Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Victory of the Ascended Masters

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to "happen" on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. Please cultivate your own inner guidance. For advice on how you can bring the Light before the Event, you can refer to this article and this article.

Update January 16:

See the new Portal diagram.

Firstly, congratulations are due for the huge ceasefire deal between Israel & Hamas:

The end of the Portal of Preparedness will introduce a new Portal just before the activation of Portal 12:21. My latest understanding of this new Portal is as shown below. 

This Portal will begin on January 21st (closing of Portal of Preparedness), have its turning point on May 12th (Wesak Full Moon), and culminate on August 21st with the opening of the 12:21 Ascension Portal.

Notice how there are exactly 212 days in this portal, which points to "21:12". There are exactly 111 days between January 21st and May 12th, another very strong Angel number. And there are 101 days between May 12 and August 21, which reminds us of "10 01" (Angel number as well).

If you want to further explore the astrology of this Portal, you can look at one of my previous posts for key dates:

This year's Wesak Full Moon (on May 12, 2025) is extremely significant. It is not just the Wesak Full Moon, but also the day of exact heliocentric Grand Trine of Pluto, M87 Galaxy, and Alcyone (conjunct Sedna):

The above Grand Trine has already sent us many pulses of Galactic Love in the past:

The same configuration happens geocentrically on February 6, August 9, and December 14. However, there is only one heliocentric Grand Trine, and it is on May 12.

We can see a heliocentric six pointed star mandala of planets on May 12:

This configuration facilitate pulses from the Galactic Central Sun:

Everybody on Earth shall receive Galactic & Cosmic Love coming from the Pleroma (Galactic Central Sun) & M87 Galaxy:


We can also take note of the following heliocentric aspects on May 12:

  • Exact quincunx between Uranus and the Galactic Central Sun. It shall amplify the energy of that time. 
  • Conjunction of Venus with the Galactic Central Sun. It shall bring further Goddess energy.
  • Haumea semisextile M87 Galaxy (Haumea at 2 degrees 12 minutes Scorpio and M87 at 2 degrees 14 minutes Libra).
  • Neptune on the cusp of Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac. It will enter Aries on May 23rd.

The above aspects will allow the Galactic Goddess to arrive on Earth:

Arizona will be the key place for the Galactic Love energy to enter:

Today's US Debt Clock Tweet shows the pulse from the Galactic Central Sun. It also shows the planets which will form a mandala around the Sun. The word "Revolution" has been used to describe the sudden nature of the pulse. The Galactic Pulse will destroy the old financial system whose basis was the suppression of female sexual energy:

Interestingly, US Debt Clock tweeted about "The New Kingdom" exactly one year before the Wesak Full Moon of 2025. They have also included a quote from Psalm 113:5 about the Victory of the Lord (Source). The timestamp of their tweet is the 1:11 Angel number:

We can see the Bill of Rights in the background of the above tweet. The United States Constitution will be fully implemented on May 12, completely erasing the dark forces in the US (and on Earth):

"COBRA Basically it was not successful enough because the bloodlines still ruled behind the scenes or sometimes even directly – it was not what they hoped for so they – the Light Forces – created a more thorough plan which they carried out through certain positive Freemason groups and that actually started in France – in the year 1775. That was a decisive year because there were certain lodges created in Paris and St. Germain was the force behind those lodges – in connection when Benjamin Franklin – that started this independence movement within the United States and the Constitution of the United States was stated in a way that if it would be completely respected, it would erase the Cabal from the United States. And this is why the Cabal is so allergic to the Constitution because it protects the sovereign individual and it protects the sovereign state based on a group of sovereign individuals and this particular project of the Light Forces was successful to a certain degree and without that project we would be in the Middle Ages right now."

Hence, on the day of the Wesak Full Moon, the Ascended Masters will gather at Mt Kailash in Tibet:

"This is the time of Wesak, which is a period of spiritual blessing for humanity and an outpouring of Light for the entire planet. The main vortex for this is centered in the Himalayan mountains where many Initiates and Masters will gather to anchor the Light for the Earth at this time of the full moon in May. Although according to some traditions Wesak festival has already happened at the full moon in April, a very strong outpouring of Light always happens during the full moon in May."

There they shall complete the process of Antarion conversion:

"Extraordinary inflow of energies through the Antarion grid will create a sudden shift of whole Earth towards the etheric plane at the closing of 11:11. At that time energy from the Galactic Central Sun will come directly towards Earth. At that moment the last remnant of the astral cloud, which has surrounded Earth before will be removed. Ascended Masters who will gather in the Wesak Valley at the sacred mountain Kailas in Tibet will make a final anchoring in the spiral of Oneness. That moment means the birth of New Earth and completion of the Antarion conversion. And path home, into the Galactic Oneness, will be open and sparkling as never..."

(Replace "closing of 11:11" with "turning point of the aforementioned Portal")

Notice how they will convene on May 12 which is the turning point of the aforementioned Portal. Hence, the day of the Wesak Full Moon is a perfect reflection of Antarion Conversion.

You would remember that the Earth-Moon plasma doorway opens on the full moon:

"When the Earth-Moon plasma doorway is open, both the presence of Light and clearing of darkness get magnified."

Some quotes about the Wesak Full Moon from past years are below:

From 2023: "Wesak full Moon on May 5th will be the moment when the connection of Ascended beings with the surface of the planet will be the strongest".

From 2020: "The relationship between 2020 and 2025 and how the Event ties into all this needs to remain veiled for now. The only thing I can say is that the full Moon of May 7th (Wesak Full Moon of 2020) is the trigger through which Archangel Metatron will activate our Solar System into an Ascension portal connected to Galactic Center, with the exception of sublunar space and planet Earth itself, which still need to remain buffered to a degree."
(Also observe how the Portal 2025 post was made almost exactly on the Wesak Full Moon of 2020).

So, on the Wesak Full Moon of 2025, the Ascended Masters will finally be able to arrive to surface of the Earth. They will begin to disseminate their teachings after the Galactic Love energy gets anchored. Their teachings haven't been present on the surface for a long while:

Thus, we will begin to merge with our Angelic Presence:

"Merge with your inner being, with your Angelic presence. In mediations you can visualize an Angelic being, in a humanlike body. Look into his eyes and feel Love which flows between you. Let the Angel communicate you the Angelic name, this is also your name, because you are one with this Angel. Lift with him among the Stars, flow in the ocean of Cosmic Love and merge into one being. Then you can visualize how you return to Earth, merged with Angel in One. 

In everyday life, remember of that as much as possible. Become Angelic being. Feel the Angelic energy inside yourself and spread it around into your neighborhood. Use your Starry name, because this calls for the Angelic presence."

We will connect with our Home Planet by merging with our Angelic presence:

And so the nightmare will be over, soon:

Victory of the Light!

Victory of the Love! (Aelora)

Monday, January 13, 2025

Huge timeline node from Jan 20-22, 2025, and Phoenix workshop's importance

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to "happen" on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. Please cultivate your own inner guidance. For advice on how you can bring the Light before the Event, you can refer to this article and this article.

We are approaching a huge timeline node from January 20-22, 2025. 

You might remember that we saw a similar timeline node during the time of the Presidential inauguration in 2021:

So we can follow the same instructions:

"The Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to do the Buddhic Column meditation for the continental United States every 4 hours starting from January 20th at noon EST and ending at noon EST on January 22nd.

Instructions for the meditation are here:

In addition to that, you can visualize all energies across the continental United States being purified by the Violet Flame at any moment you feel so guided, from January 20th to 22nd, and also in days before and after."

We have also called for a Mass Meditation at 12:21 pm UTC on January 21st for the tense astrological aspect of that day:

Donald Trump will safely be sworn in as President of the US on January 20th. Immediately, he will have to make a major decision. That decision will be whether or not he wants to cooperate with the Aldebarans. This will directly determine what happens globally between January 20th to early April.

You will remember that due to China's huge strategic mistakes in 2024, the Light Forces have chosen the United States as the country which will create the breakthrough. This would include the Aldebarans working with the Trump administration to reveal the truth of their existence:

"Since China made some huge strategic mistakes during 2024, the Light forces have decided to support the United States to be the country which will create the breakthrough.

The Light forces have put their power behind Trump presidency, and many positive occult Templar groups were meditating for fair elections, with Trump being elected effectively creating a positive timeline shift.

Andromedan and Aldebaran infiltration is taking place in the USA also, and they have communicated that they may contact Trump or Musk directly."

Donald Trump plans to take America into the Golden Age:

His future administration has by now probably been made aware of the Aldebaran presence:

"This Aldebaran military network will serve as the backbone of the new Quantum financial system, in the same way as US military bases worldwide are now backing the petrodollar.

OGA and AFOSI have been given irrefutable proof that the plan of the Aldebarans is real and that it is going to happen."

The Aldebarans are emerging onto the surface from their underwater and underground locations, including in the United States:

From one version of the Taiwan workshop notes:

"If cooperation happens with Trump, the Aldebarans will quickly have a team of thousands of people come to the surface and reveal part of the truth in a very short time. If cooperation does not happen, then the Aldebarans can only roll up their sleeves and do it themselves.

Once cooperation is reached with the Aldebarans, they will come to the surface to reveal the truth as quickly as possible, so we need to visualize the cooperation between the Aldebarans and Trump."

As a result, the dark forces must be extremely afraid. The United States used to be the main stronghold of the dark forces. It remains the final country yet to be liberated. 

My take is that the Los Angeles fire was the final act of desperation from the interplanetary Jesuits before their complete and final removal on January 11th. Fulford's latest article is spot on:

The dark forces have also been pressurizing Trump with nuclear weapons to prevent him from cooperating with the Aldebarans:

"The Zionist faction has started to pressure Trump with hidden nuclear weapons:

Most of the mysterious drones currently swarming USA are actually nuclear sniffers, trying to find those hidden nukes:"

The decision President Trump makes about the Aldebarans will determine the timeline for entire planet's liberation:

"Depending on Trump's free will and other factors involved, the situation can take a negative turn, or a positive one. The critical time to determine this will be the second part of January."

And by the way, those of you who fear that President Trump has been cloned need to realize that cloning has been stopped completely since a few years. So there are no Trump clones, just body doubles. This means that there is only 1 person with the Soul of Donald Trump, and he will be inaugurated on January 20th. We need to treat Donald Trump as 1 person instead of worrying about how many body doubles he has.

I know I have previously said that the Event does not depend on who is the President of the US. Even though that statement is true, sometimes we come across moments where key people can directly shape the liberation timeline. We stand at another such moment right now. In the past, key people made mistakes during such moments. This is why we are still awaiting liberation despite many opportunities from 1995 till now.

However, this time is different. This is because the exopolitical situation is much better today than anytime prior. MOSS (Multidimensional Operations Solar System) seems to be extremely close to completion with L2 Lagrange Point remaining as the last barrier. I'm confident that the situation inside L2 Lagrange Point is going to be dealt with very soon, if not already. Sublunar Operations also seem to be proceeding very well, with Pleiadians permanently anchored in the stratosphere. Victory of the Light is imminent, with all negative exopolitical factions (e.g. the Chimera, the Illuminati Breakaway complex, the dark Atlanteans, the negative Agarthans, the interplanetary Jesuits) having finally been removed. The Lurker has been disentangled from surface humans and also from the dark forces. The negative military's exotic weapons are being dealt with, including sublimation of their black stones.

All this means that the exopolitical pressure on President Trump would be much lighter than anytime before. He needs to use his 'Art of the Deal' to align himself with the huge Aldebaran military presence on the surface. The Light Forces have been supporting the positive military inside the Pentagon as the main White hat faction. President Trump can choose to surround himself with those aligned with the Light Forces (the Aldebarans) within his military. Together, they can easily counter the negative military and any other dark force networks. They can finally 'drain the swamp' i.e. defeat the Lurker's subquantum anomaly swamp.

I reviewed my 2024 Phoenix conference notes and found an extremely powerful configuration which I had totally neglected up till now. This configuration is of a geocentric Yod (Finger of God) among the outermost planets of Sedna, Neptune & Haumea. It will be active from end of March to September. Uranus & Alcyone will add to this Yod by conjuncting with Sedna. Uranus, Neptune & Pluto will additionally also make their own minor grand trine during this time period. 

Ephemeris lines of Sedna, Neptune & Haumea are shown below. We can see them converging from end of March to September:

These people on Reddit were the only people I found talking about this Yod (apart from Cobra conferences):

The astrology of March 29, 2025 is extremely explosive. The following configurations stand out:

  • Sedna-Neptune-Haumea Yod
  • Solar Eclipse over the former location of Atlantis (Atlantic Ocean)
  • Sedna Alcyone conjunction (happens every 20,000 years)
  • Neptune entering Aries
  • Quadruple Mercury-Neptune-Venus-Lunar Node conjunction

This means that President Trump can either work with the Aldebarans and together they can reveal the truth in March or April. Otherwise, the Aldebarans will be forced to reveal the truth in April or May (or later), with great astrological configurations supporting them.

I know there have just been conferences in Taiwan and Kyoto. Many people would have already experienced the Portal 2025 workshop content. They would also have spent money and energy in traveling. That being said, if we have a big enough show of strength at the Phoenix workshop, we can co-create a positive timeline for the United States. This will undoubtedly impact the liberation of the entire planet. To take one example, the first time that the Light was anchored on the physical plane since 1996 was in Sedona, 1 day prior to the workshop there. 

Hence, your participation in the Phoenix workshop will aid the Light Forces in anchoring the Light in the Phoenix booster vortex and the United States. This can tip the balance in favor of President Trump cooperating with the Aldebarans, which will make the Event process much more harmonious (and perhaps even expedite it by a month or two).

Many people have worked very hard to anchor as much Light as possible in the United States in 2024. For example, Cintamani and Galactic Cintamani stones were planted to activate the Dragon leylines in the West Coast and the Goddess equator in the East Coast. A number of new Tachyon Chambers were opened in key vortexes, e.g. Sedona. Sisterhood of the Rose groups were also formed or strengthened. Soul Family groups began to be formed as well.

In my understanding, Phoenix is the Resistance Movement's codeword for the liberation of the physical plane of the planet. And Arizona is the key place for the Galactic Wave of Love to enter (a vital aspect of the Event). You might also remember the Phoenix Lights:

"Phoenix is a very powerful double Ascension / Goddess vortex and many interesting things happened in the area:"

I personally saw my first ever Light Space Ships last year in Phoenix, after the first day of the conference. Many other conference attendees had their own such experiences too. I also saw many Light Space Ships in the sky each time I subsequently visited Phoenix (3 times last year). In short, Phoenix is a great place for First Contact to occur.

Thus, it would be of the highest purpose for great numbers of people to attend the upcoming Phoenix workshop to anchor as much Light in the United States around the time of this timeline node. If you cannot take time off from work or have other obligations, you can drive/fly to Phoenix on Friday (Jan 31st) and leave on Saturday night. You do not need to spend much money apart from flight/gas, workshop ticket, and 1 day of accommodation. There are a number of tickets left, so you can still grab yours.

Phoenix workshop:

Victory of the Light!

Friday, January 10, 2025

Kwibuka (Lest We Forget Again..)

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to "happen" on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. Please cultivate your own inner guidance. For advice on how you can bring the Light before the Event, you can refer to this article and this article.

Today is the 29th Anniversary of the Archon invasion of January 11, 1996 (also called The Great Forgetting of 1996). We stand at a moment in space & time which we will remember forever:

"The year 2025 marks the completion of a 50 year cycle that started in 1975 and it represents a dimensional doorway through which the absolute will transform all darkness of the universe and will help Earth in its transition into the fifth dimension. This is the most intensive period in our whole incarnational cycle and let's do our best since opportunity like this one only occurs once in millions of years. So let us travel together in the new world that is being born...."

The entire Galaxy (and probably even the Cosmos) has its eyes on us right now:

"Yes, of course, because every consciousness has influence on every other consciousness. I would say every cell and living organism of the galaxy has a say on what’s going on here. And as I said before, if there is healing taking place here on the surface of the planet, that creates huge waves of energy throughout the galaxy simply because the Earth is the focal point of the resolution of the cosmic anomaly. And this is not by chance that the planet Earth was chosen with a very highly evolved cosmic architect to be the focal point, the melting pot, of various races when very different, divergent galactic cultures could interact and resolve this cosmic anomaly. 

This is why everybody wanted to come here. This is why the Dracos came here. This is why the Orions came here. This is why the Pleiadians came here. This is why everybody wanted to be here to take part in this experience and, on a very deep level, everybody wanted to resolve this cosmic anomaly. 

And now we’re in the final phases so why this is happening right here is the focal point of the whole galaxy to resolve this and bring the galaxy back into balance. 

Actually, there is an old galactic prophecy of the time when the whole galaxy will be light when the galactic network of Light will be completed and planet Earth and the solar system is the last point to be included in that galactic network of Light. And everybody’s waiting for the transformation to be completely here."

As I have previously speculated, January 11, 2025 might be the last day of the interplanetary Jesuits' existence (even within L2 Lagrange Point). So, very soon, we will no longer be the Jesuits' 9-5 job slaves:

"On the physical plane the Archons are incarnated within Jesuit organization and they spiritually control their administrators (Draconian Illuminati that run the financial system), their warriors (Reptilian mercenaries that protect the Illuminati) and their slaves (humanity that works for them in their 9-5 jobs)."

The Rwandan genocide of 1994 was the dark Portal the Archons used to invade Earth:

The Archon invasion of January 11, 1996 happened because the quarantine status of planet Earth was about to end in 1995:

"Throughout the 20th century, the Confederation has been removing obstacles to the First Contact one after the other until in 1995 they were ready to make their move. This triggered a red alert among the top Archons on Earth at that time and they have decided to call in all remaining dark forces of the Galaxy to defend quarantine Earth. This resulted in the so-called Congo Archon invasion of 1996."

"Rob – Who was the dark group of beings knows as the Anchara group. Was there a peace treaty in place to stop Galactic wars. Was there a peace treaty. Who was the Anchara alliance. 

COBRA - Yes, there was a peace treaty that was signed in 1995, and as you all know the next year was the big invasion, the Archon invasion that happened on this planet. Because not all races and not all beings were happy with that treaty. Actually one large segment of negative races have crossed into the light as a result of that treaty and the other ones who did not sign the treaty were very unhappy with that treaty and they decided to invade the planet and that’s what happened in 1996."

There were very important activations of Earth's chakras taking place in late 1995 & early 1996:

"Chakras of the New Earth were experiencing their awakening and activation commencing on the 11th of November 1995, culminating on the 21st of December 1995 and concluding on the 11th of January 1996. This was the beginning of the planetary Mer-ka-ba body activation and a preparation of the planetary Light grid for the coming of the main section of the photon belt between October and December 1996."

Unfortunately, key people made wrong decisions which is why planetary liberation didn't happen 29 years ago (or in 2012, 2019, etc.):

"Between 1994 and 1996 there was a time window for a possibility for the first wave of Ascension. The probability of success was around 40% and Ascended masters did everything to make this happen. But incarnated star beings on Earth decided with their free will mainly against the Ascension waves, the key individuals have accepted incorrect decisions and so the critical mass had not been achieved. Whole project was thus postponed to a period after the public physical contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. This will ease decision for many and critical mass will be easily achieved. With the purpose of preventing the entry of humanity into a New age a cosmic stroke of evil forces happened on 11th January 1996. This was the most terrible attack on Earth in the last 25 thousand years. There was a nuclear war on etheric and astral plane that luckily did not spread towards the physical plane, since humanity used its free will to say no to a nuclear war on the physical plane. This cosmic stroke of the forces of evil has almost destroyed light on Earth. All remaining anomaly of the universe was streaming towards the Earth through infected Local logos."

The Agarthan Network was almost completely wiped out in 1996:

"Forces of darkness turned their attention to annihilation of Himalayan network which reflected on the surface as Chinese occupation of Tibet. Stroke of the dark forces in 1996 weakened Agartha dramatically and in 1999 Agartha was almost erased from its underground dwellings. Therefore at the end of 1999 very strong reinforcement of forces of light came in the shape of the resistance movement fighters from the asteroid belt and planet X."

Surface Earth humans only survived thanks to Ganymede remaining safe from the invasion, even when all other star systems were taken:

"Luckily after the 1996 invasion the main base of the Light forces on Ganymede was not taken. The Ganymede base is the location of the main interdimensional portal towards Sirius for this solar system and this portal was maintained intact throughout the invasion, holding the Light."

"You can also connect energetically in your meditations with the Ganymede Portal, as it is the strongest source of spiritual Light in our Solar System.

As the next phase of MOSS will be activated in May, the activity of the Ganymede Portal will increase dramatically. This portal will also be the main transmitter of energies from the Galactic Central Sun at the Event."

A side note about Ganymede & Charon's vital roles during the Event. They will work together in anchoring the energies of the Galactic Central Sun & M87 Galaxy respectively:

"You would be interested to know that Pluto's moon Charon is the Portal between our Solar System and M87 Galaxy. And Ganymede is the Portal between our Solar System and the Galactic Central Sun, via Sirius. So, I believe the Galactic Wave of Love will pass from the Cosmic Central Sun to various galactic clusters (including M87 Galaxy). Then from M87 Galaxy it will reach our Galactic Central Sun. From there it will go to Ganymede and Charon. From Ganymede & Charon it will be relayed to our Solar System and to planet Earth, which will not have any more dark plasma entities blocking the Galactic & Cosmic Love energies. Thus, planet Earth will finally enter Galactic confederation domain."

Even the Pleiadians were not immune to the invasion:

"For a brief period of a few years, the dark forces have managed to control most star systems in radius of 1000 light years around planet Earth, except from Sirius star system. They have even managed to invade the Pleiadian star cluster in 1996 and this is how it looked like: 

This was a great shock for the Pleiadian race as they have spent hundreds of thousands of years in peace before the invasion. 

Rigelians have even taken a a small number of Pleiadians hostage, transported them to Earth into deep military underground bases under Southwest and microchipped them. This is how it could actually look like in Dulce base somewhere in 1996 or 1997: 

Here are some more noteworthy quotes from The Portal about what happened on January 11, 1996:

"January 11th is a very powerful timeline day, and in the last few decades there were four powerful events that took place on January 11th that changed the destiny of this planet. Two of those I can mention, and they are the opening of the doorway of the 11:11 on January 11th 1992 and the Archon Invasion on January 11th 1996."

"The main occult secret that the dark forces were trying to hide is that they always had a planet where they tried to accumulate the highest amount of suffering possible and that planet served as the central point of the accretion vortex for the primary anomaly of the whole universe. This planet of suffering was in the Rigel star system in the Orion constellation until 1996 Archon invasion, and then the maximum focus of suffering was transferred to Earth and since 1996, Earth is at the central point of the primary anomaly accretion vortex for the universe."

"At the moment of the last Archon invasion in January 1996, the dark forces have created three main dark wormhole entry points to collapse the planetary Light grid. 

These three dark wormhole entry points were: 

Bukavu, Lake Kivu, Congo 
Ljubljana, Slovenia 
Santa Monica, California , USA

Ljubljana and Santa Monica were two Ascension vortexes with the most potential for Ascension on a planetary scale, and they needed to be suppressed in order for the dark forces to continue their rule."

"In 1995 we were very close to planetary breakthrough. There were many lightworkers in LA, SF, Bay Area, Mt. Shasta. However, key Lightworkers in other locations faltered. In January 1996 there was the Archon invasion. The LA vortex was invaded and suppressed during the Archon invasion. The entry point for Reptilians during the invasion was in Congo, but the emergence point for them was in LA."

It is not a surprise that they attacked the Los Angeles vortex again, to almost the exact day of January 11th.

The Great Forgetting of 1996 was extremely complete:

"During the invasion of 1996, the Archons and the Chimera have put a negative barrier at the edge of the Solar System (the heliopause). All beings contained within that barrier inside the Solar System, including all surface humans, all Cabal factions, all subterranean beings (with the exception of a very few individuals), all secret space programs personnel, all Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Arcturians, Dracos, Reptilians, Zetas and all other sentient beings whatsoever were implanted with plasma implants and tied to Chimera's AI network (the Veil). Vast majority of beings who had connection with the Ascended Masters were having that connection cut. Many memories of spiritual nature were erased with electronic dissolution of memory (EDOM). Many beings who intended to release intel to the surface population were mind programmed and in many instances false intel and memories were implanted. All channelers were implanted and most their channeling connections were severely disrupted.

Strangelet and toplet bomb mechanisms were planted if Ascended beings would reach out and make contact. This effectively made our Solar System a zone with very little Ascended contact. Event the Pleiadians within the Solar System could not reach the Ascended beings directly as the contact was extremely limited.

This is called the Great Forgetting of 1996. This forgetting was so complete that very few people actually remember their spiritual contact with their Soul and with the Ascended beings from before 1996. This forgetting was so complete that many people will have hard time comprehending what am I talking about."

"The third one is Congo invasion that happened in 1996. Dark beings entered through war-torn Congo, Rwanda and Uganda. Main focus of this invasion was on the etheric and lower astral plane. The purpose of this invasion was to destroy new age and ascension movements and to reinforce the Matrix that was already beginning to disintegrate in 1995 as a result of mass awakening on Earth. Most beings are not aware of this invasion as their memories about the Light that was present on Earth before 1996 were erased with intense implanting sessions between 1996 and 1999."

Many whistleblowers were also killed or attacked on January 11, 1996:

"After much progress has been made by the Light forces in the early 90s, the Draco alliance has decided to invade sooner and instead of the year 2000 their invasion started in late 1995. At the target date for the invasion, January 11th 1996, they decided to crush the very few people who were aware of their plans. On that particular day they killed Phil Schneider and also attacked me and some other key people. Phil Schneider was speaking openly about the underground military bases:

"The real source of darkness is namely on the plasma plane and without it, all Cabal members on Earth would be just a bunch of powerless old men. (VOTL 628 note: the Light Forces are now finally removing the axion dark matter plasma entities which are coupled with Earth's gravity).

As I am writing this, an important operation of the Light forces on the surface of the planet is healing the Congo portal, the focal point of the Archon invasion of 1996. 

The Archon invasion in 1996 has taken the lives of two very powerful Lightwarriors, both of them being removed by the Cabal on January 10th /11th 1996, the very exact same day the Cabal has threatened me :

Phil Schneider: 

Dr. Karla Turner: 

The 1996 invasion is openly mentioned in this advertisement of the new Independence Day movie: 

The advertisement link doesn't work anymore, but I was able to get it to work using Wayback machine. It was of Earth Space Defense and mentioned the "Great Alien Invasion" of 1996:

Now, exactly 29 years later, we are finally reversing the Archon invasion:

"During the Portal of Preparedness, the Light forces will begin to reawaken the surface Lightworkers back into their connection with their Star origins after many decades of sleep since the Great forgetting of 1996."

"One part of this Pleiadian fleet will start attempting strong healing sequences to many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, healing their inner child, their connection with the soul star chakra, healing their wounded heart chakra and connection between their heart chakra and sexual energy. The success of these healing sequences greatly depends on how the anomaly will react, but there have been certain successes already:

Another part of this fleet will work with the planetary energy grid by activating energy vortexes around the planet and by upgrading the Tachyon chambers, cintamani stones and moldavites to the next level.

The Light forces have also cleared most of dark matter plasmoid beings that have invaded the Solar system in 1996 and were until now hindering the progress of the Light. These beings are made of axion dark matter plasmas on physical / etheric and astral planes, are neutral by themselves but become rabid when the Lurker subquantumly entangles with them. 
This now allows a huge intake of Light into the interplanetary space, which now finally became a Galactic confederation domain.

Dark matter plasmoid beings that are gravitationally bound to Earth's gravitational well can not be fully cleared yet, and thus the Light can not yet fully penetrate closer to Earth than L2. Dark matter plasmoids closer to Earth will be cleared in the subsequent phase of the liberation operations, allowing the Light to reach the surface."

It is very fitting that the Emeralds from Shakiso, Ethiopia (Africa) will play a crucial role in reversing the invasion of 1996 (which involved Rwanda and Bukavu, Congo). The Emeralds from Shakiso, Ethiopia will form the backbone of the new financial system, which will finally liberate humanity.

Thus, the Galactic Prophecy will finally be fulfilled:

"As we are now in the Breakthrough phase, the purpose of the Alliance (another word for the allied Light forces) is to continue with the final offensive to completely liberate Sector 3. Sector 3 is the deep intel codename for the Solar System. 

The Alliance extraterrestrial forces are the master force behind the BRICS/Eastern Alliance on the surface of this planet.

After the completion of MOSS (Multidimensional Operations Solar System) and subsequent Sublunar Operations, the Event will follow. 

This will be the completion of an old prophecy which is part of the spiritual lore of the Central Civilization about the time when all darkness will disappear from the Galaxy and the Galactic network of Light will be completed."

Interestingly, the first post on The Portal with the "MOSS" tag was exactly 10 years before February 6, 2025. It was titled "Breakthrough Phase: End of Quarantine":

"At a certain point, energies of the Galactic Central Sun will burn through all obstacles of the Matrix on the astral and etheric planes and all negative entities will be removed. They will be replaced with angels and spiritual guides as one prophecy beautifully states: 

The Net Must Come Down, It Ends, Light Enters."


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Project 2227, and Galactic Wave of Love enters via Phoenix, AZ

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to "happen" on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. Please cultivate your own inner guidance. For advice on how you can bring the Light before the Event, you can refer to this article and this article.

Update January 14:

After the latest Kyoto & Taiwan conference notes were released, my understanding improved. Now I do not think that the Galactic Wave of Love will occur in February, but laterThat being said, the energy of February 6-11 period will certainly be very strong.


Small addition:

I really liked this comment on my blog. Among other things (such as the Pleiadian bases), the Sirian connection (Cintamani's being found in Arizona) is also why the Galactic Wave of Love will enter through Arizona.


The dark forces are completely freaking out because they know their time is up. The Galactic Wave of Love is about to hit us within the next few months. There is no place left for them to hide anymore. They are going to be completely stripped off the surface of the Earth (and from everywhere else). 

I expect the Jesuit interplanetary network to be fully removed by January 11, 2025 even within L2 Lagrange Point. This will enable the Agarthan Silver Fleet to take to the sky all over the Earth. Despite everything going on right now, I hope you are able to enjoy the absolutely mega energies of January 11, 2025 and beyond: (See January 10 onwards)

Here I would like to make a cryptic remark that there is a connection between Phoenix, AZ and Command 1208, as well as the Planetary Ascension Process.

Project 2227 is a tag that I found on The Portal. From my understanding, Project 2227 pertains to Cosmic Evolution. We know this from the tags in the post "Wonderland" which mentions Project 2227. The tags are "Project 2227", "Cosmic Central Race", "USAP" (Unidentified Special Access Programs) and "Operation Wonderland" (merged with LSIP BNF ANNABELLA.exe exactly 6 years ago to this day).

To decode Project 2227, we need to break it down. It breaks down as Project '22' + '27'. Note that this is just my guesswork, and I could be completely wrong about this.

  • '22' refers to the Universe entering a True Vacuum. This is represented by state '22' in the state diagram below. In short, we can see that Portal 12:21 is just a pathway to take the Universe (i.e. Cosmos) from state '11' (False Vacuum/metastable) to state '22' (True Vacuum/stable). See my post on Cosmic Evolution to further understand this.

  • '27' refers to February 7 (which can be written as 2/7). I have already postulated that the Galactic Wave of Love will hit Earth on February 6, 2025, which is just 1 day before February 7. [Update: now I do not think this will happen on February 6, but at a later date. That being said, the below astrological analysis is still completely sound.]
This is because Pluto & its moon Charon will make an exact trine with M87 Galaxy on February 6, 2025. At the same time, Neptune and Lunar Node form an exact conjunction, and they will both square the Galactic Centre:

You would be interested to know that Pluto's moon Charon is the Portal between our Solar System and M87 Galaxy. And Ganymede is the Portal between our Solar System and the Galactic Central Sun, via Sirius. So, I believe the Galactic Wave of Love will pass from the Cosmic Central Sun to various galactic clusters (including M87 Galaxy). Then from M87 Galaxy it will reach our Galactic Central Sun. From there it will go to Ganymede and Charon. From Ganymede & Charon it will be relayed to our Solar System and to planet Earth, which will not have any more dark plasma entities blocking the Galactic & Cosmic Love energies. Thus, planet Earth will finally enter Galactic confederation domain.

M87 Galaxy is the source of Galactic (& Cosmic) Love for our sector of the Universe:

"Debra: Thank you for explaining that. You've indicated that the M87 galaxy is a source of galactic love for this sector of the universe, and will play an important role at the time of the Event. Would you tell us more about the M87 galaxy? Like how is it a source of galactic love? Is it inhabited? Does it have civilizations that are highly evolved, and if so, which dimension are they living? 
Cobra: I would say there is a huge galactic network of light and love in that galaxy, which is far more evolved than the galactic network in this galaxy. And the race inhabiting that galaxy is far more evolved than the galactic race in this galaxy; I would say they're super-evolved galactic cosmic beings. In Earth terminology, I would say 11th dimension and beyond. They are super-evolved cosmic beings of light and love."

"Debra: Does the solar flash that will trigger the Event need to come through the M87 galaxy before it reaches our galactic center? Could this December flash be considered a "dress rehearsal" for the Event? 
Cobra: The cosmic flash actually originates from the Cosmic Central Sun and travels to different galactic clusters. And one of the major paths of that, how the energy travels, is through M87 galaxy towards the galactic center of this galaxy. So M87 galaxy is always included in that path because there is a very strong connection with our local galactic cluster and the Virgo galaxy cluster. So there is a strong plasma, Cosmic plasma, hyper dimensional doorway between that galactic cluster and our local galaxy cluster. Whenever there is an important occurrence in this galaxy, there is a flash which travels from the Virgo galactic cluster because Virgo galactic cluster is overseeing the evolution of local galactic cluster."

"Debra: Okay, good. Is this flash of cosmic love energy an aspect of Goddess energy? 
Cobra: It is a very high aspect of goddess energy. (Beautiful) And Goddess Iona, which came to Atlantis and brought Goddess mystery, actually originates from M87 galaxy. She came traveling through our galactic central sun of this galaxy, then visiting many planets brought Goddess mystery to many star systems, especially in this region of the galaxy until she found herself on this planet 25,000 years ago."

M87 Galaxy is the Milky Way's great great great grandmother. On February 6, 2025, M87 Galaxy shall begin to heal her greatest grandchild, The Blue Jewel (Earth):

In order for the Universe to make its Phase Transition to a True Vacuum, there needs to be a Galactic Superwave & Solar Flash. As I mention later, I'm expecting the Galactic Superwave & Solar Flash to occur in 2037. 

There is a link between Phoenix, AZ and the Galactic Wave of Love (which is different from the Galactic Superwave & Solar Flash). If you look at the tags for the post titled 'Phoenix', you will notice 'Galactic Wave' written in the tags:

You might also be interested to learn that the tag 'Phoenix' was present in the post called 'The Final Battle'. It was posted on October 10, 2020, at the height of the Galactic War. Very interestingly, the only two tags in this post are 'Pandora' and 'Phoenix'. I will explain both of them shortly.

You might also remember Operation Phoenix, which is a top secret Resistance Movement operation. My guess is that Operation Phoenix refers to liberation of the physical plane of the surface of the Earth. We know that the etheric and astral liberation operation is known as Pandora.

I'm guessing the codeword 'PHX' also refers to the word 'Phoenix'. For instance, this coded message about PHX lock secure was posted when the Chimera was just about to be defeated:

And about Command 1208 being the PHXKEY (sexual merger is the key to planetary liberation):

The PHXC protocol was activated on November 11, 2024. My guess is that this refers to the 'Phoenix Compression' protocol:

You can review the numerous posts made on The Portal within February 6-11 time window in previous years. They can be found in this post:

Some more details about the astrology of February 6-11 time period can be found below:

So, in short, Phoenix is a very important codeword, and February 6-11 time window is a very important time. Thus, Phoenix, AZ must be connected with the Resistance Movement's plan to liberate Planet Earth. That's why it has been chosen as the vortex for the Galactic Wave of Love. Another very important vortex is Sedona, AZ, which is the vortex for the New Atlantis.

In the Phoenix conference of February 3-4, 2024 we were told that Arizona is the key place for the Galactic Wave of Love:

"The Galactic Wave of Love is necessary for a peaceful transition. Positive Light groups are waiting for it to happen, but enough anomaly needs to be cleared first. On the surface of the planet, Arizona is the key place for the Galactic Wave of Love to enter. Arizona has a long history of Pleiadian bases and the Pleiadians have prepared the ground work here."

We are rapidly approaching the timeframe in which the Source will have sublimated enough of the Lurker to be able to trigger the Galactic Wave of Love:

"Patrick: Okay. Next one. How scientifically will the galactic wave of love from Galactic Central Sun annihilate all the negativities on the Earth? 
Cobra: It is simply that the Source will transmute enough of the primary anomaly so that the negativity cannot exist anymore. So when enough of the primary anomaly is gone, it is theoretically impossible to create negativity, and then it's theoretically impossible for the negativity to exist. So when enough of that anomaly is gone, the darkness will be gone also."

So, the Phoenix workshop on February 1-2, 2025 will be from where we will begin the process of triggering the Galactic Wave of Love for the entire planet. 

Interestingly, Uranus will station Direct on January 30. This means that all 3 outer planets will be Direct as of the day of the Phoenix workshop. The workshop's timing is very Divine indeed.

Phoenix, AZ is an extremely important Booster vortex. From Sedona workshop notes:

"Phoenix is a booster vortex which pushes energy into the grid. The Phoenix vortex is also very important and there needs to be a Tachyon chamber in Phoenix. Anybody interested in setting up a Tachyon chamber in Phoenix can email" [Update: I have been told there is now a Tachyon Chamber in Phoenix]

So, Phoenix, AZ is exactly the vortex from where the Galactic Wave of Love will enter, and from there it shall be boosted to the entire planet. The Tachyon Chamber in Phoenix, AZ will play a Galactic role, as it will stabilize the Galactic Wave of Love for the entire planet.

You may want to refresh your memory about the Galactic Wave of Love:

"We are approaching a Galactic wave right now and it will culminate in the Event.

But the main aspect of this Galactic pulse will be a wave of cosmic Love. This Love energy is the basis of universal cosmic reality and is now reaching our shores. This energy has Galactic proportions and can not be stopped by the Cabal, no matter what they try to do. This energy will completely clear the primary anomaly and the plasma octopus entity around the Earth, which was called Yaladaboth in Gnostic teachings." (my comment: replace Yaldabaoth with Lurker for the 2025 version of this quote)

"The real Ascension process will begin at the moment of the Event. The incoming energies from the Galactic pulse will start to flow through the energy field of all human beings on the planet. They will be loving energies straight from the Galactic heart and will start bringing much needed healing to humanity."

The following quote is particularly interesting and links back to Cosmic Evolution (Project 2227):

"Interstellar sources are communicating that cosmic shift is accelerating, and the whole universe is going through a phase transition into the new cosmic cycle. So what we are about to experience is not only the Galactic superwave, but a cosmic shift on the scale never experienced since the creation of the universe."

You might be interested to know that Pluto also makes an exact trine with M87 Galaxy very close to August 21, 2025:

At the same time, Pluto makes an exact trine with Sedna. "Sedna trine Pluto is a very powerful aspect, which harmoniously starts to introduce us to the next Galactic Superwave which is about to occur in our near future."

The above aspects will help open the Ascension Window for humanity on August 21, 2025. From then onwards, the Ascension window will remain permanently open. And then people will continue to Ascend till 2032, after which Earth will become uninhabitable. Thus, humanity will be evacuated in 2032.

"Cobra: Yes, actually we have two pulses. The first one is triggering the Event, and the second one is triggering the planetary ascension. 
Debra: I understand. Will there be a series of natural disasters after the Event? It is said that many people will lose their lives possibly. Can these damages be slowed down or avoided? 
Cobra: We are not expecting any drastic cataclysms at the Event or shortly after the Event, but as we get closer to the final, big solar and galactic flash, there will be more and more shaking of the Earth and more and more of the earthquakes and reaching the final moment of the polar shift."

I believe the Galactic Superwave will hit Earth in 2037:

"After the Event, the Source will disentangle all Lurker remnants from humanity and that process will be completed at the Solar Flash and corresponding tsunami, which is most probable at the moment of subsequent solar maxima either around 2037 or around 2049. Educated guess still puts the timing of the Event at 2025, although nobody knows when the real timing will be. The time frame between the Event and the Solar Flash will be a time of great healing for humanity."

The plan is perfectly described in the below image from The Portal, which is curiously titled '1001' (see Cosmic Evolution state diagram above for arrows of 10 and 01):

Although the Galactic Superwave is different from the Solar Flash, they will both occur at the same time, in 2037. As mentioned above, they will trigger the pole shift and tsunami. By that time, Earth's magnetic field would have completely collapsed. Note that the Solar Flash & Galactic Superwave of 2037 are different from the Galactic Wave of Love of 2025.

"Debra: Are we still on track for the Event to happen as previously explained or has there been a change? Will it be still triggered by a huge solar flash, or as some people speculate, has that timeline collapsed and it is now coming in many "mini" solar flashes that will continue until 2025? 
Cobra: It will not be a solar flash. It will be, I would say, a Galactic pulse, which is not yet a big, big solar flash, which creates the cataclysm. So when the Event happens, there will be no global cataclysm, but there will be a strong flash of energy. And the plan is still the same."

So, I'd say we can expect the Galactic Wave of Love to hit us on February 6, 2025 sometime in 2025 with Phoenix, AZ as its entry point.

To conclude, I recommend everyone to attend the upcoming Phoenix workshop. This will ensure that the Galactic Wave of Love is triggered most harmoniously. And the Tachyon Chamber in Phoenix will play a major role in stabilizing the Galactic Wave of Love for planet Earth.

Victory of the Light! 
Victory of the Cosmic & Galactic Love
12:21 Om Shanti 12:21

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