Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Urgent Meditation to stop the fires in Los Angeles every 4 hours (updated timing)

(Timings have been updated to reflect WLMM's mass meditation:

The dark forces are trying to attack the Los Angeles vortex, just like they did on January 11, 1996. My suspicion is that the attack on the Los Angeles vortex was the final act of the interplanetary Jesuits' desperation, before their final removal on January 11, 2025. Hopefully the Agarthan Silver Fleet will take to the sky on January 11 after the complete Jesuit removal.

Extreme winds from the north and northeast will continue to blow into the Los Angeles region through Wednesday morning, bringing gusts of up to 80 mph as firefighters battle fires:

So we will do our meditation for stopping the fires in Los Angeles every 4 hours:

  • 1:45 AM UTC
  • 5:45 AM UTC
  • 9:45 AM UTC
  • 1:45 PM UTC
  • 5:45 PM UTC
  • 9:45 PM UTC

The following table shows the interval times of the meditation for selected time zones: 

Instructions (Suggested duration of this meditation is 15 minutes):

1. Use your own technique to bring yourself to a state of relaxation.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to stop the wildfires in California.

3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.

4. Visualize a Violet Flame on the locations of wildfires in California to purify all negative thoughtforms, emotions and entities released from the fire.

5. Visualize all the wildfires in California are brought under control and fully contained. Visualize individuals who are still trapped being rescued. Visualize the region affected by the fires in California being healed and rebuilt, and the communities returning to their normal lives as quickly as possible.

Playlist with guided audios for the meditation can be found below:



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. We had also created a very extremely strong Galactic Cintamani grid in Los Angeles and its surrounding areas. Well, the dark forces still have a decent amount of power on the physical plane. This was definitely an act of desperation as they have lost the battles on the energetic planes and also in space. Not much time left before this war is fully over and done, and justice will happen after the Event

    2. Destroying Chinese,American,Russian SSP is important .

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. In the incident in China, at least twenty tachyon chambers were destroyed,light grid in China also been destroyed a lot..I really hope that the forces of light will intervene more bravely in the following major astrology.

    5. Sorry to hear about what happened in China & Los Angeles. Unfortunately the Light Forces are still far from having much control of the physical plane of the surface of the Earth. We will need to wait for after the Event to bring justice to what's happening in these areas. It is a very unfortunate situation, but even the Source (the Absolute) has extremely limited powers in the physical distorted spacetime continuum of the surface of the Earth. Which isn't to say they shouldn't do more, but the dark forces have many retaliation mechanisms. It is a hostage rescue situation over here and sadly the Light Forces simply don't have much power right now. This will only change at the moment of the Event

  2. LFs should choose to fight a decisive battle with black nobilities,extremely destroy their sacrifice resource origin.

    1. Yes, 2025 will show everything, if light forces wait til there is no healthy patch of land to live, then fuck all of this. Simply many lightworkers are too tired and including me will retreat soon if there is no clear clean evidence of progress.

    2. We know that the Event will happen by July 7, 2025 at the very latest. So please try your best to hold on till then (hopefully it'll happen much sooner)
