Sedona is paradise

Sharing some pics and a video from my recent trip to Sedona. And some thoughts are at the end. I can feel like my vibration has risen just from even such a short trip to Sedona.

It was a great mini trip with many successful cintamani plantings, including a 4-7 gm Galactic Cintamani planted at Bell Rock.

Video of ship near Bell Rock:

What happened after I stopped recording is that it dispersed like a wave and disappeared!


True Light being anchored in Sedona. Taken at Crystal Magic

View of Bell Rock and Cathedral Rock. Taken at trail to Chicken Point


Schnebly Hill Overlook

Meteor crater at Flagstaff

Apollo mission badges at meteor crater Flagstaff

Medicine wheel at Amitabha Stupa trail

The Tibetan/Himalayan connection is strong in Sedona. In many respects I felt like I was in a Himalayan town, minus the weather of course

Cathedral Rock. I didn’t take my phone up with me, but the hike at sunset and view from above at night was truly spectacular since you can see the entire sky. I saw many ships from up there. I highly recommend it

Even the road has such pretty views 

Feel the nanites being cleared by the sunshine

Bell Rock!

Hiked to almost the top of Chicken point (3 pics)

You can feel the sacredness when you put your hands on the rocks

The sky at night at Boynton vortex

Spectacular lights in the sky at all times

This is how big the ship that approached me near Bell Rock was!

Magical Sedona lights

Postcard of Earth in Flower of Life


Postcard of St. Germain doing violet flame


Further thoughts/observations:

Sedona really is paradise. I cannot imagine what it will be like once the financial system is gone. Need to make that happen and then come back.

Sedona has a place called Tlaquepaque which sounds similar to the old name for Atlantis- Tollan Tlapallan (particularly Tlapallan).

The top of cathedral rock at night is a place unlike any other… sadly I could only spend around 1-1.5 hours up there in darkness, after that I saw a raccoon and left… but I saw an insane blue trail of lights just like starlink but much bigger and moving much faster, and as usual they appeared and then disappeared like they were entering a portal. I also saw a very extremely fast moving yellow light for 2 seconds which confirmed that they are space ships. This is in addition to all the usual moving dots that happen every minute in the sky in Sedona.

The sky here in Sedona has greyish patches, it’s not all black.. truly a sight to behold.

I saw 30+ spaceships over the course of one night, maybe even more. And in Phoenix a blue space ship went so fast above me that it left me shook.

I just realized that Sedona, being the multidimensional vortex that it is, must be connected with MOSS (Multidimensional Operations Solar System).

Sedona feels like an overall masculine vortex due to all the rocks, while LA feels like an overall feminine vortex due to the ocean. I feel like that’s why LA was so badly invaded in 1996.

The ships which move incredibly fast are in the sky in Sedona but they’re in the etheric plane. They only show themselves for a second in the physical plane. They appear and disappear almost instantly. They’re right there, we just can’t always see them. Also, the situation for actual physical contact is probably still too unsafe for the Pleiadians to show themselves on the surface of the earth. They made their ships more bright when they flew over me. Maybe the contact dish project (of having privately owned land) will be more promising. Right now I don’t see them appearing even on top of cathedral rock at night due to safety reasons. Maybe they might appear in Central AZ in the middle of nowhere, if one could even reach there.

There were cloud ships above Sedona today (June 2, 2024). Didn’t take a pic as they were a bit far away, but they were there.

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