Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Personal Notes from the 2025 Portal Workshop in Phoenix (Feb 1-2, 2025)

Disclaimer: This is a typed version of notes that the author made during the 2025 Portal workshop in Phoenix, AZ. The author does not claim the accuracy of these notes to be 100% true. Please use your own inner judgement and critical thinking. Some images and graphs may not be identical to those seen at the conference. The content of the notes is NOT an exact match to what Cobra spoke about. There may be mishearing, handwriting errors, or omissions in the process. This is my own interpretation of the information. Our words are always an interpretation of what was said.

VOTL 628 note: I know a lot of you might have read previous conference/workshop notes. You may be inclined to skip most content as it’s repeated. I strongly recommend you not to skip any part of these notes. There is very important information which is good even to re-read. There is some very heavy information in these notes.

Making these notes was a difficult task. The lights were turned off in the room, making it hard to write. Information was also delivered at a rapid pace. If you feel guided, you can make a donation to any of the fundraisers in the sidebar. They are all still active. For example, you can support the fundraiser for gridwork in the New York City area: Thank you.

Also, annoyingly, every time I narrated the word “darkness”, Google Docs capitalized it (i.e. it wrote “Darkness”).

Workshop's website:
Noted by: VOTL 628


We came from various environments. We need to do a meditation to align our energies.

Close your eyes and get comfortable. Watch your breath coming in and out.

When you breathe in, you breathe in brilliant white Light into your Being. When you breathe out, you radiate brilliant white Light in all directions.

Breathe in brilliant white Light into your physical body. When you breathe out, you release all pain, all symptoms from your physical body. Keep breathing like that. Now you breathe in brilliant white Light into your physical body. And when you breathe out, you radiate this Light in all directions from your physical body.

Breathe in brilliant white Light into your plasma body. When you breathe out, you release all anomaly. Keep breathing like that. Now you breathe in brilliant white Light into your plasma body. And when you breathe out, you radiate this Light in all directions from your plasma body.

Breathe in brilliant white Light into your etheric body. When you breathe out, you release all blockages from your chakras. Just let them go. Keep breathing like that. Now you breathe in brilliant white Light into your etheric body. When you breathe out, you radiate this Light in all directions from your etheric body.

Breathe in brilliant white Light into your emotional body. Let it permeate all your emotions. When you breathe out, you release sadness, fear, depression, etc. Keep breathing like that. Now you breathe in brilliant white Light into your emotional body. When you breathe out, you radiate this Light in all directions from your emotional body.

Breathe in brilliant white Light into your mental body (i.e. mind). Let it permeate your mental body. When you breathe out, you release what you don't need anymore. Release all negative belief systems and doubts. Keep breathing like that. Now you breathe in brilliant white Light into your mental body. When you breathe out, you radiate this Light in all directions from your mental body.

Breathe in brilliant white Light into the totality of your Being. When you breathe out, you radiate brilliant white Light in all directions. You begin to realize that you are a Being of Light. You confirm this fact by singing sacred word OM 3 times.

As a Being of Light, you connect with all Beings of Light in this room. You become one being of Light. As one being of Light, we breathe in brilliant white Light. When we breathe out, we radiate brilliant white Light outwards in all directions. We are a Being of Light. We confirm this fact by singing sacred word OM 3 times.

As a group, as a Being of Light, we are connecting with couples and individuals all around the world. Visualize the planetary network of Light growing and all wars ending. Only Light remains. That is the moment of the Event. This planet becomes surrounded by brilliant white Light. It becomes a point of Light.

See the Milky Way Galaxy as a double spiral full of stars. Each star is a point of Light. The Galactic Central Sun, as the source of Light, is sending rays of Light to each star in the Galaxy. It activates all stars. Each star is sending a ray of Light to our Solar System and Earth. Earth is the last point which is going to join the Galactic network of Light. This will be the fulfillment of the Galactic prophecy. All darkness goes away, only Light remains. That time is now.

Visualize a pillar of sky blue Light coming from the sky, going through this group, into the centre of the Earth. Also visualize a pillar of sky blue Light coming from the centre of the Earth, going through this group, into the sky. We are sitting in pillars of Light going in both directions at once. In the stratosphere there is a mothership of Ashtar Command giving protection to our group. You can call upon Ashtar Command and the Galactic Confederation if you feel guided. You can ask them to protect today's workshop and the ray initiations tomorrow. As you breathe in, you breathe the mothership into your heart. As you breathe out, you breathe your heart to the mothership. Call upon the mothership's presence.

Slowly you become aware of your physical environment. You become aware of the sounds, the air, the floor beneath. When you open your eyes you will be completely here and now in this present moment.

Everybody welcome back.

There was a short introduction by the organizer (Pat).

Make sure all of you have signed your NDAs. You cannot mention anything about Cobra's identity to anyone, whether online or offline. Switch off your cellphones. No electronic devices are allowed to be used in this room. You cannot take photos or make audio or video recordings. Step out of this room in the break if you need to make a phone call. You can take written notes and share them with those who are open to this information.

Now we can begin.

The goal of this workshop is to navigate us through this year.

The first step of preparation for this year comprised of 2 workshops:

  1. Taipei, last December

  2. Kyoto, in January

This workshop is the second step of preparation. There will be many further steps. Information will be released gradually in 2025 because it is a very sensitive year. The dark forces cannot know our plans for this year. So, information will be released in incremental steps. Every month some more information will be released. Information will be released in many ways such as through The Portal blog, workshops, interviews, etc.

Now we begin the next phase of preparation for this year. 2025 is a very important year. No one knows what’ll happen this year. There are no guarantees. There are some guidelines, but this is not a usual year. Nothing like this has ever happened before.

A very powerful and important energetic portal opens forever, this year. It is the 2025 Ascension Portal. The Ascension process for humanity was brutally stopped in 1996. It has to be reignited. This is a very intense process, energetically as well as physically, on the surface of the planet as well as below. 

There are extremely powerful astrological configurations this year. We have a 500 year astrological cycle which we will feel for the first time in our lives. There are many other extremely powerful astrological configurations too. We will not talk about them in detail, but we will cover the basics in this workshop.

Uranus, Neptune & Pluto’s ephemeris was shown to us. They make a harmonious resonance in a ~500 year cycle. The last time they made such a configuration it triggered the European Renaissance. The Renaissance changed the destiny of human civilization on the surface of the Earth. There is a very similar configuration happening this year. It becomes exact again later this year for the first time in 500 years.

The surface of the Earth is going to undergo an intense transformation which will last a few years. This will be the Golden Age for surface humanity. However, due to free will, nobody knows when it’ll occur. There are other factors involved as well, such as anomaly.

Pluto left Capricorn and entered Aquarius. The first time Pluto entered Aquarius was in March 2023. Then Pluto left Aquarius and entered Capricorn for a short while. It finally entered Aquarius on November 19 of last year. Pluto’s transit into Aquarius brings the Age of Aquarius. In the 20 year period when Pluto transits Aquarius, it will transform surface society. Pluto in Capricorn exposed corruption and anomaly of the old system. Since November of last year, Pluto is bringing the new society. It is bringing the energy of Disclosure and First Contact. The artificial isolation of the surface of the Earth will end. The matrix within which the Surface society is living in will not be able to withstand the energy of Pluto transiting Aquarius. The quarantine of Earth will end during the period of Pluto transiting Aquarius.

We were shown the ephemeris chart of 2025. The following points were shown:

Lunar Node (North Node), Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris, Chiron, Sedna.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto make a grand sextile in 2025. At the same time they all change signs: Pluto goes from Capricorn to Aquarius, Neptune goes from Pisces to Aries, and Uranus goes from Taurus to Gemini. This results in a huge shift of energies. These planets are going to leave no stone left unturned. Change begins now.

Sedna is a planetoid with a 26,000 year cycle. Its orbital period is symbolic of the 26,000 year Galactic cycle. Sedna makes many Aspects with the outer planets and Pleiades this year. It also has aspects with M87 Galaxy in Virgo, which is the source of Cosmic Love energy. This will activate Cosmic Love energy. There's an aspect of this on February 6th which is exactly 5 days after this workshop. We have already entered into that resonance field. This energy will enter the quarantine and heal the heart chakra of humanity. It will heal those who are wounded or traumatized. In fact, this workshop's date was chosen related to that aspect. It is chosen just 5 days before that aspect happens, and before its transformation begins.

We are going through a great purification between January 21st and the 2 months after it (i.e. February and March). It can appear as if there is not much progress in these months. It can cause frustration and dissatisfaction. During this period, the old surface systems will be dismantled and the darkness will be removed. The US is playing a key role in this. That's why the workshop has been held here and now. 

In February and March the Pan-American Dragon ley line will be completed. The next two months are crucial to activate the Dragon ley line. This includes Alaska, Canada, USA, Mexico, Central America, South America, Chile, Argentina. This process of dragon ley line activation has begun and shall continue. A gridworker said that they have planted tachyonized Colombianites and Galactic Cintamani’s. There were so many beautiful expressions such as the dragon wind during the process of activation. This process will be continued and the Divine masculine will be activated. The Goddess energy has been activated and now it's time for the masculine energy. Pat: the dragon wind in the sky looks like the Dragon force.

After the Asian and Pan American Dragon lines are completed in the next few months, there will be a solar eclipse on March 29th. This will bring a very strong energy which shall pass through the dragon Ley lines. And from there it shall go through the entire planet. This is a process of purification. It is a very strong process and we will not talk about it right now. We will individually and collectively connect to our Higher Selves. There's not much time.

The Aldebarans have a certain plan that they will execute when they're ready. They're going through a certain process and information about this will be released only in March. We are the first group that is hearing about this. The United States has unique conditions such as its legal framework. There are many ascended beings of Light working with the United States. There's a reason why the Breakthrough can only happen here and not anywhere else. Arizona is playing a special role in this. There are more phases of 2025 which shall be disclosed after March 29th. There will be more Quantum leaps. They will result in the best optimal moments.

There is a harmonious configuration of Neptune at the midpoint of Uranus and Pluto. This resonance was exact in September 2024 and January 2025. It will also be exact later this year and two more times in 2026. There was a spiritual awakening in the 1980s to 1990s. This was interrupted by the Archon invasion of 1996. We are going to start this process again.

(We were shown some astrological aspects pertaining to Sedna)

We are in the final completion phase of the 26,000 year cycle. This is the end of incarnations in the quarantine status of the Earth. The fact that we are cut off from the rest of the universe has to change;

Saint Germain achieved his Ascension in the 18th century. 300 years ago he began the new Atlantis project. There was a civilization of Light in Atlantis. it needs to be reawakened and the United States is the trigger for this.

Tektites come from other star systems. They create hyperdimensional wormholes of interstellar plasma and allow very high frequency Light to reach the surface. There is a meditation to connect with other star systems and find your star origin (VOTL 628 note: see Moldavites can be used to connect with Pleiades. Colombianites and Cintamani stones connect with Sirius. Galactic cintamani’s connect with the Galactic Central Sun. Tibetan Tektites belong to Andromeda, Lyra, Aldebaran, Arcturian, and other star systems. When they're planted they affect the planetary energy grid. 

We were shown a map of Los Angeles’ cintamani grid. we could see a very powerful network of Light there. However there's another aspect which has not been spoken about and it has been neglected. That's why the cintamani grid is not enough.

Galactic Cintamani's come from the Galactic center. when the Galactic Superwave hits the surface, it will pass through the energy field of these stones to the planetary energy grid.

The Pleiadians have created Tachyon Chambers. Tachyons are the first subatomic particles created at the beginning of this Cosmic cycle. They travel faster than Light. They pass through the Galactic Central sun of each Galaxy when they enter our universe. We need much more Light. The dark forces have created a quarantine on Earth. They have created ionospheric heaters which absorb Cosmic rays and tachyons. These particles do not reach the surface of our planet. This is why there's a disbalance in humans’ energy fields. We need to manifest balance. That's why there are many tachyonized objects and crystals available to check out and buy. Of particular note are emeralds which are very important stones in this part of the planetary liberation. Emeralds from different locations carry different Light codes. Techniques to connect with the Agarthan Network were given in the Colombia Workshop notes (VOTL 628 note: see It is important to connect with Agartha. You'll see many beneficial effects by connecting with Agartha and this is much recommended. 

Zambian emeralds can be used to heal the trauma of the great forgetting of 1996. Zambia is not far from Lake Kivu in Congo which was where the Archon invasion took place. Zambian emeralds were placed there in order to counteract darkness and bring Light to the area.

The emeralds from Yunnan in China can be used to connect with Blue Dragon Agartha. Below China there are many beings of Light.

The emeralds from Afghanistan can be used to connect with the Positive Green Dragon Society. They are connected to Sumeria and the Sufi movement. That energy is anchored in Panjshir Valley in Nuristan. That is the surface entry point for the Light Forces and the Agarthans.

The emeralds from Xi’an can also be used to connect with Blue Dragon Agartha. There is an underground tunnel from Xi’an in China to Tokyo in Japan. 

The emeralds from the Hubei mine in China are found close to Wuhan which is the center of the Blue Dragon Agartha Network. They have been influencing the surface of the Earth with their Light.

The emeralds from Xinjiang in China can be used to connect with the Positive Tibetan Agarthan Network. They're very powerful.

Other powerful stones are Galactic cintamani, ordinary cintamani, opals. Opals will be very useful in 2025 and onwards. They can take our consciousness to the Buddhic plane, which is beyond anomaly. There are also ATVOR crystals, Colombian tektites, products for feminine and masculine Energies such as Dragon bracelets, medallions, Dragon rings, Goddess jewelry, etc. to anchor these energies. 


Close your eyes and watch your breath. Breathe in brilliant white Light. And breathe out brilliant white Light.

Now we will talk about Code 12:21. But before that there is time for some questions.

Question: are you enlightened? Answer: what do you think? Yes or no? (laughter). I cannot answer that because it is a personal question.

Question about the Los Angeles fires. Answer: had posted about it on The Portal blog. This was an intentional attack on the grid by the dark forces. But it backfired on them. It actually cleared a lot of anomaly and cleared many entities who were living in that area. The Los Angeles vortex can begin to be reawakened again.

Question about using belly dancing, martial arts, and chi gong in order to Ascend. Answer: belly dancing is connected to Asian Goddess Mysteries. It was used to raise the Kundalini in the Mystery Schools. Martial arts and Qigong can be used as the masculine complement in the form of dragon energy.

Question about the law of one, the RA material, and the overlap with Cobra’s intel. Answer: cannot comment on anyone else's material. We were told to use our own inner guidance on Cobra or anything else. You have to see what resonates with you.

Question about twin flames. Answer: everybody has one. However, they joked that they weren't sure why they called it twin flames. But they confirmed that there are twin souls. This is because one Soul splits into two bodies, each with its own incarnation process. They both reunite at the time of Ascension. Pat: you can read the article about Soul families. (

Question about science and math and whether they're connected to the Goddess. For example, Ramanujan had formulas on his scroll. The question was about math and Goddess Mysteries. Answer: Math is the language of creation. Math is a code which is also used in sacred geometry, physics, and in time and space. Math is a tool to describe how the Goddess (i.e. the feminine aspect of Source) manifested in the universe.

Question about deepseek. Answer: it is hype. It is over dramatized. It is just the next step in the dark forces’ programming of humanity. It is just a computer script. Sources say that it has been pirated from OpenAI. AI has limitations. It just reshuffles information. There's no real innovation with AI. AI will not destroy humanity. 

Question about where the Andromeda tektite is found. Answer: it is from Tibet.

Question about Trump having Light and dark aspects. Will he be more inclined towards the Light? Answer: it is up to his free will. We can do things such as purify him with the Violet flame and ask his soul to intervene in his personality.

Question about twin souls. Is it true that they have two causal bodies and above that they are the same soul? Answer: yes they have two causal bodies and one mental permanent atom.

After looking at the projector in the room, it was said that we are still using 19th century technology. There's quite advanced technology out there, and we have to keep an open mind. When the portal opens, it shall reshuffle the SpaceTime continuum. It will change how Consciousness evolves on this planet. We will undergo a Cosmic transition. 

The time arrow goes from the past to the Future. All space is filtered through the filter of the present i.e. through the filter of the Now. You are aware of SpaceTime as it is in the present moment.

The 11:11 portal was opened in 1992 and it closed on November 22nd of last year. This was the time of clearing of Duality and it was a very necessary process. This was the end of the old paradigm. The 26,000 year incarnation cycle was completed. This was very important and much needed. The question becomes: what now? 

The 11:11 code is anchored in every atom and every subatomic particle. They all contain a hyper-dimensional Wormhole connecting them to the One. Now it's time for a new Doorway to open.

(There was a picture with text showing “11:11” and “rainbow visions beyond”. I could not find it.)

The new doorway is called 12:21. It contains Antarion conversion within it. Antarion conversion is a way to transition from one reality system to another. 

We have been operating from a certain paradigm for 26,000 years. We took this paradigm for granted. The end of the old Paradigm is something we have never experienced before.

This page is taken from the 1987 book of Solara. Antarion Conversion is currently ongoing and is constantly transforming this planet's reality and the whole universe. It is the doorway of transformation.

There's a harmonious process that creates Antarion Conversion. It is the process by which space and time is filtered. This time there is a real possibility of Ascension. It is not something that we only can visualize or speak about. It is something that can actually manifest. 

Sirius has a connection with Isis. (VOTL 628 Note: We can see that the first two letters of Sirius ("SI") denote the number 21. And the letters "IS" from Isis denote the number 12. So we can see Code 12:21 (also represented by 21:12) forming the link between Sirius and Isis.)

Now let's speak about the Portal of preparedness. It closed the old doorway. This portal was preparing us for 2025. It prepared our energy fields. In February and March there will be a very intense purification. This is a very challenging time and it contains the purification of a lot of anomaly. We are reactivating triggers for the Golden Age. We are preparing ourselves and the planet. During this time there will be many geopolitical crises and surprises. However, at the end of March we will reach the bottom line of this. We will know how to start the new cycle. 

We are making a quantum leap into a True Vacuum.

M87 Galaxy in Virgo Is a huge Galaxy with a huge central black hole. An image of M87 Galaxy's central black hole was taken three to four years ago. M87 Galaxy is situated in the centre of the Virgo Galactic cluster. It contains a huge portal to the Cosmic soul and brings Cosmic Love to this part of the universe. There's an aspect between Sedna and M87 Galaxy next week. We can already feel that energy coming in. This energy dissolves the friction that we are feeling right now. This energy is very necessary before big changes.

Question about orbs. Answer: the orbs are not shooting airplanes. There's a lot of interference with Avionics. Some crashes are intentional and are caused by the dark forces.

Question about whether Antarion can happen anytime. Or does it specifically happen every 26,000 years. Answer: since the 11:11 Portal has been anchored, it can happen anytime. But some times are more powerful for it. Did not want to talk about Merkaba body activation right now. However, there is a connection between the portal of the heart chakra and Antarion. The process of Antarion Conversion is taking place both collectively as well as individually.

Question about whether there needs to be some protection for EMF when planting organite under cell phone towers. Answer: you do not need to worry about interference. You can use Crystals at home if you feel guided. Just don't plant any other crystals near your cintamani’s.

Question about whether the Draco empire fell to the negative AI. Answer: there were many factors about the Draco. Those factors included implants, anomaly, the chimera group, & negative AI. This will never be allowed to happen again. There is enough wisdom in this universe to prevent it from happening again.

Question about the Phoenix group. Answer: Phoenix is a code name, and Phoenix is a code City. There were certain operations of the Resistance Movement in Arizona in the last few decades. They will continue.

Question about whether the US coasts will disappear eventually (places such as Los Angeles, for example). Answer: this will happen at the Pole shift. California will be quite exposed. When the time is right you should go to a place which is at least 4,000 to 5,000 ft above sea level. In the US there will be safe spaces.

Question about a Reddit post about people's emotional walls coming down. (VOTL 628 Note: it sounded like society after the Galactic wave of Love. The post is:

Answer: this vision is very much correct about what will happen in the future. 

Question about how the shift will occur. Answer: the shift will first be gradual then sudden.

Question about brain chips being developed by Elon Musk. Answer: Elon Musk has shut down one part of his emotional body. This makes it easy for him to be manipulated by the dark forces. One part of him needs to reawaken to his spiritual side.

Question about whether Love and darkness are opposites. Answer: darkness on one side and love on the other side is a partially correct description.

Question about orbs in the sky. Answer: the orbs are plasma beings, or ETs, or Angelic beings, or natural plasma discharges. Not all of them are here for our Liberation. But most of them are here for it.

Question about quantum and subquantum anomaly. Will they be cleared before the Event? Answer: these have existed since the birth of the universe. They existed outside time. They came into SpaceTime at the birth of the universe. They have to be transformed and transmuted. Source has to transfigure them.

Source subquantum Network

We are not living in the true quantum state. We are living in a false vacuum. We are outside the true equilibrium. Scientists have discovered this fact. They think it is going to be the end of the universe when we transition to the True Vacuum. That is not true. it shall be the end of reality as we know it. Physicists have discovered that the top quark is in a metastable state. We have not reached the final equilibrium. The underlying cause of transformation is a Quantum intelligence grid reversal. Source is bringing Light to the subquantum level of the universe. 

Quantum fluctuations are oscillations that go beyond space and time. There is a movement in the vacuum going on all the time. That movement can either be harmonious or chaotic. The quantum foam currently looks like this:

The Source is currently purifying the ultimate darkness. There is an emerald Ray coming from Source to do this. Transformation of anomaly was a very difficult process and it took place in 2024. Now more than 50% of the Lurker is gone. This entity is losing power. Murphy's Law is decreasing, and the emerald Ray of Source is gaining power.

There is a lot of talk about Earth entering a new reality (i.e. Earth going from 3D to 5D). however no one really understands it properly. What is really happening is that there is a Quantum fluctuation change at the subatomic level. The underlying basis of reality is going to change. Every atom in this universe will change.

The dragon wind comes from a Cosmic level. it passes through the central sun of every Galaxy. it destroys darkness and reinstates balance. Each Galaxy goes through this process. Our galaxy (The Milky Way) takes 225 million years for one such rotation. But there's also a smaller Galactic heartbeat that happens every 26,000 years. This pulse takes a few years when it happens.

Scientists have measured that the reversal of the polarity of the planet's magnetic field only takes a few years to happen. It happens very quickly and comes almost as a surprise. It changes everything we know very quickly. 

(VOTL 628 note: see this post for more information-

The Galactic Central Sun's pulse reaches the physical plane through the subatomic level. It also propagates through the scalar field. The Galactic Central Sun will activate the portal in the middle of our solar system’s physical Sun. This will turn our sun into a micrornova. Our sun will release a huge wave of plasma & protons and other particles. This will push the Earth's magnetic field towards the surface. The energy from the Sun will penetrate the surface of the Earth directly. 

This will trigger the magnetic pole shift of the Earth. We can already see that the north magnetic pole of the earth is shifting rapidly. We are in the initial phase of this process. 

The magnetic field strength of the earth is dropping quickly. When it falls below a certain threshold, it triggers the physical pole shift on the surface. There are magnetic fields between Earth's core and mantle, and between Earth’s mantle and crust. The viscosity and elasticity of these barriers depends on Earth's magnetic field. When Earth’s magnetic field falls below a certain threshold, the crust of the earth shifts around the Earth's core and mantle. Water accumulates near one part of the Earth. This causes a big wave of water to crash, washing over all the continents. There is a huge tsunami a few miles high. It washes away all darkness.

Earth’s tectonic plates are linked to its main mountain ranges on the etheric plane. The tectonic plates are thus linked to the dragon leylines. Activation of the Dragon ley lines will stabilize and prepare Earth's tectonic plates. This will result in less earthquakes. We are lucky that we have an extended period without drastic cataclysms. We are very lucky to have the dragon ley lines activated.

The dark forces have realized that they are about to lose. This is why they want to instill fear among the surface population of nuclear war. They want to worsen the living conditions of surface humans. The influx of Light means that the old systems are about to collapse.

This is one understanding of how the system is about to collapse. (Picture of how systems collapse)

The pandemic drained the system of control of its buffer. In 2025 we might finally see signs of the system collapsing. 

This is one understanding of the phase transition diagram:

We are in phase 3, which will reach its culmination at the Event. That will be the moment of the Phase Transition. The amount of energy being sent to the surface of the planet is increasing. This is happening both physically as well as non physically. ATVOR Rays are being sent in order to remove darkness. When enough energy enters the surface, it will trigger the phase transition.

The Event will be the moment of maximum energy that we ever experience on the surface of the planet in its quarantine status. Then we will go through many phases, eventually creating Islands of Light. This will be the true network of Light on the surface of the Earth.

In the next phase we will have the Galactic Super Wave, the pole shift and the Solar Flash. Only areas inside islands of Light will remain unharmed. Everything else will be washed away.

Question whether Ashtar still has three waves in his Ascension plan for humanity. And if this will happen before the pole shift. Answer: yes, that is still the plan.

Question about electromagnetic fields and whether the solar system is passing through a different area. Whether we’re no longer passing through a dense cloud, but rather, Light frequencies are coming in. This pertains also to the photon belt. The sun used to be yellow as a kid and now it's white. Does this have anything to do with removing the Lurker? Answer: could not confirm whether the solar system is passing through that cloud. What was confirmed is that there is a removal and transformation of the Lurker. And while it is true that we are passing through an Interstellar cloud, that is not the main cause of transformation of the Lurker.

Question whether the Aldebarans have contacted Donald Trump. Answer: Donald Trump has not been contacted directly. The Pleiadians saved Trump's life by moving his head. It was not God who did so (which is what Donald Trump believes), but rather, the Pleiadians.

Question about whether the very important astrological configurations in March will affect all humans or just the awakened humans. Answer: this will energetically be the start of a new process. The answer to this question depends on how things go.

Question about islands of Light. Answer: we are currently preparing for this to happen. It will only happen after the event. Nobody's ready for it.

Question about 70 feet of land being required for the contact dish protocol. (VOTL 628 note: See Answer: this was a recommendation. There can be smaller ships for smaller land sizes. No one seems to have property that big.

Question about whether the vibration of the islands of Light will be too high. As a result, will only beings of Light be allowed to return to Earth? Answer: the answer is quite complex but yes there will be a certain purity of Consciousness needed.

(After lunch break)

Close your eyes and watch your breath coming in & out. Breathe in brilliant white Light into your being. Breathe out and radiate brilliant white Light in all directions.

Everybody welcome back to the second part of this Workshop. A few questions could be answered.

Question about there being EMF around quarantine Earth and how are beings coming in. Are they coming in from Mars or the Moon? Answer: the quarantine is breaking down, that's it.

Question about Donald Trump launching Operation Warpspeed in 2021. It had to do with mRNA. And this year he has launched Operation Stargate which is going to invest $500 billion in negative AI programs. Is this a Cosmic level joke? Answer: the Illuminati love code names and symbolism. These names are intentional.

Question about fire insurance being cancelled in the Phoenix Goddess vortex, Tucson, Sedona, California, Los Angeles, Mount Shasta, San Francisco. Answer: the dark forces are trying to plan something in Arizona and there are steps being taken to prevent this.

Question about whether Operation Stargate is nefarious. Answer: there are at least three aspects. The first aspect is that there's competition in AI between the United States and China. The second aspect is that the Light Forces have their own agenda. The third aspect is the vaccine aspect. 

Question about the Bible and the Revelation and whether we're living in those times. Also, whether the Antichrist is a person or whether it is a Collective consciousness. And if Donald Trump or Elon Musk are the Antichrist. Answer: the Revelation was a vision given to somebody 2,000 years ago and so things might not happen exactly like that. The Antichrist is just an archetype for negative entities. It was used when speaking about biblical things.

Question about Salt Lake City. Answer: there are some improvements but there's no Tachyon Chamber there. It would be great to open a portal there. 

Question about whether Lightworkers have Ascended before 1996. Answer: a few people have ascended before 1996.

Question: Were all the Lightworkers in this room ascended before? Answer: Yes. Clarification: "Like, ascended ascended?" (laughter). Answer: Yes, you were all ascended before.

Question: We know of the Pleiadians, Aldebarans, Arcturians, etc. What do we know about life on our neighbors in the solar system? Is there life on Mars, Venus, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter? Answer: life in this solar system evolved on Earth. There were certain civilizations who lived on the other planets. Those planets were recolonized by people from other star systems. There exists microbial native life on other planets. there's no high intelligence native life there. 

Earth Liberation Alliance

There is a group of various Cosmic races working to liberate this planet. This is a very tough planet to liberate. Earth has been the focal point for darkness for 26,000 years and especially since 1996. The Light Forces are doing whatever they can. They are removing layers upon layers of darkness. All those layers are being revealed and cleared. This is a very intense process and this is why we have been living through three decades of hell since 1996. We have finally reached the final phase.

There are many beings of Light working to liberate us. 

First is the Multiverse Confederation. They are very experienced in removing the Lurker. They are greatly assisting with this. This is why less than 50% of the Lurker is remaining now. They are removing primary anomaly. They are making ATVOR stronger. 

The second race worth mentioning is the Andromedans. Andromeda contains hundreds of billions of stars. There are many races there. What is common is that they have developed a very masculine energy. They understand the physical plane and know how to deal with it. The black nobility are negative Andromedans. The positive Andromedans are dealing with them.

Next is the Galactic Confederation. They are involved with the soul Rescue Mission. Our Milky Way Galaxy is feminine. The Milky Way is the twin soul of Andromeda. The Galactic Confederation is bringing Goddess energy to this part of the galaxy.

Ashtar command is a department within the Galactic Confederation. They are here to liberate this planet. They have been very involved with the defeat of darkness for thousands of years. Ashtar ascended 26,000 years ago. He reappeared in many locations, especially in the Middle East thousands of years ago. In the past 1,000 to 2,000 years there was less activity of Ashtar Command near Earth. They reentered our solar system in 1953 once enough anomaly was removed after World War II. They have been anchored in Southern California in the Los Angeles Vortex since 1953. In 1954 they made a direct attempt to pierce the quarantine at Edwards Air Force Base by interacting with politicians (VOTL 628 note: see But the Jesuits prevented any fruitful cooperation from occurring. Ashtar Command then started working with the spiritually awakened portion of the surface population. This photo from Giant Rock in California is an actual photo of Ashtar’s ship. It was taken in 1961.

Angelic Beings

Angelic beings looked after human evolution during the 26,000 year cycle. In 1996 they were expelled from our solar system. They are coming back now. By burying Sirian & Galactic Cintamani stones you anchor the energy of Angelic Beings on the surface of the planet. This makes it easier for them to anchor themselves.

Ascended beings are those who have taken Earth incarnations for 26,000 years or more (i.e. one or more cycles of 26,000 years). They have ascended Beyond 3D SpaceTime. they are going to reappear in their Light bodies. In May there is going to be a very important activation of Ascended masters. This is going to be a big Quantum Leap for the surface population.

The Aldebarans know how to deal with the draco and the reptilians. They lost a war with the Draco 5,000 to 6,000 years ago (VOTL 628 note: see Since then they have gained experience on how to deal with the Draco. Most politicians, lawyers, CEOs, stock market people, etc. are Draco’s. Many of them are psychopaths or sociopaths. Aldebarans are dealing with them very successfully. They are involved in surface operations.

The Arcturians are working with the higher mind and intuition. They are also working with Buddhism. They are undoing religious programming and working to increase the number of awakened people. They are activating the 3rd eye, brow, and crown chakras of humanity.

The Sirians have become much more active in 2025. They have entered the solar system this year. They have a lot of cooperation with Angelic beings. They have huge motherships. 

(We were shown a black and white drawing of a Sirian mothership).

There is a 50-year Sirius cycle which takes place in 2025. Sirians are working with Ashtar Command. Many members of Ashtar Command are from the Sirius star system. 

The Pleiadians have been at the forefront of the Galactic War for a very long time. They have cleared so much. They were too exposed to the darkness. So they had to retreat and change their strategy. They are not working with most of the surface population, but rather, with the most awake people. They are working on healing of most Light workers, activating the Light Grid around the planet, Cintamani grids, Tachyon Chambers, ley lines, healing nature, restoring balance, healing the heart chakra, and helping people reconnect with their Soul and Higher Self. 

Pleiadians are now fully connected with the Agartha Network. There has been a restructuring and full activation of Agartha. The Underground network of Light is complete. This has not happened since Atlantis times i.e. 26,000 years (applause). Agartha network of the whole planet is now connected with functioning tunnels. All their underground cities are now connected. There are Stargates to Pleiades and other star systems which are now fully operational. The Agartha Network already had their own version of the event. This is very important because they can now assist us humans on the surface.

The Resistance Movement are from Planet X in the outer solar system. They came to Earth two decades ago. Some of them came even earlier. There has been a huge restructuring of them. They are preparing to carry out their surface missions. 

There are some other factions as well. For instance, there are the White Hats. This is a sensitive area so we will not talk about it right now.

Cobra is aware that people are frustrated. Information about planetary liberation couldn't be released in the past. However, the Light Forces can't expose darkness all at once. This would lead to a brutal healing. We wouldn't survive such a healing. For example, if the Tibetan dark Network had been mentioned 10 years ago, we wouldn't be sitting here right now (i.e. we’d be dead). The Light Forces have to be very careful when and where they release information.

Let people complain. We are not here to look at anybody's short-term happiness. When intel is released then people are happy for 5 minutes. But then they become disappointed again. We are in the final phase of the Galactic War and it is taking place on the surface of the Earth. This is a real war in which people die, lives are ruined, people disappear, etc.

People are not happy that it's taking so long. Even Cobra is not happy that it's taking so long. Even the dark forces are not happy that it's taking so long (laughter). They are losing and we are winning. We are going to survive this transformation intact. We have to do it this way so that we can really be in one piece after this war is over.

Question about numbers: How many beings are there to assist us? Answer: on the physical plane there are a few billion ETs in our solar system in motherships.

Question about numbers of people on the dark side. Answer: 50% of humanity is on the dark side. They are defending the Matrix. And there are also half a billion psychopaths and sociopaths. Many such people are hiding in the system. They are keeping quiet. They get exposed in this war. They are dragging the system down. 

Question about Sanat Kumara and Maitreya. Answer: Maitreya is also known as Christ. He goes by various names. There are many trigger words for this entity. But it is true that this entity came to teach humanity unconditional love.

Question about the time between the Event and the Solar Flash. Answer: the phase being referred to will take years, not months. 

Question about being eager to enjoy our last lives on Earth. Answer: the last 5-10 years of our lives could be like that.

Question asking about an update on Sedona. The person said that Phoenix is a very special area. Answer: the dark forces shut down vortexes there during the Archon invasion. The energy has not been cleared out. The situation there is almost the same as last year. There are people doing black magic in Sedona. 

Question about whether if one person who totally connected to their higher self could still make the Event happen. Answer: this is no longer the case. We are in a completely different situation now. 

Question about who's behind the US debt clock. Answer: this is sensitive information, but they are positive Templars.

Question about the timeline in May. Answer: time is not yet ready to reveal this information.

Question about the conditions for planetary liberation. Answer mentioned the following conditions:

  1. All black stones (top quark condensates) have to be removed

  2. Lurker has to be cleared enough

  3. Subquantum anomaly has to be removed enough

  4. Physical plane needs to be cleared enough

  5. There needs to be something, some sort of response from the surface population about the situation

  6. Fine tuning

We are not there yet but we are getting closer.

Question about Mjolnir percentage (quantum cannon). Answer: it is around 25%. it will not be more than that until certain conditions are fulfilled.

Question about what we are up against. Answer: “a lot”. There are individuals from another Universe hidden in the military. Then there's the black nobility who are negative Andromedans. Then there are the draco, reptilians, psychopathic human beings. But we are getting to the critical mass for breakthrough.

Question about starseed Souls versus Earth human Souls. Answer: it is not about the age of the souls. However, starseed souls were individualized hundreds of billions of years ago. Earth human souls were individualized only a few million years ago.

Question about Ascension. Does it happen spontaneously? Answer: no, Ascension is a very conscious process. It is a part of a longtime journey.

Question about people going missing. Are the dark forces trying to kill people before the Event? Answer: people could be getting kidnapped. But people are not being cloned.

Question about the movie “They Live”. It has a Stargate to Andromeda. It says “that’s where these guys are from” (i.e. the dark forces are from Andromeda). Answer: it is one of the movies from the Light Forces.

Question about where should starseeds live. Should they live in big cities? Answer: they should avoid big cities because big cities are energetically collapsing right now. However, some Light workers came here to anchor Light in big cities. So the answer is very individual.

Question about whether we need to pray for Spiritual protection everyday. Answer: yes you need to renew the protection everyday.

Question: When we connect with the Agarthans in Colombia, do we connect with the Andean network? Answer: we connect with the whole Agartha network. 

Question: When we connect with the Muzo emeralds, then do we connect with Agarthans under Muzo? Answer: again, we connect with the whole Agartha network.

Galactic White Nobility & Order of the Star

Members of this group were individualized hundreds of millions of years ago. This is a huge soul group whose purpose is to transform the universe. The AnNutTaRa Star Family are Cosmic Queens and Kings. They have taken incarnations on this planet. But most of them forgot their origins and missions. They are reawakening to a certain degree.

When people enter quarantine Earth their memories get erased. Everybody who comes to this planet forgets who they are and why they came here. Almost no one awakens 100%. This is why Liberation of this planet is taking so long.

(There was an image with the text "We Belong to the Stars")

It is time for the AnNutTaRa to assist in the transformation of this universe. There are star codes embedded in these Beings and in their missions. Some members of AnNutTara are doing their missions to a certain degree. However, those in key positions are not ready to do their mission. Light workers made huge mistakes due to which timelines collapsed in the past. Examples of such mistakes were June 2024, January 2020, and 1995. Entire timelines collapsed due to key Lightworkers not being able to handle power and responsibility. That is the reason why the Light Forces had to choose a slow & boring but steady and very safe method. Cobra has the keys to liberate this planet very quickly. Cobra could give instructions to the people in this room about exactly what to do. But people wouldn’t be able to handle it. Our parents, brothers, sisters, etc. wouldn’t be able to handle it. It would be too energetically demanding. 

This is why information is only going to be shared in increments. In every blog post there will be a little more information. So if anybody asks for information about the month of May, the Light Forces will only tell us about it maybe in April. If anyone asks for information about the Big Portal which opens later this year, the information will be given only just before it opens. We need to be careful not to collapse any opportunities this year. Key people of the Light (i.e. people in key positions) must not make any big mistakes this year. If they do so, it could have drastic consequences. The Light Grid has collapsed in the past due to key Lightworkers making big mistakes. Examples were mentioned earlier. A few examples of places where this happened are China (in 2024), Hungary (in 2020), Brazil, and the United States. The whole planet’s Light Grid collapsed after the collapse in the United States.

Collectively speaking, people in positions with important missions can change human history. History tells us that during key events, small groups of people turned events one way or the other. For example, the election of Donald Trump changed human history. We are on a different timeline now. We have shifted course. For instance, Trump mentioned Greenland and Denmark changed its coat of arms.

We need people in key positions to have full alignment with the Light. You can share the workshop notes with those who are open to this information. The people who have to read these notes are in secret groups. There are people in high positions reading this. Some who are reading this are good, and some are not so good. Every few months there will be timeline forks. We have secured the main timeline. However, the little details will affect our personal lives and how this year will go for us. This is the most important year of our lives. We have been preparing for this. 

Those who are in positions of power (such as AnNutTaRa), please do not make mistakes this year. You can make mistakes 10 years from now and they won't matter as much. When we talk about mistakes we are not talking about getting drunk or getting a speeding ticket. if you make mistakes it will trigger a chain of events that can crash a project.

The Lightworkers need to realize that stupid infighting is not important. if Lightworkers fight other Lightworkers then they're acting just like anybody else.

There are many people making comments on The Portal blog. Wondered about the thought process of some people whose comments were not approved. If such people were to become heads of states, they would start World War immediately. 

People do not need to criticize Putin or Trump. People need to get a balanced perspective on this.

When people in key positions made big mistakes 10 years ago, there were almost no consequences. But people in key positions need to make the right decisions this year.

The Source has placed the AnNutTaRa in strategic positions all over the planet. The Light Forces are in possession of a Holy Grail made of Moldavite. They are sending rays of Light from Pleiades and the Galactic Central Sun to the 144K facets of the Holy Grail. These 144K facets correspond to the 144K members of AnNutTaRa.

We were shown this image of a wine chalice made of emerald during the Mughal Empire. This is not the Holy Grail but it has the same purpose of transmitting energy from the Galactic Central Sun.

Now we will speak about the first half of 2025. We will speak about human history and various regions that are important. We'll talk about what is going on geopolitically behind the scenes. 

Israel is a region that was a programming centre in Atlantis times. It was the main implanting centre 15,000 to 20,000 years ago. It was the Orion base, connected to the Rigel star system. They were implanting people there. Even though the implanting center was destroyed at the fall of Atlantis 12,000 years ago, the energetic imprint has not been healed.

There was a mystery school in Egypt which shifted to Egypt from Atlantis. Atlantis was an island in the Atlantic Ocean. After the fall of Atlantis, the mystery School in Egypt preserved Atlantean mysteries for a long time. That mystery school was infiltrated by Orion around 3,500 years ago. This led to a suppression during the Amarna period. The old mysteries were forbidden. Isis Mysteries have never been recovered. Goddess Mysteries were in fact recorded later. Very few people understand Isis Mysteries.

There was a figure called Moses. Moses was not his personal name. Rather, Moses referred to the Child of God. The translation of Moses is “Priest”. Moses was part of the mystery School in Egypt. He opened his own Mystery school in Israel. It was infiltrated by Orion until the time of King Solomon. King Solomon was one of the main anchors of the AnNutTaRa family. He was initiated into the ancient mystery school of the positive Green dragons. This ancient mystery school was from Afghanistan, not Egypt. It was later known as the Sufi school. He was initiated into a certain aspect of Goddess Mysteries. He used them to build the foundation of the new Financial system. He has created the coded system for it. It shall be activated when everything clicks together. There are some people who have passed codes for this from generation to generation. They are custodians of a certain amount of gold and a certain amount of wealth across the planet. This will be activated when the time is right.

Solomon made a pact with Queen Sheba of Ethiopia. This is the real backbone of the new Financial system. They were beginning to create the new financial system back then. In the current occult system, gold is the solid foundation of the financial system. In the new Financial system, high quality rough emeralds will be the hidden backbone. This is why the dark forces suppressed emeralds. This is also why they steered the gem industry a certain way. They manipulated people to cut gems. When crystals are cut they lose their occult energetic power. There are very high frequency emeralds stored with the Positive Green dragons. They form the Solomon code and belong to the new Financial system.

Solomon brought Goddess mysteries to Israel. He built the first temple in Jerusalem. It was dedicated to Goddess Asherah, which is another name for Astara. He received instructions on how to anchor that energy. A few 100 years later, it was infiltrated by Orion. As a result, there was no Goddess Temple until Roman times. The Jerusalem Temple contained time capsules. The Templars discovered some of these documents much later. They used one part of the Solomon codes for the new Financial system. That's how they got their abundance and were able to create the first banking system in Europe. The Templars consider themselves as a continuation of the mystery schools of King Solomon and the Green dragons.

Later came Catharism. They were active in the Middle East, Balkans, Italy, France, etc. They contained codes of Light through AnNutTaRa incarnated members.

In the 17th century there were Mystery Schools like the Rosicrucians. They embodied a certain part of the Divine Plan. For instance, Saint Germain wrote books about the New Atlantis and the New Age. They revealed the first part of the plan for the New Atlantis.

In the 18th century the Freemasons were the main part of the Light. The Freemasons considered themselves as the next incarnations of Templars. They had access to Templar and Rosicrucian Mysteries. However, the Jesuits infiltrated the Masonic lodges. This happened in 1782 in Wilhelmsbad (near Hanau, Frankfurt, Germany). The Jesuits disconnected the freemasons and the Templars. They created Scottish Rite freemasonry, which had 32 or 33 degrees. The disconnection of the freemasons from the Templars removed the spiritual power from masonic lodges. This allowed the Jesuits to steer the French Revolution. They got control of geopolitics. The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, World Economic Forum, etc. also came about later.

(Image shown to us of Elon Musk in Templar attire. He was riding a horse and had a sword in his hand.)


Elon Musk was a Templar Knight in the 12th century. He has currently incarnated in order to continue that work.

The Templars were also manipulated by the Jesuits. The Jesuits did not exist at the peak of the Templars’ power (14th century). The Jesuits were created by the Catholics and the Black Nobility in order to suppress the Templars.

The Jesuits are currently manipulating Donald Trump and Elon Musk. They both have free will. Elon Musk is one of the key people in determining the future. We may be lucky if he chooses Light. He might be more important than Trump. Elon Musk has been chosen to be the contact person with the Aldebarans. The Aldebarans are monitoring him.

Donald Trump or Elon Musk may be contacted, or they may not. The Aldebarans are ready and willing to work with them to liberate the planet. Cooperating with the Aldebarans will not be easy, but it will be easier than not cooperating with them. All that is being decided right now. 1 month ago the chances of cooperation between the Aldebarans and Trump/Musk were 40-45%. As of right now, it stands at 30-35% probability. We’ll see how things go in February and March.

Order of the Holy Sepulchre. It is still connected with the Templar Mysteries. It has been infiltrated by both dark and Light. It has black nobility as well as Light Force agents. The Secretary of Defense of the United States (Pete Hegseth) is connected with them. His actions are also being monitored By the Light forces. The next two months will decide how the Light Forces proceed. 

The Templars have been infiltrated by Christian Zionists. They want to build a third temple in Jerusalem. They believe in the Apocalypse, the Revelation, and the end of the world. But the problem comes when some of them believe in using violent ways to achieve this. Even some well-intentioned Templars want to create a new war so that the Third Temple can be built after which Christ will come. There are lots of conflicting factions behind the scenes. Some are okay and some are not.

The black Nobility come from Rigel in Orion. They are the Zionist faction in Israel. There are also the Andromedan Black Nobility in this group of Zionists. Elon Musk was a Templar, while Donald Trump held high positions in the Roman Empire. In the next 2 months the Aldebarans can make contact.

The Jesuits are manipulating all sides. They put Arabs vs Israel, Russia vs USA. They thrive in conflict. They want to create a world war so they can rule behind the scenes. They have always used religion as a force for programming. The Jesuits are a 16th century secret society. They come from a dark Society in Egypt called the Brotherhood of Set. The IHS in the Jesuits’ logo stands for Isis, Horus, Set. The Jesuits misuse Isis energy. For example, they named the terrorist group in the Middle East as ISIS. They also misuse Horus, or Horistus. They worship Set as their dark lord. They Incarnated in Egypt in Mystery Schools. They also incarnated during the Inquisition. Now they have incarnated as Jesuits. There are about 10,000 to 50,000 Jesuits. About 10% of them are initiated into the dark brotherhood. Most Jesuits are just religious people trying to find their way to God. 

The Jesuits have created a network of schools (i.e. educational institutions) from the 16th century onwards. They use these places as programming centers. People undergo hazing rituals there, which are vows to the dark side. For a hint about Donald Trump, look into what happened during his Jesuit education process. Research about his life. Something very interesting happened during his Jesuit education. More could not be said about this.

Question about King Solomon and the phrase “Ehyeh asher ehyeh” (Hebrew for "I AM that I AM"). Answer: oh yes definitely there is a connection.

Question about what we can do for Elon Musk and Donald Trump? Should we do violet flame or some other meditation for them? Answer: this is a brilliant idea. You can write a nice meditation and contact We Love Mass Meditation and arrange for this to happen. (VOTL 628 note: In my opinion, we also need to act on the physical plane. We need to incessantly tweet at Elon Musk with paragraphs from the notes. This will be in addition to doing violet flame, Buddhic column, and asking his Soul to intervene in his personality. American citizens can try to meet Elon Musk and tell him about the Aldebaran's Plan).

Question about key persons making mistakes. Asking what they should do instead. Answer: they should do something intense, drastic, go beyond limiting beliefs. They shouldn’t refuse to go to the next level. This could mean that they take up a new job or a new project. They have to go beyond what most people have the courage to do. And they should not get involved in stupid conflicts that have no meaning.

Question about the Vatica Goddess and the Vatican. Answer: the Vatican vortex was used as a site for human sacrifice in the past. It is not being used for that purpose as much anymore. But the energy has to be cleared.

Question about smart cities. Answer: stupid cities are not going to happen.

Question about whether you need to pray daily for protection by the Light Forces. Praying for protection everyday is not abiding by universal laws? Answer: you need to pray for protection everyday. 

Question about how some protection modalities were working earlier but are not working anymore. Answer: the Lurker got triggered in December 2023. It was a very difficult process because the clearing was taking place at the subquantum level. It was very hard to clear that energy. That’s why many things that worked before December 2023 do not work anymore.

Question about whether the Order of the Star are waking up. Answer: “I hope”.

Question about how many people on the planet belong to the Order of the Star? Answer: affirmed that 144K people are in this soul group (AnNutTaRa).

Question about which people will be contacted before the event. Are they going to be from the above soul group? Answer: most likely they will belong to this group.

In 2019 the Occult war in California was lost. It allowed Covid to take place.

Question about the Occult war in China. Answer: it was a very dark and dangerous chapter. Cannot talk about it.

Question about why the Light Forces have not acted despite the divine intervention petition reaching its target for signatures. Why are they waiting for Trump? Answer: we are not waiting for Trump. We are waiting to clear enough darkness. Legally we have agreement for intervention. But, for example, when a lawyer receives a court decision, they cannot win the House immediately. We are waiting for it to be safe enough. Enough darkness needs to be removed.

Question about how much percentage of starseeds have woken up. Answer: it’s a few percent.

Question about how many starseeds will wake up this year? Answer: do you have tarot cards with you? (laughter)

Question about Ascension and Maha Samadhi, are they the same thing? Answer: they are two words for the same thing. Maha Samadhi is just Samadhi without a seed i.e. it is permanent. Those who have it will have no doubt, no return. They are beyond the incarnation cycle.

Question about Phoenix having a vortex in the zoo. But there's a second vortex in Phoenix and it is in Tempe. Can we do a ceremony to anchor Light into this vortex? Answer: if you want to guide it you can start right now. The questioner said: take a deep breath in and out. Now we will anchor Light into the Vortex here in Tempe. Our intention is to activate that vortex for the Light. So be it, so be it, so be it. (We closed our eyes and anchored Light into the Tempe vortex for a few minutes). Answer: we just anchored energy into this Vortex unexpectedly but positively. This will be the next step for Arizona.

Question about positive masculine energy. When will it integrate with the divine feminine and create a union? Answer: the union of masculine and feminine can happen once enough healing takes place. Explained the three phases: 

1) Activation of divine feminine

2) Activation of divine masculine (we are here now)

3) Healing

Question about vampires, are they draco in human bodies? Answer: there are many legends about vampires in many cultures. They are mostly Reptilians, because the Reptilians depend on blood as their source of energy. The Draco are kings and queens of vampires.

Question about using Atlantean mantras and reciting names of Archangels to clear anomaly. Answer: this helps. When you do these things, the energy stays in that place. But it is good to do these practices repeatedly to keep renewing the energy.

Question: After the evacuation, will the Earth become an Ascension Temple where people come back to work on the final stages of their ascension? Answer: Yes, exactly.

Question about Donald Marshall who said there is a subterranean race called the Saurians/the Vril. They are 1-2 feet high creatures, also known as gnomes/leprechauns. They body snatch humans, and 3-5% of humans are like that. Answer: didn't agree with that analysis. Those beings exist but they haven’t snatched a high percent of humans.

The Aldebaran Plan

The Pleiadians have retreated. The Aldebarans have a very methodical plan. In 2023 they re-entered our Solar System. They made bases on our Moon, on Mars, and in the asteroid belt. In 2024 they came towards Earth. They built underground and underearth bases. In June 2024 they contacted the Chinese government. This did not work, there was no real cooperation. They have redirected their focus towards the United States.

The Aldebaran Plan has many stages. In November 2024 the Aldebarans showed their ships in the skies in the United States. This was what the drama about drones was about. The Pentagon wanted to check on the Aldebarans. 1-2% of ships that were spotted were actually the Aldebaran's ships. The drones wanted to find out about the Aldebaran invasion's. The Aldebarans have infiltrated all governments around the world. Their infiltration is mostly complete. The Aldebarans are in human bodies and are waiting for something to happen in order to carry out the next phase.

There are two scenarios. The first scenario is that Donald Trump and Elon Musk cooperate and are contacted by the Aldebarans. Elon Musk will be the first person who the Aldebarans will contact. It may begin real disclosure. Elon Musk has a thick mind. He is good in some aspects. If the click happens between him and the Aldebarans, it will be a force for good.

The second scenario is that the Aldebarans have a backup plan which will continue regardless of surface politicians. This is why the United States is the last chance for cooperation (with surface politicians). The Aldebarans will do things differently in case of the second scenario. It will be more rough and confrontational. But the truth needs to come out.

The sequence of how it will play out gets more complicated the closer we get to end game. We have many different factions, all of which have their own goal. We have Dragons, Templars, Draco, Illuminati, Aldebarans, Pleiadians, Lightworkers, surface humans. They all have different interests such as financial interests, technological interests, etc. It’s like a very complex soup being cooked right now.

New Renaissance

The New Renaissance will be a reawakening of human spirit and consciousness. There are many aspects to it.

The first aspect is the Spiritual Renaissance. This is a reactivation of humanity’s Soul and connection with their Higher Self. In the 1980s and 1990s we saw something similar happen. At that time there was also the Neptune sextile Pluto aspect. This time it will result in deeper, long lasting effects. It will be the Golden Age.

The second aspect is the awakening of New Art. Art has been hijacked by the dark forces in the second part of the 19th century. Before then, art used to reflect the beauty of the Soul. Subsequently, art became a form of programming by the dark forces. 

Cobra taped a banana on the wall and held an auction. Some person said they’d pay $6M for it. The bid was rejected because the person didn’t put down the deposit. It got sold for $10. Everyone laughed. Through an energetic process, art was used as a tool to program humanity. Does anybody know the message of the banana on a wall? One person gave an explanation. Another person said there is no message. Exactly, there is no message, it is just a banana on a wall. 

Most modern art is like this. Highlighted the absurdity of modern art. In the New Renaissance there will be a new approach to art. We will start to reawaken beauty again. Art will be used to communicate through the Soul.

The third aspect is New Science. Science will begin to understand the importance of non-physical planes, consciousness, and spirit. Not AI. Science will discover the etheric plane. This will lead to development of free energy devices, teleportation chambers, interstellar travel, and immortality. The future will have all those scientific technologies which were suppressed. These technologies have already been developed and they could immediately change the world. For example, the inventor of a working free energy device was killed in a car accident when he was on his way to meet Cobra. Another inventor was given $500 million dollars for his device and he was gone, never to be heard from again. Once the controlling mechanism of the dark forces is gone, all those technologies will be released. 

The technologies we have now are extremely old. For example, Elon Musk is making electric cars. The first electric cars were already developed 120+ years ago. He is also building rockets. Rockets are 19th century technology. The first rocket was developed in the 13th century in China by the Yuan dynasty (VOTL 628 note: I believe it was during the time of the Song dynasty).

This is not supposed to be happening. We are supposed to be using technologies such as overunity devices and teleportation chambers. The New Science will reflect the human spirit and human consciousness.

The fourth aspect is Goddess energy. Goddess temples have been opened. There's a new phase regarding this. We are going to address the core of the issue. The core of the issue is feminine sexual energy. The Light Forces have given us a codeword in order to reactivate feminine sexual energy. You have to meditate upon this codeword: “unconditional loving sexual energy”. This will bring Goddess energy to the surface.

There is a lot of trauma. women were raped and abused. They stopped feeling safe. Now we will reverse the process. Women have to go beyond victim consciousness. This is how women achieve empowerment. Women need to stop projecting the Draco/Reptilian archetype on the masculine. When women no longer feel like victims and meditate on the code word, they contribute to the Liberation process.

Agartha network is helping by sending healing to the surface women. Red Beryl (i.e. bixbite) is very rare and it can help with this. This is because that energy is non-existent on the surface right now (VOTL 628 note: referring to unconditional loving sexual energy). This energy will bring the New Renaissance. It will collapse The Matrix. It is an irreversible process. It will be how the dark forces lose the surface of the planet.

There's a lot of talk about the Golden Age having medbeds, replicators, teleportation chambers, space travel, etc. Real medbeds will be introduced after the Event. They will be released especially through established medical institutions such as hospitals. Those doctors who are good (i.e. of the Light) will work with this. You need a certain understanding of medicine to operate medbeds. They rearrange and recalibrate the physical body. 

We're almost there. We are reaching the final victory. It is far too long. So far it's been boring. One day is just like another. We are born for much more.

We’ll be anchoring crystal energy in our homes and temples.

10+ years of updates and 100 Million+ views would not be possible without the Resistance Movement putting their force behind it. they made it possible.

Once this phase is over it will lead to drastic change quite soon. 

You can be initiated into healing rays. Level 2 healers are assisting in the healing process. Tomorrow you can experience some of this first hand.

You can visit the following links:

Tachyon products:

Cintamani stones:

Galactic Cintamani stones:

Sisterhood of the Rose:

(VOTL 628 note: You can also visit The Portal Blog:

Not all tachyon products are sold on the Tachyonis website. Some of them are specific to certain conferences or workshops. (VOTL 628 note: there was an extremely rare Tibetan tektite from Arcturus which I had never seen before)

You can activate new Sisterhood of the Rose groups. You can find out a lot about Goddess energy and get involved.

We are born for something much greater. This process has been longer and much more difficult. We are here to reunite with our Galactic sisters and brothers and to celebrate the Golden Age. Even the politicians are talking about the Golden Age. They are feeling the energy of Pluto in Aquarius.

(I could not find the exact image shown on the slide. It said something like: “Lightworkers: Awaken to your mission”)

It is much easier to do our mission than not to do it. We're here to share Light.

Many people won't believe in the Event until it happens. That is just the scope of their consciousness. They are just concerned with things such as the war in Ukraine.

We have the power to manifest the Golden Age. Cosmic laws guarantee that Event will happen. It is not possible that the Event won't happen. We are simply concerned with fine tuning. The Event is the logical next step in human development. It is not possible to postpone or avoid the Solar Flash. It is going to happen. The polar shift and transformation of consciousness will happen. The system of debt cannot go on forever. Pandemic, Federal Reserve’s charades, etc. cannot go on. Nothing will be able to stop the breaking of the dam.

Truth breaks the dam. Putin is now talking about the 2020 US election being stolen. People are talking about vaccines and the pandemic. Knowledge about the Pleiadians will become common knowledge. Everyone will talk about it. Right now, knowledge about the Pleiadians is treated as a conspiracy. Even Biolabs were a conspiracy 20 years ago. Very soon everyone will know much more.

Thank you everyone and Victory of the Light.

As everybody was getting up, someone asked “What about Arizona?”. So we sat down again.

There are many things going on in Arizona right now. The Aldebarans and building an underground base 1 hour drive away from Phoenix. Question about “which direction is this base in”? They would not tell us.

The Aldebarans are preparing for surface operations. Arizona is a very interesting place. There is a lot of desert and not many people. The Aldebarans can do a lot here. Many star races are doing lots of activations in Arizona. Examples include the Pleiadians and Sirians. Arizona is one of the most crowded places in terms of ETs. Arizona has the best ratio of non-human positive beings & ETs. It is a very favorable place to start the trigger. Those of you who are from Arizona are here to be the trigger. Do as much to Anchor the Light in Arizona.


Below is a quick update given to us the next day:

The ATVOR Ray was updated half an hour before Ray Initiations began on February 2nd. Now we're receiving a stronger version of the same Ray.

Ashtar is taking California back. In 2023 & 2024, Saint Germain was working to bring the Golden Age to the United States. Now we can see many people talking about this. Ashtar is now taking the Los Angeles Vortex back. (Audience applause)

Those who live in the Los Angeles area and are receiving the ATVOR Ray please stand up. You are holding the Light in that area and are playing a very important role. Please practice the ATVOR Ray regularly. You are assisting a lot in this process.

Does anyone else want to get the ATVOR Ray? 3 more people decided to get it on the spot.

You can use various stones to connect with the energies of different star systems and Ascended Masters.

Pleiades: Moldavite

Sirius: Cintamani & Colombianite

Orion: Libyan Desert Glass

Central Sun: Galactic Cintamani

Andromeda: Tibetan Tektite from Andromeda

Antares/Aldebaran: Tibetan Tektite from Aldebaran

Lyra: Tibetan Tektite from Lyra

Sananda: Rose Quartz

Kuthumi: Topaz

Ashtar: Aquamarine

Saint Germain: Amethyst

Seraphis Bey: Opal

Djwal Khul: Sapphire (this information was added on March 2, 2025)

The ATVOR Ray is being supported by the Brotherhood of the Star and the Blue Lodge of Sirius.

Those who got initiated into Level 2 of Rays are now healers. They can also get involved in monthly Ray healing sessions during the Full Moon. See

Level 2 Rays can be sent to anything you want. This includes: people, situations (whether they be in the past, present, or future), relationships, Lurker, parents, etc. It is good to get permission before sending healing rays to anybody (if this is possible).

If you practice the ATVOR Ray first, your other rays may get stronger.


  1. Thank you very much ! Are these all the contents of the workshop?🙏🏻🌹

  2. I am a starseed from Sirius and I had to say that mother ship looks like they put it together scrounging through junkyards. Not to mention it could look more pretty and rust proofed. We might be a highly advanced race but seems like we could use some lessons in anesthetic.

    1. You Sirians and your rusty ships. I wouldn't feel safe flying through space in one of those junkers! hahaha! In all siriusness though (see what I did there), I hope your ships really don't look in that bad of condition. hahaha!

    2. Okay that image was only for illustration purposes. The image which was shown to us was a black and white drawing of a Sirian ship

    3. The image which was shown was like a blueprint of a Sirian ship. Like black ink on white paper.

    4. @ty me neither 🙂. Seriously though im sure they don't look anything like that.

    5. @votl628. I didn't mean anything bad or whatever with my comments. I probably should've prefaced my comments with a lol or haha. But that picture could probably be used in a humorous context though.

  3. I remember at the Taiwan conference Cobra said the Anutara family was 144k. The Ranutara family are kings and queens of the cosmic hierarchy. But why does this meeting say the Ranutara family is 144k. It's a little confusing for me.

    1. Not a single word was spoken about RanNutTaRa

    2. Sorry,What I want to say is that this meeting said that Anutara became king and queen. But the previous meeting said the Anutara family was 144k. It seems a little contradictory.

    3. Maybe this is the difference-
      RanNutTaRa: Cosmic kings and queens
      AnNutTaRa: Galactic kings and queens

    4. VOTL628, these workshop notes are beyond excellent. I was there and am blown away that you were able to take such detailed notes in that lighting and with the sheer volume of information that was being delivered. You have done us all an profoundly valuable service. Deepest gratitude.

  4. Thanks bro, eu amei ler isso, tudo de bom na sua vida sempre ❤🌹
    Eu tenho uma pergunta: qual seria a pedra ligada a 'Djwal Khul'

    1. Ninguém sabia qual era a pedra ligada a Djwal Khul

  5. I am Jewish from israel. We always learned that the temple in jerusalem was a prayer place and routine sheep sacrifices were practiced. And there was a war against Ba'al and Asheraworshippers.
    So what really happened? Could the real history hidden and manipulated?

    1. Yeah all that animal sacrifice stuff is mostly reptilians, because they rely on blood as their energy source

  6. Volt, muito obrigada por sua dedicação e esforço, sempre impecável.

  7. So we need a X-Account we can all follow, to push likes on requests to Musk to work together with the Aldebarans to MAKE EARTH GREAT AGAIN (write it like that ;)

  8. Comment by Event-
    Hello, nice job of the creator of the blogspot. Good luck on your path. What gives me more and more mistrust in all of this info is that cobra speaks and everybody just follows cobra’s info and opinions. From the notes already clear that its 2025 and cobra already does not know anything and does not even have any guesses anymore. For now totally zero results and I am now sure by a hundred percent that this year again there will not be any event. So one thing that interests me is if all cobras followers will believe that info in 2026 its starts looking so stupid, even me I have been following all that thing for more than ten years, so zero results and every year old followers disappear the new ones appear and its like a wheel of a devil. Its actually really funny lets take as an example this blogspot. If nothing happens this year then it shows obviously that all the info provided always has zero results, so why even make such an activity at all. Its like you are giving the false info of other false info provider. But this is my experience, no offence, good work of the owner, good luck bro.

    My reply-
    It is beyond my comprehension how people can think that no progress is being made. Go to Sedona and look at the sky. I saw 50+ ships within a 2 hour span. And they were flying very low and showing themselves for long durations of over 2 minutes. This was not the case last year. The galactic confederation, Ashtar command, Aldebarans etc. are extremely real. They will begin surface operations after March 29. If you do not want to wait until March 29 then you can do whatever you want.

    1. Tremendous progress was made this year, and I can confirm other starseeds are starting to receive activations in preparation for what is about to occur. Another starseed I know personally but who has no knowledge of anything related to this plan for the event or any COBRA material had a dream that featured her soul family. This is not the first time for her to experience this type of contact, but it included a reference to the word “Aldebarans” and specifically the message “they’ll meet them first.” ✨🛸

      When she confided this to me, I was completely stunned because she follows none of this material in any way and was very confused about the word provided. The acceleration is real and we’re almost there.

  9. I saw you at the workshop frantically writing these notes. Thank you very much for doing this! As I've mentioned in the past, I'm truly impressed with how much work you put into this site.

  10. First appreciate Votl628 🙏 record this and share with all!
    Much useful and practical info can be using in daily life for earth liberation special nearby the Spring Equinox to the end of March !
    Then I believe energy will "shifting"
    Personal am try do the best and keep balancing in GuiYang china(this city at dragon energy lineleys in china) which am living.
    As cobra mentioned. China's energy grid now is not good. Much pressure and energy attacks to light workers and Starseeds. Also myself. But I know. Doing the right things with am what am "behide the rose in silence". Anchroing light energy working patience daily is best!
    Everything will liberating!

  11. Muito bom o artigo, obrigado por isso! Dentre tudo que foi comentado, as frases que mais chamaram minha atenção, foram estas duas...

    "Este é o ano mais importante de nossas vidas. Nós temos nos preparado para isso."

    "A confederação galáctica, o comando Ashtar, os Aldebarans etc. São extremamente reais. Eles começarão as operações de superfície após 29 de março."

    2025 💎✨️🛸👽🌎🧡!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yeah unfortunately they had to be removed for it to be publishable

    Notes Officielles Atelier "Portail 2025" à Phoenix USA de Cobra (1-2 février 2025, 2 versions: VOTL 628+ Adoninas) avec LIENS/VIDÉOS FRANÇAISES COMPLÉMENTAIRES
    EMISSION EXPLICATIVE 28 février 20h30CET

    GRATITUDE for the notes, thank you! Victory of the Light!!!

  15. The dark forces will definitely lose, they know this. Why would those who still have a choice, Musk & Trump, not choose light? Or does this just have to do with the contact aspect of the all that is happening?
