"The main key for planetary healing is women allowing themselves to feel and express their sexual energy"
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Victory of the Ascended Masters
Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to "happen" on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. Please cultivate your own inner guidance. For advice on how you can bring the Light before the Event, you can refer to this article and this article.
Update January 16:
See the new Portal diagram.
Firstly, congratulations are due for the huge ceasefire deal between Israel & Hamas:
The end of the Portal of Preparedness will introduce a new Portal just before the activation of Portal 12:21. My latest understanding of this new Portal is as shown below.
This Portal will begin on January 21st (closing of Portal of Preparedness), have its turning point on May 12th (Wesak Full Moon), and culminate on August 21st with the opening of the 12:21 Ascension Portal.
Notice how there are exactly 212 days in this portal, which points to "21:12". There are exactly 111 days between January 21st and May 12th, another very strong Angel number. And there are 101 days between May 12 and August 21, which reminds us of "10 01" (Angel number as well).
If you want to further explore the astrology of this Portal, you can look at one of my previous posts for key dates:
This year's Wesak Full Moon (on May 12, 2025) is extremely significant. It is not just the Wesak Full Moon, but also the day of exact heliocentric Grand Trine of Pluto, M87 Galaxy, and Alcyone (conjunct Sedna):
The above Grand Trine has already sent us many pulses of Galactic Love in the past:
The same configuration happens geocentrically on February 6, August 9, and December 14. However, there is only one heliocentric Grand Trine, and it is on May 12.
We can see a heliocentricsix pointed star mandala of planets on May 12:
This configuration facilitate pulses from the Galactic Central Sun:
Today's US Debt Clock Tweet shows the pulse from the Galactic Central Sun. It also shows the planets which will form a mandala around the Sun. The word "Revolution" has been used to describe the sudden nature of the pulse. The Galactic Pulse will destroy the old financial system whose basis was the suppression of female sexual energy:
Interestingly, US Debt Clock tweeted about "The New Kingdom" exactly one year before the Wesak Full Moon of 2025. They have also included a quote from Psalm 113:5 about the Victory of the Lord (Source). The timestamp of their tweet is the 1:11 Angel number:
We can see the Bill of Rights in the background of the above tweet. The United States Constitution will be fully implemented on May 12, completely erasing the dark forces in the US (and on Earth):
"COBRA Basically it was not successful enough because the bloodlines still ruled behind the scenes or sometimes even directly – it was not what they hoped for so they – the Light Forces – created a more thorough plan which they carried out through certain positive Freemason groups and that actually started in France – in the year 1775. That was a decisive year because there were certain lodges created in Paris and St. Germain was the force behind those lodges – in connection when Benjamin Franklin – that started this independence movement within the United States and the Constitution of the United States was stated in a way that if it would be completely respected, it would erase the Cabal from the United States. And this is why the Cabal is so allergic to the Constitution because it protects the sovereign individual and it protects the sovereign state based on a group of sovereign individuals and this particular project of the Light Forces was successful to a certain degree and without that project we would be in the Middle Ages right now."
Hence, on the day of the Wesak Full Moon, the Ascended Masters will gather at Mt Kailash in Tibet:
"This is the time of Wesak, which is a period of spiritual blessing for humanity and an outpouring of Light for the entire planet. The main vortex for this is centered in the Himalayan mountains where many Initiates and Masters will gather to anchor the Light for the Earth at this time of the full moon in May. Although according to some traditions Wesak festival has already happened at the full moon in April, a very strong outpouring of Light always happens during the full moon in May."
There they shall complete the process of Antarion conversion:
"Extraordinary inflow of energies through the Antarion grid will create a sudden shift of whole Earth towards the etheric plane at the closing of 11:11. At that time energy from the Galactic Central Sun will come directly towards Earth. At that moment the last remnant of the astral cloud, which has surrounded Earth before will be removed. Ascended Masters who will gather in the Wesak Valley at the sacred mountain Kailas in Tibet will make a final anchoring in the spiral of Oneness. That moment means the birth of New Earth and completion of the Antarion conversion. And path home, into the Galactic Oneness, will be open and sparkling as never..."
(Replace "closing of 11:11" with "turning point of the aforementioned Portal")
Notice how they will convene on May 12 which is the turning point of the aforementioned Portal. Hence, the day of the Wesak Full Moon is a perfect reflection of Antarion Conversion.
"When the Earth-Moon plasma doorway is open, both the presence of Light and clearing of darkness get magnified."
Some quotes about the Wesak Full Moon from past years are below:
From 2023: "Wesak full Moon on May 5th will be the moment when the connection of Ascended beings with the surface of the planet will be the strongest".
From 2020: "The relationship between 2020 and 2025 and how the Event ties into all this needs to remain veiled for now. The only thing I can say is that the full Moon of May 7th (Wesak Full Moon of 2020) is the trigger through which Archangel Metatron will activate our Solar System into an Ascension portal connected to Galactic Center, with the exception of sublunar space and planet Earth itself, which still need to remain buffered to a degree." (Also observe how the Portal 2025 post was made almost exactly on the Wesak Full Moon of 2020).
So, on the Wesak Full Moon of 2025, the Ascended Masters will finally be able to arrive to surface of the Earth. They will begin to disseminate their teachings after the Galactic Love energy gets anchored. Their teachings haven't been present on the surface for a long while:
Thus, we will begin to merge with our Angelic Presence:
"Merge with your inner being, with your Angelic presence. In mediations you can visualize an Angelic being, in a humanlike body. Look into his eyes and feel Love which flows between you. Let the Angel communicate you the Angelic name, this is also your name, because you are one with this Angel. Lift with him among the Stars, flow in the ocean of Cosmic Love and merge into one being. Then you can visualize how you return to Earth, merged with Angel in One.
In everyday life, remember of that as much as possible. Become Angelic being. Feel the Angelic energy inside yourself and spread it around into your neighborhood. Use your Starry name, because this calls for the Angelic presence."
We will connect with our Home Planet by merging with our Angelic presence:
Formidável, saber que os Mestres Ascensos estarão regressando. Isto, trás alento para o coração. Semana que vêm, saberemos se o momento de hesitação (livre arbítrio) do chapéu cinza e do chapéu confuso, terão a decisão de apoiar ou não, nossos benfeitores, Aldebaranos!. Sou leigo nos assuntos astrológicos, mas, pelo o que tenho acompanhado no teu blog, o ano de 2025 tem muitas conjunções e portais favoráveis. Que seja o ano derradeiro para o fim das trevas neste mundo! ✨️🪽✨️
hello, I want to ask, do you have your own inner guidance or do you follow other people's opinions about the event? And I would like to ask, if you follow the opinions of others or astrology and let's say nothing happens, will you continue to give information based on astrology even though nothing will happen according to it? The question arises from the fact that there is a lot of speculation and even more that did not happen, but other sources of information continue to carry on this empty activity. It seems more like a guessing and this year if nothing happen that would mean that the astrology is a totally empty thing to follow.
Thank you, Prajwal. Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThanks Dr. Joe!
DeleteThanks for all the posts, Votl 628! Always post when you can, I will always be here to read everything, and I believe many others will too. ❤️🛸🙏✨
ReplyDeleteThanks as always for reading!
Delete如果你感兴趣可以写一篇关于 Omega 的博客,因为它似乎是当下影响地表人类最重要的手段之一。
谢谢你628,你是一个优秀的情报分析师。另外我想问一个问题,你知道不知道2018年5月扬升会议上有一个黄金螺旋冥想,这个冥想关于Isis Astara。https://www.golden-ages.org/2019/03/22/ascension-conference-taipei-5/如果你冥想引导词或音频,可以给我。我几乎找遍了所有网站。谢谢你:·)
Delete这里是: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_WKi5fGOR4&list=PL2aUPmHXZFBy8sqkxLQn5kv91F7PrRwnc&index=2&pp=iAQB8AUB
Delete视频标题为 女神螺旋--黄金螺旋冥想--梅德温-古道尔、眼镜蛇与伊希斯
Formidável, saber que os Mestres Ascensos estarão regressando. Isto, trás alento para o coração. Semana que vêm, saberemos se o momento de hesitação (livre arbítrio) do chapéu cinza e do chapéu confuso, terão a decisão de apoiar ou não, nossos benfeitores, Aldebaranos!. Sou leigo nos assuntos astrológicos, mas, pelo o que tenho acompanhado no teu blog, o ano de 2025 tem muitas conjunções e portais favoráveis. Que seja o ano derradeiro para o fim das trevas neste mundo! ✨️🪽✨️
ReplyDeleteSim, 2025 será o ano da descoberta e sim, deveremos sair em fevereiro
Deletehello, I want to ask, do you have your own inner guidance or do you follow other people's opinions about the event? And I would like to ask, if you follow the opinions of others or astrology and let's say nothing happens, will you continue to give information based on astrology even though nothing will happen according to it? The question arises from the fact that there is a lot of speculation and even more that did not happen, but other sources of information continue to carry on this empty activity. It seems more like a guessing and this year if nothing happen that would mean that the astrology is a totally empty thing to follow.