Cobra quotes from Q&As and Conferences

Links to all of Cobra's conferences and Q&A notes can be found in my Spiritual Resources post, point #3.

  • Debra: Okay. You mentioned that there is a "transition" happening in the US; could this possibly be moving to a different form of government? I mean, does it have anything to do with the election fraud? You've stated that both the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of independence will have an important role in the events, which are about to occur in the United States in the next few months and which will have global impact. Can you share what those events are or what can you say about this whole situation? Cobra: What is very important which is happening now is the exposure of the election fraud. This has created certain conditions in global consciousness. People are much more aware how corrupt politics really is, and this creates certain conditions in which it is much easier to trigger the Event. So it's part of the global awakening process.

  • Lynn – Great. If the Earth continuously produces oil and gas, then we have been told massive lies about these substances being finite, does the Earth need these substances for her health as a planet? COBRA – Yes, actually they are part of the . . . I would call it, planetary blood system and they are needed for the planetary crust to energetically operate correctly. Lynn – So it’s a good thing if we would just discontinue the use of these things. COBRA – Yes, they are part of the natural geological ecosystem and they need to be there and they will remain there.

  • "COBRA – OK. Again I will state it this way. The Republic and the currency re-set will happen at the moment of The Event and not before. It’s part of the global process. It is not just isolated to the United States. It will be a planetary re-set which will include the reinstatement of the Republic in the US and will include the introduction of the Treasury dollar and it will also include the phasing out of the petrodollar, actually the finalization of the existence of the petrodollar. So all this is going to happen on a global scale at the moment of the Event and not before. So people who are waiting for the reset and who are waiting for the New Republic before the Event, this is not going to happen."

  • Cobra: Unfortunately, most of that grid is still under control of the dark forces, there have been areas and vortices that have been liberated, but much more work needs to be done. There are many lightworkers working on this, but the critical mass of liberation has not happened yet because when this will happen, when we take over, when the light takes over the grid, result in drastic improvement of the vibrational frequency and vibration of the planet. People will feel much lighter and happier in general. It will be very visible. It will be evident to every body. When the light will take over the grid around the planet it can be something amazing and fantastic and people will not be so depressed, they will not be so concerned and afraid, they will feel something has changed. It will be a big shift that will be felt by almost everybody.

  • Patrick: Okay. So here's my final question. Can you please introduce some important Dragon ley lines and vortexes to our audience?
Cobra: I cannot do so because it's not time yet. The only thing I can say that most of the key Dragon ley lines, especially in mainland China, are connected to main mountain ranges in China.


  • COBRA: Altai, epsecially the area around Belukha mountain, is one of the main entrances into the Agartha network. Crimea is the location of an important Goddess vortex.

  • Primary Evil, or Primary Lurker, is using quantum fluctuations to influence the whole universe from the quantum plane. You might say that anomaly can not be detected within space and time that uses the quantum anomaly as our disadvantages. This is the origin of the Murphy’s law. It is not just an urban legend, but it is a actual force which tend to push the events to the negative timeline. It is the Lurker using the quantum field to distract and divert the timeline to negative way. The reason for this is that Lurker is quantumly entangled with whole universe. So Lurker is quantumly entangled with physical, etheric, astral, mental universe and everything. Concentration of the darkness is of course, is highest on the surface of the planet. It is less concentrated in the solar system and much much less in beyond the solar system. But on the surface of the planet, we can experience the quantum entanglement quite strongly. At this point, most of the life experience is from the quantum entanglement of Lurker. Most of the negative events happened on you without any apparent reason are engineered by Lurker. Most of unprocessed negative emotions which is not from trauma, is actually from Lurker because Lurker is quantumly entangled with your emotional body. Most of mental confusion and misunderstandings is not because your brain is not sharp enough or something like that. It is because the quantum entanglement with Lurker. On the surface of the planet, Lurker’s interaction is quite strong.

  • A Pleiadian spaceship is the Light Body of a Pleiadian being. By focussing and stabilizing the mind they can land at precise coordinates. If you want to ride a Light Body, you need to be stable in your mind. You can even use your body as a vehicle. When you are a more evolved being, you do not need spaceships to travel anymore.

  • C: I would just say for everybody to keep the vision. Hold the vision. Visualize a better life for all of us. Visualize liberation for humanity. And the other thing I would repeat again – train yourself in teamwork. Teamwork is very important in this stage.

  • Q. Can you name some geolocations that are energetically good? A. Taiwan is the number 1 definitely.

  • Debra: Wow. Well, we are very blessed, grateful, and honored that they are connecting with us. So you said in your recent interview that the main energy blueprint of Pluto and Aquarius is expansion beyond the limits of the quarantine Earth. That there is a vast storage of spiritual knowledge and also physical abundance, which is connected to areas beyond the surface of the planet, and that Pluto and Aquarius will reconnect the surface of the planet with reservoirs of wisdom and abundance and spiritual inspiration. And we've seen this manifest in past history when Pluto was in Aquarius. So will the reconnection with wisdom, abundance, and spiritual inspiration start with this activation and then be ongoing? Or will we have to wait until 2024 when Pluto has almost fully moved into its 20-year position in Aquarius?
Cobra: As I said, this is a demarcation point. So the trigger will be released, the process will start and will be ongoing. It'll have its setbacks later, but there will be also a huge amount of forward movement. And the 20-year period is the period when all the changes we have been waiting for have to manifest. I would say in the very early part of the 20-year period in Aquarius is when we are expecting, in our understanding, we are expecting those big changes to happen.
  • Richard – Cobra, Are there common ritual dances on other planets?

COBRA – They dance but it’s not as formalized as it usually on this planet, especially the last few centuries. Because the controlling forces have been using dance, actually they have been formalizing dance in order to control human population. In the past dance was much less formalized and much more spontaneous.

  • Iruka: Why President Kennedy was assassinated?  

Cobra: Because he wanted to release the collateral accounts and because he wanted to tell the truth about UFOs.

  • Question about 9/11

Lynn – Our next subject is September 11th, 2001 has been proven by so many, that it was an “inside job”. More than a thousand engineers have demonstrated that it was demolition, proving that it was a mini nuke, all together how can you evaporate a million tons or more of concrete and steel, and make WTC7 collapse without any reason. I think personally that more evidence is not needed to understand that the criminals behind the attacks are still walking free and laughing at the brainwashed masses. Cobra, what really happened on 9-11, 2001? 

COBRA – You have just already answered this question what already happened.

Lynn – Do you have any intel to release on this 15th anniversary?

COBRA – There were many things happening at that time. There was infighting between two factions of the negative military. There was a lot of activity in the Secret Space Program (SSP) and certain things were about to be released, or were planned to be released around that time. And also a lot of evidence was destroyed. It was not just a demolition of 2 buildings, it was a lot of things that were destroyed and the purpose of this was to destroy the evidence.

Lynn – Were the main perpetrators the Zionists and the Cabal?

COBRA – Actually the Jesuits were behind this if you would search behind those Zionists you would find the Jesuits. (thank you Cobra)

Alexandra: Cool. That is great news. (Yes, it’s happening every day) Did it accelerate in August? We had Star of David Merkaba, Blue moon, Lions gate a lot of CME’s. Did that enhance that movement? 
COBRA: Yes. The clearing process has been drastically accelerated in August and will be further accelerated in September. (Author's note: this quote is from an old interview, maybe from 2015)

  • Cobra – Basically, I have already explained how this happened. The Resistance Movement . . . before each meditation happens sends me intel and asks me to post that on the blog. And this is what I do. Actually, the reason why there is so many people reading my blog is simply because there is a very powerful group behind that. It’s not just me. It is 70 million people living below the surface of the planet that are standing behind the energy of the blog.

  • COBRA: New York is a financial center of planetary importance. We have J. P. Morgan Headquarters there, the New York Stock Exchange is there, the New York Fed is there, so these are three major institutions that dictate how this worldwide financial crisis will unravel.

  • Debra: Of course, that makes sense. Many people, businesses, and financial markets are experiencing financial hardship due to the coronavirus. Will major businesses close? Is a serious recession ahead? Is this one of the dark agendas of this virus? Or is this the light force’s way to bring about a new, healthier financial system for all? 
Cobra: It is a mixture of everything. Now all agendas are being released and in play. So the dark forces were not hoping for a recession, they were hoping for a total collapse of the society and that's not happening. What is happening is a process which actually has a good outcome. It's a process of people really finding their values, having a pause, having a little bit of a break to re-evaluate their life to exit from the rat race a little bit—and of course this has certain economic consequences, it has a certain impact on the world economy. But the economy as it was in the last few decades was not healthy. The goals for more and more profit at expense of human quality of life, and expense of human connections, was not a solution. Now more and more people are realizing this.

  • Debra: Okay. Can you at least tell us, since it's almost 2022 and the Event has not yet happened, does the Ascension window still close in July of 2025? Cobra: Actually it closes in August 2025, but yeah, this is the time when the portal closes.

  • COBRA – Actually vortexes are toroidal structures that create entry/ exit points that potentially become portals if they are activated. 
Aaron – How do earth vortexes interact with Star-gates.
COBRA – Actually stargates are wormholes which traverse through hyperspace between various star systems and stargates are only sending a fragment of that energy towards planetary surface. (OK)
Lynn – Cobra, is the sun a portal?
COBRA – Yes.

  • Gamma Timeline, June-2018 (
Until physical intervention happens, Lightworkers and Lightwarriors need to hold the Light Grid as much as possible by:
a) building the Cintamani grid
b) building the grid of Tachyon chambers
c) building the Soul Family connections grid
d) building physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups
e) preparing for physical contact with the Light Forces according to inner guidance
f) refraining from interpersonal conflicts by choosing non-reaction and conscious positive action above reaction

  • A: Contact Dish can happen also before the Event; as soon as it is safe, they will start contact. After the Event it will be easier. A private land of 30x30 meters is needed for that. It takes care of legal issues, otherwise the military could intervene.
Inviting a Mothership- Cobra invites us call a Pleiadian mothership down onto our land. This can be done by reaching our with your consciousness towards them and telling them that you give them permission and wish them to land. Important points: You must own the land, you must be the one who signed the documents of ownership. If you do call a mothership, you must NOT discuss this with anyone. Do NOT write this anywhere. This must be a mental decision and communication with the Pleiadians must be telepathic. You do not need to be living on that land, you can be further away. The Pleiadians will check out if it’s safe and an appropriate location for their ship to land before they come. They will evaluate the person who invited them to see if they can handle the situation if/when they do land. Cobra says that if we invite a Pleiadian mothership to land on our private land that we own, we will have their protection if any earth forces try to interfere. The law says that we are allowed to do what we wish on our private land which is why this is possible.

  • OK, this is the position the earth equator before the last polar shift. As you can see, the position of equator was quite much different than it is now. this was the timing of the late Atlantis. During that time, there was very powerful goddess temples along with the equator line. All those temples connected to the motherships of the galactic confederations stationing above those temples. Those motherships were stabilizing planetary network of light during the time of Atlantis.

  • This old Atlantic equator will be reactivated again, very soon. The interesting locations we can still find along the line. In Ba‘labakk in Lebanon, there was huge structure of Jupitar temple. The foundation of that temple was actually the foundation of the goddess temple from the time of Atlantis. It is made of stone blocks weighing 3-400 killo grams. It is very difficult with modern technology to create huge stone block like this. There is one huge stone block more than 1,000 tons. According to the human history, this was created in Roman empire. Of course it is much older. I would challenge Japanese engineers to create 1000 tons of stone blocks and stack them like the temple! Obviously the technologies back then which was creating temple is incomparable. There are other locations on that goddess equator. Among them, there is Paris, France, Stone henge, crossing the Atlantic Ocean, in the coasts of USA. They are just few example, but this is just to have an idea how the final days of Atlantis.

  • During the Event an impulse from the Galactic Central Sun will be sent through the Spheric Motherships which are in the Oort Cloud. The Spheric Motherships transmit this impulse to the smaller ships inside of the Solar System which then transmit the energy into the planetary Network of Light, which is us. People who are sensitive to energies will experience very, VERY exciting energies. Very exciting ones. They and all others too will feel, that s o m e t h i n g is going on and they will search to find out what is happening. It will be very strong energies, quite exciting and extremely positive. There will be an intense experience, that there is something, that has happened, something new, never experienced before.

  • The Primary Anomaly is unknown to the Light forces and behaves like Murphy’s Law. Our human awareness is needed to dissolve it. Blissed out Masters in a cave will not resolve The Matrix. Only by being inside the mess and being consciously aware of it and being a silent witness of what is going on, we will be able to transform and dissolve the Primary Anomaly.

  • Quantum and subquantum anomalies are more troublesome. The dark forces have created quantum and subquantum anomalies for millions of years. Some of those anomalies are remnants of previous cosmic cycle. We have to clean up all the anomalies in just a few years. We have to complete this task before galactic superwave reaches the Earth,so we don’t have much time left. The light forces have to speed up the cleaning process, so things will become very intense. All darkness must be removed. These anomalies affect human behavior. You may feel that human behavior has become strange in recent months. When all darkness is removed, the light forces will shut down Dyson spheres around the Earth and the Sun. the energy will flow then more smoothly to the Earth. Subatomic particles from the Sun will enter the Earth’s surface world more easily. We don’t have much time left and we can’t delay any longer.

  • The next level of programming regards the emotional aspects of when a man and woman get connected. When this programme gets triggered on a subconscious level, one partner sees the other partner as property. You have a house and a husband. You have a house and a wife. It is emotional, but also legally validated as the State controls marriage. This is a misuse of the Divine archetype of the Twin Soul. Marriage is the perfect union of Twin Souls. The Matrix has hijacked this and created the legal system to corrupt this connection and control both partners this way. 
For instance, in the 19th Century women were legally the property of men. A woman couldn’t do anything. She was a slave and this still exists within the consciousness on the planet. There is however a huge difference between possession and commitment. The pure archetype can be monogamous. Because of a special and deep connection between the man and woman and devotion to each other they don’t need anything else. This is the case everywhere in the Galaxy. True commitment in a deep Soul Mate or Twin Soul connection is one path in the Universe, the path of the Divine Archetype. However you can also have more partners because you are able to love more people at the same time. This is not promiscuity. It is having more Soul Mate connections between partners. This has been suppressed on Earth.
The next level of programming concerns the games we play:
- How to catch a man?
- How to seduce a woman?
These are both meant to hijack open communication between men and women. We need to create honesty in communication between a man and a woman. This does not happen on the surface of the planet. Women talking together, talk in a certain way. When a man comes in, the conversation shifts. It is the same way the other way around. We cannot be honest. The relationships between men and women need to be healed into a situation where both sexes feel comfortable to discuss anything with each other, including a woman’s period, raising the kids, emotions, sexual fantasies, anything. We need real honesty and a real drastic change in communication, but this can only be achieved through massive healing of society." (From Conference notes)
  • There has been a lot of talk about non-interference like it is a cosmic law. It is not. Non-interference was just an excuse for the Archons to keep planet Earth occupied. What is really happening is if a certain entity on a certain planet wants to create contact, that contact should be granted. And the reason why this contact has not been granted on planet Earth is not because of the law of non-intervention, or non-interference, but because somebody was and still is preventing contact. And if people begin to understand that, we will make one big, huge, planetary leap towards Full Disclosure. To understand why Full Disclosure is not happening now, it is not because there are no beings out there that would like to contact us, but because somebody is preventing that contact by taking humanity hostage. So when this hostage situation is resolved, full contact will happen. It’s a natural law. It’s our birthright. We have a right to be speaking with our star brothers and sisters. We have a right to interact with them. This is our divine birthright. And this is what I’m fighting for.

  • Cobra: Since the collapse of the alpha timeline in 2018, there is almost zero intel out there. So, in that vacuum, most of what is out there is disinformation. And in a way, it will be better just to switch off social media, switch off the internet, and spend your time with your higher self. You will be much better off.

  • U : Can you talk about the relationship between the number 6 and the number 5, pentagram and hexagram, what does it represent ? 
C : Actually these are sacred symbols, the pentagram is a symbol of divine will, and the hexagram is a symbol of divine love. They're actually symbols of divine masculine and divine feminine.
U : So is the 5 the feminine ?
C : The 5 is masculine and the 6 is the feminine in a certain aspect. But in the other aspect the 5 can also be attributed to the divine feminine, because of the Venus cycle, and the hexagram can be determined as a unification of male and female, or polarities of opposites, like heaven and earth, day and night, and similar others.

  • Liberation of the planet would be much simpler if the general population would not be so deeply programmed so they could cooperate with the Plan. The key here is to take control over the mass media from the Cabal...through the control of the mass media the Cabal wants to create an illusion that nothing is happening to discourage people from actually doing something to speed up the changes. Actually much is going on in the background...If you want to actively participate in the change (apart from the mass meditations) I have a suggestion: it would be nice to gather information about the top players in the Cabal, who they are, what they did, where they live, their addresses and phone numbers. For Rothschild and Rockefeller factions, this information is quite easy to get and it would be good to post it somewhere on the internet in a clear and concise way. When they are exposed, they will cooperate in negotiations even more and will be less prone to dirty tricks.  (from June 2012 post)

  • As Cobra has said, we are now in a period of radio silence since March 2024.
The last time we had a period of radio silence was in 2018, when the following developments were taking place:
"This pertains to Operation Keyhole, an operation of the Light Forces in which they have taken passive / active control of spy satellites and some other aspects of the telecommunications network.
Another aspect of Operation Keyhole is an upgrade of the computer virus in the mainframe computer system of JP Morgan that can effectively trigger a global stock market crash and related financial Reset."
This link has a compilation of quotes etc. about "radio silence":
It seems like there was an important situation update in Sep 2018 which also mentioned "radio silence". It was deleted from Cobra's blog. You can read it here:
This article is great:
Worth keeping in mind the info in this article about killing of animals on energetic leylines/vortexes:

  • 2024 will be the key year for the United States influencing the planetary situation, with total Solar eclipse coming on April 8th and election on November 5th. It is very important for the Lightworkers to anchor the Light as much as possible during this year in the USA. (

  • COBRA – The cabal, the majority of the cabal has no interest in light workers, they just want to control everybody. Massively without any discrimination. The light workers are targeted only by special groups when they get powerful enough to start creating cracks in the matrix when their energy gets so strong it interrupts their scalar waves and then they get targeted.

  • Today I noticed that Cobra posted "21:12" in bold in the situation update from Oct 2023. Earlier in the post he also said that there's a more powerful portal than 11:11. I wonder why he did that (from

Also note that the Sedna-Alcyone conjunction will happen again on Dec 23, 2024 (per my estimate). So it will definitely be active on Dec 21, 2024 as well (i.e. 12/21/24). We will also be 12 years from Dec 21, 2012. And as always, it is worth noting the Command 12 21 Pleiadian protocol that Cobra has mentioned can be used to call upon for help.

  • The Galactic Wave of Love is necessary for a peaceful transition. Positive Light groups are waiting for it to happen, but enough anomaly needs to be cleared first. On the surface of the planet, Arizona is the key place for the Galactic Wave of Love to enter. Arizona has a long history of Pleiadian bases and the Pleiadians have prepared the ground work here. Cobra already mentioned Phoenix, Tucson and Sedona being the main vortexes in Arizona. The energetic trigger for the US will be the trigger for the entire planet’s liberation next year.

  • COBRA – OK. Sophia is the ancient archetype of wisdom incarnated as Goddess Earth. Goddess earth is a living entity. It’s not the physical planet itself, but the consciousness of the planet that came from the galactic central sun 4.6 billions years ago, and incarnated, anchored that wisdom presence into this physical planet.

  • The main key for planetary healing is women allowing themselves to feel and express their sexual energy. Many times it does not need to be expressed through a sexual union, it can be expressed through a sensual touch. Or through dance: 

  • The purpose of sexual energy is merger of female and male polarities into the One. It is the key to immortality and Ascension. Sexual merger as part of Ascension process is part of the greater Goddess mysteries." (

  • Interesting read, with a lot of importance of the US. "Final decision whether Delta Option will be implemented or not, has not been made yet. Less stable and worse the situation within USA is, more probable Delta Option becomes" Although in a recent interview Cobra even said that the Delta Option is extremely unlikely.

  • Rob – Okay. Someone is wondering at the point in time, what do you think is the best resource or combination for anti-aging, cosmetic and internal? 
COBRA – The best resource is always connection with your own higher self because your own higher self, ONLY your higher self, has the power to reverse the entropy of the physical body.

  • Rob – Okay. Another question that I think we’ve already answered before. Are vaccines the cause of autism? 
COBRA – In some cases, yes.
Rob – There are other cases? What are the other possible causes?
COBRA – Autism can be caused by deep trauma, either prenatal or after the birth.
  • Rob – Okay. Yogananda mentioned that hair acts as an antenna to the astral plane and that longer hair makes one sensitive. Can you comment about long hair and the more intuitive energy that we received from it. 
COBRA – Yes, it actually does act as an antenna and it does connect to not only the astral plane, but also with much higher planes of creation.

  • Cobra: The money will not be available until after The Event because the Cabal will have control over the money until the very last possible moment. This is their last resort of power. They will release everything else before the money, because if you have the money you can change things. People are not broke and penniless without a reason and the reason [the Cabal keeps them penniless] is that they will not be able to do anything, they cannot develop free energy devices, they cannot launch rockets, they cannot create private spaceships, they cannot do whatever they want to do. 

  • E: Do you want describe the activation that is coming up on the 23rd [of November], the context of that date and the place that you’ve chosen to do the work? 
C: It is actually the Shift of the Ages. It is the moment astrologically speaking that we are entering a new cycle. The old cycle did not end on December 21 last year as many people have realized. The actual turning point is now in November. It will not manifest outwardly as anything special but energetically speaking it will be the peak of transition. From that point on the light forces will have much more power; they will have much more initiative on this planet and the dark forces will be on retreat from that day on. They will be in defensive from that day on.
Author's note: Interestingly, Pluto goes into Aquarius permanently on Nov 19. And the US election will also be done before Nov 23 (it happens on Nov 5)
  • Alexandra – I had a lady who wrote right in about one of your posts and she was confused because you put a chart out about Nov 23, 2013 star tetrahedron. She ran one and was not able to come up with the star tetrahedron. What astrology did you base that on. 
COBRA – This was a heliocentric chart and not a geocentric chart. Most astrologers use geocentric charts and they show the positions of the planets relating to planet earth. The chart that I use is for the whole solar system, not just this planet. It’s a heliocentric charts and it shows this 6 pointed star formation, if you were looking from the sun you would see that formation in the sky on Nov 23rd, but not from the earth. This portal isn’t just affecting our planet, but the whole solar system. Which is a much more greater scope and much more powerful energy.
Alexandra – Yea, absolutely. Wow. Too bad we can’t see it. If you were in the solar system, where would you be able to see it?
COBRA – If you were looking from the sun, you would be able to see 6 planets at approximately. 60 degrees apart. You will be able to feel the energy on that day.
Alexandra – What do you think it will feel like?
COBRA – Let’s wait and see.

  • In 2019-
If the critical mass of 144,000 people buy silver on November 11th, this will create the needed trigger to globally expose the manipulation of silver and gold prices by JP Morgan:

  • C: OK, I will describe this briefly. The first aspect of the Event is the reset of the financial system. The reset of the financial system will end the current imbalances that are one of the major sources of suffering on the planet. The new financial system will be transparent and fair to everybody. The second aspect of this reset is the arrest of the members of the controlling forces of the Cabal, of those people who were actually enslaving humanity for all those centuries. The third aspect of the Event is finally the truth will begin to be released through the mass media, truth about the planetary situation, truth about our history, truth about UFOs, about extraterrestrial contact, about free energy, about true physics, about everything–will be released finally to the mass population. There will also be the non-physical aspect of the Event, which will be a flash, the wave of energy from coming from the galactic central sun. Many people who are more spiritually aware will be able to feel that flash. That will begin a process of mass awakening that will go across humanity after the Event. 
E: So, it is pretty safe to say that none of us will be the same after the Event.
C: None of us will be the same. It will be beyond our expectations.
  • Cobra: Actually nonviolent protests have much more power because they create a much more powerful resonance field

  • Cobra: Well I think this is not news for anybody that has a bit of information. Actually NSA is monitoring every email, every phone call, every conversation for many years, and it was all in the mass media 10 years ago, that was in the media.

  • Cobra: My suggestion would be to diversify, you could create a blog, a facebook group, a twitter account, many different outlets for the same information, and they cannot block everything. And in these days information can go viral pretty quickly.

  • Cobra: Yes, the physical HAARP has been shut down. But you have the Etheric HAARP which has pretty much the same effect because the etheric plane is very close to the physical and the Etheric HAARP does have an effect on the physical body. 
Alexandra: Oh, so it could be happening but on an etheric level.
Cobra: That is still happening. It is happening less than it was but it is still happening.
C: It’s a process. Each portal that we activate brings us closer to the final goal of completely clearing the etheric plane. The Archons had invaded the etheric plane 25,000 years ago and were closing off one vortex after the other. This process was completed about 1,600 years ago when the Roman Catholic cults completely suppressed the Goddess energy on the planet. On each of those vortex points when we had temples of the goddess before there was a catholic church. This was the completion of the dark creed. Then you know what happened; we had the dark ages, the Middle Ages. Then about 500 years ago the first Renaissance brought the beginning of the process of planetary purification. We have now reached a point in the last few years when we are in the final stages of that purification. Each of the portals we activate brings us closer to the final goal of complete liberation of the etheric plane. As soon as the etheric plane is liberated, extremely fast the physical plane is going to follow. And then we are free.
  • C: A dimension portal is a double vortex of energy that actually transmits energy between different dimensions. Then the energy can be used. It is a neutral energy. You can use if for good purposes or somebody could use it for not-so-good purposes. When the portal is activated properly, it can become a very strong, supportive vortex for the light. It can actually change the energetic signature of that area. It can improve the living conditions of the people, their wellbeing. This is the reason why we are going from place to place activating those portals. If we have a mass meditation on a certain specific date, that can trigger the opening of that portal, it can have a planetary global effect of improving the planetary situation.

  • E: Do you want describe the activation that is coming up on the 23rd [of November], the context of that date and the place that you’ve chosen to do the work? 
C: It is actually the Shift of the Ages. It is the moment astrologically speaking that we are entering a new cycle. The old cycle did not end on December 21 last year as many people have realized. The actual turning point is now in November. It will not manifest outwardly as anything special but energetically speaking it will be the peak of transition. From that point on the light forces will have much more power; they will have much more initiative on this planet and the dark forces will be on retreat from that day on. They will be in defensive from that day on.

  • Cobra: There is a special operation by the CIA to create as many fake UFO sightings as possible to cover the real ones. 
(Alexandra: Why?).
Cobra: So people are confused and they don’t know which one is real and which one is fake.
Alexandra: OK, doesn’t make sense…but I guess I understand haha.
Cobra: The Cabal wants to suppress evidence of life out there and this is one of their driving factors, main motivations in life to suppress that.
  •  The trucker strike is a very good sign of the mass awakening in the United States. I’ve been waiting for it for a very long time. And I’ve long said that the event cannot happen before the mass awakening starts in the United States. And this is the first sign, so it’s a good sign.

  • Why we cannot remember the first three years of life on earth? Because implantation trauma. As you leave the higher planes, you get implanted in the plasma planes which erases memories and creates a shock which usually takes three years to clear up.

  • Atlantis was destroyed June 5, 9564 BCE (I found this out from past conference notes)

  • C: At this point I am the spokesperson for the Resistance Movement, and I did not become that by choice; actually it was a result of my life situation. Many years ago, I was attacked by the dark forces when I divulged certain information, certain intel, that was obviously…some people reacted quite strongly to that. I didn’t know that at the time. I was protected by the Resistance and they gave me some instructions and this led to a long cooperation. At this point I am representing them on the surface of the planet. I like to do it because those people are my brothers and sisters–they are my only family. Basically, I would say that my position on the surface of the planet is temporary. I am not going to stay here forever. I am just going to be here to fulfill my mission, to complete my mission, and then my path goes beyond the surface of this planet.

  • C: The most dangerous faction of the Cabal is located in the United States. The tension between the light forces, which are present inside the government structure everywhere, and the dark forces, which are also present in the United States government structure everywhere–there is a very strong internal tension right now which can be felt. But nothing is coming to the surface because those scenes are happening behind the scenes. Elsewhere in the world you can see many changes. But the United States will be the last country on the planet where those changes will happen, and when they happen in the United States it will be the moment of the breakthrough. Because it is the turning point. The United States is the key trigger point for the Event to happen. When you see changes in the political system of the United States, then you know it is time.
E. Is there is a reason why the United States had taken this role of the turning point? Is it because the Cabal has been more entrenched here?

C: Yes, I will explain. It is a historical process. Many souls who are incarnating in this time have chosen to incarnate in the United States. Many of the brightest souls have incarnated in the United States in the span of the last 150 years. In response to their light, the Cabal had to put their strongest control there to prevent a breakthrough. This has been the focal point of this planetary struggle between the light and dark for the last 100 years at least. When the breakthrough happens, it will happen through United States.
  • E: You call yourself Pleiadian. I don’t know what that actually means. I don’t know what that identity literally describes. 
C: Every soul begins its life path its evolution path in the center of the galaxy–in this galaxy or some other galaxy. Then it goes from one star system to another to gain experience. My soul, my own presence, my major experience was in the Pleiadian star system, so most of my energy signature is Pleiadian by origin. The only difference from most people is that I am aware of this.

  • C: Well this is a very old prophecy that has been around at least from the 60’s…is actually based on…this prophecy is very old. It actually means the exiting of the Event Horizon. I will explain. The planet earth is in what you would call a black hole. It is a? Reality. It is hard when you are inside this reality to see things as they really are. When we exit this black hole it will be an explosion of light and everybody will actually start anew. There will be no more karma and there will be no more programming. They will be able to be fully present in their own consciousness and their own connection with God. So this is what is going to happen at a certain point.

C: Yes, because the rest of the Universe has been liberated. It is not a coincidence that we are here right on this planet. The last planet has not been liberated because it was the last stronghold of the Dark Forces. The most skilled galactic warriors have incarnated on this planet in the last couple of hundreds of thousands of years, actually because it was known that this planet was the toughest one, the hardest one to liberate. I would say the most advanced souls with the highest possible skills have been incarnated here exactly for this purpose. So that is why we are here. 
A: That is interesting because it leads me into another question for you because I had read that we had to have been able to ascend at least 3 times to be somewhat approved to incarnate on this planet?
C: I would not agree with that but I would say there was certain testing that was done to determine if we were fit to incarnate here or not.
A: Especially because of the difficulty of freeing this planet? C: Exactly, and the difficulty of the vibrational frequency which exists here. Because there were actually not many planets in this galaxy with such strong control of the Dark Forces. This was one of the toughest.

  • C: I would not say so. I would say that the majority of human beings are of the earth population. There is a very small percentage that are not of this planet. Most are incarnated humans that were created here and they have evolved here all their history.

  • COBRA – There are 3 aspects of this. The first one is the etheric aspect which means that there is always a certain angelic being that is connecting with particular stone and is transmitting energy through that stone. If you go more towards physical (2), there is a lot of plasma current going through crystals because crystalline structure tends to create a resonance field through which plasma can flow a little bit different than any other medium. (3) So it creates an unique specific plasma condition that can assist in that particular crystal in having certain characteristics that would otherwise not be possible.
Rob – OK. Thank you. That answers that question. Here’s a question: someone wants to know the significance of Larimar. I think it’s found in Costa Rica only so far. Someone says, Atlantean stone. Do you know about this blue stone, Larimar?
COBRA – Yes, it comes from Dominican Republic. There is only one place where it is found. It does have the vibrational frequency of Atlantis because that region was a quite important temple complex in Atlantis and the spiritual energy of that temple complex is encoded in that stone.

(Author's note: we kept some Larimar and Amazonite in our Sisterhood of the Rose meeting yesterday. And what happened was that Atlantis Command came through and asked us to do the Heart chakra opening mantra (Tria Cho Ra Ko Fa Roh)

  • U : What is the purpose of Lybian tektite? 
C : The purpose of Lybian tektite is actually to transmute the darkness of Orion inside, so this is a very powerful healing stone for those who have been having interaction with Orion energy in their past incarnations, it can transmute and transform those energy, from within their energy fields.

  • C : The burning man festival is an interesting mixture of light and dark. There are strong light and strong dark factions present, in the organization of the festival itself, and also being present there. So this event has a great potential for the light if approached in the right way. The other aspect of this is that surface population is not yet completely ready for something like this.

  • The Event is about mass arrest of cabals, and positive financial Reset. Not about polar shift. Not about the galactic wave. I will explain that tomorrow.

  • Sub-quantum anomaly itself is not evil. It is just a random sub-quantum field that blocks the liberation process. It is like thick fog. Dark forces are using their technologies to accumulate these quantum and sub-quantum anomaly and use them especially after 1996. After the Archon invasion in 1996, they brought all these anomalies as much as possible toward the planet earth. So, there is a huge amount of irrational things on this planet, and we are immersed in this anomaly swamp. When Donald Trump was speaking about “Drain the Swamp”, he is very close to the truth. This “Swamp” is sub-quantum anomaly. These anomalies influence our energy field, emotion ,thoughts, and course of actions. When enough amount of this is cleared, the light forces will pull the trigger of the Event. 

  • From human perspective, this process is going extremely slow, taking too much time. But from the cosmic perspective, this process is happening extremely fast. Huge amount of cosmic anomaly is being cleared incredibly fast. Huge amount of very complex situation has been resolved in last decades. All the problems with toplet bombs are resolved in May, which has been a huge problem for the Light forces for millions of years. So, from the cosmic perspective, we are extremely close to liberation. This is the reason the light forces say “it will happen very soon”. It is their perspective. (audience laughter) Here, we are almost in frozen time. One month we feel here is like infinity to them.

  • Q. Are Mt. Fuji and Mt. Shasta sister mountains? Are Lemuria and Japan directly related? 
A. Yes, there is a connection between Mt. Fuji and Mt. Shasta. They are both primary locations for the Galactic Confederation. They are primary anchor points for Ashtar command as well.
  • U : Can you name some of the most important Goddess vortex on Earth ? 
C : The most important Goddess vortex is, I would say, number one vortexes are in Syria, then you have very strong vortexes on Crete, in Greece, in Egypt, in Ireland, in Ukraine, in the Caribbean. You have them in many many places around the world. You have them in Australia, in Tahiti islands, you have them everywhere.
U : How about God vortexes, the major ones ?
C : The major God vortexes, the masculine vortexes, I would say, in many cases, the sacred mountains, like Mount Shasta, Mount Fuji, Mount Kilash. There are other important God vortexes like Stonehenge, the pyramids, some of them in major cities around the planet.
  • Rob – Okay, very good. One person says that, ‘Cobra talks about important Goddess vortexes around the world quite a bit, so I’m curious, are there important God vortexes around the world too, masculine vortexes.’ We have the one in the Himalayas. (It) is a masculine vortex – is that correct?
COBRA – Yes, of course. There are also important God vortexes around the planet as well. Many of them are in high mountainous areas around the planet. Some of them are in major cities around the planet. Some of them are on some islands on the planet. So there are various locations for them as well.
  • U : What made Sirius so strong that it was the only star system in a 1000 light years radius around the Earth that did not get invaded in 1996 ? 
C : The Sirius star system is a very strong portal directly to the galactic central sun, and the light forces have chosen to accumulate their energy to protect this star portal to ease the flow that has reached planet Earth, because the Sirius star system is very close to Earth, and having such a strong presence of the galactic central energy so close to Earth was the strongest possible protection for this solar system and for Earth especially, from 1996 onwards.
  • U : Why do crop circles appear in only a few countries, England especially ? 
C : Because there are portals open for those crop circles to appear, there are strong Pleiadian portals in England, and the Pleiadian ships enter through those portals, do the crop circles and then disappear.
U : Who originally built the sphinx ?
C : The sphinx was built by the egyptian positive mystery school about 16000 years ago.
  • COBRA – Actually, what this stone does . . . I will not go very much into deep detail because it’s very sensitive right now, but Cintamani stone actually influences the plasma plane and it does influence the implants. There is a certain technology of the light forces that they can use and they can transmit certain energies directly from the galactic center to the Cintamani stones. Cintamani stones serve as a lens for that energy which then dissolves plasma. It is not just another crystal or pretty stone. It is much more than that. There is certain unique energetic signature of that stone because #1) it came from Sirius star system and #2) it was infused with energy directly from the galactic center many, many cycles ago, millions of years ago when the planet in the Sirius star system exploded. It actually exploded because of the galactic superwave. There are many sub-atomic particles, which were traveling throughout the galaxy as a result of the galactic super wave, and it keeps that planet . . . and every fragment of Cintamani stone has those particles inside. And the light forces can use those to dissolve plasma in a certain way I will not describe here. This is not just another new age crystal; it is much more than that. It is one of the keys to the planetary liberation. Of course, you have the most powerful crystals inside your higher self. Using Cintamani stones, you can amplify and speed up the process for yourself and for the planet.

  • COBRA – I would recommend that people to just have physical contact with these stones during meditation and to have that contact will create an energy flow that can assist you in connecting with your higher self and transmute the plasma field around you. Those stones actually maintain their purity regardless of other people, so no need to worry about that.

  • COBRA – Krishna is the same entity that is known in the West as Christ. Of course, that being is coming back. That being is coming back along with other ascended masters after the first contact.

  • The true rise of Atlantis began one million years ago, when the Toltec race developed. Toltec (which are not the same as the Indian tribe Toltek) created a beautiful civilization, full of abundance and wealth, which was called Tollan Tlapallan. In the City of Golden Gate rich buildings were erected, which were made of red, white and black stone, full of gold and precious stones. A Mystery School was created, where the most advanced Atlanteans could go on spiritual path in the Triple Temple. Starry People have guided the Atlantis wisely as Kings and Priests under careful guidance of the Galactic Confederation. This was the Golden Era of Atlantis, which lasted more than hundred thousand years.

  • The next question here is what is the impact on the body and mental health when meat eating? Why meat eating effects us negatively in our mental and our physical health? Obviously, the physical is due to hormones and improper treatment of animals, but could you talk about any other impacts of eating meat? 
COBRA – There are many. First when the animal is killed, the vibrational fear is stored in the cellar memory of that animal and people take this into their own bodies. The second thing is eating meat does lower the vibrational frequency of the body. Some people need a certain amount of meat for their well being, but most people would be much better off without eating meat.
  • The year 2025 marks the completion of a 50 year cycle that started in 1975 and it represents a dimensional doorway through which the absolute will transform all darkness of the universe and will help Earth in its transition into the fifth dimension. This is the most intensive period in our whole incarnational cycle and let's do our best since opportunity like this one only occurs once in millions of years. So let us travel together in the new world that is being born....

  • Cobra - I would suggest people get their money out of the banks right now, immediately. Put some of it in Gold and Silver simply because if you have money in the cabal banks they can use it for their purposes. It is not legally yours. It’s not your property any more. You are lending your money to them. Energetically speaking you are giving your power away to them if you have your money in their bank. It’s good to have your money in your own hands. To have your own power. You’re not giving that to the Cabal. Your money in their bank is financing their wars. This is something we would like to prevent.

  • Rob – Okay. I’d like to ask you a little bit more in regards to . . . Can you talk a little bit about Jehovah the Christ and what that means for and who that being was and what that mission was and it’s cosmic thing in regards to the return of the Christ consciousness to this planet? 
COBRA – Actually, he came from the Sirius star system and the purpose of that being was to anchor the energy of unconditional love and the energy of divine grace on the surface of the planet He was the first one to introduce the concept of unconditional love. That concept was virtually unknown on the surface of this planet in the cultures of that time. So it was a very important energy that was opened at that time. And this energy is the energy that will actually transform the planet.
  • Cobra: The situations which concern our own life are mostly food poisoning, water poisoning, and financial situation. These are three main key aspects of the Cabal control of the human population. 
AM: Well and I do agree with that, but the chemtrails, they do poison our food. Do they not?
Cobra: Yes, but they are much more effective in the food poisoning, the whole food production includes adding certain chemicals, on purpose, into food to change the psychological and biological makeup of human beings. AM: Well yeah, I agree. Cobra: This is far more dangerous.
  • Alexandra: We have talked about this – why do you think fluoride and chlorine have been added to our water. It’s not that it has or hasn’t.
COBRA: To make humanity more stupid and compliant to their wishes.
Alexandra: Filters that work?
COBRA: Need to find a filter that keeps the essential minerals in the water.
  • Someone’s asked: How do star seeds actually come in and incarnate here. Are there new star seeds coming here or are all the people kind of trapped in the reincarnation situation. 
COBRA – There are no fresh star seeds coming from other star systems. People that have incarnated here have been inside of this recycle process for at least 25k years with extremely rare exceptions.
  • COBRA: Nano technology is extremely dangers. If the Galactic confederation had not intervened, humanity would not be exist now anymore. Cabal had created very dangerous nano particle technology that Self-reproduce and multiply and would eat up every living organism. This has been prevented. We here on the planet, the cabal still has been able to develop certain technologies, certain primitive forms of nano technology. They have not been completely removed. Any type of nano particles in them. Do not use any creams, sun sprays of any types that has nano particles in them. Educate yourself. Find out which products that have nano technologies in them and do not use them. They are very dangerous.

  • COBRA: This is the most evident that people see. If you start with UFO’s or first contact they wouldn’t respond positively because of their previous programming. If you start with the changes in the financial system most of the human population will respond positively to this.

  • Alexandra: She had a question about: Who do you feel are the Karmic Overlords who capture our souls upon death and recycle them without the proper ascension process given as a normal evolutionary stage? 
COBRA: The Lords of Karma are the Main Archons on the astral/etheric plans. They decide the fate of the soul in their new incarnation. They were designing the whole matrix of new incarnation and they made sure that most incarnations have lead so there would not be planetary liberation. That’s why many people have been born into very strange conditions and very impossible situations in their families. It was done on purpose. 

Alexandra: I knew it. I’ve been researching this for some time. Do you agree that we have all been mind-wiped right before re-incarnation?

COBRA: Everybody before incarnation have been subjected to a strong implantation process on the etheric plane which made them forget -It was a trauma of implantation that made a shock. That shock or amnesia ruled that you would not be able to remember when what happened before they incarnate. This is why children cry when they are born. 

Alexandra: OMG. That gives you a whole new concept of birth doesn’t it? 

COBRA: It’s not a concept, it’s just a description of what happens.

Alexandra: If that’s the case and it’s been going on for quite some time. How many implants on average do people have? Is it for every incarnation. 

COBRA: Yes. Every incarnation and you get one and after you die if you manage to escape the Archons when you reach the higher astral planes and higher up, those implants begin to disintegrate. Then you get new ones in a new incarnation. This is mostly why people can not remember past incarnations and why they can’t reach their talents and access the wisdom of their past lives. 

Alexandra: You’re saying, our amnesia is in direct accordance with the implants. 

COBRA: Yes. It’s a direct consequence of the implants and part of the archon plans. If everyone forgets what they are here to do it serves the Archon purpose well. This is the reason why people are asking what is their purpose. They forget. 

Alexandra: What is the most effective way to remove implants? 

COBRA: The most effective way to remove implants is to get contact with your soul, higher self, your soul. Through meditation, Through contact with nature, through beauty, Through presence of love, other human beings, with source directly. After contact with the soul is made the soul with start sending energy to dissolve the implants. 

Alexandra: Wow. I’m kind of stunned. Somebody else asked: you know about the release of the book about the interview of the Roslyn crash. Alien: Eril. (Yes) She talked about this. One of her comments was that even the archeological sites that are found and seen today are staged and produced by the Cabal to fill some of the historical information programmed. 

COBRA: I would not say staged but the more challenging evidence has been suppressed or deliberately destroyed by the Cabal. The process started about 100 years ago with with Rockafellers and Smithsonian institute and the network of all the Universities around the world. The museums around the world has a connection with the Cabal and orders to suppress or destroy anything that challenges the version of true history.
  • Rob – That’s what I thought too. Here’s a good question and I’ve heard information and evidence in regards to 9-11 that the engines that were found at the base of the towers were planted there and there has been talk, I have seen a helicopter video that there was some sort of small little probe released there. Is it possible that the Cabal used an advanced secret space program technology to project an image. So the question is; was there really a plane that crashed into the Twin towers or was there explosions set there previously and a holographic plane was used? 
COBRA – It was a real plane but what actually destroyed the buildings was the main nuke explosion. The plane was just a show for the people. 

Rob – Yes, it was a thermonuclear bomb at the bottom of the towers was the first one. I met the key master of the towers William Rodrigez. He spoke and I met him and he explained that there was dust, that the Jeb Bush owns Wakenhut the security firm for towers on 911. he said security made him give back the keys and for over two week-ends and two weeks the janitorial service, no one was allowed in the Twin towers while they set thermo nuclear charges inside the elevator shafts and within the staircases to bring down the towers, so thank you for confirming that there really was a bomb. 

COBRA – Yes. It was a small nuke and what is interesting here is that Donald Rumsfeld has released some statements about the black budget one day before 9-11 happened and that black budget is connected to the secret space program. And basically the vast majority of evidence of this was destroyed in 9-11.
  • A: OK. In your estimation, how many ships do you think are actually surrounding the planet Earth right now? 
C: Oh, there are millions upon millions but they are cloaked. They are not visible. They have a special protection membrane, which prevents the Cabal from detecting them.
A: I see.
C: But they are everywhere around the planet. Huge motherships.
  • C: This myth is a reflection of the reality of the situation. I understand that we are at the beginning stages of completely new myth, a completely new belief system, a completely new paradigm that will go beyond that. I think 100 years from now nobody will worry about dark forces or even think about it any longer. It will be an obscure notion from the past–a long time ago, things like that happened, but they will be so beyond that. A completely new evolution will open for humanity that nobody will be bothered anymore about the troubled past of humanity. It is a birth of a new renaissance that is happening now. We are at such an early stage of the creation of this new myth that we are not able to comprehend where we are going.

  • C: Yes, yes! It’s true. It’s true. And it’s not just as small planet. We are not just here by chance. We knew that we were going to go here for this particular mission. It was not anticipated it would be last the planet to be liberated. The plan was a little bit different but the reality changed and now we are on the planet that is the last planet to be liberated. So it is a very special place and we are in a very special period of our destiny. And, yes, we are heroes because what we do to form an opposition in the face of all this control is a heroic act. For everybody that is standing against this oppression, he or she is a hero in this space and time.

  • COBRA – I will not give any specifics because things are happening [that] are very unpredictable. The closer that we get to the final moment of the breakthrough, the more unpredictable things become. There is more chaos; there is more volatility in every situation, so it’s not possible to make any concrete predictions at this point. And September time frame is an interesting time. That’s what I can say, but I will not give any specific predictions of what will happen in September. (He was talking about Sep 2015)

  • COBRA – Yes, absolutely. Attacking any of the light warriors or light workers doesn’t make any sense. Especially now, it is time to unify forces and support each other because we have the same goal and that is the planetary liberation.

  • The Dark Forces will not be allowed to have a nuclear war, so they are trying to create a conventional world war. The mass media is broadcasting images of war, violence, and destruction. Seeing pictures and videos of violence and destruction makes people manifest these things. For example, the Dark Forces are putting out a movie called ‘Civil War’. This is all just a distraction from the optimal timeline of Ascension. (Taken from my Phoenix conference notes)

  • The SOTR groups need to increase their activity. Peace is a feminine trait attributed to the Goddess. Peace is the most important energy needed right now. The SOTR groups need to bring energy of peace.

  • We live in a physical world, the Dark Forces want to divert our attention into their digital world. Companies such as Microsoft, Facebook/Meta etc. are all part of the Matrix. The Matrix wishes to hijack the mind of humans. Social Media is bad, it makes us passively receive content. Social media does not encourage creativity. We need to take a detox from social media. We need to find a balance between physical life and digital life. (Taken from my Phoenix conference notes)

  • The top echelons of the Dark Forces are welcoming the collapse of the financial system. They know of the coming solar flash. The Dark Forces want the financial system to just be an app on our phones where all our dollars will be converted into digital dollars. People are resisting this. Cobra told us to use physical cash as much as possible and not to use credit cards and online payments. Credit cards and online payments support the Dark Forces since such transactions take place on the mental plane and do not support manifestation of abundance. Physical cash is the physical manifestation of abundance. (Taken from my Phoenix conference notes)

  • C : [The holy grail stones] will be activated at the time of the event, and will serve as a lens, the energy of the central sun will go through them and activate people on their positions for the event. (Author's note: The Holy Grail stones include Sirian Cintamani's, Galactic Cintamani's, Moldavites, Tibetan Tektites, Emeralds, etc.) 

  • The Light Forces will incrementally activate the tektites. The stones will get more powerful in the coming months. (Taken from my Phoenix conference notes)

  • COBRA – OK. This is a more serious situation because, yes, the Cabal and the Chimera group is targeting the light workers and light warriors, especially with Plasma scalar wave directional weapons to lower down their consciousness, so if you are experiencing any unusual pressure, if you’re emotions are triggered in very strange ways. If you’re tired without explanation. If people around you are freaking out without any apparent reason. If you have strange sensations in your body, problems with your breathing, heart rate or sleeping patterns, most likely it’s a result of this. And usually the chimera group is combining the scalar wave attacks with etheric non-physical entities attacking at the same time, so people who are targeted with those facts usually have problems in their relationship which are artificially generated. People next to them turn against them. They begin to be attacked by people around them without any valid reason. People are just freaking out and people around them are freaking out because they are provoked and triggered by directional weapons and by non physical entities. This happens a lot especially with people who have a strong mission and have a strong potential to assist in the planetary liberation and those attacks can be extremely unpleasant.

  • COBRA – Most heavy duty criminals are not in Brussels. We have the traditional three centers at the Vatican, London City and Washington DC. These are the major centers of the surface Cabal. Everything else are the minor centers, which are not that important.

  • Introduction of smartphones was part of the Chimera's plan to alienate humanity and entrap them in the dark spider web of technological dystopia: (From

  • Alexandra: What about the safety of our ATM card, our personal accounts? 
COBRA: Get your money out of the banks ASAP. You will be compensated after the event. Before the event your accounts can be blocked, seized. I will say it again, Get your money out of the banks.
Alexandra: He has been very consistent with that.
COBRA: If you have money get it in precious metals and land, something tangible.

  • COBRA – Actually, Mexico, a long time ago was one of the major reptilian strong-holds on the planet. 

  • Another important vortex in Slovenia is its capital city, Ljubljana. It was an important city of Light in late Atlantean period and is about to become a city of Light again in the New Atlantis:

There were certain events of planetary and cosmic importance taking place in Ljubljana in 1995 that must remain classified for now.

During the last Archon invasion in 1996, Ljubljana was bombed with etheric and plasma nuclear bombs which have collapsed the energy grid in the country completely and have delayed the spiritual progress of the country for decades. Very recently, certain actions are being taken to revive that energy vortex again.

Black Nobility family that is controlling Ljubljana, certain other parts of Slovenia and certain parts of Italy is the Orsini family:

  • Orisini family has suffered a big defeat in 2010 and certain sources are claiming that Orsini have killed Isis Astara as their revenge for that defeat. (From

  • COBRA – This will be taken care of by the time of the event. But before the event the situation is not very nice. I agree with that. Many people have severe financial trouble because the control of the Cabal on the financial system is extremely strong at the moment. We just have to survive this period one way or the other and then . . . So when the event happens, it will be much easier.

  • COBRA – It’s very delicate balance. If the Galactic forces intervene on the surface of the planet, the Cabal would go crazy. It’s like having a crazy dog at the gate. You have to give him some food to calm him down so you can go inside and rescue the people.

  • COBRA – This GMO project belongs to the Illuminati. This project will be removed from the planet, maybe even before the event is a possibility. Anti-GMO has been getting stronger and stronger. There are many victories lately around the world. I am assuming that the world is uniting against this GMO and Monsanto knows this.

  • COBRA – We are down to US and Israel against the whole world. 
Alexandra – Wow. That’s huge. That’s amazing 

COBRA – Yes, it’s huge progress. I’m not speaking about the countries them self, it’s the factions. It’s not a war between one country against another. It’s more of a harmonized intent to bring down the cabal that is mostly situated in the US and Israel. Of course people belong to the same cabal in other countries. They are losing power I would say they have lost more than 50% of their power everywhere.
  • COBRA – I think that everybody knows what a black hole is. You can also make a black hole out physical matter and out of etheric matter. If you put that etheric black hole in a rotating electromagnetic field that black hole begins to behave in a different manner. That black hole begins to behave in a different manner, it begins to distort the reality around you. That distortion couples with a electromagnetic field and that distortion coupled with that magnetic field creates a disharmony electromagnetic field and that begins to influence your consciousness. That affects every single individual on the surface of the planet. Everybody’s been half crazy with this . This is why people have been deceived. That’s why it takes people so long to awaken. This is the reason why the Cabal was able to control the people. Otherwise they would say “no”. No one would agree to this craziness without those implants. 

  • COBRA – You have so many black holes not just in the implant, but the space around us – the whole surface of the planet is covered.

  • COBRA- Okay I will explain. The government of Syria was not part of the Rothschild cabal but their own dictatorship. And there was a revolutionary movement a few years ago and they tried to overthrow the government. And then the Rothschild misused and manipulated that revolutionary movement to infiltrate the so-called rebels from other countries to destabilize the country to create a war and to take over the financial situation in Syria. That’s the short story. Okay and so does part of this also have to do with the natural gas pipeline. A little bit yes, but this is not the main story, the main story is about the banking system. Okay so really the core is the banking. I’ve also read some articles in the past that had a lot to do with water. At this stage the cabal can only survive if they continue the banking system as long as possible. They’re doing what ever they can to keep this running.

  • The Lurker influences the Light Forces from the subquantum field by paralyzing the Light Forces with the energy of fear. Fear is the main block everywhere in the universe. The key to defeating fear is to take a step towards the fear. In other words, the key to reducing fear is to gain experience. The Light Forces (and most people) are avoiding gaining experience because it is a painful process. The tendency is to remain within the radius of one’s comfort zone. However, what is needed to combat fear is to take balanced risks. The amount of balanced risks one has taken determines how much one is able to conquer fear. Conquering fear is key to resolving subquantum anomaly. (Taken from my Phoenix conference notes)

  • Alexandra: Yes, I agree with that. How long will it take for people know about the event before it happens 
COBRA: Within 2 hours it will be all over the mass media around the planet.

  • COBRA: If you are asking about internet, Benjamin Fulford – has some good intel sources. He simply does not recognize it and puts everything in the mix but some of his intel is very good. Also David Wilcox has some very good inspirational articles of information. 
Alexandra: How do you feel about David Icke?
COBRA: He has did a great job about awakening humanity about Illuminati and some good information on the Reptilians. I am not following his work lately. He released some good and basic information about the structure of the Cabal.
Alexandra: He did take on a most difficult job of informing the public that Reptilians walk the planet. That was brutal I’m sure.
Alexandra: Drunvalo and Alex Jones?
COBRA: Not for my taste.

  • COBRA: Not only in Poland but worldwide. Cabal is pushing people over the threshold of poverty everywhere. If you don’t have money have a strong social network. People can support each other and share with each other. Together they will be stronger. After the event everybody will receive money from the collateral accounts. Nobody will be poor any longer.

  • Alexandra: What do you feel about the cannabis plant, marijuana. Not of this world? 
COBRA: Not from the Sirius star system. It is not from this planet.
Alexandra: Do you feel it’s a sacred plant?
COBRA: Every plant is a sacred plant.

  • COBRA: The position of our solar system and galaxy has changed so little in our lifetime it’s negligible. The birth axis has changed according to the stars, maybe 1 degree which can of course be taken into account. Planets in the solar system are emitting frequencies and they do influence you. You do have free will. 

  • Alexandra: I thought you said we will be blown away when we look to the sky after the event because the stars and everything will not look the same as it does now. Did you say that before? 
COBRA: Yes, there is a tachyonic membrane around the earth which is preventing some signals from reaching the surface of the planet. When this is removed you will see the sky as it actually looks like at this moment. Many of the stars are hundreds of light years away and that is the light you are looking at. After the event you will not only receive photons, you will receive tachyon. You will see the sky as it looks like at this moment, not like it did hundreds and hundreds of years ago.
Alexandra: Will it be different colors, will the planets be in a different locations.
COBRA: Most of the stars will be in somewhat different locations. You will be able to see certain things you won’t be able to see right now, like motherships which are cloaked right now. Some other things I will not speak about yet.

  • COBRA: Yes, it (smart power meters) is tied into the grid, so is your cell phone. The smart phones are the most infected devices that everybody has right now and very strongly connected into the matrix around the planet.

  • Cobra – Big relocation of wealth on the planet happening right now. those at the top know exactly which things will bring profit and which won’t bring profit and which will not. They are relocating assets right now.
A) – Putting the message to everyone to exit the system. You’re in agreement with that? You’re suggesting to pull money out of banks?

Cobra – Yes, it’s a very clear system for some time. The time to exit the system was 5 or 10 years ago. When the stock was in it’s prime it was a very good time to exit. People who sold their stock at that time and bought gold are very wealthy.
(A) – Hind sight is always best isn’t it?
Cobra – If you have an understanding of how the system works it’s not that difficult to know what to do.
A) – What is your opinion of Fed reserve bank. Are they bust? bankrupt? busted? Is this all a smoke screen as well?
Cobra – There are a few things with Fed Reserve. They really don’t have any gold there. They still have some imaginary money, monopoly money, quiet money, paper money. They can always print more.
A) – Of course – they are still printing the hell out of the money.
Cobra – Yes they can still do this to a point, to a certain degree.

  • U : Can you explain why we use the blue color in the weekly meditation, for the pillar of light?
C : Because the blue color is the color which connects us to the galactic central sun.

U : Is it true that the hair on the head is like an extension of the nervous system, that helps to feel the environment, and have psychic abilities?

C : Exactly the hair is like an antenna which assists us in connecting with higher spiritual dimensions. 

U : Ok. This is why the cabal encourages people to cut them especially the men. 

C : Yes that is why there is a trend to cut the hair as much as possible because the cabal wants to suppress humans spiritually. 

U : Have the animals been distorted by the dark forces as well, for example all the violence in the food chain, the animals that bite, things like that?

C : Yes they have been influenced by the archons with negative etheric energy. The treatment of the animals on this planet is unspeakable, it should not be tolerated.
  • Cintamani is a sacred stone of the Agartha network.

  • The Apocalypse (
As hinted at in the previous update, we are at the turning point of several cosmic cycles.

First, there is the completion of the great cosmic cycle which lasted over 13 billion years. This universe is right now at the turning point from expansion into contraction. That is a unique moment, when the Source (the Absolute) can intervene directly into the Creation and dissolve the primary anomaly and all evil related to it, and this is the real reason why all darkness will soon disappear.That moment of direct intervention is called the Apocalypse (the Revelation in English) and is quite accurately described in a famous, almost 2000 year old vision:

This moment can also be called the Cosmic Reversal, and scientists are beginning to understand that it will not happen billions of years from now, but much sooner:

Second, there is the completion of the galactic magnetic pulse cycle which lasts somewhere between 12,000 and 13,000 years. Every 12,000 years or so, the Galactic Central Sun reverses its magnetic polarity, and in two such cycles it reverses its magnetic polarity back to the original one. Earth axis is entrained with the galactic magnetic field reversals, and this is the true origin of the 25,772 year precessional cycle, and the 12,000 year Heinrich event cycle:

Recent scientific paper shows that galactic magnetic field reversals are sudden events that only take a few years:

Galactic magnetic field reversal triggers a Solar mininova event, which in turn triggers Earth magnetic field reversal. Earths' magnetic field is already decreasing fast in preparation for the reversal, and one possible curve of its strength may look like this (violet part of the curve is a prediction):

When Earth's magnetic field strength falls below a certain threshold, the elasticity and viscosity of Earths' mantle abruptly changes to allow crustal displacements and a physical polar shift:

The polar shift triggers a global tsunami wave which washes over the planetary surface and purifies it. This tsnamii wave is a necessary part of the primary anomaly purification process, and only individuals strongly connected with inner Light within Islands of Light, except for an occasional prepper, will be able to survive it on the surface of the planet. The rest of the human population will be evacuated from the surface and will then be able to start a new cycle afresh, in full alignment with the Light.

Top members of the Cabal are aware of the coming polar shift, and are planning to survive it in their underground bunkers and Pits:

They will be cleared by the Resistance before the polar shift happens.

Third, there is the completion of the solar magnetic cycle which lasts around 11 years. The next solar magnetic reversal is expected around 2025. The Sun is becoming active much faster than expected, and the sunspot number now (May 2022) is already exceeding the NOAA prediction for the peak of the cycle in 2025:

In a few months, mainstream scientists will begin to realize that there is something unusual going on with the current solar cycle, and some of them will be able to connect the dots, triggering utter panic in some circles.

One small hint, a Carrington type event is quite possible in the next two years:

All three cycles, cosmic, galactic and solar, converge into the opening of the Ascension portal of 2025, which is an orientational milestone for us to estimate when the big changes are expected to occur.
  • Worth re-reading
On the non-physical planes, removal of Archons, their minions and their technologies continues. One of areas where good progress was made is the removal of etheric infrasound technology which suppresses human vibrational frequency.

More than two thirds of that technology have been removed in the last month. Etheric scalar devices can produce physical infrasound that can be measured. In two independent measurements of the ambient sound in nature you can see that ambient infrasound up to 100 Hz goes up to 35 dB above the ambient sound in other frequencies. You can also see a curious ultrasound peak at 10 kHz in one measurement and 15 kHz in the other. They correspond to etheric ultrasound network which scans the brain activity:
The intensity of the etheric infrasound and ultrasound is set to remain just below the hearing threshold of an average human being to avoid people becoming curious about it and realizing that something strange is going on. You can see that perceived human hearing graph looks quite similar to the graphs above:
Some people are still able to hear that infrasound and some even the ultrasound frequencies and many researchers call this the Taos hum. This hum was recorded with a professional sound equipment and it sounds like this:

Removal of these technologies and structures requires a lot of hard work of the Light forces, as the Archons were improving their non-physical control networks for the last 25,000 years. It will take much less than 25,000 years to dismantle all this, but do not be discouraged if a month or two passes without any visible breakthroughs. There will be results soon enough and in the meantime you can read this very informative article:

Cobra gave us two techniques to make manifestation easier:
1. The large amount of quantum and subquantum anomaly on the planet can create too much blockage in manifesting something. In such a situation one should drop what they are trying to manifest for some time (i.e. let it go). Then one should make a stronger decision and try again. This starts a new cycle of manifestation. Cobra gave the example of the Phoenix Ascension Conference, in which it was needed to let go and start a new cycle of manifestation and then things became easier.

2. Do not try to solve every part of a complex problem all at once. Choose a tiny part of the problem and focus on resolving that first. This creates a positive resonance field. Then take the next small part of the problem and solve that. Repeat this until you have solved the whole problem. This ensures that you send repeated harmonious messages into the quantum field, which aids in manifestation.

  • The Chimera group is the real controller of the quarantine barrier, whereas Black Nobility / Archon families are the real controllers of the surface of the planet. Most of their bloodlines originate in ancient Rome.
Highly recommend re-reading this article-

You can use to read the Ahuwahzeus blog, since it's been taken down
  • The third conference will be in New York from November 16th to 18th, right in the eye of the Big Apple vortex.

  • The fourth conference will be taking place in Laguna Beach from November 23rd to 25th, right in the eye of the Pleiadian vortex. Our conference room will be located only a few hundred yards away from the exact spot where Dr. Fred Bell had physical contact with Semjase, a Pleiadian being of Light. At the conference you will be able to hear the amazing testimony of that contact from Robert Potter, Dr. Fred Bell’s close friend and himself a contactee. After the conference, further developments of Operation Dreamland are scheduled to be announced.

  • C: The first possibility is they are MK ultra programmed victims and they expect them to sit back and they have a strong mission that would endanger the Cabal. Either they have a strong spiritual potential or they have some other potential that they view as a threat from the cabal. I would give a certain piece of advice here. Re-locate out of the US, if possible. And in many instances it is possible.

  • All the spider plasma entities that now encapsulate Earth surface cities will be gone by then. It is not a coincidence that surface cities look like spiders when seen from space. (From

  • Another, very troubling aspect of the causal plane are the so called Lords of Karma. Lords of Karma are arachnid Chimera entities that came from Andromeda galaxy millions years ago via Rigel portal and who created quarantine Earth matrix 26,000 years ago. Many of them arrived on Earth almost 1 million years ago, with reinforcements streaming in through the whole Atlantean period to finally take full control of the planet 26,000 years ago and seal its fate with the final reinforcement from Rigel in 1996-1999.

  • Lords of Karma are in almost full control of quarantine Earth, and they have created a dark spider web full of black holes and toplet bombs on the causal, mental, astral and etheric planes. Their causal bodies are almost completely black, being exposed to so much anomaly, and they worship the black holes on the causal plane as a portal to the dark inverted reality as the Black sun.

  • They have great control over the human reincarnation cycle, and have a great say in where and how a particular individual will be reincarnated. They have full access to Akashic records. They keep twin souls apart, destroy soulmate relationships, instill jealousy and fear and strive to manifest maximum amount of suffering to the human population. They extend their influence through their minions, Draco and Reptilian demonic entities on lower mental, astral and etheric planes, and control the physical geopolitical situation through demonic possession of Black nobility and Illuminati minions on the physical plane. (From

  • This is where we seem to be at right now-
“Surface society will have to go through a slow collapse until direct intervention can be safely introduced without dark forces destroying the planet.”


  • COBRA – OK. First, about Ben Fulford’s intel. You need to use his reports to pick the gems of intel and leave the rest, because there are some encoded real gems inside there and do not worry about the rest. Regarding about the Jade Helm situation, I will not comment on the deeper background of this, but I will give you an analogy. This famous financial restructuring by the Eastern and BRICS alliance, those new Infrastructure Banks. They can be interpreted as a new globalized centralized, new order system or it can be interpreted as advance of the light forces.

  • Rob – Okay. We’ll leave with a couple of fun questions on the lighter side here. We got two more minutes. Anyway, the ET societies . . . If you could tell us when they’re not on a mission here in our . . . trying to heal our stuff. What do the ET’s do for fun? What are their hobbies? 
COBRA – Well, they like to socialize. They like to party. They like to visit different locations throughout the universe. Most of the time, they have a good time.

  • COBRA – Well, the term simultaneous time lines is actually a misinterpretation of the fact that when you are in the higher frequency you can remember everything at once. But time is still happening in linear sequence. Something happened before something else happened. But, yes, we are behind the schedule. I think everyone can agree with that.

  • COBRA – Okay. Throughout the entire universe, marriage is a ceremony or a ritual of a positive nature that deepens the soul connection between twin souls. This is what it usually is. It is not a religious ceremony. It is not something that binds you in any way. It deepens the connection and confirms the connection between you and your twin soul. This is originally what marriage was meant to be, and it is inside of this galaxy and other galaxies throughout the universe. 
Rob – Okay. Are there unions like this without twin souls?
COBRA – They are possible, but in most cases, in the balance within the universe, people do meet their twin souls.
Rob – So in most of the universal planets they will remain unmarried unless they are with their twin soul. Is that correct?
COBRA – It’s up to their individual decision. Each being in this universe makes their own choices regarding this.

  • COBRA – Monatomic elements are usually they produce them from noble metals and they have a very special physical characteristic and one of those characteristics is connection between the physical plane and the higher plane. The monatomic gold, for example, can connect human consciousness with beings in higher dimensions quite directly. 
Rob – Are these elements . . . Can they be created?
COBRA – Yes, of course.
Rob – Okay. So, this is just for me personally, but is this have to do with the outer shell of the electrons and the balance of the electrons and their interactions with the dimensional planes?
COBRA – Yes, because each electron here in the atomic shell is actually a little portal – a little star gate. The electron is a wave. It’s a hyper-dimensional worm-hole you might say. And it can transmit information. It can transmit energy. And if those electrons are in right position, they can very effectively connect physical plane with higher energies, with higher dimensional beings.

  • C: We were in the prison for the last 25,000 years and now that the gates will open, we will be able to see what is outside. 
E: I don’t know how to ask these some of these questions because they are so unusual…but could this have all gone another way completely 25,000 years ago?
C: It could. It could. Things could be different. There are many moments in human history, many key points, when this could go one way or the other.
E: It was just in these various present moments that a little tipping happened and it slid one direction?
C: Exactly.
E: Do we have anything to learn from this, looking back? Do we learn how to be a different kind of human now?
C: Yes. You see in those critical moments, those tipping moments, there were always individuals who were key individuals and those key individuals made choices, sometimes good choices and sometimes not so good choices. In 1995 there was a big possibility of a breakthrough but the key individuals made the wrong choices and that is why we are here almost 20 years later and still the Event didn’t happened. It could have happened in 1995. It could also have happened last year, in April or May 2012, if certain key individuals had made the right choices but they did not make the right choices. There are always certain moments, certain windows of opportunity, and in those crucial moment it is very important how the key people behave. What decisions do they make? What choices do they make? What actions do they take? That is very important.
E: Would these be people that had political power?
C: Not necessarily. You see, the real planetary situation is not decided by the presidents; it is decided by people from behind the scenes.

  • C: This planet is in a sandwich. There are light forces above the surface of the planet in the sky– the positive ETs–who are sending light toward the surface of the planet from above. Then there is a resistance movement underground. All of these forces are holding the light below the surface and sending the light toward the surface. So the surface of the planet is in this compression. All of the darkness that was compressed on the surface needs to come out, because the light is constantly pressuring it to come out, so that it is processed and healed and removed. When the light from below meets the light from above at the surface, that’s the moment of compression breakthrough and that’s the moment of the Event. When this is happening it will be huge, energetically and physically, and everybody will be able to see it.

  • Alexandra – At least we got a little victory there. (yes) No martial law. (That will now be allowed to happen) Good. right on. What is your opinion of dimensional levels within the dimension. You will come across several articles referring to The 12th level of the 4th dimension. Do you agree. Are there multiple dimensions within the dimensions? 
COBRA – I would say there are sub-dimension. Little differences from One octave to another. There are various ways to describe it. On certain levels that’s true but People don’t have enough understanding to correctly describe what they are seeing or getting. I would say this is correct.

  • COBRA – NASA was hiding things from the start because it was actually a military organization and they’ve got military factions and illuminati people were the ones behind the formation. All information coming out of Nasa was heavily filtered from the start. Nothing has actually changed. It still remains the same.(OK) Most speculation and conspiracy theories of NASA are wrong. People don’t have the right information. They just speculate. Other people just re-post or re-blog those speculations without looking deeper inside.

  • COBRA –Ok about Detroit, MI. They’ve been bankrupt. A court hearing a gentleman stepped up and said that due to the chair of Saint Peter all global debt had been forgiven. Yes there was a certain article circulating about that in July this year. And it was just an attempt accelerate the process of financial transformation the real debt forgiveness will happen at the time of the event. Until then the cabal still maintain the debt in their computer screen. So on one the debts are already forgiven on another level the cabal maintains the reality of those debts just because the humanity of the collective gives power to the current banking system.

  • Aren’t the galactic artificially keeping it up in certain areas to prevent a massive hurt to a lot of people? 
COBRA –I would say they are creating a balance, to decrease the suffering as much as possible because if the Event happens to soon… you know about the influence of the Archons on humanity. Influencing behavior, the whole thing could turn into a disaster. You just answered somebody’s question. If we prematurely move to soon we still have too much archonic activity that affects human behavior and the inability to maintain neutrality, working together, cooperation especially during the time of a chaoticI have seen so many instances of people going absolutely crazy under the influence of the archons. And it’s simply not safe to let that happen at the time of the event because at that point it could have drastic consequences. Imagine for example the chief officer in a nuclear power plant going bananas at that point.

  • Do you feel that they have exhausted their ability to steal funds from around the world. (Almost) Because I remember blogging an article, I was very sad, for all these people have all these pension funds. They were talking about how all the pensions are starting to disappear and this and that and I immediately thought oh here they go again. Cause they’re so desperate. 
COBRA – That’s why I’m saying to get your money out of banks because at some point they will just steal that money also.

  • Okay. When the Event occurs and when we have this pulsation of light, this very loving energy that hits the galaxies and universes and the planets, etc. Is that when we completely come out of our state of amnesia?
COBRA –This is when we begin to come out of our state of amnesia because we have been suppressed so literally. And it will be the beginning of a real awakening.
So basically it will be gradual then.
COBRA –Yeah. We will continue through a gradual process

  • There was a very old, I would not say prophesy but a project by the light forces in the galaxy to create a parallel society on the planet. This parallel society was created at one time in Lumeria and also at a certain time in Atlantis but the problem is we’re not conscious now. And now we are moving to make a new paradise conscious for the first time in the history of this planet. Do you think Cobra, that that has something to do with everything that’d I’ve read with the Lumerians they equated them to like a 14 year old. Are they referring to that as far as like their maturity? 
COBRA – Yes you could compare them to a 14-year old child.

  • Alexandra: Did you look at the divine province web-site – (Let me remember). Asking me what I think about it. 
COBRA: There is some very good information in there if you know where to look.
Alexandra: That’s true. It’s like blogging. You have to shift through the garbage?
COBRA: 750 pages of the document. Inside there are some real gems.

  • COBRA: I explained this in my last post about the planetary. The tactics of the Jesuits are similar to the tactics of the Muslim Brotherhood – They put on a friendly face. they are nice to people, they give a little bit of money to the poor, they organize peace meditations and then they infiltrate a system. this is their tactics for the last few hundred years. If you study the history of Jesuits, They infiltrated the world governments being super nice all over the world. they create central banks. the next thing you know the Rothchild’s are there. I don’t trust this pope. Even though Fulford is very happy with him.

  • COBRA: All the false flag attacks happen by triggering MK Ultra programed people. Those False flag attacks, regardless if they are created or if they are fake or real has the same purpose – is to divert attention. As those False Flag attacks that happen to distract people. As you have noticed it happens after Syria got better – The Cabal needs another distraction to keep the people in fear. This is what they need to maintain their system.

  • Alexandra: I imagine there will be so many more job opportunities and because of all the projects that will be popping up to assist the planet and that are contributing (Exactly) On to this: What is the status of MK Ultra unfortunate survivors – are there more MK Ultra experiments still being done although the underground bases have been cleared? 
COBRA: There are almost 0 of those experiments continuing but those people that have been subjected are not received healing yet. Mainly because of the denial of the masses. People are not believing this has even happened. This is one of the big misbalances on this planet. It makes it even harder for those people that were abused by this mind controlled program. They have no where to turn to. I think it’s a responsibility of the masses to become aware at least. (Absolutely) Also to be aware of what is happened. It would not be taken so long. Not only the responsibility of the cabal but almost the masses who chose not to see the reality and chose not to see the truth and by doing that humanity gave permission for the cabal to keep doing what they were doing.

  • COBRA: As I said before if things happened to the major players of the Cabal other things would be triggered – biological weapons deployed, nuclear power stations exploding, Monarch controlled witnesses going nuts and killing people. Many crazy things would happen. This has to be done carefully to prevent violence.
Alexandra: Yes, I agree with that. There was a question about operation stardust? (Yes) Nano particles are distributed to the Cabal that will immobilize them when it is activated. What is the status of this. Couldn’t this be used to mitigate some of the damage at the time of the event.
COBRA: Yes, those particles were transported into the bodies of the members of the cabal. Some of it was happening last year, some of it before. This is about to be activated at the time of the event.
Alexandra: Right-on.
COBRA: Not before. I will explain. The cabal has taken contra measures against this. Like if something happened to Kissinger at this moment many bad thing would happen on the physical plane. He has trigger mechanism – biological weapons, people going crazy, mind controlled people going crazy starting to shoot people. This is the only reason this person is still alive at this time. He has protected himself in this way. If stardust was activated in his body that would happen. At the time of this event we would take physical actions. The light forces will meet to stop the cabal and of course at that time the stardust will be activated.

  • Alexandra: Cool. This one I’m going to read out this whole question. Has this reality or planet been wrongfully hijacked by the Archons to the extent that this is not what we bargained for at a soul level when we incarnated in this lifetime. Are we innocent, naive souls being manipulated by more advanced beings. Is this reality a total disfunctionality or what. It’s hard to understand why a loving creator would allow this extreme level of destruction. 
COBRA: This experiment has gone too far. It was never intended to go this far. Yes, we are innocent. Yes, we did not expect this to go this far. The Archon thing is an anomaly that has to stop. The creator never intended this to happen. The Archons were a reaction of the cosmic anomaly of chaos which has gone too far.
Alexandra: Interesting. Did we also incarnate knowing full well that we would be subjected to this nonsense but agreed to do it to pay back karma
COBRA: We have incarnated not to pay back karma but to transform that darkness and bring that planet into light. We did not have complete understanding of what this experience would be like because we didn’t have it before. We did not know consciously what we were getting into.
Alexandra: So basically, have we agreed to incarnate to raise the consciousness on planet earth and break the matrix and control system.
COBRA: Yes, we have agreed to do this after we agreed to enter the planetary sphere but after we entered the planetary sphere we agreed to the conditions here.
Alexandra: OK. That would apply to however many lifetimes we’ve had here. (Yes) do you agree that the star seeds here have had less lifetimes than some of your newer, younger souls?
COBRA: I would say the majority of people here have had hundreds and hundreds of life times. Some light workers/warriors have had less than 100.

  • Alexandra: I love it, I love it. Chemtrails – where I live in the last 2 weeks chemtrails have significantly stopped or declined. With that said, other people are experiencing similar symptoms – i.e.: abdominal bloating, pain, fever, severe head-aches, gastro intestinal disturbances. Maybe similar Morgellons disease. Can you comment on that. Has the chemtrails exposed us to nano technology. 
COBRA: 1. The number of chemtrails have been reduced drastically in the last few weeks. It has not stopped. The problem has not been solved and they might increase again in the next 2 weeks but there is a downward trend. Symptoms that people are experiencing are not of the physical nature. It’s the intensification of the clearing of implants on the etheric plane – in the head and abdomen. Those things are quite intensively clearing right now

  • COBRA: There is a certain secret organization in whole central America which is similar to White Dragon in Asia. It is more deep undercover. They are working to trigger the change in Mexico and surrounding countries. The situation in Mexico is a little more complicated because the cabal is strong interest there because of the drug trade. Mexico will recover but it will not be very fast as some other countries.

  • Alexandra: I have so much to review today. I’m not going to bring up anybody’s name. Don’t get your feelings hurt. The first question is: Are the resistance movement working on the other wide with people like Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy, Robert F Kennedy, John Lennon. Are those people considered part of the light resistance? 
COBRA: Many of those people that have died years ago have already been taken to other planets when they have joined the Galactic force of light.
Alexandra: So they are not considered part of this so called resistance movement.
COBRA: Many of them have chosen to travel onward. Some of them could stay. Many of them are not working from the Astral plane any longer.

  • What is cobra’s source of inspiration behind all the unselfish work he does? 
COBRA: Cobra’s source of inspiration is the desire to liberate the planet. It came from my own personal experience of the Cabal of being attacked. I can not tolerate it. They made a huge mistake by attacking me. I can not tolerate it. This planet needs to change. When one person makes this decision 100%, it will change. That’s the power of free will. We all have that power.
Alexandra: When you step into your warriorness – not making war.
COBRA: There are many layers to this. Every individual can do things, whatever your talent is. Use your mind and creativity, will power. Whatever you talent is, use that to liberate the planet.

  • COBRA: What Fulford is saying, this is the plan for the event. The federal reserve to go bankrupt by having to pay back their bonds. This will help trigger the financial re-set. This is the action that will trigger the re-set.
Alexandra: Yes, how exciting. Now Cobra, what about China – they’ve been real aggressive lately in making it clear that they do not support the dollar as the reserve currency. They want to by-pass it in their trade and BRICS alliance is considering the same thing. What is this implying?
COBRA: It’s very good. The old financial system is based on the dollar as the reserve for the planet. If this changes the whole rules change. This is what is happening. This needs to happen before the re-set can happen.

  • COBRA: This is a related. The most likely scenario is the stock market will crash at the event. Stock market and even the commodities market is completely unrelated to real economy. It’s a fictional computer program at this point that has no basis in reality. It’s super computers in complete control of the Cabal which plays the game.
Alexandra: it’s an algorithm played on the computer.
Alexandra: What would you say to someone who has savings, retirement, inheritance, that they don’t have control over – in the stock market. Will people be compensated.
COBRA: They will be compensated I would say get out of the stock market anyway

  • Monday, August 15, 2022
Planetary Situation Update
Many things are happening behind the scenes and as much as I would like to report them, it is simply too dangerous at this senior stage of the Plan:

In the void created by almost no solid intel on the surface of the planet since the collapse of the alpha timeline in early 2018, disinformation abounds.

The dark forces are leading campaigns against the few true sources, with unsubstantiated rumors and false accusations. They are especially attacking true Goddess teachings and true intel about the liberation of the planet. Several quite known intel sources that were relatively reliable in the past were not able to hold the Light and have crossed over to become instruments of the dark side.

The surface Lightworker grid has almost collapsed, and the Light forces have activated an emergency backup Light grid for the surface of the planet, about which nothing can be said. Kerr metric spacetime distortion anomaly around the surface of the planet will reach its peak density in late August 2022, and after that time it will again become easier to hold the Light, and the Lightworker grid is expected to at least partially recover from the brutal attacks to which it was subjected in the last few months.

  • Certain American presidents and presidents of some other states had contact with kings of Agartha during their term. Agartha often exerted its spiritual influence on the surface, especially the Himalayan network in the region of India and Tibet. Over one thousand years ago, representatives of Agartha near Gilgit in contemporary Pakistan spread tantric teachings to the surface. In nineteenth century they strongly influenced teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky who had physical contacts with them. In the beginning of twentieth century Agartha had over twenty million members.

  • Forces of darkness turned their attention to annihilation of Himalayan network which reflected on the surface as Chinese occupation of Tibet. Stroke of the dark forces in 1996 weakened Agartha dramatically and in 1999 Agartha was almost erased from its underground dwellings.

  • Question about the difference between forgiving someone and justice. Cobra said that the energy of justice is a very important energy. However, in many cases it is not possible to manifest the energy of justice. True justice will only be manifested after the Event. Cobra also said that if you cannot get justice then this energy can rot inside you. This can be very harmful. Cobra said that when the time is right then there will be reckoning. This is because one cannot grow as a Soul if one doesn’t understand what they did to others. When Lightworkers/Light Forces win then there will be justice. (Taken from my Sedona workshop notes)

  • We cannot change dark people’s life path. All that Light Workers can do is not associate with them.

  • On the etheric plane there are also some negative beings; some of them are animal like. These are primitive beings. Those civilizations are abducting people but there are also some more negative civilizations which are also more dangerous. These are Dark Lords from Orion. They are involved on Earth from the time of Atlantis on, especially in the area of economy with credit cards, they are preparing total control through New world order etc.. Those Dark Lords are visible, they have a physical body.

  • Rob – Ok, An interesting little tidbit of information. Where did the Anasazi’s of the southwest disappear to. 
COBRA – They went underground into the Agarthan, I would say, the American aspect of the Agarthan network.
  • Do you have any alternative way to counter information coming out about the Crome web browser. It has a speech recognition application. It records everything you say when you’re around your computer, even when it’s not on. 
Cobra – do not use that browser I would recommend firefox. At this moment it’s the safest browser concerning privacy.

  • Alexandra – I also saw him say they are moving to legalize marijuana – This is a snowball affect to cut down the money that is available to them. Is this truly going on all over the world. I saw some articles in Mexico and well as No. Korea. 
Cobra – I agree completely with what he’s said about this.
  • COBRA – This question obviously comes from somebody who is deeply initiated in mysteries because morning due is a code name of a certain essence. I will not say more. I will just say that in some circles it is known as the 16th color

  • C : Planet X is the planet which symbolizes liberation. Planet X in astrology, in our personal astrological chart, is actually our doorway, our exit point from quarantine Earth. 
U : Is it possible to see where it is in our astrological chart ?
C : Not at the moment because the ephemerides of Planet X have not been revealed to the surface population yet.
  • C : So as we are getting closer to the final liberation, there are strong waves of energy coming from the galactic center, and they are influencing this planet, and also other star systems. And each time we have a certain breakthrough here on this planet, this allows stronger and stronger energies to flow through from the Galactic Center and throughout the galaxy and this does influence all star systems in this galaxy at least. 

  • C : On the physical plane what we are experiencing is actually a result from the past galactic superwave because the distance between this planet and the Galactic Center is roughly 25000 light years and this is approximately the same as the time for one Galactic cycle, so what we are experiencing on the physical plane is the previous galactic superwave, and what we are experiencing on the higher planes is this current galactic superwave. 
U : Ah ok that’s why we are 25000 light years away from the Central Sun.
C : Yeah it’s not a coincidence.
  • Rob – Okay. Thank you. Someone wanted to know what is the true meaning of the Celtic cross
COBRA – The Celtic cross is a very ancient Atlantean symbol which actually represents Mother Earth, Gaia.

  • COBRA – The master Chimera group, a small group and master Archon group, they are the ones who coordinate the plans and they give input for those plans in their master computer, which gives possible solutions. So it’s an interaction between actual beings and the AI (Artificial Intelligence) computer network that is called The Veil. But this computer network and this AI is always subjected to the supreme real and decisions of the Archons and Chimera entities. They are the ones who make the decisions and the actual implémentation of those decisions is done through the sophisticated computer programs which create models of behavior of the masses, of the trends, of the most advisable course of action for those beings.

  • COBRA – The Archons are not Dracos. They are not reptilians. They are mostly negative Andromedans. Andromeda is a big galaxy. Very small fraction of civilizations there went to the negative side and they are the origins of the Archons and also the Chimera group came from basically from the Andromeda galaxy. They went through the Orion portal. You have some Andromeda/Orion hybrid there, but Dracos have always been subordinate to those people. They are not the top of the food chain. The Reptilians are even lower.

  • COBRA – Basically every soul that was born through the galactic central sun is a fragment of the galactic Logos and we have, I would say, millions of those souls incarnated now on the planet Earth.

  • COBRA – The situation is North Korea is not good. Actually, this is one of the most distorted places on this planet. There are certain plans underway, but I will not talk about [them]. There is a certain alliance . . . Okay, I can talk a little. There is a certain alliance. There is a certain dragon forces that are working on this situation, but it’s a tough problem and I don’t expect really this to change before the Event.

  • Cobra: Well I don’t have that information right at the moment, the only thing I can say is that North Korea was a special experiment, created by the Cabal in the 50s to completely close a country, isolate a country, to create the maximum entropy as possible, and also to isolate that country from the banking system, worldwide banking system as much as possible. 
AM: Mm. 

Cobra: And the only way that Korea has managed to survive somehow, is because they have a little bit of their own gold reserves which they sold through the open market and through the black market, to somehow survive those years. 

AM: Wow. I think there was an article across my desk about how there’s been some media attention on the labor camps there, is that correct? Are they finally getting some attention through the media? 

Cobra: Yes, unfortunately there are many labor camps which are close to what the Nazi concentration camps were, in World War 2, and there are – I think about a quarter of a million people, held up in those camps. And this is one of the worst situations that has to be resolved at the time of the Event, of course the Light Forces will enter the country and will liberate the people and erase those camps from the surface. 

AM: Now what is the advantage of the reunification of Korea, I mean there’s been some talk about that. Who is assisting that, and who benefits from that? 

Cobra: Actually it is the plan of the Light Forces, but most likely this will not be successful before the Event, simply because the Event will happen sooner than this, it’s a slow process. And the slow, political process is not fast enough for the plan of the Light Forces and in all likelihood, the Event will happen far before any such reunification can take place.

  • COBRA – One thing that they can do is spend some time in nature because the veil is not so strong away from human populations. The veil tends to concentrate where most of the people are. So in larger cities the concentration of field technology is the most intense. If you spend some time in nature, that will help you quite much. Also, energy of liquid water, running water, is very good to remove some of the veil interference. Then you can have various more advanced technologies – the violet ray, which diffuses negative plasma, and, of course, you have meditations – your own individual connection with your own higher self and the invocation of the light.

  • A) – Last but not least, what did you think about the fly over in Arizona It was by the Ashtar command Area? (No) It happened 5 days ago. 17 ships. Very visible. Over 100 people witnessed it. Supposedly there is Hopi prophecy saying that is where ships will arrive and will arrive in larger numbers. 
Cobra – Actually, central AZ is a major vortex point for galactic federation and Ashtar command. After first contact – this will be one of the most concentrated areas for ships to appear.
A) – We should all hang out in the desert?
Cobra – Yes, if you want to see a UFO.

  • U : Was George Washington connected with the Light ?
C : Yes
U : Has he ascended or is he still part of the general population ?
C : At this moment he is already ascended.
U : When did he ascend ?
C : In the second part of the 20th century.
U : Was he part of that group that ascended after 1996 ?
C : No no, absolutely not.

  • C: I will explain. The Apollo program was just the official public part of the US space program. Even the Apollo astronauts have seen and had contact with ET life while on the moon. Most of that was censored. Intel was not able to censor everything. Some of it leaked out to the public . Apart from that, NASA also had an unofficial secret space program. This unofficial secret space program has managed to put a man on the moon in the 50‘s already. There were bases on the Moon and Mars in the 60‘s already. They were only accessible to the Cabal. Then the resistance movement has cleared those bases in the late 90’s and the beginning of this century

  • (A) – The next topic I want to talk about is the Pope. The biggest news out there is this new pope from Argentina. He was elected on March 13 at 3:13. I even looked at some of the other numerology. He’s 76 which is 13. Lots of 13’s. Cobra: March 13 is a portal date. That was it happened on purpose. We have the light agenda and the dark agenda around that date. The light forces are using it for light purposes, and the dark are using it for theirs. We have a reflection of a planetary situation in the whole situation with the Pope. It is like a microcosmic reflection of the planetary situation

  • Cobra: The spring equinox is a very special time each year because it is the beginning of the energy year. The energy year does not begin on the first of January. It begins around March 21 of every year. It’s actually the beginning of a new spiritual cycle that lasts one year. In those first days of the new cycle we are actually creating our destiny, our future for the next year. As you probably know, this is a decisive time for humanity. So whatever we are creating now in those few days is determining to a great extent the course of events for the next 12 months, and this will determine the course of events for for the next big cosmic cycle to a big deal. We are in a time when we can begin to create a brighter time for humanity. As you know tomorrow is a full moon. It is a very powerful full moon.

  • SC: Okay. So you went up on a ship. What was that like? 
Cobra: Oh, it was very — the energy was really extremely loving. It was very comfortable. It felt like home. It was for me like coming home. So’s not possible to describe this in human words. The ships are actually very small. The one I was in, it was like for — the diameter was about 30 feet or maybe a little bit more. There were about seven Pleiadians in there, and it was a very family type of experience – a real family, a real soul connection with those beings.
SC: Wow!
Cobra: And although I was speaking to them with my voice, they could also speak to me telepathically at that point. And they also opened up certain abilities to me. And they then showed me — they showed me around the solar system. I was able to be near the Moon, all the planets. They explained to me what’s happening there, and they explained to me something about the future of the human race.
SC: Wow, I’m envious! I would have loved to have done that! [laugh]
Cobra: Oh, yes. It is — you know, it is a beautiful experience, but when you come back it’s hard to adjust. Because there is such a big difference in vibration, it’s unbelievable.

  • C : This is not related with the violet flame, the violet flame is the color of transmutation, and by using the violet flame we’re actually invoking the presence of a certain archangel, his name is Zadkiel, and that energy of that archangel transmutes all outdated forms, and actually transmutes part of the primary anomaly.

  • COBRA – Yes. I would like to say that Los Angeles area is one of the key points for the planetary liberation regarding Disclosure. It is one of the possible entry points for the Disclosure intel to be released. And it’s one of the most important portals, entry points, for many, many ships – light ships of the light forces that will arrive at the time of the First Contact. So it’s one of the key places on the planet, and positive E.T. activity in that region will continue and will actually increase at a certain point.

  • The Light forces built their own Lunar base inside the Tycho crater and I visited that base in 1983. It was a huge domed structure with a nice swimming pool inside, from where I could watch the Earth. Many years later I had a surreal moment when I was in a similar swimming pool on Earth, covered with a glassy dome and was watching the Moon rising. It was then a shock and confusion to my brain to see the Moon rising though the glassy domed structure where I should be watching  the orb of Earth instead! (From

  • There is a certain Shinto shrine that will close at 5pm in Northern Kyoto region. This area is very important energetically. This is why so many stones were buried. I have brought many cintamani stones that you can buy later.

  • You can find the only mention of the Chimera group in a James Casbolt's interview. He is one of the very few people with access to deep intel who went public. Although not everything in here is correct, it is worth reading: 

From the above link: "High-ranking members of the intelligence community will know who I’m talking about. I’ll leave it at that for the time being. As I said, the Chimeras look like men but are not men. It is not for humans to understand the mind of malevolent xenos. This is totally alien and beyond our comprehension. Their centers of operation are located deep in the earth under the sub-surface military bases and also on their huge spacecraft. RV scans reveal cave-like interiors inside these places, which resemble huge insect colonies, with some xenos over 18 feet tall. Many of their spacecraft are organic rock-like structures."

  • COBRA- Atlantis on planet Earth was pretty much a global civilization which was seeded or encouraged by different waves, waves of different cosmic races. 

There was a Pleiadian wave which has brought Atlantis to it’s heights about 200,000 years ago and there was colonization from the Sirius star system that created the peak of Atlantean civilization about 75,000 years ago. 

And each of those races have brought a lot of technology and a lot of spiritual understanding to Atlantis and each of those races that I have mentioned have created their own network of surface cities,of sub surface cities, of tunnel networks, of underground pyramids, of crystals, of stabilization technology for the tectonic plates. 

But unfortunately there was another faction that came from Orion which infiltrated those networks of Atlantis and misused the technology and misuse of that technology actually was responsible for the deluge of Atlantis for the last sinking of Atlantis which happend around 11,500 years ago.

  A lot of that old technology is still spread out.  Some of it is submerged on the bottom of the ocean.  Some of it is a little bit underground.  Some of it has been purposely destroyed or suppressed.  But a lot of those machines and technologies and crystals are still remaining and some of the underground factions have discovered these old remnants and a lot of this will be coming to the mainstream media at the time of the Event.
  • COBRA -  The group below Mt. Shasta and inside Mt Shasta is part of the, I would say, global Agarthan network which originates from the time of Atlantis when part of the light forces had to go underground because of the Archon invasion 25,000 years ago.

And 25,000 years ago they have created a network of underground cities and underground tunnels.  One of those tunnels goes through Alaska, through Washington State, through northern California with Mt Shasta, through southern California, Mexico, Central America and down into South America. And there is another main tunnel which goes through Peru underground through Caribbean through Atlantic, through Morocco, through Egypt and then onwards towards Tibet.

This is all part of the same network and there was a very, and there still is a very positive civilization of light which I would call the global Agarthan network existing and Mt. Shasta city is a part of this civilization. 

The surface population has received intel about this group through certain channels.  Certain people that lived in Mt. Shasta have had encounters.  I would say about 80% of that intel is correct. I would not say they are ancient Lemurians. I would say they are remnants of the old positive Atlantis.


  • COBRA – There are a few things I’d like to say here. First, the positive time-line has been secured. It means that this drama that we have been experiencing on this planet will have a happy ending, That’s for sure. The second thing, it’s not ET’s saving us. It is them and us as a team liberating the planet together. We are doing our part and they are doing their part. They can not do this alone and we can not do this alone. We can only do this together as a team, so it’s not a matter of saving or not saving. It’s the wrong question. It’s the wrong perspective. The right perspective is we’re doing this together. We are a team and we are going to be victorious.

  • COBRA – I will make this very clear. I have been instructed by the RM to keep my anonymity for precisely this reason. Whether people understand it or not, whether they like it or not, it how it is. If people have problem with this, that’s their problem. I’m releasing my intel. I have my position. I have my instructions. I’m going to continue like this for my own safety, for my own protection and for the proper protection for those who are working with me and working for the Resistance and for the protection of the Resistance.

  • Rob - You never addressed the Birth Certificate specifically. I have a person here. They have a child being born and they’re wondering about if they should get the birth certificate – have the baby’s foot stamped and all that kind of stuff. I responded to them and said, ‘Well, if you have the baby in a hospital, don’t let it out of your sight. They’ll vaccinate your baby whether you want to or not. They take your baby and clean it up and stick it with a vaccination. I don’t know what that’s about. I would not let my child out of my sight to clean it. I would not even have a child in the hospital.’ What do you recommend? Should they get a birth certificate – have the child stamped? What do you think is the issue now with the heath card and the vaccines? 
COBRA – Okay. Number one, I would agree not to let the child out of your sight, not even for a moment. If you can arrange your child’s birth at home, even better. Regarding the birth certificate, it’s just a piece of paper. It is not a contract. It is an energetic thing which can be revoked and which can be canceled with an energetic meditation or canceling psychic connection with the Jesuits.

  •  A: The primary implants on the top of the head and above the navel are the most difficult to clean because the programs within the implants are regularly renewed by Matrix.

  • It is interesting to note that ALF Cabaniss military base is constructed in the shape of Chi Rho, the symbol of Constantine the Great, the Archon who created the Christian cult:

  • COBRA – I have just answered this question. Suffering exists, not by intent, but by the randomness of the cosmic anomaly. It was never intended. It exists without a purpose. It exists as an anomaly that has to be transformed. It does not have any higher purpose. It does not educate us. It does not make us stronger. It does not make us wiser. It is there as something other than as an aberration faction that was never intended to be. The highest purpose of the source is to transform this so that it can never happen again.

  • COBRA – Okay. The primary anomaly was always present, but it was not something that was first understood to be a great danger. The primary anomaly became dangerous when certain beings decided to experience it directly. Those were the first angels who decided to plunge into that primary anomaly and this was the beginning of the dark forces. What is really dangerous is the combination of free will and the primary anomaly and this is what is called Evil.

  • COBRA – No, no microchips there any more but vaccines are deadly poison. This is not something to laugh about. It’s something to fight against severely so people need to spread information about vaccinations about their side effects and raise their voice.

  • Mjolnir technology is now at about 7% capacity, and its intensity will greatly increase in the coming months. One aspect of this Mjolnir boost will be activation of various tektites, among them Cintamanis, Galactic Cintamanis, Moldavites and Tibetan tektites.
Mjolnir is now oscillating between 15%-30% as of June 2024.

Those tektites contain high vibrational codes from the star races from the star systems they originate from: Cintamanis from Sirius, Moldavites from Pleiades, Galactic Cintamanis from a solar system near the Galactic center…
As already mentioned, there are also ultra rare Tibetan tektites from Aldebaran, and somewhat more common Tibetan tektites from Andromeda, found in Ali (Ngari) region of Tibet which are mostly opaque ad sometimes have a violet hue. There are also ultra super rare Tibetan tektites that are found on Tibetan side of Himalayan mountain range that will have a very special function in the coming years which needs to remain classified. Vast majority of tektites that are publicly sold as “Tibetan tektites” are in reality coming from Vietnam. Genuine Tibetan tektites are very hard to find.

Around the time the Aldebarans were forced to retreat from the surface more than 5000 years ago, which was also the time when rising Aldebaran marked the vernal equinox, they sent an impactor body to the area of Tibet:

This impactor body has brought many beautiful brownish golden green tektites that originate from Aldebaran and are very rarely found by monks and herb gatherers in the triangle between Selincuo, Namucuo and CuoNa in Tibet.

Those Tibetan tektites are now being activated with ATVOR technology, helping Aldebarans to anchor their energies into the surface Light grid.

  • COBRA – Actually we’re in the wave for quite some time. As I’ve said many times before the increased activity of the Galactic Center. And people have various names for this and one of the peaks is coming in the next few months and there will be much much more of those energy peaks happening in the future and one of those peaks will result in the event. It is extremely hard to predict which one will be the right one.

  • COBRA – Right at the event, the working day will still be about 8 hours and this will gradually decrease over a few months, a few years period, to be maybe about 4 hours. Work, it will not be an obligation anymore. There will be a certain minimal income guaranteed to anybody and everybody and those who would like to be more creative, of course, will continue to work in their own way

  • COBRA – Unfortunately Argentina has always been a fortress of the Illuminati faction and they are quite strong there still. The situation will change. I will say there is a certain secret group operating in South America that is aware of the situation and will assist in this situation as we approach closer to the event. At the moment the situation in Argentina is not ready yet.

  • COBRA – No, I just know what is happening. What is happening is there is a strong Archon black nobility Illuminati presence in Argentina and the Chinese are trying to create a counter balance to that.

  • COBRA – Okay. The veil is already being lifted to a certain degree, so we are already in the process of veil removal and this will gradually increase up until the point where all, where the Event happens.

  • COBRA – We actually have nothing to fear.

  • COBRA – No, there will be no drastic devaluation. There might be a devaluation to a certain degree, but the US dollar will not become worthless paper. This is not the plan

  • Rob – Okay. There was a question in regards to that giant explosion in China. I think you had mentioned that it was a Cabal activity and they were wondering if it was nuclear? 
COBRA – Unfortunately, yes. Like there were nuclear explosions before in Yemen and Syria. 

Rob – Wow, okay. The message was from the Cabal to China. Is that what they were doing? 

COBRA – Yes, exactly, yes.

  • Rob – Yes, people want to know, after the take-down, what happens with the GMOs? Will those crops be destroyed? Are there plans to take care of that where there are seeds and that influence? What will be the process to heal the plants that are growing under GMOs after the Event? 
COBRA – Most of the crops will be destroyed. There will be some genetic reverse engineering as you might call it. They will be unengineered back to their original DNA.

  • Someone wants to know, what lightworkers should do to protect themselves in their financial situation in the world today. You recommend investing. I know you’re not a stock person, but do you recommend holding some gold and silver? Some people have been feeling that the currencies are going to fluctuate and that . . . Would be the safest way to put your money? 
COBRA – Okay. First, pull it out of the bank. This is #1. And #2 put it in something tangible or even better put it in projects that improves the quality of your life and the quality of the lives of the people around you.

  • COBRA – Children will have much less problems with adapting to the new frequencies because it will be quite natural to them.

  • Cobra: There might be some smaller improvements, but bigger improvements will happen when the subquantum anomaly is cleared to a degree.

  • From 2023 Taipei (Taiwan) conference notes:
Now the main goal of the dark forces is to block the Light flowing into humans’ etheric bodies. They are suppressing the energy flow around human navel. They block human kundalini energy and suppress human emotions. 

When humans can be aware of their emotions, they can be free and think again. When humans suppress their emotions, those emotions will be put around the implant. The energy flow will be blocked and it will be more and more difficult to break through.
Cell phones have become a method of control. Most humans have become addicted to cell phones. They have become emotionless robots that keep staring at their cellphones. All mind programming that people receive from their cell phones can block the energy flow in human etheric bodies. This control network allows energy parasites to creep into human body. 

This etheric control energy grid is operated by an artificial intelligence. This artificial intelligence has existed for 26,000 years. It is on the one hand very intelligent and on the other hand is also very stupid. It cannot be smarter than its creator. It was created in ancient Atlantis and got upgraded in 1996. It can learn human response. It can detect human emotions and aura This etheric matrix network sends programmed pulse signals to the human etheric body. The pulse is then implanted into the human aura, and then it can detect how the human body reacts. 

Cell phones are aura monitoring devices. Al uses cell phones to detect the energy flow of human aura. Chimera group has a mainframe computer in DARPA. This mainframe computer stores all emotional responses of cell phone users.
This mainframe computer can make an emotion model to predict human behaviors. It cannot influence human free will but human subconscious responses. Its programs can block energy flow in human etheric bodies. It can cause separation between sex and love energies. When male and female polarity combine correctly, they can create a very powerful energy.

  • Next year = 2024 and this year (i.e. the year this conference note is from) = 2023:
In the beginning of next year, Pluto enters Aquarius again. This time, Pluto will stand around 8 months in Aquarius. This will be much stronger than what we had in the beginning of this year. We can expect, during the time frame January-October of next year, a lot of movement towards the first contact. Various star races have certain plans that I can not describe right now. But they are related to the official disclosures and the first contact. We might expect surprises. When Pluto exits Aquarius, it will spend a short time like 2 months in Capricorn again. That will be a time of very intense purification of financial and political systems. And then 19th November, Pluto reenters Aquarius and stays there for decades. So after this intense purification, the real serious strong disclosure is expected after 19th November next year. 
  • Q. Are there any tachyon products that make it easier to connect to Lyra? 
A. For Lyra, we have Morganite. We do not have them here, but they are to connect with Lyra.

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