Friday, December 20, 2024

Happy New Year!!!! (December 21st)

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to "happen" on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. Please cultivate your own inner guidance. For advice on how you can bring the Light before the Event, you can refer to this article and this article.

Happy New Year to you all!  And welcome to what is in my opinion the most powerful day of 2024 (December 21st i.e. 12/21). This is the esoteric beginning of 2025, right here, today!

We can note the below from December 21, 2021:

"December 21st, 2021 is the turning point of a certain cycle and is in fact the most powerful day of this year."

The above can also be said for December 21, 2024 which is the turning point of the Portal of Preparedness:

Also, we can note the following quote from Q&As:

"Winter solstice is actually a moment of very ancient Goddess celebration, a festival. It is the turning from darkness into the Light. It is the first-born Light of the new year of the new cycle, which actually astrologically and esoterically begins on the 21st of December. So this is the actual New Year's Day."

We have an exact conjunction of Sedna with Alcyone on December 22, 2024 at 5:13 am EST. This conjunction happens just a few hours after New Year's Day, which is very significant, astrologically speaking.

If you would like to connect with the Pleiadians today, the below post contains some suggestions:

Today would be an extremely auspicious day to be in Sedona, AZ. Sedona is the anchor point for the energy of the planetoid Sedna. It is also a major hub for Pleiadian bases.

Also, we are currently also experiencing the annual flash from the Galactic Central Sun:

"December 18th is the date every year when our physical Sun conjuncts the Galactic Central Sun. This conjunction sends a powerful flash of energy from the central Sun every year and it usually last a few days."

We can see that our Sun is definitely activating the other planets in preparation for the six pointed star mandala of planets of January 11, 2025:

Two days ago, the US Debt clock posted about "System Reset" (referring to the positive financial reset):

They have also previously tweeted about the U.S. debt getting canceled, and also about the new US dollar to come in 2025:

They also referred to Portal 12:21 in their first tweet. See below the astrology for February 11, 2025 and August 21, 2025 (referring to 5:51 am/pm timestamp):

The Light Space Ships of Ashtar Command started decloaking much more after Pluto entered Aquarius on November 19, 2024. This shows us that the Jesuits are rapidly losing their grip on our Solar System. Our Solar System (except planet Earth) shall hopefully be fully cleared from Jesuit presence by January 2025. That will make way for the Agarthan Silver Fleet to be fully reactivated in January.

Now we can talk a bit more about certain things pertaining to the Event. I found the below to be a fascinating description of what will happen on the day of the Event:

"That will be the moment of the compression breakthrough and this is what David Wilcock saw in his dream of a storm with many lightning bolts. Each of those lightning bolts represents a compression wormhole, which is a hyperdimensional doorway of Light, connecting the surface of the planet with the Light above and below the surface at the moment of the compression breakthrough. The Event will send strong ripples of Light throughout the spacetime, forwards and even backwards in time. This is why some of you have already received dreams, impressions and visions of the Event."

I cannot emphasize how amazing and important the above post is. It needs to be read in its entirety.

So we can probably expect the Event to look something like this:

"No human authority will decide when this is about to happen. The final word when the Event is to happen is coming directly from the Source. This is an event of cosmic importance. The last planet under the grip of the dark forces is about to be liberated and this is going to send ripples of Light throughout the Galaxy. 

Just before the Event, the Source will send a pulse of Light through the Galactic Confederation and the Pleiadians will instruct the Resistance Movement to use its 300 operatives on the surface of the planet to contact the key people inside the military and law enforcement and then the operation will start."

To repeat, Source will send a pulse of Light (Divine Flash) to the Galactic Confederation just before the Event. It's worth observing that the original date of the Divine Flash was April 4, 2012. It is worth noting that April 4, 2020 was also an extremely powerful timeline day. I am not going to speculate about when the Event will happen. All I will say is that the heliocentric six pointed star mandala of planets on January 11, 2025 could be related to the Divine Flash. I saw the same configuration even on January 11, 2020 (which was supposed to be date of the previous breakthrough).

This is what the heliocentric six pointed star mandala of planets looks like on January 11, 2025: 

To reduce the entropy of the Event, we will most probably need to wait until President Trump is sworn in on January 20, 2025.

I came across the below Window of Opportunity after doing some research. The explosive astrological period of Feb 6-11, 2025 fits perfectly at its turning point:

Below is the most important spiritual information ever posted on The Portal. It clearly states that the purpose of this Universe is so that Source (the Absolute) can completely transform darkness into Light.

This is why the Universe will undergo a phase transition to a completely new reality after the Lurker (primary anomaly) is sublimated. The underlying cause of suffering (cosmic anomaly) will forever cease to exist. Thus, it will be the end of darkness in every Universe, until eternity.

We will end with a quote from Drake:

"Our planet is the last one that has this evil on it.
When the evil here is disposed of, there will be no more anywhere."

VOTL, VOTG (Goddess), 12:21 Om Shanti 12:21


  1. Once again, you have collated a great presentation of what lies ahead so soon. Thank you, Seth!


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