Victory of the Love

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to "happen" on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. For advice on how you can bring the Light before the Event, you can refer to this article and this article.

Less than 24 hours ago, Pluto at 1°13' Aquarius made an exact heliocentric Trine with the center of the M87 galaxy (1°14' Libra). It resulted in an exact Grand Trine between Pluto, M87 galaxy, and Alcyone (our local central sun in the Pleiades). This is an extremely rare aspect. The last time when Pluto made any exact heliocentric aspect with the M87 galaxy was in February 2009. At that time it made a square with M87.

Below is an astro wheel showing the configuration that just took place. Note that this is a heliocentric chart (i.e. from the perspective of the Sun).

This configuration must undoubtedly have been a huge deal for our Solar system. Perhaps as a result of this, I finally acted on something important today. You might have felt the Love energies in your lives too. 

The above configuration (Pluto exactly trine M87 galaxy) shall also take place geocentrically on January 6, 2025 at 5:16 am EST. Its astro wheel is shown below. We can see an exact Grand Trine of Pluto, M87, and Alcyone.

At almost the same time, Neptune shall be exactly at the midpoint of Uranus & Pluto.

Pluto's Grand trine with M87 and Alcyone shall most probably be accompanied by a pulse of the Galactic heart. The pulse of the Galactic heart will travel first through the M87 galaxy. Then it shall pass through the Galactic Central Sun of our galaxy. From there it will travel to our physical Sun and to the six pointed star mandala of planets. They together shall create a harmonic resonance wave felt by everyone in our Solar system. And this harmonic resonance wave will trigger the Event on the surface of the Earth. 

The Galactic heartbeat takes place twice every 26,000 years. It is always accompanied by a Wave of Cosmic Love. 

We know that the Galactic pulse has to happen within the 1975-2025 timeframe. This is because the Winter solstice Sun is completely aligned with the Galactic equator right now. The Winter solstice Sun is only aligned with the Galactic Equator during the time window in which the Galactic pulse takes place.

Right before Pluto makes an exact trine with M87 galaxy, it makes an exact trine with Alcyone. This occurs on December 5, 2024 at 10:37 pm EST. It shall also be accompanied by a harmonious Grand Trine of Pluto, Alcyone & M87.

Pluto exactly trine Alcyone previously took place during the Portal of Light activation on May 1, 2023.


Below is a wheel of the exact Grand Trine of Pluto, Alcyone & M87 which occurred on May 1, 2023:

Coming back to Pluto and M87; we noted that they make an exact geocentric trine on January 6 at 5:16 am EST. At the same time, a six pointed star mandala of planets forms around the Sun. This mandala comprises of Earth, Mars, Venus, Uranus, Saturn, Pluto, Mercury, Juno, & Vesta. Venus at 0°10' Gemini will be exactly conjunct Alcyone (0°20' Gemini) and Sedna (0°43' Gemini). Vesta at 6°24' Libra will be conjunct the center of M87 galaxy (1°14' Libra).

M87 galaxy had sent us a pulse of pure Galactic Love energy on December 21, 2020 (and also on May 1, 2023). The pulse on December 21, 2020 lasted for 10-15 seconds.

December 21, 2020 also saw a heliocentric Grand Trine of Pluto, Alcyone & M87. However, the Grand Trine was not as strong as that of May 1, 2023 (or January 5/6, 2025). Despite this, it was able to instantly remove 10% of primary anomaly accumulated close to the surface of Earth.

There is another important aspect happening around January 5/6. On January 4, 2025, Earth makes an exact heliocentric conjunction with the star Sirius at 8:13 am EST. We know that a 50-year Sirius pulse is about to occur in 2025. Sirius pulse occurs every 50 years when Sirius A and B are at maximum separation from each other. The last Sirius pulse was in 1975 and it opened the Ascension window for Earth. The Earth-Sirius heliocentric conjunction might facilitate the Sirian Love pulse to accompany the Cosmic and Galactic Love pulses.

Our Sun and the six pointed star mandala of planets shall be the Portals through which the Cosmos finally penetrates the Veil. Cosmic Love and Light shall reach the surface of the Earth after 26,000 years, stripping away all remaining darkness. Thus, darkness shall cease to exist everywhere in the Cosmos, from here till eternity.


The following meditation was posted on The Portal. It is very beautiful and can be used to connect with Aion, Iona, M87 galaxy and the energy of the Event flash.

There are more signs telling us that the breakthrough is now imminent:

Victory of the Light & Victory of the Love!


  1. I remember this meditation for the Galaxy M87, which is the source of galactic love for this sector of the universe. Your post is very good, enlightening, thank you. We remain confident with the best prospects. ✨️🪽✨️

    1. Glad to hear you remember it Uilian! Indeed we remain confident and look forward to what's soon to come!

  2. Yes I felt it a few days before and after but the climax I couldn't ignore it I felt happy, I had no reason to be, it was powerful, and at the same time how could I have missed it I was born on October 9th and I'm Libra ascendant Libra, I had started my astral chart a long time ago but I didn't continue, it's too complicated for me 😅 but it's true there are many things connected to the stars and certain aspects of my life are inscribed in the stars.

  3. This post says that the ascension window will not close in 2025, that it will remain permanently open. So we wait for the event as for salvation....


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