Personal Notes from Day 2 of Phoenix Ascension Conference - Feb 4, 2024

Disclaimer: These is a typed out version of the handwritten notes the author made during Day 2 of the Ascension Conference in Phoenix, AZ. The author does not claim the accuracy of these notes to be 100% true. Please use your own inner judgement and critical thinking. Some images and graphs may not be identical to those seen at the conference. The content of the notes is NOT an exact match to what Cobra spoke about. There may be mishearing, handwriting errors, or omissions in the process. Questions regarding the contents of this document will not be accepted.


  • Beginning Meditation
  • Audience's Spaceship sightings
  • Q&A
  • Planetary reset & Collapse of Metastable society
  • Q&A
  • WEF Reset vs Galactic Reset
  • Two Major Events in the US in 2024
  • Q&A
  • Starseeds Land app
  • Q&A
  • Liberation of the US
  • Military Operations in our Solar System
  • Manifestation
  • Demanifestation
  • Contract Revocation
  • Keys to manifest easier
  • Ceremony to Manifest Abundance by St. Germain
  • Q&A
  • Galactic Wave of Love, Galactic Superwave, & Solar Flash
  • Meditation to connect with our Higher Self
  • ATVOR/Ascension Protocol
  • Light Body
  • ATVOR Evacuation
  • ATVOR Meditation
  • Bubble of Light
  • Q&A
  • Return of the Goddess
  • Goddess Temples & Feminine Sexual Energy
  • Goddess Ceremony
  • End of the Conference

Beginning Meditation

The day started off with a meditation (the same one as day 1). I probably did not write down every single instruction of the meditation, but it roughly went as follows:

Close your eyes.

Breathe white light in and breathe out any toxins from your physical body.

Then, Breathe white light in and radiate white light outwards when you breathe out. Do this from your physical body.

Repeat the above steps for your plasma, etheric, astral (emotional), mental bodies. Finally, repeat the above steps for the totality of your being.

Now we realize that I AM a being of Light. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred mantra ‘OM’ three times together.

In this group, we all are beings of light and connected together as a being of light. WE ARE a being of light. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred mantra ‘OM’ three times together.

We are connected to other beings of light everywhere. We are confirming the fact by saying the sacred word OM (chant OM 3 times).

Now we honor the Prophecy that states that Earth will join Galactic civilization. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred mantra ‘OM’ three times together.

Now we will visualize a pillar of sky blue light coming from the sky, going through everyone in this room, into the center of the Earth. Also visualize a pillar of sky blue light coming from the center of the Earth, going through this everyone in this room, and up into the sky.

Now visualize an anticlockwise violet flame cleansing all trauma, karma, negative beliefs, etc. of everyone in this room. 

Now we will visualize a pillar of sky blue light coming from the sky, going through everyone in this room, into the center of the Earth. Also visualize a pillar of sky blue light coming from the center of the Earth, going through this everyone in this room, and up into the sky.

Then become aware of your surroundings and open your eyes when you are ready.

Audience's Spaceship sightings

Those people who saw ships the previous night were invited to share their experiences. Cobra observed that the call for showing ships was met in an individualized manner, not a group manner. It was told to us that we could do the ATVOR meditation in order to invoke the ships anytime we wished to.

(Author's note: if you'd like to read more about the audience's spaceship sightings, I have written my experience at the day of my Day 1 notes. You can also refer to the PFC Japan Day 2 notes for more audience experiences, I did not write them down).


- The Goddess part of the vortex in Phoenix is located in the zoo area. The Ascension part of the vortex is located in Tempe.

- The Arcturian race is here to bring new ideas. They work on the mental plane and work on information getting through to the surface population. They are in cooperation with the Aldebarans as well.

- Sedona has 7 main vortexes and many secondary vortexes. They need to be purified with white magic rituals, energy clearing work, and anchoring of pure intention. Sedona needs pure Lightworkers to be present there. It also needs the opening of a Spirituality Center which follows true spirituality.

- Cobra’s sources did not confirm that the Florida mall incident at the beginning of this year was a real incident involving any ETs.

- Cobra answered that some vortexes need one cintamani stone while other vortexes need more than one. It depends on the vortex as to how many stones are needed to be buried there. There can be no general plan of action for how to spend, say, $5000 on Cintamani stones.

- Maui in Hawaii was hit with a Directed Energy Weapon attack last year.

- Lucifer was captured by the Light Forces 10+ years ago and he volunteered to be taken to the Galactic Central Sun after seeing the things he did.

- Saint Germain stepped into the role of coordinator of the planetary liberation process in October 2023. Ashtar is a commander. Ashtar and Saint Germain are working together and are leading the liberation process in this solar system. Ascended masters such as Archangel Metatron and Sanat Kumara are not in this solar system at this time. The King of the world Sanat Kumara is in the Galaxy’s Center.

Planetary reset & Collapse of Metastable society

The collapse needs to be a guided collapse, not a catastrophe. The following image was shown to us:

(Author’s note: The blue arrow and point were added by me. I have added them to point out where Cobra said we currently are.)

The Revolutionary situation (the intersection point of ‘Social Pressures for Crisis’ and ‘Pre-Crisis Trajectory’) is the moment for most potential, whether good or bad. It is exactly at this moment that the post-crisis trajectory is determined. Whether we fall into the most positive outcome (labeled ‘Recovery’ in the diagram above) or bad outcome (labeled ‘Collapse’) is determined exactly at the moment of the Revolutionary Situation.

The Dark Forces are suppressing the Kundalini energy of humans. The Light Forces know how to work with human Kundalini energy.

There are two main factors that determine the Kundalini energy of humans:

1. Activity of the Galactic Central Sun and our physical Sun. During the solar maximum (which will occur this year or next year) there will be an activation of human Kundalini. Solar flares and coronal mass ejections also activate human Kundalini. We notice greater protests when such solar conditions take place. This factor can be labeled as an ‘external’ factor.

2. The second factor affecting humans’ Kundalini energy is the amount of pressure exerted on it. The greater the pressure exerted on human Kundalini, the sooner it will explode.

Cobra noted that revolutions are very fast events that take just a few hours or at most a few days. At the most important moment (author’s note: presumably the ‘revolutionary moment’), Sisterhood of the Rose (SOTR) groups will need to come together and meditate to bring Goddess energy in order to dissipate violence. They will have to meditate in order to stabilize and harmonize the situation and bring energies of peace, balance and harmony. The situation during the revolutionary moment can be unpredictable. Cobra will not post on the blog as to when the SOTR groups will need to meditate. The SOTR groups will have to do this automatically.

The Dark Forces will not be allowed to have a nuclear war, so they are trying to create a conventional world war. The mass media is broadcasting images of war, violence, and destruction. Seeing pictures and videos of violence and destruction makes people manifest these things. For example, the Dark Forces are putting out a movie called ‘Civil War’. This is all just a distraction from the optimal timeline of Ascension.

The SOTR groups need to increase their activity. Peace is a feminine trait attributed to the Goddess. Peace is the most important energy needed right now. The SOTR groups need to bring energy of peace.


- RFK Junior is not the main player in the US elections, he is just an interesting addition. Biden and Trump are the main players.

- Lurker hides in the shadow of human auras, and resolving the Lurker is linked to doing shadow work.

- We do not need to worry about exchanging bodily fluids with someone who got the COVID vaccine (i.e. this should not be a concern for those who did not get the shot).

- Islands of Light will be created when the time is right.

WEF Reset vs Galactic Reset

The Dark Forces are not creative, they have hired other people for creativity. They twisted Cobra’s version of the reset for their own purposes.

The Dark Forces’ version for the Reset is planned to be forced through the Mainstream Media. It involves digitizing all our lives, everybody will use cell phones, all payments will be digital. Digital life is completely controllable and easy to be tracked, analyzed and manipulated.

We live in a physical world, the Dark Forces want to divert our attention into their digital world. Companies such as Microsoft, Facebook/Meta etc. are all part of the Matrix. The Matrix wishes to hijack the mind of humans. Social Media is bad, it makes us passively receive content. Social media does not encourage creativity. We need to take a detox from social media. We need to find a balance between physical life and digital life.

The top echelons of the Dark Forces are welcoming the collapse of the financial system. They know of the coming solar flash. The Dark Forces want the financial system to just be an app on our phones where all our dollars will be converted into digital dollars. People are resisting this. Cobra told us to use physical cash as much as possible and not to use credit cards and online payments. Credit cards and online payments support the Dark Forces since such transactions take place on the mental plane and do not support manifestation of abundance. Physical cash is the physical manifestation of abundance.

The Dark Forces will not be able to carry out their plans. The Resistance Movement has their own version of the digital financial system to override the Dark Forces’ financial system. The Dark Forces will try to implement the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) system but this will not work. They will find that their CBDC system has been taken over by something else. The Resistance Movement has an advanced AI which will take over the internet and banking systems from the underground. If the Dark Forces try to implement their version of the digital financial system, they will fail. People will find that they have more money in their bank accounts, not less.

Physical gold has been gathered from Philippines, Asia, Dragon families. The Resistance Movement has also confiscated gold from the Rothschild family. The financial system of the Resistance Movement is underlied by physical gold. There will be no speculation based financial instruments (such as stocks etc.). All prices will reflect real values.

The abundance on the planet right now is a pale reflection of real cosmic abundance.

Cobra made a small pinch with his fingers and said that a tiny amount of diamond is enough to fund a person’s life. The star BPM 37093 (‘Lucy’) which is made of diamond was shown to us. It illustrates the amount of abundance that exists in the cosmos.

The Universe is filled with physical and spiritual abundance. The surface of the planet has been subjected to artificial poverty. This has been done because masses of people with abundance cannot be controlled.

More money leads to more happiness because it gives us more options to exercise our free will. However, we need to become balanced enough to make right decisions when we are given abundance. The example was taken of people who gamble away their newfound abundance. We need to develop our psychology in such a way that we use abundance in the right ways in accordance with our Higher Self.

Two Major Events in the US in 2024

There are going to be two major events in the United States this year:

1. Total Solar Eclipse, on April 8, 2024.

This event is going to play a very important role as it is the moment of decision when this society will decide what the future will be. It is the moment of collective choice on the future of the United States. Cobra asked people living in the US to organize a mass meditation for Citizens of the US at the moment of the solar eclipse. The focus of the meditation should be for US Citizens to make a decision for the US to become the New Atlantis. Cobra joked ‘Make Atlantis Great Again’. US Citizens need to organize this meditation themselves, and they should have groups meditating at the path of totality of the eclipse.

The Goddess equator is found very near the path of totality of the eclipse.

The total solar eclipse will activate the old Goddess equator and bring forward the energy of Atlantis.

Lightworkers in the US need to bury as many Galactic Cintamani stones on the old equator (the Goddess equator/leyline). Cobra re-emphasized the need for activation (author’s note: creation) of groups who will meditate for New Atlantis along the eclipse’s path. Saint Germain is unhappy with the deterioration in the US. The US will be the leader into the Age of Aquarius.

The astrology for 2024 for the US is good. We were shown the astrology chart for this year for the US. The input coordinates were July 4 1776 and Philadelphia PA. There will be a reactivation at the moment of the solar eclipse. Jupiter trines with Lilith which signifies decisions for abundance, better life, and a new beginning.

2. US elections on November 5, 2024.

Cobra pointed out that the election day is 2 weeks before Pluto enters Aquarius for the next 20 years. The election day is the last chance for the Dark Forces to do anything meaningful as regards their plans. The Dark Forces want to create a US Civil War. The possible timelines for the election are: 

a) Trump will win, or

b) There will not be any election at all.

If the elections are not hijacked, then either Trump wins, or The Cabal will try to assassinate Trump.

If the Dark Forces try to trigger Civil War in the US then the Light Forces will have a complete surprise for them. The Light Forces want a peaceful transition of power and fair elections.

There are good astrological transits between the US Election day and the end of November. These transits include those pertaining to healing, inspiration, and spiritual inspiration. 

Lightworkers need to work on invoking justice and fairness. The SOTR groups need to meditate to bring forward the energy of Iustitia (Goddess of Justice). Doing so can make the planetary timeline become easier. The Light Forces are increasing protection given to Lightworkers and whistleblowers.


- The US has lots of crafts that crash landed in it (including in Arizona). There exists evidence of underground bases in the US.

- Donald Trump is a gray hat. 

- Lightworkers in Canada (author's note: and Mexico) can meditate for Canada (author’s note: and Mexico) during the total solar eclipse.

- US Citizens can contact Cobra to organize a mass meditation for the total solar eclipse. We Love Mass Meditation and Telegram groups can be used to spread the message.

- Biden and Trump are real people like you and me.

- One must be a US Citizen to take part in the April 8 meditation (author’s note: this is true if you are meditating for the US to become New Atlantis).

Starseeds Land app

A presentation was given about the Starseeds Land app.


- A question was asked about the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico. The person who asked the question said that the pyramid had been shut when he had gone to visit it at the end of last year. It lies on the Goddess Equator. Cobra said that this was done to block people from experiencing the energy of the Pyramid.

- Mount Shasta city has some pockets of pure light despite infiltration.

- The best way to protect against primary anomaly is to connect with one’s Higher Self.

- Denver airport has been cleared. Denver is now a Resistance Movement stronghold, the Resistance Movement has a small city under it.

- Lemurian energy will be reactivated in Asia and the Pacific Ocean.

- Stargates exist in the US.

Liberation of the US

A chart which looked like this was shown to us (however the dates shown were for 2024 and I do not remember if we were shown the location but it might have been Philadelphia, PA): 

The Light Forces plan to trigger the Age of Aquarius via California. Many souls were born in California after World War 2. In many cases these souls were born inside major vortexes. The 3 most important vortexes in California are:

a. Los Angeles

It was created a few centuries ago. It is linked to Lady Mary. Cobra mentioned the Spanish name for Los Angeles. (Author’s note: I am quoting from Google here- “El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles”. In English, “The Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels”). Ashtar’s energy is anchored there. Cobra highlighted important neighbourhoods of LA such as Santa Monica, the (San Fernando) Valley, Edwards Air Force Base, Palmdale. LA has been the main anchoring point since 1953/1954.

b. San Francisco

San Francisco is the Spanish name for Saint Francis. It is linked with Kuthumi and has been important since World War 2 onwards. (Author’s note: I found this on Google- Saint Francis took his ascension and is known as the Ascended Master Kuthumi)

c. Mount Shasta

These 3 vortexes in California have been prepared since World War 2 for the Age of Aquarius.

In 1995 we were very close to planetary breakthrough. There were many lightworkers in LA, SF, Bay Area, Mt. Shasta. However, key Lightworkers in other locations faltered. In January 1996 there was the Archon invasion (author’s note: Cobra’s blog says it happened on January 11, 1996). The LA vortex was invaded and suppressed during the Archon invasion. The entry point for Reptilians during the invasion was in Congo, but the emergence point for them was in LA.

The backup place to trigger the Age of Aquarius is Arizona. There are souls incarnated in Arizona in the vortexes of Phoenix, Tucson, and Sedona. Cobra said that these souls who are still on the surface of the planet are not activated yet. Some of them joined the Resistance Movement.

The 1996 attacks on the California vortexes almost collapsed the Light grid there. In late 2019 there was an attempt to reactivate the California vortexes and the Light grid there. This was a special forces operation. The Dragon families in Chinatown San Francisco and other secret groups were part of this. This led to a physical conflict with people dying. The operations had to be canceled. The Light Forces lost the war in California. There was an occult war for the Light grid in California. Michael Aquino was the main person behind many dark magic rituals in California. He killed himself by suicide in December 2023. The Light Forces may reactivate the Light grid of California at a certain point in the future.

Those souls who incarnated in Phoenix, Tucson, Sedona in Arizona will be activated at the moment of the total solar eclipse. A tachyon chamber needs to be opened in Sedona and Sisterhood of the Rose groups need to be formed there by the time of the solar eclipse.

California and Arizona can be the planetary triggers for the Age of Aquarius. Lot of damage has been done, there has been a lot of opposition. Interesting things may happen there in terms of spirituality.

COVID happened due to the collapse of the Light grid in California (and other places) in late 2019.  California’s potential is not activated. For California and Arizona this is their key moment for the Age of Aquarius.

Military Operations in our Solar System

There are special military operations taking place of the Aldebarans. Their fleet of motherships are being positioned within our solar system. They are now on the far side of the moon because this makes it easier to do their operations without monitoring from the Earth’s surface. The Aldebarans removed most dark forces on the far side of the moon just a few hours before Day 2 of the conference. There was a lot of applause in the crowd after hearing this. The Aldebaran fleet is getting closer and closer to the surface of the Earth. They are present in the Medium Earth Orbit & Low Earth orbit, and are also present in locations under the surface and below the sea bed of oceans. The Aldebarans are skilled in combat experience with Draconians. In fact, they are experts in dealing with Draconians. Most politicians, lawyers, bankers, etc. (i.e. those people running the system) have Draconian souls which came here very long ago.

The Andromedans are experienced with dealing with negative Andromedans. The Black Nobility families (like Orsini, Aldobrandini, Pallavicini, etc.) are negative Andromedans. 

Saint Germain has established strict military command in our solar system. This military zone regulates who is allowed to come in and out of our solar system. The sole purpose of the military zone is to liberate Earth and humanity. Saint Germain was a military General in a past incarnation and this is the experience he is using. This aspect does not have to do with his incarnation as the French ‘Count of Saint Germain’.

A military intervention in accordance with the Galactic Codex is taking place. Most of our solar system is cleared. There was an ancient network in India and Africa (author’s note: read the latest situation update from Jan 13, 2024 for more about this). This network is mostly cleared and will be gone in a few weeks time. The last remnants of darkness are thus below the surface of the Earth, and on it.


The Light Forces can manifest easily. Subquantum and quantum anomaly makes it necessary to put in more effort in order to manifest anything.

There are just 3 steps in manifestation:

1. Decision (works from the mental plane). Cobra said we should have as much clarity as possible about what we want to create, else we will manifest confusion. We need to sharpen our focus. Making a more powerful decision on what we want to manifest will make our manifestation better. We need to have focus and dedication and make a decision on exactly when and how we want to manifest something. This will make it easier to manifest it.

2. Invocation (works from the emotional plane). We need to put emotional energy into what we want to manifest. We need to fantasize about it, we need to desire it, we need to have a yearning for it.

3. Physical action (to move from the emotional plane to the physical plane).

We need to repeat the above 3 steps to manifest anything.

Cobra joked that we are teaching Saint Germain how to manifest because he needs to take physical action.

The only catch with manifestation is in how much time it takes. This is because of the distorted state of the space-time continuum on the surface of the planet. To take an example, it only takes a few minutes to manifest a bottle of water. One needs to make a decision to manifest a bottle of water, have a desire for it, and finally move one’s hand towards the bottle. The Ascension conference took 1-2 months to manifest, while the Event is taking a few decades to manifest. 

Manifestation will stop if you give up before something has finished manifesting. Hence, the key of manifestation is to never give up. To repeat, there are only 3 steps in manifestation:

a) Decision

b) Invocation

c) Physical action.

The fine print (or the ‘catch’) with manifestation is how long it takes to manifest something. However If one follows the above 3 steps, it is a guarantee that you will get that.

Unfortunately the Dark Forces also learnt these techniques for manifestation. They attended mystery schools where they were taught this. Those working for the Light can have better manifestation than the dark ever could. It took the Dark Forces 250 years to manifest the New World Order. On the other hand, it took (author’s note: is taking) Cobra just 4 decades (40 years) to manifest the Event. This proves that manifesting something which is in accordance with the Light is 10 times faster than the Dark. Manifesting something which is in accordance with the Light is also 10 times more powerful.

The only strength of the Dark Forces is in their numbers. The Lightworkers’ strength is in their connection to Light. The Light will win, and Cobra could prove this by showing graphs with the arrow of time, law of entropy, etc. It is a law of physics that Light always eventually wins. Although the Light will definitely win eventually, what is left to see is:

a) How the Light will win

b) When the Light will win 

c) What happens in the meantime i.e. what happens before the Light wins

We have Free will which means we can make our own effects on the current situation.

We can repeat the cycle of ‘Decision - Invocation - Physical Action’ to manifest anything.


Instructions for ‘Demanifestation’ (i.e. the opposite to manifestation) were also given. For instance, one could make a Decision to remove a cancer from their body. Then, for the Invocation step, we can visualize how the cancer is going away from our body. Finally, for the physical action step, one can go to doctors, healers, etc.

Contract Revocation

Anybody who wanted to come here had to sign a contract to work for the Dark Forces. So we have to cancel any contracts we made with the Dark Forces. If the Dark Forces tried to use these contracts against us they would find that the contracts were null & void and were legally unenforceable. Here is the exact text of the contract revocation protocol that was shown to us. We said this out loud 3 times together:


In the name of I am that I AM,

In the name of the Divine Soul Presence that I Am,

In the name of all Ascended Beings of Light,

In the name of the Galactic Confederation, 

In the name of the Galactic centre, 

I decree and command to cancel and nullify all my past, present and future contracts and agreements made between any part of my being and the dark forces. 

All these contracts and agreements and all their consequences are now completely erased from my reality. 

I am now free, all the karma of my whole being is now erased as well.

I am a free sovereign being of Light, from now until eternity.

So be it, and so it is. (author’s note: we said this line 3 times each time we repeated the message, So it was like - So be it, and so it is. So be it, and so it is. So be it, and so it is.) 

In Light,

*Speak or Sign your name here*

) x 3

We can also say the contract revocation protocol aloud three times in times of distress.

Keys to manifest easier

Cobra gave us two techniques to make manifestation easier:

1. The large amount of quantum and subquantum anomaly on the planet can create too much blockage in manifesting something. In such a situation one should drop what they are trying to manifest for some time (i.e. let it go). Then one should make a stronger decision and try again. This starts a new cycle of manifestation. Cobra gave the example of the Phoenix Ascension Conference, in which it was needed to let go and start a new cycle of manifestation and then things became easier.

2. Do not try to solve every part of a complex problem all at once. Choose a tiny part of the problem and focus on resolving that first. This creates a positive resonance field. Then take the next small part of the problem and solve that. Repeat this until you have solved the whole problem. This ensures that you send repeated harmonious messages into the quantum field, which aids in manifestation.

Ceremony to Manifest Abundance by St. Germain

I AM invoking the presence of Saint Germain to bring abundance to me, my loved ones, and to all of humanity. So be it, and so it is. So be it, and so it is. So be it, and so it is.

Bring Saint Germain’s divine presence in the form of a body of white light to above your crown chakra. Bring it down until it merges with your physical body. I AM Saint Germain. Form 3 circles around the table and hold hands. Put silver on the table one by one and in silence. Then ask Saint Germain to multiply the abundance on the table a 1000 times, etc. until the whole planet is filled with abundance. Then go back and pick up what you put on the table and then go back and sit down.


- Myanmar has vortexes but they are not purified and not activated.

- Divine Masculine vortexes in the US will only be activated when the time is right (i.e. they will not be activated right now). Cobra gave us a hint that the Divine Masculine vortexes are found in major US Mountain ranges.

- The communication between the Pleiadians and Russians has almost completely collapsed. The communication with the Aldebarans is such that they only receive a few brief messages in order to calm down international conflicts.

- The work of the Light Forces in Congo has expanded to all of sub-Saharan Africa.

- Romania has important vortexes, but a lot needs to be done there. SOTR groups need to be formed there. The situation in Florida is better (author’s note: Cobra meant that the situation in Florida is better than the situation in Romania).

- The Event will happen before the Solar Flash.

- Jesus’ birthday is around the spring Equinox.

- Ukraine is an occult war between Light and Dark. Cobra gave it a 30% chance for the Ukraine war to end in a few months time.

- There was a question about the Lyran race. Cobra answered that Lyra is not one of the main locations where the human race originated from. Lyrans are more involved with angelic evolution. It is involved with bringing angelic presence into human light bodies.

- There are many incarnated Reptilians in humanoid bodies in Myanmar, hence there is lots of war and human sacrifice there.

Galactic Wave of Love, Galactic Superwave, & Solar Flash

The Galactic Wave of Love is necessary for a peaceful transition. Positive Light groups are waiting for it to happen, but enough anomaly needs to be cleared first. On the surface of the planet, Arizona is the key place for the Galactic Wave of Love to enter. Arizona has a long history of Pleiadian bases and the Pleiadians have prepared the ground work here. Cobra already mentioned Phoenix, Tucson and Sedona being the main vortexes in Arizona. The energetic trigger for the US will be the trigger for the entire planet’s liberation next year.

We need now to connect with our own Higher Self/Soul Presence.

Meditation to connect with our Higher Self

Close your eyes and watch your breath coming in and out. As you breathe in, you breathe in brilliant white light. As you breathe out, you breathe out brilliant white light.

Now visualize a sphere of brilliant white light 5 inches above the top of your head. Put all your focus into that sphere of light. This is the location of your soul star chakra. The soul star chakra is the portal for the Soul to manifest in this reality. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred word ‘OM’ out loud once. (Author’s note: It should sound like ‘OOOOOOOOO-MMMM’).

Now put your awareness into your heart chakra. Call upon your soul star chakra from your heart chakra. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred word ‘OM’ once out loud.

Now reply from your soul star chakra. Put your awareness into your soul star chakra and bless your personality with the light coming from your soul star chakra. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred word ‘OM’ once out loud.

Now put your awareness into your heart chakra. Call upon your soul star chakra from your heart chakra. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred word ‘OM’ once out loud.

Now reply from your soul star chakra. Put your awareness into your soul star chakra and bless your personality with the light coming from your soul star chakra. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred word ‘OM’ once out loud.

Now put your awareness into your heart chakra. Call upon your soul star chakra from your heart chakra. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred word ‘OM’ once out loud.

Now reply from your soul star chakra. Put your awareness into your soul star chakra and bless your personality with the light coming from your soul star chakra. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred word ‘OM’ once out loud.

(Repeat the above 2 steps for some time)



Sit in silence and integrate these energies into your being. You can open your eyes after 10 minutes of doing the above steps. You can do this meditation to connect to your Higher Self. Connecting to your Higher Self is the key channel to planetary liberation.

ATVOR/Ascension Protocol

ATVOR technology is an advanced form of the pillar of Light technology. It is an old Atlantean technology. It brings Light from higher to lower dimensions and from space to the surface of the Earth. The energy grid on the surface of the planet is very distorted. The ATVOR technology needs to push through those distortions to reach us. Hence, the Light Forces have combined ATVOR technology with Mjolnir technology in order to counteract the quantum anomaly and Lurker. Mjolnir technology is quantum cannon technology. Combining ATVOR with Mjolnir technology has many benefits. These include: 

a) The Light Forces can increase the power of ATVOR by combining it with Mjolnir

b)  This combination can heal us

c) It can help individuals achieve Ascension. It can can eventually teleport us from the surface of the Earth

Each person has their own pillar of Light mothership. We each have our own individual platform sending us a pillar of Light. There are a few beings of Light in each person’s mothership and they try to help our life situation. However, there are 2 major obstacles in this regard:

1) The amount of anomaly on the surface of the planet is too high. This causes less of the ATVOR technology to reach the surface.

2) Other humans' free will is turned against the Light. Other beings are not following their inner guidance.

While using the ATVOR technology some people either experienced profound healing, some people felt helped sometimes, and some people felt nothing. 

Cobra strongly recommended to use the ATVOR meditation/technology while being away from other human beings. This is because there could be anomaly, or the Lurker, etc. in other humans’ shadow selves that could negatively impact the ATVOR technology’s effectiveness. Other people could have energy blockages due to the Lurker. We were told by Cobra to go into nature with no humans around and then use the Command 12 21 protocol. The Command 12 21 team is not yet at a stage where they can work in crowded situations. 

Light Body

Our Light Body can be activated through advanced ATVOR technology. This could allow us to reach a stage of superconductivity and become an Ascended being. Ascension has two aspects:

1) Spiritual aspect. This entails the expansion and transformation of our consciousness.

2) Technological aspect. This relates to ATVOR. (Author’s note: Cobra has written in this article on his blog: The actual Ascension happens when we release all blockages to the energy flow and reach superconductivity of our mental, emotional, etheric, plasma and physical bodies.)

(Author’s note: Last picture is taken from here which Cobra had also posted in this article on his blog.) 

Notice the stargate in the middle of the torus in all pictures. Cobra told us that the torus is the same structure as what the spaceships use.

Ashtar command entered our solar system in 1953. It comprises ascended and non-ascended beings who are in space and are working for planetary liberation of earth. Saint Germain is working on the surface of the planet while Ashtar command is working from space. Ashtar Command will greatly increase their presence in our solar system in the next few months. They will also greatly increase the intensity of their presence here.

ATVOR Evacuation

Cobra showed us the above image. It accurately depicts what humanity’s evacuation will look like just before the Polar shift/Galactic Superwave. Cobra told us not to have any fear while we are in the teleportation beam, because ATVOR will intensify the fear. 99% of those who remain on the surface of the planet will die. Only those in Islands of Light will survive. The more advanced humans will be taken to the Pleiades, while the vast majority of humans will go to Aldebaran. After the polar shift only those who are completely aligned with Light will return to the Earth. Earth will become a paradise planet as Earth has great potential to become so.

There will be an ‘ATVOR Ray Initiation’ offered in future conferences (after it has been developed).

ATVOR Meditation

Connect and merge with energy by breathing Ashtar command in and out. Visualize a pillar of sky blue light from Ashtar Command’s mothership coming from the sky into your body and going to the center of the Earth. Also visualize another pillar of sky blue light coming from the center of the Earth, going through your body, and up into the sky. Experiment with sky blue colored light and white colored light. Cobra said that both can be used.

“I call upon the Pillar of Pure White Light to descend upon me and to form around me.

I call upon the Presence of the I Am That I Am. I ask the Presence of the I Am That I Am to join and merge with me.” (say this three times out loud, then visualize the pillars and sit in silence with your eyes closed)

 (You can try replacing ‘Pure White Light’ with ‘Sky Blue Light’)

Bubble of Light

The same energy of ATVOR can be used to create a bubble to protect you.

Visualize a bubble of blue light surrounding you as a protective field. You can use this for getting basic protection anywhere. Cobra gave examples of using this while going in and out of a room, in and out of a car, etc.

You can say the following three times out loud:

“May a bubble of light surround me. May its light shield and protect me from all negative energies. And so it is”.


- On the Event and Solar Flash timelines: The Plan is changing all the time due to free will. What’s now certain is that the accelerated version (author’s note: of the Plan) will not work well on humans. Cobra said that there will be a time interval between the Event process/Ascension process and the Galactic Superwave/Pole Shift. 

- The Light Forces’ ships find it hard to even reach near the moon. The Dark Forces’ ships are crude but have better operation near the surface of the Earth i.e. better operation in anomaly. This is because the Dark Forces have spent a lot of time working on their technology as well.

- We are in a hostage situation. If the Light Forces try to do First Contact today, the Dark Forces will attack us.

- If we were to observe an Archon, it could take the shape of a snake/spider/different insects/animals, etc.

- The best way to heal ourselves before the Event is to align Eastern techniques to purify our energy field with Western medicine. We need to blend technology with healing work, i.e. East and West.

Return of the Goddess

Goddess Energy is the most important energy needed on the surface of the Earth. The rest of the Universe is almost balanced as regards to Masculine and Feminine energies. The balance of Masculine and Feminine energy is distorted only on Earth. Goddess energy is present throughout the galaxy, as well as in the center of the galaxy.

The best way to bring Goddess energy is for women to anchor Goddess presence within their bodies. Goddess energy on the surface has been suppressed following 3 waves of Archon invasion. The 1996 Archon invasion almost erased Goddess energy on Earth. The 2004 and 2012 Venus transits of the Sun were extremely important to bring Goddess energy.

Goddess energy is soft but extremely powerful. It is the most powerful energy. It will defeat the cabal. Cobra compared Goddess energy’s power to that of the energy of water. (Author’s note: Imagine what water looks like - extremely soft when you touch it, but it can be extremely powerful when it flows).

The energy of beauty has been distorted by mass media. Understanding of beauty was lost. We lost the appreciation of art, music, and dance through the doorway (author’s note: through the gate) of feminine body.

There are many distortions on what passes for beauty now. Feminine beauty is expressed through the heart and through the soul presence. It is not expressed through what fashion magazines say it is. Feminine beauty manifests itself from within. The energy of beauty will return because the archetype of beauty is coming from the Soul.

SOTR groups need to bring back Goddess Energy. ISIS Astara was a high priestess. Despite her passing, she is working from the other side. She is guiding the SOTR even more intensely from there. The energy of real sisterhood does not include any jealousy or envy. It includes harmony, cooperation and inspiration.

Goddess Temples & Feminine Sexual Energy

Lightworkers need to anchor more Goddess energy on the surface of the planet. For this purpose, more Goddess temples need to be built. There are only two basic requirements for a Goddess Temple:

1) It has to be a physical space

2) It has to be open to the public at least once per week

In the temple you can have meditation, dance, music, or any other form of manifestation of Goddess energy.

There are already Goddess temples in places like Japan, Asia, and the US. India had many ancient temples with Goddess energy. But Cobra said that we need to bring new Goddess energy and so we need to make new Goddess temples. It does not matter whether our Goddess temple is a small room or is a large villa. Cobra joked that there is no excuse now, we have learnt how to manifest even a large villa for a Goddess temple.

Cobra said that Goddess energy needs to be anchored on the physical plane. The matrix has brought many layers of programming over thousands of years. This has suppressed feminine sexual energy.

Cobra said that the fast path to Ascension is to activate Kundalini energy. However, humanity will not be taking this path. Instead, we will be taking the slow road which is more long but less risky.

Cobra said that we need to greatly increase Goddess Energy on the surface of the planet. This will also greatly accelerate the movement towards the Age of Aquarius. The Goddess Leyline activates the Age of Aquarius. (Author’s note: Refer to the part of Day 2 notes relating to the US total solar eclipse activating the Goddess equator in the US).

Goddess Ceremony

In the build up to the Goddess Ceremony, we were shown the music video of the song ‘Rose’ by Ayla Schafer. You can watch it here:

Ayla Schafer "Rose" Official Video

This was followed by a ceremony for the Return of the Goddess. (Author’s note: I believe the ceremony is taken from this book called ‘Return of the Goddess’ by Elixirs de Sagesse. I believe Cobra had posted this book on his blog sometime ago). The ceremony was apparently also performed by Goddesses in India, China, and other parts of the world, at the same time.

End of the Conference

Cobra said we’re almost there, time remaining for the Event is very less now.

After the Event, we will have much much more abundance than we currently do. Cobra said that if the Light Forces wish to manifest something, they can easily do it. That’s because there is no anomaly present except on the Earth. Cobra joked that after the liberation of Earth we will have so much abundance that we can choose whether we want a bathtub made of white quartz or rose quartz:

Cobra told us not to share the link to The Portal blog with those who are not open to receiving it.

1) The Portal blog:

2) Sisterhood of the Rose:

3) Tachyon products/Tachyon chambers:

4) Cintamani stones: 

5) Galactic Cintamani stones:

Author’s note: the following links may be useful to you as well.

6) We Love Mass Meditation (monthly meditations for Israel-Gaza conflict, etc.):

7) Monthly Ascended Master & Stellar Healing Rays: (link keeps getting updated every month on

Cobra’s advice for those at level 1 of Ray Initiations was to keep practicing the rays everyday.

The Light is returning to the surface of the Earth after more than 25,000 years and this time it will stay here forever. (There was lots of applaud from the audience)

Concluding slides depicted lots of drawings of Pleiadians and some other Galactics including Arcturians, etc. Illustrating that we are going to be reunited soon as one big Galactic family.

Everything was impossible until someone did it. We will make the impossible possible.

We sang and vigorously danced to the following song-

Victory of the Light 432Hz

And then Cobra shouted ‘Victory of the Light’ 7-8 times with the audience also cheering and shouting the same. There was lots of enthusiasm among everyone.

This was the end of the conference.

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