly followed the subway system:

They have managed to clear the vast majority of the pit, including the cloning facilities for politicians, MILAB facilities under Pentagon, the “Clinton morgue” and the “Hillary's shapeshifter chamber”.


We see them in subway maps in cities everywhere:

We also see golf courses in the shape of spiders all over the planet. For example, in Phoenix AZ:

Here’s a pic I took in flight simulator of the Phoenix spiders. You can see how evident they are from the air-

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (no spider, but you can see it as an example of Cabal architecture, possibly to create toplet bombs):

An example from Islamabad, Pakistan (Islamabad Club):

This is just south of the capital of India, New Delhi (28.352914°, 77.004418°):

This is a spider in Vadodara/Baroda surrounding the residence of the Dark Nobility family that Cobra said is in charge of India:

And their crazy weird architecture in the middle (on the left):

Las Vegas Country Club:

Los Angeles (Griffith Park): 

Bug shaped golf course in Indio CA next to Empire Polo Club (which is where Coachella music festival is held every year): 

Look at all the spiders in Westchester county just north of New York City (zoom in):

The same is the case in Long Island, Coachella Valley CA, Florida, etc. You can look them up if you wish. They’re all over the world really. The above are just some examples to illustrate my point.

In my opinion, it would be of the highest purpose to plant Cintamani stones near these spiders. Tips for planting cintamani’s can be found in an earlier post of mine:

As I said before, these spider beings might be dead (phew!), but the anomaly there still needs to be cleared. VOTL!

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