Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Victory of the Don, & full form of ATVOR

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to "happen" on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. Please cultivate your own inner guidance. For advice on how you can bring the Light before the Event, you can refer to this article and this article.

There may (or may not) be a lot of posts from me before the absolutely monumental year of 2025 begins.

My initial name for the Portal of Preparedness was Portal 12:21. I noticed that the file name of the Portal of Preparedness image in the latest update is '1221c.jpg'. So, the Portal of Preparedness is the beginning of Portal 12:21 which occurs throughout 2025.
It is worth keeping in mind the definition of the word 'Preparedness': the state of being ready for something to happen. So, the Portal of Preparedness, which closes on January 21, will make us ready for the breakthroughs of February 6-11.

We know that we are in the final phase before the Event. This is why some Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are soon going to be contacted for surface operations.

You may also be interested to learn that the Light Forces tried to pierce the Earth quarantine in February 1954:

"A more direct attempt to pierce the quarantine was made on February 20th, 1954, when President Eisenhower met with representatives of the Pleiadians and of the Ashtar Command at Edwards air force base:

Pressured by the Negative Military, Eisenhower was forced to reject an agreement with the positive ETs and later to sign a treaty with negative Zeta and Draco races instead."

Now, in 2025, President Trump shall finally reverse the above treaty.

Although the Event Flash does not depend on who becomes the US President, the Light Forces are supporting the Trump Presidency:

"The Light forces have put their power behind Trump presidency, and many positive occult Templar groups were meditating for fair elections, with Trump being elected effectively creating a positive timeline shift". 

"Trump is a grey hat, but at the moment he and his future administration is more suitable to work with the Light forces than any of the other main world leaders and their administrations."

"Since China made some huge strategic mistakes during 2024, the Light forces have decided to support the United States to be the country which will create the breakthrough."

So it makes sense for the Alliance (another name for the Light Forces) to wait until President Trump gets inaugurated. This will most probably make the Event more harmonious for the entire planet.

In the 2024 Phoenix conference we were told that Arizona is the key place for the Galactic Wave of Love. I'm expecting it to hit us on February 6, 2025 when Charon (the biggest moon of Pluto) makes an exact trine with M87 Galaxy. We know that the Event Flash will be accompanied with a flash of Galactic Love. 

February 6 is almost 2 weeks after President Trump gets inaugurated. So, the priority should be to pray for President Trump to safely get past the January 20th inauguration. January 20th and 21st are the days when the Sun & Pluto are exactly opposite Earth & Mars. We have been told that a special meditation might be announced for this tense aspect. It could bring violent breakthroughs. Sisterhood of the Rose groups need to be formed and meet physically at least once a week, and not just in the USA. They will play an important role in bringing Peace during turbulent times (which the Event could be).

You would be happy to know that we created a strong Flower of Life Galactic Cintamani + Ordinary Cintamani grid in Washington DC before the US election. If you wish to help us recover the costs for that mission, you can donate to any of the fundraisers in the sidebar. For instance:

It's also worth noting that a post called ‘Breakthrough Phase: End of Quarantine’ was published on The Portal on February 6, 2015. That is exactly 10 years before February 6, 2025. This was the first post with the label “MOSS”.

A few weeks ago, it struck me that the full form of ATVOR might be "Atlantean Vortex(also Advanced Technology Vortex). We know that ATVOR is an Atlantean Pillar of Light technology which has been upgraded using Mjolnir.

Also, I have updated my last 2 articles with some small additions.

Victory of the Light! 

Victory of the Don (Donald Trump)!

Victory of Sector 3! (Sector 3 is the deep intel codename for our Solar System)

The Future is Now.


  1. Excellent post, Seth!

    I was born in January of 1954, a month before the fateful meeting with Eisenhauer.
    Now I live in Virginia and can help with the Cintamani planting. I set up a chamber in Nortern Virginia two years ago (which is now dismantled).

  2. Hey, friend, just came to say thank you for your updates, as always all the main things put in one place to be able to understand it all as well as possible. Gladly, very soon we will see and find out everything we have been doing, researching, meditating, waiting and so on, simply there is no need, no space for any delays, setbacks, etc.

  3. Thank you for your well-written and -researched articles.

    I was just a little confused about the mention of August 21st as the potential cosmic compression breakthrough in one of your recent posts. Is there anything pointing towards the possibility that the mentioned deadline doesn't apply anymore, or did I misinterpret something here? I dearly hope it still does and everything we hope for will happen in the coming year 2025.

    And do you have any idea what this "new, huge portal that will open in 2025 and which [Cobra has] already mentioned several times" might be!?

    1. this "new, huge portal that will open in 2025 and which [Cobra has] already mentioned several times" might be!? -> Portal 12:21, which I have repeatedly written recently as well!

      Is there anything pointing towards the possibility that the mentioned deadline doesn't apply anymore, or did I misinterpret something here? -> it's not a deadline, it is a galactic astrological configuration of Neptune exactly at midpoint of Uranus & Pluto from the perspective of the Sun. Hence, there is no way that this configuration will just go away

    2. The first few lines of this post directly talk about Portal 12:21!

    3. Thank you for the explanation. I suspected it was Portal 12:21, but I wasn't entirely sure, so I just wanted to ask.

      As for the "deadline" I was talking about ... I was actually referring to the Sirius cycle Cobra mentioned:

      "2025 will be the point of maximum separation of Sirius A and B. This occurs in a 50 year cycle: "A Sirius pulse in 1975 has opened the Ascension window and a Sirius pulse in 2025 will close it."

      If I remember correctly, this was in connection to the timeframe within which the Event was supposed to happen, which is what my previous comment and question was actually getting at.

    4. Sirius-Sun conjunction occurs on July 7 each year. Also, Uranus enters Gemini on July 7, 2025. That will be the first day on which all 3 outer planets (Uranus, Neptune & Pluto) are in their new signs. And yes, the Light Forces plan to trigger the Event before July 7, 2025.
      For cycles of 2025, see

  4. Yes, it is interesting if at least in 2025 astrological things will come to reality, so we will see if we can follow that or it is just a potential for the things to happen. But also we have some other 'in between words' calculations from cobra's updates, conferences, etc. So, yes, there is nothing left, if the lurker's removal increases day by day, so by August 2025, the lurker will be totally dissolved by one hundred percent. Also, my consciousness sharpness is as never high, I know what I do here on this physical plane better than that I am texting this message now. For me that is so clear, it is even pretty uncomfortable, there are like two me. One me this person and another one invisible who knows what is going on here and thats so obvious. So I come here to Votl blogspot to get that energy from assured beings like Seth, it is like a reminder for me that, yes, I am not sleeping, everything goes according to the plan. Thats why I come here, since when I am in the physical world, I see only deadly asleep people. Only Event will awaken them. And it does not matter if something happens in february or whenever, totally does not matter. It is interesting if other beings are waiting same way as me.

    1. August 21, 2025 is the turning point of the mega powerful Portal called Portal 12:21. That Portal will run throughout 2025 (and maybe even beyond 2025). So, August 21, 2025 is a very late deadline for the Lurker to get fully sublimated.

      "The future that is awaiting us is really wonderful. I mean, imagine all darkness being removed. Imagine all financial worries being removed. Imagine all illnesses being removed. Imagine all those wonderful technologies being released. Imagine being able to travel throughout the Universe, and all options, all possibilities, endless possibilities will open for us. So this is the golden age we are all working for. This is something that is awaiting us at the end of this dark tunnel. We’re now in the final phases. This is really the end. You can see the proof in what’s happening in the world. This would not have happened if the dark forces were not extremely desperate, because they know it’s game over. So this is why they’re doing this. So at the end I would just like to invite everybody to participate in our meditation, and share our meditation, because together we can really change and really improve, and can actually determine the destiny of this planet. Thank you very much, and Victory of the Light."
