"The main key for planetary healing is women allowing themselves to feel and express their sexual energy"
Friday, February 14, 2025
Women in the United States (and elsewhere) will liberate the planet
Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to "happen" on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. Please cultivate your own inner guidance. For advice on how you can bring the Light before the Event, you can refer to this article and this article.
Happy Valentines Day. We can phrase today as a Day to celebrate Love. The dark forces have tried their best to destroy soulmate and twin soul relationships on the surface. They use scalar technologies and non-physical entities to destroy relationships. Not for much longer. Women expressing Unconditional loving sexual energy will break the dam. Women will create the breakthrough. It boils down to women using their Free Will for the Light.
The astrology of February 6 helped heal the heart chakra and trauma of humanity. 2025 is the year the Goddess Returns. Women feeling and expressing their sexual energy turns the surface of Earth into a Contact Dish for the feminine Galactic Central Sun’s pulse (i.e. the Event).
Practical steps women can take are: Donate to fundraisers and NGOs which work for women's empowerment. Form Sisterhood of the Rose groups and Goddess Temples and discuss topics of sexual energy. Talk to each other as well as to non-Reptilian men (explained towards the end of this paragraph). It is ok to talk about anything under the Sun - there's no judgement. Collaborate. Spread Love. Send the energy from your heart chakra down to your sacral chakra, and feel your sexual energy. Meet physically, since the war is being fought on the physical plane. Try not to project the Draco/Reptilian pattern on innocent surface men (Some men have Draco/Reptilian energy bodies which makes them sexual predators. The remaining men have human energy bodies and are innocent). Express your sexual energy in whatever form you like.
Form Soul families. Polyamory or exclusive connections are both ok, that's how Galactic society works. Try to break free of the Matrix which tells you to monitor your partner and make sure they are monogamous. Have open communication with your partner/partners to prevent any misunderstanding. Start slow, if you want. It’s ok to touch your partner/partners if there is mutual consent and if you feel guided. Women: please comment below with your own suggestions on how to reawaken your unconditional loving sexual energy. You can also create your own blogs/videos/etc. and share them here or elsewhere. Non-Reptilian men and women are waiting for your re-activations and want to support you!
The below picture is titled "Social Dynamics" and it is taken from The Portal:
Sacred sexual union is the fastest way to gain immortality (something the dark forces will never achieve because they are allergic to this):
“Debra: In the context of a hierogamic union between two soulmates or twin souls, can you explain the occult link between kundalini, the androgynous energy of pure unity that culminates in orgasm and spiritual regeneration? Until the Light Forces began to cleanse our implants, was the powerful androgynous energy of love the only one that could powerfully draw out and dissolve the primary implants, allowing access to Arhat initiation and the advanced phases of the Ascension process?
Cobra: This still remains the most effective and the most powerful way towards the Arhat initiation. This has not changed."
You might want to ponder upon these paragraphs from Spiritus Eros, a secret doctrine of the Positive Templars. They do a good job at also highlighting the “loving” aspect of unconditional loving sexual energy:
“If we ask modern science what determines people the most, we get the answer: the instinct for self-preservation and the sexual instinct. This is undoubtedly true. For strong personalities, the order is reversed: the sexual instinct comes before the instinct for self-preservation. For when the love of the heart is added to the mere sexual instinct, all thought of oneself dies out; the other person is more important to us than anything, even more than our own life. We are prepared to die, to endure any torment - for her, for him. That is why there is no force that can equal the one we call love. It is never just body, but also never just spirit. Only these two together create true love. In its perfection it gains the astral dimension - that is its highest goal. Love is a heavenly power - and it is the most important driving force in all of us.”
“The differences between the astral body of a woman and the astral body of a man are much greater than the bodies visible on this side show. What science calls the primary sexual characteristics refers to the physical coverings. More extensive standards apply to the astral bodies. This is why it is so important for women, for example, to keep their hair long, because long hair is a primary sexual characteristic of the female astral body. The physical counterpart is essential for the astral breath of a woman and for the development of the astral light in her. For good reasons, women's hair always remained long in the times of advanced civilizations. For men, completely different priorities apply in the astral aspect. All of this will be discussed in more detail later.”
Also this paragraph:
“Armpit and pubic hair is connected to primordial feminine power that the Jesuits and the Black Nobility families want to destroy.”
And this one:
"To be more prepared for those connections, the surface population needs to be aware that the Pleiadians and the Resistance have a very similar societal model that is based on soul families. Sometimes they are fully committed to exclusive sacred union with their twin soul or their primary soulmate, and sometimes they form open polyamorous connections that are based on Soul Love and free flow of sexual energy. Same sex unions do happen among them, but they are free from any Archon interference that is so prevalent on the surface of this planet.
These connections will be the final test of integration of surface population into the Galactic society."
You can read more about sexual energy and its purpose here:
Oh, and if you want to know which side the dark forces' religion of Artificial Intelligence is on, look no further than this screenshot:
"Doing the Goddess Vortex meditation is the fastest and most efficient way to manifest the soulmate in your life." So here's the playlist for the Goddess Vortex meditation which you can do today if you feel guided:
The old kinetic energy for triggering the Event was revealing the truth. The new kinetic energy is unconditional loving sexual energy. This energy, and nothing else, will tip us over the critical boiling point for the Phase Transition:
Nobody knows when the Phase Transition will occur. The Light Forces have always wanted to trigger the Event before July 7, 2025. We'll see if they can clear enough darkness by then. Even if they don't, this is a Galactic War and it will end when it is safe enough. Our strategy has to include working for the dark forces in 9-5 hostage jobs in order to stay alive on the surface. Women can break this holding pattern by expressing unconditional loving sexual energy.
It is true that the dark forces are making life extremely hard for surface humans right now. There will be suicides and depression due to the cost of living crisis. It will only keep getting worse as the entropy of the decaying financial system rises. Everyday thousands of kids die from hunger and preventable diseases. People have been programmed to believe that being caring is being weak. Women expressing unconditional loving sexual energy is extremely needed right now. Women will bring peace, love, and literally keep people alive during these times.
Women especially in the United States are playing a key role in this. There are many reasons why women in the United States are uniquely poised to liberate the planet. Firstly, there is the Goddess Equator in the US East Coast. This used to be the equator during the time of Atlantis, 75,000 years ago:
"75,000 years ago and earlier, the energy gird around the planet was complete, under full control of the Ascended beings and with many sacred temples positioned around the equator."
The aspects which support feminine sexual energy in the United States are:
Goddess Equator (mentioned above). It brings strong Goddess energy to the land.
The United States is energetically rather clean, compared to the rest of the world. Other countries have issues with wrong mental patterns (repressive laws and societal structures against women).
Other countries are also sadly infiltrated with Reptilians. There is still a modicum of law and order in the United States, which is lacking in many other countries.
Women have opportunities for financial freedom and upward social mobility. Of course some States fare better than others, as always.
Women are able to date and have relationships. The US is a cultural melting pot. The population size is big.
The Constitution and legal framework give rights to women. I know this is being attacked by the dark forces.
Now of course the dark forces do their best to suppress women. This is as true in the US as it is outside. But if you look at things in a slightly detached manner, US women are uniquely poised to express their sexual energy. US Women, you are the best shot we have. You will make or break the situation in your country before March 29, and in the rest of 2025.
You might remember that there is a very real deadline for the Aldebaran Plan to be implemented. In my understanding, March 29 is the last chance for the Light Forces/Aldebarans to cooperate with the surface population. The last chance rests with the United States. Hence, women in the US are playing a key role in this. If enough US women anchor unconditional loving sexual energy, they can convince the US population to believe in Love over darkness. Women have the power to convince people to drop their guns when the ET ships fly over the US, for example.
Now let's talk a little bit about New York City. NYC is a vortex of planetary importance. It is situated right on the Goddess Equator. The Light Forces are working to take back NYC from the dark forces:
The computer of the global financial system is located in the JP Morgan headquarters in Manhattan. The tall buildings in Manhattan (and the financial activities that go on inside them) are phallic structures which suppress feminine sexual energy. There are lots of women in New York City (being the Goddess Vortex that it is). They are playing a key role in stabilizing the financial system for the whole planet during this time.
Interestingly, the Resistance Movement traces its roots back to NYC. The Resistance, which was the precursor to the Resistance Movement, was founded under the New York City subway system in 1975:
The Pleiadians built pyramids which are now located off the coast of Long Island. They are not far from NYC. These pyramids are Atlantean structures which are most likely 200,000 years old. Their public announcement will most likely play a role in Disclosure:
The original plan for First Contact was for a Galactic Confederation ship to land on the lawn of the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan:
This still seems to be the Aldebaran's/Light Forces' Plan.
It is also worth noting that Pleiades is about 444 Light Years from Earth. This reinforces the numerology of the 4:4 Portal, which is when Sedna conjuncts Alcyone (Central Sun of Pleiades).
Below is a guided meditation to send Light to Elon Musk. You can do it if you feel guided. It would be a good idea for We Love Mass Meditation to make a mass meditation using this video (or create their own):
If you feel guided, you can also support our ongoing efforts to recapture the New York City vortex:
Most AI censor sexual content and they are prohibited from generating it. (openai seems to have changed the terms to run generation of sexual content that isn't child pornography) except for individual open source models and user trained ones. You can try removing sex from prompt to try it. Censorship about sexual content floods the entire internet, except for porn sites (most of the sex present in these sites is exploitative, not unconditional). Sex is inherently innate, and people should face up to it.
I totally agree! I can deeply feel the combination of divine unconditional love and the purest sexual love. It is a natural expression of the most primitive pure and simple desire, the desire to be one with all things. I expressed it very simply and directly when I was a child! I longed for close contact with my sisters and brothers, skin-to-skin contact, kisses, hugs, and the joy of interacting with the energy of love and tenderness! Longing for unconditional love!!! Wanting to express unconditional love!!
Ok, time to talk here...and some of you will be aware of this, if you're on Cobra's blog, otherwise it will be new to yas. And before anyone says anything, this is not some 'woke' thing or of the 'gay/trans agenda' morons like Matt Walsh or so-called 'awakened patriots' will scream blood murder about.
Imagine when someone, such as me, who's soul is an alien women, forcibly trapped in a human man's body (and an ugly, unidealistic one at that), and feeling so helpless and unable to do anything about it. I know my soul is an alien woman, I've seen it several times in visions and dreams since 2005, and in 2013, I verified it. A blond, slim alien girl (youtuber Dawn Marie or when British actress Lala Ward was VERY young in the 1960's, would be good comparisons), and I feel I was either of the alien military or some administration position. Somehow, I was either captured or killed by the darkies (my unflattering nickname for the dark forces), and my soul sent down to this miserable planet, forced to incarnate as a human man, and an ugly one at that (Each time I look into the mirror, I want to either CRY or THROW UP, since I pretty much see Golem from Lord of the Rings looking back at me), as well as into a family consisting of conservative catholics and christians, so you'll probably guess I'd not been able to get the help I need, shit, I was to scared to consider asking them for help....they were all assholes, jerks, bigots, drunks, junkies, and only cared about the following: The bible, money, and materialism....considering most of them are of the yuppie/boomer generation, it's no surprise. And they tried to make me into the next John Wayne, which SUCKED like you won't believe. I must have been a really important or dangerous girl in that prior, happy life, since it seems the darkies made sure life would be miserable in all aspects. Libra said it best "Forcing a woman's soul into an ugly man's body is an effective way to break her". And, folks, I feel soooooooooooooooo BROKEN. I don't fit in anywhere...I'm THE misfit. Also, sexuality is something I tried to work with, but it's so messed up in my situation, and unlike some of the amazing transgirls out there, like Bailey Jay, I can't even do that, the ravages of masculine puberty wrecked it. Libra also once talked about a picture once; several women in skimpy swimwear posing all sexy in front of a car. A second picture showed several men, dressed in skimpy swimwear, in the same poses, and they looked ridiculous. When trapped in the wrong body, I can't do what would otherwise be natural for me. And for sexuality...the alien girl I was is also lesbian, and trying to have meaningful, loving relationships with women is impossible....they all want beer guzzling, shit talking alpha jock males who can beat their chests the loudest. Pretty much what these 2 videos discuss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwxZzTjgr9U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_mFK_e4KWs "You get punished for not being a bullshit artist!" - Adam Corolla. <---Truer words never spoken. And when you're a girl trapped in a man's body, it's hell.
And the parts about hair is sooooo true. Mine fell out starting at ag 16, and totally Jason Alexander bald at 20 or so. And let me tell you, apart from feeling very old, ugly and unattractive, I've noticed getting any messages or signals from the good guys up there *points to the stars* has become very scare and rare events for me for the past 25 years. Those girls of the Vril society prior to, and during, world war 2 must have known what they were doing, since they all had super long hair. See, I, and I am sure others out there similar situations, NEED the Light Forces to stop dillydallying and get get on with it. Enough of TRYING to get human politicians to wake the hell up and so something right, for once in their useless lives.....not gonna happen, folks. We need DIRECT intervention and contact NOW. I PROMISED myself to get transformed back into an alien girl, and in THIS lifetime, THIS incarnation.....for I will NOT simply wait for death and HOPE I get it good next time because for me....there will be NO next time, NO more reincarnation. This one human, so-called 'life' did it for me....and why should I wait to reincarnate to get what I NEED NOW? And if I am doomed to die here on Planet Gulag, as a man, I lose my personal war with the darkies, and I shall forever hate the light forces for abandoning me and betraying me, all because they insist on 'playing it safe' and waiting for 'the right time'. Aliens have REAL life spans and don't age.....we, human, sadly, thanks to the darkies raping our DNA, have pitifully short lives (turtles, sharks and parrots can live longer than us!) and we age. And my soul will go after BOTH the darkies and light forces, like what Dr. Who did in the timewar involving the Timelord and Daleks, he destroyed BOTH sides, and ended that war, I'll do the same and wonder the cosmos as a wounded and traumatized soul, lashing out at ANYONE who comes near me, or gets in my way, EVEN if they really want to help me; the light forces HAD a chance before and failed. That, or I'll send MYSELF to galactic central sun, since NON EXISTANCE will be far more preferable than being abandoned and left for dead by the light forces, should they fail me. And I don't type these words lightly folks. Direct alien contact, a long overdue reunion with my REAL family & friends, and to get my PROPER body again.....these are the ONLY reasons I have yet to either become a drug addict or put a gun to my head all these years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8Q0WXhamk0 <----- Every day folks, and the conversation/shouting match I gotta go through when the 'light worker community' and what I called "The Happiness Patrol". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtWHgkNH5yU <----- I have breakdowns like this A LOT.
Sorry to rant, folks, but all I am saying is the truth. And IF Trump and Musk have refused to cooperate with the Aldebarens, as Russia and China have done, and we've been delayed yet again, I have 2 words for the Aldebarens in regards what they outta do with Trump and Musk. DESTROY THEM.
This is such a wonderful and exciting post! Great work buddyyy!!
ReplyDeleteThanks and yes!
DeleteWe will definitely bring light and keep trying
DeleteWe will definitely bring light and keep trying
ReplyDeleteWe need weapons and tech.
DeleteMost AI censor sexual content and they are prohibited from generating it. (openai seems to have changed the terms to run generation of sexual content that isn't child pornography) except for individual open source models and user trained ones. You can try removing sex from prompt to try it. Censorship about sexual content floods the entire internet, except for porn sites (most of the sex present in these sites is exploitative, not unconditional). Sex is inherently innate, and people should face up to it.
ReplyDeleteYeah that’s what I’m saying that AI is blocking sexual energy
DeleteUnconditional love sex……this is so difficult for surface population.
ReplyDeleteMoney resource and strength of body, is key.
I think marriage between Star nobilities is best and necessary.
Surface population will need to learn
DeleteWhy Body strength is also a key? Is it because more attractive others if you have more strength?
DeleteBiology dictates what people are attracted to
DeleteHuman’s live is too short and human’s body strength is far not enough,than pleiadian or sirian.
DeleteIn a word, human’s weak body is hard to deal with several partners.Dark forces also know this point.
DeleteThat's because the darkies raped human DNA, making it so pitiful.
I totally agree! I can deeply feel the combination of divine unconditional love and the purest sexual love. It is a natural expression of the most primitive pure and simple desire, the desire to be one with all things. I expressed it very simply and directly when I was a child! I longed for close contact with my sisters and brothers, skin-to-skin contact, kisses, hugs, and the joy of interacting with the energy of love and tenderness! Longing for unconditional love!!! Wanting to express unconditional love!!
ReplyDeleteOk, time to talk here...and some of you will be aware of this, if you're on Cobra's blog, otherwise it will be new to yas. And before anyone says anything, this is not some 'woke' thing or of the 'gay/trans agenda' morons like Matt Walsh or so-called 'awakened patriots' will scream blood murder about.
ReplyDeleteImagine when someone, such as me, who's soul is an alien women, forcibly trapped in a human man's body (and an ugly, unidealistic one at that), and feeling so helpless and unable to do anything about it. I know my soul is an alien woman, I've seen it several times in visions and dreams since 2005, and in 2013, I verified it. A blond, slim alien girl (youtuber Dawn Marie or when British actress Lala Ward was VERY young in the 1960's, would be good comparisons), and I feel I was either of the alien military or some administration position. Somehow, I was either captured or killed by the darkies (my unflattering nickname for the dark forces), and my soul sent down to this miserable planet, forced to incarnate as a human man, and an ugly one at that (Each time I look into the mirror, I want to either CRY or THROW UP, since I pretty much see Golem from Lord of the Rings looking back at me), as well as into a family consisting of conservative catholics and christians, so you'll probably guess I'd not been able to get the help I need, shit, I was to scared to consider asking them for help....they were all assholes, jerks, bigots, drunks, junkies, and only cared about the following: The bible, money, and materialism....considering most of them are of the yuppie/boomer generation, it's no surprise. And they tried to make me into the next John Wayne, which SUCKED like you won't believe. I must have been a really important or dangerous girl in that prior, happy life, since it seems the darkies made sure life would be miserable in all aspects.
Libra said it best "Forcing a woman's soul into an ugly man's body is an effective way to break her". And, folks, I feel soooooooooooooooo BROKEN. I don't fit in anywhere...I'm THE misfit. Also, sexuality is something I tried to work with, but it's so messed up in my situation, and unlike some of the amazing transgirls out there, like Bailey Jay, I can't even do that, the ravages of masculine puberty wrecked it. Libra also once talked about a picture once; several women in skimpy swimwear posing all sexy in front of a car. A second picture showed several men, dressed in skimpy swimwear, in the same poses, and they looked ridiculous. When trapped in the wrong body, I can't do what would otherwise be natural for me. And for sexuality...the alien girl I was is also lesbian, and trying to have meaningful, loving relationships with women is impossible....they all want beer guzzling, shit talking alpha jock males who can beat their chests the loudest. Pretty much what these 2 videos discuss:
"You get punished for not being a bullshit artist!" - Adam Corolla. <---Truer words never spoken. And when you're a girl trapped in a man's body, it's hell.
And the parts about hair is sooooo true. Mine fell out starting at ag 16, and totally Jason Alexander bald at 20 or so. And let me tell you, apart from feeling very old, ugly and unattractive, I've noticed getting any messages or signals from the good guys up there *points to the stars* has become very scare and rare events for me for the past 25 years. Those girls of the Vril society prior to, and during, world war 2 must have known what they were doing, since they all had super long hair.
ReplyDeleteSee, I, and I am sure others out there similar situations, NEED the Light Forces to stop dillydallying and get get on with it. Enough of TRYING to get human politicians to wake the hell up and so something right, for once in their useless lives.....not gonna happen, folks. We need DIRECT intervention and contact NOW.
I PROMISED myself to get transformed back into an alien girl, and in THIS lifetime, THIS incarnation.....for I will NOT simply wait for death and HOPE I get it good next time because for me....there will be NO next time, NO more reincarnation. This one human, so-called 'life' did it for me....and why should I wait to reincarnate to get what I NEED NOW? And if I am doomed to die here on Planet Gulag, as a man, I lose my personal war with the darkies, and I shall forever hate the light forces for abandoning me and betraying me, all because they insist on 'playing it safe' and waiting for 'the right time'. Aliens have REAL life spans and don't age.....we, human, sadly, thanks to the darkies raping our DNA, have pitifully short lives (turtles, sharks and parrots can live longer than us!) and we age. And my soul will go after BOTH the darkies and light forces, like what Dr. Who did in the timewar involving the Timelord and Daleks, he destroyed BOTH sides, and ended that war, I'll do the same and wonder the cosmos as a wounded and traumatized soul, lashing out at ANYONE who comes near me, or gets in my way, EVEN if they really want to help me; the light forces HAD a chance before and failed. That, or I'll send MYSELF to galactic central sun, since NON EXISTANCE will be far more preferable than being abandoned and left for dead by the light forces, should they fail me.
And I don't type these words lightly folks. Direct alien contact, a long overdue reunion with my REAL family & friends, and to get my PROPER body again.....these are the ONLY reasons I have yet to either become a drug addict or put a gun to my head all these years.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8Q0WXhamk0 <----- Every day folks, and the conversation/shouting match I gotta go through when the 'light worker community' and what I called "The Happiness Patrol".
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtWHgkNH5yU <----- I have breakdowns like this A LOT.
Sorry to rant, folks, but all I am saying is the truth. And IF Trump and Musk have refused to cooperate with the Aldebarens, as Russia and China have done, and we've been delayed yet again, I have 2 words for the Aldebarens in regards what they outta do with Trump and Musk.
*drops mic and walks off*
Honestly? I think polyamory right now is just a fetishtic humiliation ritual. It's a very toxic dynamic.