Thursday, September 12, 2024

Analysis of Portal timestamps and dates

This is a post with some thoughts/excerpts from material from The Portal.

First, here's an amazing video reminding us of our starry lives. It's taken from the post titled "Home". Also note that the tag says "metastability event" and that it was posted on approximately Portal 8/21 in 2019.

And here is an amazing paragraph describing how the planet will look like after the Event:

After the Event, the planetary Ascension process proper will begin. The Veil will be lifted, using vortex technology:

And the energy space around the Earth will look something like this:


Here is a video of a mothership above Brooklyn that I took recently:

And here is another ship which was moving across the sky (alternate link):

We are at the end of a 13 billion year long cosmic cycle (Source 1Source 2). This is the real reason why darkness is about to end forever.

Here is a paragraph about how ordinary reality is an artificial creation of the Cabal:

"The last main factor of the quarantine is the ordinary (mundane) reality. This reality system is an artificial creation of the Cabal and most people buy into this reality frame without questioning it. The Cabal spends about three billion dollars daily to keep the illusion of the ordinary reality running. It does this by suppressing all real UFO evidence and free energy technologies and by maintaining nine to five job slavery for humanity. You can transcend the ordinary reality frame by adopting shamanic point of view of creating your own reality. By consciously creating your own reality bubble you help disintegrating the quarantine." (Source)

By the way, I love the title of the post from where the above paragraph is taken ('Explosion of Light'). From past Q&As we know that there will be something special happening to the sky at the time of the Event. Maybe it refers to the sky turning rainbow colored (as shown in the first video). All we can be sure of is that the sky will look a lot different once the Tachyonic connection is established on the surface. We will be able to see the sky as it currently looks, instead of how it looked like thousands of years ago.

To those complaining about how long the process is taking, each day of fighting feels like years of effort to the Light Forces. Also, many lightworkers lost their life, their soulmates, or other loved ones to this war. Additionally, the Chimera group had managed to fool the Resistance Movement many times, which led to some inconsistencies on The Portal blog. 
There was a strong belief that the Event was going to happen on November 22, 2012. The proof is in this post. The tag of the post is "Event". It was posted at 11:22 pm. The title is "2012". The 11th and final gate of the 11:11 Portal was on 11/22/2012, so it is almost certain that this date was being referred to. 
Unfortunately, the reason why the Event was not triggered on 11/22/2012 seems to be the same reason as why it is not triggered today. It's because of the Omega Grid. From The Portal on Dec 6, 2012:
"The Omega Grid is a small group of physical Archons within the black nobility families in Italy that have access to biochemical weapons through Jesuits controllers (which include Hans Peter Kolvenbach) that handle people within negative military worldwide that have access to biochemical weapons, of which chemical weapons are the most dangerous.
They now hinder the progress of the Light forces by threatening to release chemical weapons in Syria. Chemical weapons in northern Syria add up to hundreds of tonnes, enough to kill hundreds of millions of people. Even with the direct intervention of the Galactic Confederation, casualities would be many." (Source)

Very interestingly, I had a dream a few months back where I was reading The Portal in my dreams and remember reading about December 5, 2024. From past Q&As we know that time moves in spirals. It is not a coincidence that December 5th is exactly 12 years after the post about the Omega Grid.

If we look at posting times, we notice that the following times have the highest frequency: 12:57, 3:21, 3:22, 3:23, 12:23, 2:22:

If we look at the posting dates, we observe 1/21, 2/21, 3/21, 3/22, 5/21, 11/21, 11/22 & 12/21 have the highest frequency (only considering 11th, 21st, 22nd’s of months):

By the way, you can find the data I analyzed above in The Portal metadata file.

What this analysis shows us is that the above dates are most probably big Portals. For instance, Portal 1/21 is mentioned here. It has already been mentioned that May is a very strong Portal month. May 5 and May 25 of 2025 will most probably be very strong Portal dates due to the numerology of 5 and 25. It can be noted that the Ascension window opened on May 25, 1975. It is also not a coincidence that the post on Portal 2025 was posted almost exactly on May 5 i.e. 5/5, in the Portal year of 2020. Actually the Portal 2025 post was made just 1 day before the Wesak Full Moon of 2020.

12/21 might be the biggest Portal date.  The energy on Portal 12/21 of this year i.e. Dec 21, 2024 should be very interesting. Sedna conjuncts Alcyone on that date. This will undoubtedly be a huge activation of Goddess energy. 
In the past, Portal 12/21 was linked with the mass Divine Intervention meditation on Dec 21, 2021. It was also the date of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius on Dec 21, 2020. On that date, there was a pulse of Galactic love energy from the M87 galaxy which instantly removed 10% of primary anomaly near the surface. That pulse was at 6:22 pm UTC, another portal time. 
Portal 12/21 was also the date of the Return to Innocence meditation on Dec 21, 2013 and the Day of the Contact meditation on Dec 21, 2012. And it was the turning point of a multidimensional portal on Dec 21, 2017
Portal 12/21's importance is further validated by the fact that "21:12" was written in bold in the situation update in Oct 2023. Referring to insiders at the US Debt Clock who quoted Matthew 21:12:

Another validation of Portal 12/21 is that DREAMLAND v0.0 became operational on 12/21/2021:

And there was a post about Dreamland on Portal 11/21 in 2022 i.e. almost 1 year later. This date might have been the next key for Portal 12/21:

In fact, the first post about Operation Dreamland was on approximately August 21, 2012. This was the date of Portal 8/21 in 2012. What a huge synchronicity! I get the feeling that Portal 12/21 = masculine, and Portal 8/21 = feminine. They are the "twin souls" of Portal dates. It's worth noting that the number of months between 12/21 and 8/21 is exactly 8. And 8/11/1999 i.e. August 11, 1999 was the cosmic turning point, determined 25,000 years ago. Earth went through sipapu on that date. I get the feeling that just as Portal 8/11 was strongly linked to Portal 11/11 (4th gate of 11:11), Portal 8/21 is linked to Portal 12/21. Portal 8/21 in 2025 might be the turning point of Portal 12/21.

Very interestingly, The Portal's 4th post was at 8:21 am (note the 8 21 here too). It was about the 8-year cycle of Venus-Pleiades conjunction, and the Personal Goddess energy:

On Porta8/21 in 2017, the day of the US solar eclipse and exactly 8 years before 08/21/2025, The Portal posted about Command 12 08:

"GR+, command 1208→PHXKEY" (Source)

We already know about the Pleiadian Command 12 21 protocol. In my opinion, Command 12 08 could be the feminine aspect of Command 12 21. This will most probably be activated and revealed after the Event. It is interesting how command 12 08 is called the "PHXKEY" i.e. feminine Goddess energy is the Key for planetary liberation. Note how Operation Phoenix was the codename for an early Resistance Movement operation. In the above message we can also see that the Grid Ratio went up ("GR+"). This is a very positive development that I will talk more about later.

Portal 8/21 is the date of Uranus-Neptune-Pluto mini grand trine in 2025, which is expected to give birth to a new Renaissance. This Portal date will re-connect surface humanity and Earth with the Goddess. Here is the astrological wheel that was posted in the Portal 2025 blog post. It shows Portal 8/21 (August 21) as well as the Portal time of 11:21 pm and Portal year of 2025:

The Goddess Leyline holds the master key for control over the planet:

The attacks on High Priestesses such as Astara, Diana, Marilyn Monroe, etc. have been brutal in the past few decades. This is why we desperately need more Goddess energy. We need more Goddess temples, SOTR groups, Cintamani plantings, awakened humans to stand up against sexual abuse, etc. Goddess energy would prevent the killing of all sentient beings, end all wars/bring peace, end factory farming of animals, end poverty, etc. That's why the Black Nobility are vehemently against it and work to destroy it. It is the most powerful energy that is much needed right now. It will also stabilize the surface population during the Event.

The Portal's latest posts were made at the Portal times of 3:21 pm and 3:22 pm:

The tags of the "Cosmic Light" post are also very interesting. From my understanding of the tags, the solar system beyond Kuiper belt is now connected with the filaments of light coming from Sirius and from Goddess EELA. Excellent!

Another interesting observation is the timestamp of 12:57. That is the timestamp of The Portal's first post. We can see below that there have been many posts with the timestamp of 12:57, of which a great number were quite significant:

For example, there is a post "David and Goliath" whose tags contain BlackRock, Eris, Resistance Movement, and inflection point.

We can also observe that The Portal is most likely to be updated towards the end of the week or the weekend:

Moving on, I thought this news was very interesting: Police across US given new UFO handbook as they warn craft 'pose significant safety risks' (Source). 
Also, it seems like more UAP whistleblowers are coming forward. That said though, the real strong disclosure can be expected after Pluto enters Aquarius on Nov 19, 2024. Interestingly, Pluto enters Aquarius exactly 12 years after the 11th gate of Portal 11:11 (Nov 22, 2012). So we should be able to expect interesting developments on 11/22/2024 and onwards. 

Now let's talk about the concept called the Grid Ratio. We can understand it via the post on Portal 5/5 in 2021:
"The total number of negative non-physical entities around the planet has fallen below the psychologically important threshold of one trillion and is still decreasing fast. This practically means that there are only still about one hundred non-physical demonic entities per each incarnated human being, trying to control him and push him to the dark side, which is far better grid ratio than in the past decades since 1996. When the grid ratio falls below 10 non-physical demons per one incarnated human, the brightest and most powerful surface humans are expected to start really waking up from quarantine Earth amnesia." (Source)

Below, we can see that "GR+" is a significant code message. Perhaps it refers to the Grid Ratio. Observe how all "GR+" posts were made on important Portal dates (May 1, Dec 21, June 30, January 11 & 20, April 4, etc.): 

Notice how the only time we saw a "GR++" was on April 4, 2020 i.e. Portal 4/4 in 2020. That was the date of 8-year cycle of Venus-Pleiades conjunction and 12-year cycle of Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. There was an incredibly successful mass meditation on that date.
The highlighted cell was called 'Exit Optimization'. It was posted on the Portal date of 1/11 at the Portal time of 11:11 pm in the Portal year of 2020. January 11, 2020 i.e. 1/11/2020 was the day of the Pluto-Saturn conjunction which would have burst the financial system open. I have also written about Portal 1/11 in 2025 (i.e January 11, 2025) being a major date of breakthrough.

The following coded messages contained messages about the collapse of the Beta timeline in August 2019. Seems like it was called Project 310:

What the above analysis clearly highlights is that the Light Forces have definitely been trying to liberate us. We saw clear examples of this above from their coded messages in at least 2012, 2013 (they were 45 minutes to triggering the Event in Dec 2013), 2019, 2020, etc.

I was shocked to read the following quote in past Q&A's (note: this quote is taken from the year 2014):
"Cobra – It’s a possibility. There is a certain Time window between 7-11 of February when certain big things can be triggered inside the global financial system. I can’t guarantee that. But There are certain operations of the light forces taking place – that might result in drastic shifts in the planetary financial system. It’s a big possibility. We’ll see how it works out. (Between 7-11) Yes, between 7-11 Something major may happen in the planetary financial system. Not speaking about re-set but about a certain event that could catch attention of the masses."

The reason why I was shocked is because Feb 7 is directly linked to Neptune sextile Pluto. You may recall that Neptune sextile Pluto was the focus of my Renaissance 2024 post.
Very interestingly, the next peak of Neptune sextile Pluto happens at exactly 11:11:11 pm EST on Feb 7, 2025:

After Feb 7, 2025 the next peak of Neptune sextile Pluto comes on August 21, 2025 which is mentioned in Portal 2025

Interestingly, Eurodollar university validated my hypothesis of Neptune sextile Pluto on Aug 16, 2024 being a significant date for financial markets. It seems like August 15 was the turning point for Chinese government bonds, Energy market, Commodity prices, and the Yen:

In other news, Lurker sublimation comes even nearer. We are approaching the first meeting point of Neptune and midpoint of Uranus & Pluto, on Sep 27. In the Taiwan workshop it was mentioned that this meeting point will greatly dissolve the Lurker from humanity.

The second meeting point occurs roughly on January 11, 2025 and it should be a very interesting day (at least energetically). In the Taiwan workshop it was written to expect the next breakthrough in Dec-Jan due to this meeting point. I analyzed this in my Portal 1/11 post.

Here are some truth bombs I found in the US Debt Clock's secret window:

You can find more such infographics in this link and on their Twitter as well.

Next year will undoubtedly be the biggest party ever, fingers crossed. The age of average will finally come to an end, and we will have many Explosions of Light. I've been feeling a lot of festive energy lately, perhaps due to us approaching the time of the festival of Lights i.e. Diwali.

The Wa-hooo!!! moment gets nearer and nearer with every passing day:

VOTL and VOTG (Victory of the Goddess)!


  1. VOTL 628. Wow, what a great blog post, loved reading it ๐Ÿ™‚ I think Astrology is a fantastic method for indicating personal and Cosmic patterns, it's like a gigantic clock set in motion both for the beginning of the Universe and our own incarnational moment of birth ... Amazing. VotL ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ❤️๐ŸŒˆ ๐ŸŒŸ p.s. your playing around with the numbers is brilliant, tell what does 628 mean ? ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment! Indeed astrology is like a giant time clock. 628 is related to a tektite I have and is also linked to my birthday

  2. Very interesting! Thanks for posting this, these are good observations. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. Thank you for your post, it clarified some doubts. ✨️๐Ÿชฝ✨️
