"The main key for planetary healing is women allowing themselves to feel and express their sexual energy"
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Portal 1/11 (Updated on Sep 26, 2024)
Now I'm going to talk about certain things pertaining to early 2025.
First we note that Pluto enters Aquarius on November 19, 2024. It subsequently stays there till March 2043.
Interestingly, transit Uranus is also trine United States’ natal Neptune from January 11, 2025 to February 18, 2025.
- Neptune is exactly at midpoint of Uranus & Pluto on 01/05/2025
- Neptune is sextile United States natal Pluto on 01/15/2025 (date of exact of this aspect)
- Uranus is trine United States natal Neptune from 01/11/2025 onwards
- Earth's mini moon makes its closest approach on 1/9/2025 (Source) (Added on Sep 26, 2024)
"Time between now and November 22nd is the time of final triangulation of duality, which will bring many things to completion. This process will be energetically done through the Earth's second moon." (Source)
- Sep 27, 2024 = sublimation of lurker from humanity
- December '24 - January '25 = the next breakthrough (Source)
January 11, 2025 might be a turning point in terms of Earth entering its 4th planetary initiation:
Thus, on January 11, 2025 we might finally experience the beginning of AntariOn conversion. I'm expecting this to reach a turning point on Portal 8/21 on August 21, 2025. That is the date of the 3 outer planets creating a Renaissance. August 21, 2025 could also be a serious kickstart in our universe finally making its transition from its current false vacuum state to the true vacuum.
The sublimation of the Lurker will most probably end in 2037:
This excerpt is also worth mentioning:
"Now this world has reached the point where it can graduate from duality and enter a new dimensional patterning of Oneness. This results in drastic changes in consciousness and energy flows which you can already experience. This time of transition and completion is called the Antarion Conversion. The Antarion Conversion is connected with the constellation of Orion which holds the key of duality for this part of the galaxy. There are some very bright and some not so bright beings originating from Orion that are playing major roles in the drama of duality. And planet Earth is currently completing its participation in this drama."
And we know Metatron is the guardian of the portal between duality and oneness, in Orion:
"This will be the final liberation of your Solar system. By the year 2012 of your time, Dark Lords of Orion will be completely removed from Earth, which will enter the vibration of Oneness. At that time Archangel Metatron will close the dimensional opening of the 11:11, in the Star gate of AN. This will be a completion of unconditional redemption..."
In the Phoenix conference, we were told the following:
"Evil manifested only in this cosmic cycle (which began 8 million years ago). Archangels descended into matter through strong implantation processes. These Archangels lost the connection to their I AM presence, in Orion. The last remaining residue of the Dark Forces on the surface of the planet comes from the negative faction of Andromeda (i.e. the Black Nobility families). What also remain are the Draco and the Cabal." (Source)
Les Arachnides (The Spiders)
From 2023 Taipei conference notes: "The blue energy grid around the Earth is an electromagnetic fence. It prevents the Light from entering the Earth. Some chimera plasma spiders are as huge as hundreds of kilometers in size."
Another crop circle hints at Chimera spiders being taken to the Central Sun: http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2019/SparticlesWood/SparticlesWood2019a.html
"It is interesting to note that this crop circle has appeared exactly on June 21st. The plasmatic Chimera spiders are being taken from the Tunnels of Set (dark plasma filaments) into the Galactic Central Sun right now." (Source)
The summer solstice Sun is exactly opposite the Galactic Central Sun on June 21st. This must have helped the Light forces fight the chimera spiders.
Among most dangerous of those entities were Chimera spiders, huge plasma spiderlike beings with plasma toplet bombs attached to their skin, smaller ones being 10-100 meters (yards) in diameter, the largest ones a few kilometers (miles):
More about the Lords of karma who were arachnids (they are gone now- https://2012portal.blogspot.com/2023/06/situation-update.html)
"In underground bases, the Light Forces are using Mjolnir quantum cannons and sonic weapons to remove as many physical Chimera spiders as possible. Some of those spiders are huge, measuring up to 10 meters / yards in diameter. There are huge spider nests in Chimera underground bases, and all together they form a spider web , a negative leyline construct which is the antithesis of the Flower Of Life leyline grid on the surface. Although many of these spiders are being removed by the Light Forces, the Chimera replenish the nests with fresh spiders which are materialized from quantum superposition state with advanced manifestation chambers. As soon as the quantum reservoir of the Chimera spiders will be gone, the Light Forces will be able to clear Chimera underground bases completely." (Source)
The spider shape being used by the Chimera:
"In early December, The Light Forces have started to clear the huge last pit which extended below Washington D.C. in a spiderlike formation which roughly followed the subway system:
They have managed to clear the vast majority of the pit, including the cloning facilities for politicians, MILAB facilities under Pentagon, the “Clinton morgue” and the “Hillary's shapeshifter chamber”.
Cities around the world are shaped like spiders. We can see this clearly by looking at maps of their subways:
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (no spider, but you can see it as an example of Cabal architecture, possibly to create toplet bombs):
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Happy 8/21 portal!
Exactly T minus 1 year to Portal 2025! The process of removal of darkness everywhere in every universe should finally be kickstarted in full by 08/21/2025.
Friday, August 16, 2024
Turns out that August 16th and 17th are dates of planetary significance. August 16, 2024 will be exactly 37 years after August 16, 1987 which is the date when Harmonic convergence occurred. The number 37 is actually quite significant. A flower of life with 2 layers has 37 center points as can be seen below:
“The first of the major planetary activations was the Harmonic Convergence. It occurred on 16th and 17th August 1987. On that day hundreds of thousands of dedicated beings anchored the fourth dimension, the astral plane, the plane of emotions. Thus access towards the astral plane was much easier and this allowed emotional cleansing on a planetary level. This signifies the beginning of the Antarion Conversion.”
“On 17th August 1987 hundreds thousands individuals have opened the doorway of Harmonic convergence, which strengthened a connection between the Galactic confederation and Earth. The Absolute has set planet Earth in the center of his attention by opening a dimensional doorway which causes a lifting of planetary consciousness from the third towards the fifth dimension between 1987 and 2012.”
We’re now less than an hour away from the mass meditation for Neptune sextile Pluto. Instructions and times can be found here- https://librain1221.blogspot.com/2024/08/make-this-viral-violet-flame-meditation.html?m=1
Excited to see what happens this weekend. The energy was really good on August 11. It felt like true light was starting to be anchored here in NYC.
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Base under LA probably cleared
The Negative Agartha network’s base under LA has probably been cleared. This is absolutely huge news. This is the removal of those extremely negative andromedans and negative beings from other universes who also came in the archon invasion of 1996. In the Phoenix conference we were told that the emergence point for Reptilians in the 1996 archon invasion was LA.
Monday, August 12, 2024
Everybody look at the sky right now please
I’ve seen 30+ ships in 30 minutes including many very fast movers
At 9:30 pm EST on 08/12/2024
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Meditation for Neptune sextile Pluto
As can be seen in the link above, we will meditate at 10:19 am EDT on 08/16/24.
I like these recent updates from KejRaj of EraOfLight-
From my understanding, we will see major changes once the negative Agartha network is gone. In the Paris workshop it was said that the dragons will eat up all remaining anomaly once they wake up. The dragons have been tortured by this negative Agartha network since 26,000 years. Enough is enough, as was also written recently on The Portal.
Red dragon C cleaning sequence is now operable. From past Q&As we know that the red dragons are involved with the physical removal of the Cabal. And they’re also part of introducing a new financial system (possibly quantum financial system) using Yamashita Gold. I support distributing bitcoins to Lightworkers, as was said in the Taiwan workshop. Let’s see how things go with the financial crash though. If the stock market has already started crashing as of Aug 5, one can only wonder what’ll happen on Aug 16. As we can see below, things are really accelerating as Neptune gets closer to midpoint of Uranus & Pluto: