If you wish to know who owns the world debt, it used to be the Secret Space Program. I have elaborated more upon this in the Appendix of this post. Now with the Dark Atlantean and Negative Agarthan networks fully defeated, the world debt is owed to the Jesuits. They use it to keep the illusion of 9-5 debt slavery running. However, they have no spiritual support and are thus completely cornered. As a result, their defeat is imminent. Not even the Lurker can save them anymore.
Below are some very useful quotes about the new financial system.
"COBRA – As always you have two factions here fighting. You have the Eastern Alliance, the BRICS alliance and the Western Cabal fighting. This is the last stage of the galactic wars basically."
"COBRA – OK. The eastern alliance is creating an alternative financial system which the Rothchilds’ will not be able to control and this is the infrastructure which will be used at the time of the re-set, at the time of the event."
"COBRA – It is simply that the eastern new alternative system is getting stronger. The western old Petro-dollar system is getting weaker and at a certain point they will be equal and then the new alternative system will become stronger than this one. This is a process which takes some time and this process will drastically accelerate around the time of The Event. Then the new eastern system will be the back bone of the financial reset."
The new financial system will appear after the Event:
"Cobra: Okay, there is a steady and on-going progress as the Eastern Alliance is making more and more steps towards the fully functioning alternative financial infrastructure. And I have posted some links about this in my last update. And I need to say here that there will be no results before the reset itself. There will be no delivery packages. There will be nothing visible until the reset itself happens. If any people are waiting for anything before the reset, they will be disappointed."
Following are some great descriptions of 青龙洞天 (Blue Dragon Agartha). It is worth highlighting that the BRICS financial system is being created with the help of the Red and Blue Dragons.
"The Blue Dragons originate from secret Taoist groups connected with the Agartha network. Together with secret Pythagorean Order they have ignited the spark of Renaissance in Italy:
It may be interesting to note that Leonardo da Vinci was merely copying old Chinese texts for his famous »inventions«."
"The printing press technology was held by the Blue Dragon Societies from China. This knowledge was taken to Florence and other cities."
"Cobra : Okay. yeah, this is quite a complex subject. Dragon families initiated Renaissance already in the 15th century. There were some voyages from China with ships. Certain Chinese emissaries came into Florence especially brought documents, brought knowledge, brought understanding. And this was actually the force behind the impulse of the Renaissance in the 15th and 16th centuries in Italy. And after that I would say, especially in the 17th and early 18th centuries, Jesuits traveled to China and exerted a lot of influence on the Chinese court. And also brought many of the ideas from China to Europe. But this has also triggered the positive response because some of the ideas from China took place and were growing especially in Paris in the 18th century, there was a strong movement and strong fascination with the Chinese culture. And Marie Antoinette was very fond of Chinese porcelain. And also before her Madame the Pompadour was very fond of Chinese porcelain. And there were many Asian cabinets in the courts of Europe in the 18th century. And there were also occult Lodges that were connected with Dragon families, for example, the Asiatic brothers, which were active in Germany in the late 18th century. They had some connection with the Dragon families. Goddess Dou Mou was not the main influence at that time in Europe, but there was a lot of influence from the Blue Dragons, especially, and Saint Germain had a connection with China, a strong connection with China already at that time. And he was well aware of the Taoist teachings and the teachings of the Blue Dragon family."
"They are doing whatever is within their power to prevent a war between China and Taiwan. They have also communicated that people on the surface that feel a connection with the Agarthan Blue Dragons can try to make a contact in meditations or dreams."
"Another important division [of the Galactic Confederation] is called the Jupiter Command. The Jupiter Command is the guardian of the Ganymede portal and its main purpose is the spiritual liberation of this Solar System. It is the main spiritual force behind the Order of the Star and behind the Blue Dragon families."
Saint Germain is also directly connected to the Blue Dragons:
"There are reports in newspapers and TV about the successes of the Eastern Alliance. St Germain is, in truth, the one who has initiated the new financial system and he is THE light force behind the Eastern Alliance. To connect with him helps to speed up the liberation!"
Saint Germain is behind the immense amount of gold which shall be returned to the people very soon after the Event. Also observe how Goddess temples are directly connected with treasuries of gold (i.e. material abundance):
"The St Germain Trust has been founded by St Germain, an ascended master who was incarnated in the 18th century. During this appearance he has gathered a huge amount of wealth until he "disappeared" out of the surface of this planet. His money has been deported in a certain way into a bank and through interest rates it has grown to 10 trillion (10^12) Dollar. This money is meant for the light workers and it will be used by them to create healing centers and other projects of the light, so those beings can fully follow their missions to serve for the wellbeing of all of humanity."
"P : How did St. Germain manage his wealth and accumulate his fortune when he was in France ?
C : There are many aspects to this, one of them is that he was very well versed in principles of manifestation, and with his understanding he was following those principles, and anybody who has the same understanding of those principles of manifestation can acquire wealth in the same manner, and number two he was quite versed in alchemy, he was using his understanding of alchemy and principles of manifestation to manifest his wealth.
P : So he didn’t get a job, he just manifested his wealth ?
C : He did not get a job. He was just following his understanding of manifestation process and by doing that he managed to acquire his wealth."
Also observe how High Priestess Princess de Lamballe opened a Portal on November 21, 1775 which is connected to 2025. It is not a coincidence that the triangulation of duality is ending on November 21/22, 2024. In fact, the energy on November 21, 2025 is also very interesting.
I found this image on The Portal with the title "Chandela key". It means Goddess energy (also embodied by Pleiadian Apsara's) is the key for planetary/human liberation:
And below we see the Goddess energy creating a direct similarity between Indian Sufism (M87 galaxy - Taj Mahal) and Chinese Blue Dragon Ascension/Immortality vortex (Guangzhou/Suzhou):
Women healing their sexual trauma and expressing their sexual energy is the key to dissolving the Matrix and achieving Immortality/Ascension:
Victory of the Blue Dawn & Blue Jewel!
Pleiadians are all around us:
Extra section with historical information about the old bankrupt debt-slavery financial system:
"Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld also travelled through the solar system. Multinational corporations had been participating in the construction of space crafts like for example Boeing and Airbus. The engineers working there thought they where designing airplanes, in truth their knowledge was used for insights to create space ships."
"Dick Cheney has stolen all the money to invest it into the Mars corporation (managed by him) : the Mars bases and Mars colonies."
"Who owes money to whom? For example: Greece is in debt to the European Central Bank (ECB). Behind the ECB are the Jesuits and behind the Jesuits are the Chimera who use it for the Secret Space Program (SSP). Everywhere else the way with the debts is the same. This will change physically at the day of the Reset."
"Very few people understand that the current financial system is actually a fuzzy logic artificial intelligence computer program with algorithms that at least in the last few years have no correlation with the real world of trade, stock market or even with derivatives or high speed trading. It is totally independent from real market, and its algorithms were designed by JP Morgan IT specialists. Many of them could not bear the fact that they have created a global financial monster (and yes-it is connected with the plasma octopus entity) that is eating up the wealth of all humanity:
"Cobra: Okay, it’s a matter of terminology. Basically, what we have here is sentient organic intelligence that uses technology, that actually uses technology as its body. Fuzzy logic software program is part of that body. So one person could say, “Hey, this is artificial intelligence. This program thinks and makes decisions.” When in reality, there is a being behind that program that makes decisions and is assisted to a great degree by that program. So if you would look from a certain perspective, what would appear is that the program is making decisions. But there is always an entity, a living being, free will, which is behind those decisions."
Hopefully you won't need to fight for more than a year from now (if even that much). The greatest suffering leads to even stronger will towards the Light. Enough is enough and this mess will be over very soon and you shall get your body
ReplyDeleteI feel you libra
ReplyDeleteThank you, again, for a beautiful exposition of what lies ahead. And much-needed review of past information.
ReplyDeleteYes, true. Thank you very much, VOTL 628! ❤️🌈🫂
DeleteActually even this post is related to the latest planetary situation update. The Jesuit secret space program is being completely defeated by the dragons
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear the worst is behind you!
ReplyDeleteYes! Very good points!
ReplyDeleteI'm always impressed how much work you put into your posts.
ReplyDeleteUnrelated but here are a few observations: there is a community of young people on Discord who identify as vampyres of some kind; I think one should be very wary of using dark arts, which means, controlling someone’s free will, attacking them, mind control or stealing/draining anothers’ energies. It’s one thing to resonate with being nonhuman, ET, or vamp, but it’s another to abuse of someone’s will. Ideally one should not participate in such practices if you truly care about our ascension.
ReplyDeleteIf you let one iota of yourself be compromised because you want to live for someone else, you are not in your power.
I agree that we are going through relentless global energetic compression. No stone shall be left unturned. While even I cannot guarantee a timeframe, if something extraordinary occured next year I'd be so freaking happy.
Dragons have appeared everywhere in Malaysia!
ReplyDeleteMake Atlantis Great Again - Dragon Activities in Malaysia