Sunday, October 27, 2024

Sexual energy, 12:21, Cosmic Evolution

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to "happen" on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. Please cultivate your own inner guidance. For advice on how you can bring the Light before the Event, you can refer to this article and this article.

My laptop has gone for repair so I’m posting this quickly from my phone. There is a lot I want to say, but for now this shall suffice. This post might even seem incoherent, it’s fine. It is important to get these thoughts out before they fade away/are replaced with something else.

Cosmic Evolution

The Universe began at state 00. It used nodes 01 and 10 to reach state 11.

Now, Universe is trying to reach state 22 using nodes 12 and 21. This creates Portal 12:21. Since there are two pathways from node 11 to node 22, the word “IS:IS Portal” has two dots in the middle.

Also, the number 8 represents infinity (∞). That’s why Portal 8:21 works, as it represents the horizontal (8) and vertical (:21) aspects. This is also the same mechanism behind Command 12 08 (:12 and 8).

The previous state of the Universe probably had Portal 10:01 and Portal 8:10. And the next Universe will probably have Portal 23:32 and Portal 8:32.

The numbers 1, 12 and 23 (which can be seen form a diagonal line in the visual above) are linked to SOTR (Sisterhood of the Rose):

01 initiate at the beginning of SOTR (Goddess Iona I presume)

12 initiates of SOTR in Atlantis

23 initiates of SOTR by Isis Astara

Most Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are only using about 10% of their capacity:

I know that I’ve not even reached Super Saiyan 1 yet. I’m trying to get there.

This is probably the most important information ever posted on The Portal:

Here are some texts I sent a friend. I would have typed them out if I had my laptop. They contain extremely relevant information about Goddess energy and abundance.

As also explained above, January 11 (1:11) must be linked to the triangle (triangulation) at the top of the planes of existence:

The Goddess seems to have shown support for this blog by showing the number 821 (remember Portal 8:21 from my previous post). Anything is possible when you work with the Goddess.

If we look at the shape of hair and the shape of a flying saucer, they are the same. This is because the hair are the top of the 12:21 vortex of the human body, and flying saucers use 12:21 stargate for propulsion:

Trees are the perfect embodiment of the 12:21 vortex. The roots are the entry point and the leaves are the exit point of the vortex.


Saturday, October 26, 2024

Pray for Peace between Iran, Israel & the US, & Short Update

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to "happen" on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. Please cultivate your own inner guidance. For advice on how you can bring the Light before the Event, you can refer to this article and this article.

In the past few hours the negative military has severely escalated their attempts to create World War 3. They are trying to start a war between the US & Iran this weekend or next weekend, right before the US Election. 

Female sexual energy is the key to resolve the war situation in the middle east. The Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to meditate for peace in Middle East every 4 hours:

Groups of women (& men) praying for peace puts female sexual energy to the planetary grid. The dark forces are allergic to female sexual energy. They directly manipulate female sexual energy to create wars. 

Every woman represents the merger of the figure 8 with Point 12:21. Hence, the female body is made in the image of the Compression Breakthrough.

Groups of women (& men) praying for peace can act as the receiver dish for the Compression Breakthrough. They can directly accelerate the process of liberating the planet.

In a somewhat hilarious attempt, the dark forces put a chimera-looking spider in the search results for hourglass body. This is how truly allergic they are to the feminine sexual energy. Sadly for them, the chimera spiders and archons are long gone. Nobody will come from off-planet to rescue them. The dark forces remaining on the surface are in the terminal stage of being in deep fear

The negative military's off-world technology will be exposed soon after Pluto enters Aquarius (November 19). From my understanding, the Event took place on the Atmic plane of the Earth on September 27, 2024 (first intersection of Neptune & midpoint of Uranus/Pluto). Thus, the Event happening on the physical plane is now imminent. It's quite likely that the dark forces will be completely defeated on or around the next intersection point (January 5, 2025). 

In a sign of major victory, the Dragons unveiled the Eastern Alliance's currency banknote at the BRICS summit. Seeing it immediately made me feel something inside. Its design with flags & languages of many countries is very beautiful. Also observe the 12 pointed star in the middle of the note, and the Taj Mahal (strongest anchor of the M87 galaxy).

In the West, high level insiders of the US Debt Clock revealed that the US Republic's Dividend Dollar is coming in 2025:

It seems as if we are getting closer to finally ending the war in Ukraine:

Coincidentally, we are in the middle of an X-class solar flare as I publish this. NOAA SWPC (Space Weather Prediction Center) sent a realtime alert to the Other Blogs alerts Telegram channel. You are of course free to join it if you wish.

Victory of the Goddess and Victory of the Light!

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Goddess Spiral, & Stop Cutting your hair!

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to "happen" on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. Please cultivate your own inner guidance. For advice on how you can bring the Light before the Event, you can refer to this article and this article.

This is my latest understanding of the Compression Breakthrough. Notice how the breakthrough occurs at the intersection of the minus (-) and plus (+) Polarities. The plus (+) polarity represents Portal 8:21 and the minus (-) polarity represents Point 12:21. They create the conditions for triangulation which results in the removal of darkness. It is very interesting that Portal 2025 shall occur on the date of Portal 8:21 (August 21). This means the Victory of the Goddess is guaranteed with mathematical certainty.

To remind you, The Portal's 4th post was at exactly 8:21 am (refer to Portal 8:21 above). It was about the 8-year cycle of Venus-Pleiades conjunction and the Return of the Goddess:

On Portal 8:21 in 2017, the day of the US solar eclipse and exactly 8 years before August 21, 2025, we saw the below message. Command 12 08 is the "PHXKEY" i.e. female sexual energy is the Key for planetary liberation (see Operation Phoenix).

The Compression Breakthrough is essentially the Cosmic version of the Samadhi experience. The snakes representing Pure Masculine and Pure Feminine shall meet. This will lead to the victory of the Goddess, and she will erase all darkness from the Cosmos. Thus, we can begin a completely new Cycle, a Phase Transition to the next version of the Universe (where darkness can never exist).

As noted above, we need both Portal 8:21 and Point 12:21 to create the Torus for Compression Breakthrough. For Portal 8:21 to be created, men and women to heal their navel implant which separates their heart and sexual chakras. Hence, we can reiterate the following:

Women feeling and expressing their sexual energy is the key to triggering the Event/Compression Breakthrough.

You can read about the deepest human programming (sexual programming) in these notes. I very highly recommend reading them in depth:

Deprogramming yourself from monogamy (ownership of your partner) is the key:

Female sexual energy can be expressed in an infinite number of ways. The key is to feel the sexual energy and combine it with your heart energy. 

Untwine knew this and wrote an excellent post about it:

For example, female sexual energy can be used to invoke the energy of Goddess Iustitia, the Goddess of Justice:

Belly dancing is also a way of expressing female sexual energy. It can be used to create a powerful Goddess vortex using the power of "8" (∞) and 12:21. It is possibly very effective in dissolving the navel implant which splits heart energy and sexual energy. By focusing female sexual energy in the middle of the body, Point 12:21 creates an "8" (∞) shaped toroidal vortex (8:21) which expands to the Cosmos. By doing so we can create an alchemical triangulation which can change our life, as well as liberate the planet. The movements of the below belly dancer are so powerful and remind one of a Cobra snake.

The Goddess Spiral and Goddess Vortex meditations work by using the same principle. They create an "8" (∞) shaped double spiral vortex/torus made of rainbow Light. The heart chakra of the person becomes Point 12:21, with the "8" (∞) shaped rainbow colored torus created around them as they rotate

Isis Astara experienced Goddess energy by dancing in a spiral and creating a vortex:

You can create your own Goddess Spiral and connect with your Soul mates, Soul Family, Twin Soul, Pleiadians, etc:

The higher planes are based on fluid patterns of Love and Light. This is why the Goddess Spiral and Goddess Vortex meditations, both of which use rainbow Light, are so powerful.

"Goddess Vortex is a rainbow spiral of energy which encompasses all possible combinations of Light".

Men and women can both anchor Goddess energy with the same techniques:

Lastly, please stop cutting your hair! It is your connection with the highest planes of existence!!

Rob – Okay. Yogananda mentioned that hair acts as an antenna to the astral plane and that longer hair makes one sensitive. Can you comment about long hair and the more intuitive energy that we received from it. 
COBRA – Yes, it actually does act as an antenna and it does connect to not only the astral plane, but also with much higher planes of creation.

U : Is it true that the hair on the head is like an extension of the nervous system, that helps to feel the environment, and have psychic abilities?
C : Exactly the hair is like an antenna which assists us in connecting with higher spiritual dimensions. 
U : Ok. This is why the cabal encourages people to cut them especially the men.  C : Yes that is why there is a trend to cut the hair as much as possible because the cabal wants to suppress humans spiritually. 

    Victory of the Goddess and Priestesses!