Victory of the Love

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to "happen" on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. For advice on how you can bring the Light before the Event, you can refer to this article and this article.

Less than 24 hours ago, Pluto at 1°13' Aquarius made an exact heliocentric Trine with the center of the M87 galaxy (1°14' Libra). It resulted in an exact Grand Trine between Pluto, M87 galaxy, and Alcyone (our local central sun in the Pleiades). This is an extremely rare aspect. The last time when Pluto made any exact heliocentric aspect with the M87 galaxy was in February 2009. At that time it made a square with M87.

Below is an astro wheel showing the configuration that just took place. Note that this is a heliocentric chart (i.e. from the perspective of the Sun).

This configuration must undoubtedly have been a huge deal for our Solar system. Perhaps as a result of this, I finally acted on something important today. You might have felt the Love energies in your lives too. 

The above configuration (Pluto exactly trine M87 galaxy) shall also take place geocentrically on January 6, 2025 at 5:16 am EST. Its astro wheel is shown below. We can see an exact Grand Trine of Pluto, M87, and Alcyone.

At almost the same time, Neptune shall be exactly at the midpoint of Uranus & Pluto.

Pluto's Grand trine with M87 and Alcyone shall most probably be accompanied by a pulse of the Galactic heart. The pulse of the Galactic heart will travel first through the M87 galaxy. Then it shall pass through the Galactic Central Sun of our galaxy. From there it will travel to our physical Sun and to the six pointed star mandala of planets. They together shall create a harmonic resonance wave felt by everyone in our Solar system. And this harmonic resonance wave will trigger the Event on the surface of the Earth. 

The Galactic heartbeat takes place twice every 26,000 years. It is always accompanied by a Wave of Cosmic Love. 

We know that the Galactic pulse has to happen within the 1975-2025 timeframe. This is because the Winter solstice Sun is completely aligned with the Galactic equator right now. The Winter solstice Sun is only aligned with the Galactic Equator during the time window in which the Galactic pulse takes place.

Right before Pluto makes an exact trine with M87 galaxy, it makes an exact trine with Alcyone. This occurs on December 5, 2024 at 10:37 pm EST. It shall also be accompanied by a harmonious Grand Trine of Pluto, Alcyone & M87.

Pluto exactly trine Alcyone previously took place during the Portal of Light activation on May 1, 2023.


Below is a wheel of the exact Grand Trine of Pluto, Alcyone & M87 which occurred on May 1, 2023:

Coming back to Pluto and M87; we noted that they make an exact geocentric trine on January 6 at 5:16 am EST. At the same time, a six pointed star mandala of planets forms around the Sun. This mandala comprises of Earth, Mars, Venus, Uranus, Saturn, Pluto, Mercury, Juno, & Vesta. Venus at 0°10' Gemini will be exactly conjunct Alcyone (0°20' Gemini) and Sedna (0°43' Gemini). Vesta at 6°24' Libra will be conjunct the center of M87 galaxy (1°14' Libra).

M87 galaxy had sent us a pulse of pure Galactic Love energy on December 21, 2020 (and also on May 1, 2023). The pulse on December 21, 2020 lasted for 10-15 seconds.

December 21, 2020 also saw a heliocentric Grand Trine of Pluto, Alcyone & M87. However, the Grand Trine was not as strong as that of May 1, 2023 (or January 5/6, 2025). Despite this, it was able to instantly remove 10% of primary anomaly accumulated close to the surface of Earth.

There is another important aspect happening around January 5/6. On January 4, 2025, Earth makes an exact heliocentric conjunction with the star Sirius at 8:13 am EST. We know that a 50-year Sirius pulse is about to occur in 2025. Sirius pulse occurs every 50 years when Sirius A and B are at maximum separation from each other. The last Sirius pulse was in 1975 and it opened the Ascension window for Earth. The Earth-Sirius heliocentric conjunction might facilitate the Sirian Love pulse to accompany the Cosmic and Galactic Love pulses.

Our Sun and the six pointed star mandala of planets shall be the Portals through which the Cosmos finally penetrates the Veil. Cosmic Love and Light shall reach the surface of the Earth after 26,000 years, stripping away all remaining darkness. Thus, darkness shall cease to exist everywhere in the Cosmos, from here till eternity.


The following meditation was posted on The Portal. It is very beautiful and can be used to connect with Aion, Iona, M87 galaxy and the energy of the Event flash.

There are more signs telling us that the breakthrough is now imminent:

Victory of the Light & Victory of the Love!

Pluto & the US Election

Pluto is about to make the most important astrological transit in history. It stations Direct at 29°38' Capricorn on October 11. It will then traverse through the final minutes of Capricorn before finally entering Aquarius on November 19, staying there till March 2043. 

Being the outermost planet in our Solar system (apart from Planet X), the energies from the Galactic Center get filtered through Pluto first. The energy of Pluto is laser-like and exposes lies. Hence, when Pluto enters Aquarius it will deal a death blow to the current financial paradigm which is built on a big set of lies and obfuscations. The current financial system is the method used by the dark forces to control the physical plane. Pluto entering Aquarius will thus liberate humanity from the deceitful 9-5 slavery system. It will also mean that Earth has to enter Galactic society one way or another. We can expect the following shortly after Pluto enters Aquarius:
  • First Contact with benevolent aliens
  • Mass production of Free energy devices
  • Advanced medical technologies for everyone
  • Space travel
  • The end of poverty & darkness
  • All forms of healing for humanity
  • Ascension
  • Etc.
For me personally, Pluto going Direct is giving me the courage to finally act on certain things. Maybe I felt this way due to the combination of Pluto about to go Direct as well as Lurker disentanglement. (And maybe also my post about The Pathway Home).

I also observed something about Pluto which convinced me that it is the King of this solar system. Any time Pluto makes a major aspect (such as a conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, sign change, etc), the other planets/asteroids seem to magically align with each other. This pattern repeats itself every time and is so improbable that I might write an entire post about it. It proved to me that our universe is indeed divinely designed. Pluto makes its aspects on the 11th and 21st of certain months. This is actually the mechanism behind certain dates being called Portal dates.

We have been informed that Pluto on the cusp of Aquarius will correspond with a geopolitical crisis in the first half of November. On November 5 the US will have its Presidential Election. The US Presidential Election is the most important event that will affect the planetary situation. The breakthrough will be imminent when there are visible changes in the US political system.

The Election day is the last chance for the dark forces to do anything meaningful as regards their plans. The dark forces want to create a US Civil War. On the other hand, the Light Forces want a peaceful transition of power and fair elections.

The possible timelines for the Election given to us in the Phoenix conference were: 
a) Trump wins
b) There will not be any Election
c) The Election happens fairly and the dark forces try to assassinate Trump

It seems as if the no Election scenario is probably not going to happen. In the Taiwan workshop it was said that the Presidential Election will take place:

We have already seen two failed assassination attempts on Trump. Hence, the third scenario seems most likely to me. In the Phoenix conference we were told that the Light Forces have a complete surprise for the dark forces if they try to trigger a Civil War. This could be the 5D trap that is being referred to in the notes from the Taiwan workshop.

Below are the noteworthy astrological transits between now and November 19 (the date when Pluto enters Aquarius):
  1. Pluto stations Direct on October 11, 2024 at 8:32 pm EDT 
  2. Heliocentric Saturn square Rigel on October 13, 2024 at 10:19 am EDT. Coincides with Mercury Square Pluto on October 13, 2024 at 10:03 am EDT
  3. Venus Opposition Uranus on October 14, 2024 at 6:22 pm EDT. Coincides with Sun Square Mars on October 14, 2024 at 4:15 am EDT
  4. Sun Square Pluto on October 22, 2024 at 10:15 am EDT. Coincides with Neptune Opposition Vesta on October 22, 2024 at 5:37 am EDT
  5. Mars Opposition United States natal Pluto on October 28, 2024 at 7:26 am EDT. Coincides with Venus Square Saturn on October 28, 2024 at 9:35 am EDT
  6. Mercury Opposition Uranus on October 30, 2024 at 6:15 pm EDT
  7. Pluto Square Juno on November 2, 2024 at 11:42 am EST
  8. Mars Opposition Pluto on November 3, 2024 at 6:37 am EST. Coincides with Venus Opposition Jupiter on November 3, 2024 at 10:25 am EST.
  9. Jupiter Opposition Pallas on November 5, 2024 at 8:30 am EST
  10. Venus Square Neptune on November 9, 2024 at 8:15 am EST
  11. Mercury Square Saturn on November 12, 2024 at 8:22 am EST
  12. Saturn Direct on November 15, 2024 at 9:21 am EST
  13. Sun Opposition Uranus on November 16, 2024 at 9:45 pm EST
  14. Mercury Opposition Jupiter on November 18, 2024 at 3:55 am EST
  15. Pluto in Aquarius on November 19, 2024 at 3:40 pm EST
As you can see above, there is a lot going on during this period. I do not wish you spook you by mentioning all these aspects. Rather, my intention is to bring them to your awareness so that they can be handled in the best possible way. There is a mass meditation on October 13 at 10:19 am EDT for point #2. I hope you will join it. There are also urgent mass meditations for the current Hurricanes taking place in the South. If the interest exists, we can organize meditations for some of the other dates. I would suggest October 22, October 28, and November 3 (underlined above).

The astrological chart for Election Day is very interesting. It shows oppositions of Mars-Pluto, Venus-Pallas-Jupiter & Vesta-Lunar Node:

They are being healed by an incredibly powerful six pointed star & hexagon configuration. This configuration comprises of Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Mercury, and Vesta and remains in effect from October 31 to November 6:

The chart also shows a group of trines and conjunctions occurring among Venus, Pallas, Chiron, and Eris. My interpretation is that on Election Day the Goddesses of Venus, Pallas & Eris shall heal the struggles of the American people (represented by Chiron).

The full chart is below. Notice how Pluto is at 
29°47' Capricorn:

It is worth mentioning that transiting Neptune will make an exact sextile with United States' Pluto on 29 October 2024. This will bless the US election with high vibrational spiritual energy.

Pluto enters Aquarius right after the US Election. Thus, a completely new era shall be born after the Election. The dawning of Light upon America shall liberate the American people from the grips of the dark forces. The USA will become the New Atlantis, as was always the plan of Francis Bacon / Saint Germain (founder of the United States project).

Victory of the Light!
Victory of Lady Liberty! As can be seen in the "V" for Victory below:

The Pathway Home

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to "happen" on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. For advice on how you can bring the Light before the Event, you can refer to this article and this article.

If you would like to make the Event more harmonious for yourself and/or others, I have made some suggestions for what you can do in this post. There has also been a wonderful update on The Portal blog with many key meditations and techniques that you can practice.

Since we are on the Gamma timeline, we know that the Event will only be triggered when it is safe enough to do so. Till then the entropy of surface society will keep rising (for example- monetary inflation and cost of living increases). In my understanding, the Event will happen when the surface society's entropy exceeds the threats to triggering the Event.

For the latest updates on planetary liberation I defer to The Portal blog. It is very heartening to know that all negative non-surface threats have been removed. This means that the surface of the Earth is the last place in the multiverse where darkness still exists. Our liberation will be the end of darkness for eternity and in every universe. In fact, our universe is about to make a transition to an entirely new physics. In this new universe (i.e. "True Vacuum" universe), the underlying physics behind darkness (i.e. anomaly) will simply not be supported. Fully integrating this information should inform you as to how big the upcoming changes will be.

The following illustrations are always useful to keep in mind when talking about the timing of the Event. They have been explained here and here:

The simple truth is that us Earth humans have immense power to directly shape the post-Event trajectory by holding the Light before it:

Now let's move to the topic of January 11. In my previous update I mentioned that January 11, 2025 is a very important date. I have previously written about January 11 in my Portal 1/11 post. In this post there will be a deeper astrological study of January 11, 2025. 

It is worth repeating this paragraph from January 11, 2020 (the date that was scheduled to be the previous breakthrough):

1) Preface

First we need to understand the meaning of Geocentric and Heliocentric analysis. Geocentric analysis is the study of astrology using Earth as the center. Whereas, Heliocentric analysis is the study of astrology using our Sun as the center. Heliocentric analysis allows us to study astrological configurations that affect our entire Solar System. When there are important Heliocentric configurations (e.g. six pointed star, Grand Trine, etc.), they affect the entire Solar System (including Earth) in an extremely powerful manner. The big changes we are expecting to see on Earth are going to affect our entire Universe/Galaxy/Solar system. Heliocentric analysis is the closest we can get to understanding the big changes that will occur in our solar system, which shall then affect Earth. Hence, this analysis will look at January 11, 2025 both from a geocentric and heliocentric perspective.

2) Neptune at midpoint of Uranus & Pluto

It is necessary to talk a little bit about the three outer planets of Uranus, Neptune & Pluto. In 2025 they will create one of the most powerful astrological configurations in 500 years (much longer actually). The configuration they are creating is a Minor Grand Trine with Neptune exactly at the midpoint of Uranus & Pluto. The below chart shows the ephemeris lines of Neptune (green) and midpoint of Uranus & Pluto (blue). They intersect on January 5, 2025 and January 11, 2025 is situated right after this intersection point:

Here is a chart showing the same lines from the year 1900 to the year 2100. Notice how there isn't any other intersection point in this 200 year window. Actually these lines only intersect every ~516 years. Hopefully this makes it clear as to why Neptune being at the midpoint of Uranus & Pluto is so rare.

The first meeting point of Neptune and midpoint of Uranus & Pluto occurred on September 27, 2024. It brought Atmic spiritual energy to Earth for the first time since 1996. It also triggered the process of great astrological configurations leading to 2025.

There will be one more meeting point of Neptune and midpoint of Uranus & Pluto after January 5, 2025. It shall occur in August 2025 and be the trigger for Portal 2025. I might write a post about it in the future. For now, I will mention that the meeting point in August occurs roughly on the same date both geocentrically as well as heliocentrically. The geocentric meeting point occurs on August 18, 2025 and the heliocentric meeting point occurs on August 21, 2025 at 5:52 am EDT. Due to this, we can be sure that the energy on August 21, 2025 will be remarkably powerful (most possibly- beyond our imagination). August 21, 2025 is the same date as is posted in the astrological wheel in Portal 2025.

3) Geocentric Analysis

Now let us take a closer look at the other energy vectors affecting January 11, 2025. Eris stations Direct on January 11, 2025 at 3:13 am EST:

The Moon's North Node (Lunar Node) enters Pisces on January 11, 2025 at 6:02 pm EST:

In fact, the very next minute (January 11, 2025 at 6:03 pm EST), Juno makes an exact Sextile with our Sun:

Right before the Lunar Node enters Pisces it makes exact sextiles with Alcyone & Sedna. These take place on January 9 and 10, and happen in 0 degrees:

Pluto makes a sextile with the Lunar Node from December 26, 2024 to January 9, 2025, in 1 degree:

As soon as Lunar Node enters Pisces it makes a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces. The last time this conjunction took place in Pisces was in the year 1524. This aspect becomes exact on February 7, 2025 at 1:11 am EST:

The Lunar Node makes one complete revolution in a period of 18.6 years. It takes approximately 1.5 years for it to change its sign once. So, firstly, the Lunar Node changing its sign is a rare occurrence. It becomes much rarer when it conjuncts Neptune in Pisces (once in 500 years). 
Secondly, this sign change is significant because it signals the beginning of the next cycle of conjunctions of the outer planets. 
Below are the ephemeris lines of Jupiter (grey line), Saturn (faster moving red line), Neptune (green line), Pluto (slow moving red line) and the Lunar Node (black line). Notice how the previous breakthrough of January 11, 2020 was scheduled right at the meeting point (i.e. conjunction) of Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter:

The next set of meeting points (i.e. conjunctions) of outer planets is that of Saturn, Neptune, and Lunar Node. We can take a closer look at Saturn, Neptune, and Lunar Node from 2023 - 2026:

The first intersection point of Saturn-Neptune-Lunar Node is on February 7, 2025. On this date Lunar Node makes an exact conjunction with Neptune, in Pisces. After this, Saturn in Pisces makes an exact conjunction with Lunar Node on April 21, 2025. Then, we see Saturn and Neptune's lines come extremely close around July-August of 2025. Finally, we have the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in Aries on February 20, 2026. Thus, Lunar Node entering into Pisces on January 11, 2025 is the trigger point for the next series of conjunctions of the outer planets.

Now let's take a closer look at the astrological wheel for January 11, 2025:

 The following aspects stand out:
  • Neptune conjunct Lunar Node in Pisces
  • Venus at its north node conjunct Saturn in Pisces
  • Sun conjunct Pallas in Capricorn
  • Chiron at its south node conjunct Eris in Aries
  • Sedna conjunct Alcyone
  • Pluto conjunct Alcyone
  • Pluto sextile Lunar Node
  • Vesta square Pluto
  • Mars opposite Pluto
  • Neptune sextile Pluto
  • Pluto trine Sedna
  • Lunar Node sextile Sedna
  • Lunar Node sextile Alcyone
  • Neptune trine Sedna
  • Mars trine Neptune
  • Neptune sextile Alcyone
  • Juno opposite Uranus
  • Uranus trine Sun
  • Juno exactly sextile Sun
  • Sun almost exactly square Black Moon (Lilith)
  • Mercury at its South Node sextile Venus & Vesta
  • Moon conjunct Jupiter
  • Jupiter trine Ceres

We can see a grand trine of Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Lunar Node, Ceres, Juno and Lilith:

You can feel the energy of January 11 by looking at this photo (or see it in real life, if you can):

We can see two Minor Grand Trines made by Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Lunar Node, Pluto, and Sun. In fact, this is known as the Barbault Basket:

We can see a Grand Cross of Mars, Eris, Chiron, Sun, Pallas, and Lilith:

4) Heliocentric Analysis

Here is the heliocentric astrological wheel for January 11, 2025 at the moment when Lunar Node enters Pisces:

 The following aspects stand out:
  • Earth conjunct Mars in Cancer
  • Chiron conjunct Eris in Aries
  • Earth square Chiron (almost exact)
  • Neptune sextile Pluto
  • Uranus trine Pluto
  • Vesta trine Pluto
  • Juno square Pluto
  • Pluto trine Sedna
  • Pluto trine Alcyone
  • Sedna conjunct Alcyone
  • Neptune sextile Alcyone
  • Uranus conjunct Alcyone
  • Neptune sextile Sedna
  • Neptune sextile Uranus
  • Jupiter square Saturn
  • Earth trine Saturn
  • Mars sextile Uranus
  • Mercury opposition Uranus
  • Jupiter trine Ceres
  • Mars square Eris
  • Venus at its north node trine Vesta
  • Chiron sextile Ceres
  • Earth square Eris
  • Jupiter sextile Chiron at its South Node
  • Mercury at its South Node trine Neptune
  • Earth sextile Uranus
  • Mars trine Saturn

We can see a six pointed star made by Vesta, Mars, Earth, Venus, Neptune, Saturn, Pluto and Mercury:

We can feel the tremendous energy of the six pointed star mandala by looking at it from the perspective of the Sun:

We can see a kite made by Earth, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and Mercury:

We can see three Minor Grand Trines. First one being made by Neptune, Pluto and Mercury:

The second Minor Grand Trine is of Jupiter, Eris, Chiron and Ceres:

And third is a Minor Grand Trine of Uranus, Saturn and Pallas:

We can see squares between Earth, Mars, Eris and Chiron:

5) Other bodies

The triangulation of duality is being energetically done through Earth's second moon. It is orbiting our planet from September 29, 2024 to November 25, 2024. After leaving orbit, it will stay near Earth and make its closest approach on January 9, 2025. This shall occur just two days before January 11, 2025. This shows us that Earth's second moon is going to complete its cycle of energetic clearing of duality on January 9, 2025. It will pave the way for the final erasure of duality on the physical plane.

Earth will also make an exact heliocentric conjunction with the star Sirius on January 4, 2025 at 8:13 am EST. This is significant because there is a 50-year Sirius pulse scheduled to hit us in 2025. The conjunction of Earth and Sirius should send a lot of Light and Love energies to our planet from angels like EELA.

6) Conc

The above aspects are indeed very strong. However, what makes them even stronger is the background of multiple cycles coming to a culmination in 2025. You can read about some of these cycles in my post about Sedna, Sedona and the 12,604 year cycle.

The Winter solstice Sun is completely aligned with the Galactic equator from 1975-2025. The Winter solstice occurs on December 21, 2024 at 4:19 am EST.

The reason why this alignment is so significant is because the solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs only during the time window of the Galactic superwave. The Galactic superwave occurs twice every 26,000 years and it will be strong enough to dust off all darkness from our Solar System and the surface of Earth. It shall spread throughout our solar system via the Sun and the six pointed star mandala of planets:

Additionally, Sedna makes an exact conjunction with Alcyone (central Sun of Pleiades) on December 22, 2024 at 5:13 am EST. Thus, December 21 & 22 are very important dates, energetically speaking.

We saw above that there is a heliocentric six pointed star configuration on January 11, 2025. Our Sun and the six pointed star mandala shall be the Portals through which the Galactic pulse & superwave enter our Solar System. The energy pulse from the Galactic Center will fill our bodies with loving energies and bring us much needed healing:

It is great news that the Pleiadians have almost fully healed their war trauma and are feeling unconditional compassion towards us. I'm sure they cannot bear to see us suffer any more. Though us Earth humans might have broken the Pleiadians' trust in the past, we can learn to forgive one another.

If you would like to see footage of Light space ships, I recommend you to watch this video at the 3h 35m mark:

Our Sun will not go gently into 2025. It has just produced the strongest Solar Flare of the current solar cycle. The flare was Earth facing and is producing many wonderful auroras right now:

If you would like to know when solar flares occur, I recommend you to join the 'Other Blogs' Telegram channel. It will automatically send you a notification every time @SolarHam sends out a tweet:

Thank you as always for reading!

VOTL, VOTG (Goddess), VOTD (Dragon)

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