Links to all of Cobra's conferences and Q&A notes can be found in my Spiritual Resources post, point #3.
New quotes on January 22, 2025:
- At the Event, the Galactic pulse will flow through Cintamani stones. Each holder of Cintamani stone will serve as an energy conduit, transmitting energies of the compression breakthrough into the planetary energy grid.
- Rob – Okay. Thank you. The Moldavite chalice is different than the Cintamani stones, correct? (Yes.) You said the planet was destroyed in the Sirian system. Can you talk about this destruction? Was it an invasion? Was it a negative thing? What happened? Was this a natural occurrence? COBRA – It was not an invasion. It was an experiment that did not go well. Sirius wanted to densify the planet from the etheric to the physical plane. They wanted to create a physical planet of joy, but because of the plasma anomaly, that process of materialization or specification did not go well and the whole thing exploded. Rob – Okay. So this was an inadvertent scientific experiment with an entire planet. Was it populated at the time? COBRA – No. It was just a mass of matter. Actually, it wasn’t a scientific experiment. It was their desire to create a physical planet of joy and this project did . . . was not successful actually.
Before the Event, a huge wave of energy will pass through these chambers and Cintamani stones and this wave will wash away all remaining darkness and most importantly all remaining plasma anomaly from this Solar System:
- COBRA – If you have a cintimani (cintamani) stones you need to understand it will put you on an accelerated growth path. It will put you in accelerated purification process. This stone is a powerful stone. It is not just a piece of dead matter. It is alive with energy. It will not put any negativity in you but what it will do it will provoke whatever is within you and put it closer to the surface so you might be able to see it, watch it, observe it and release it. And for some people it means releasing strong emotions, for some people it means releasing belief systems. For some people sometimes it depends on the carrier of the stone, so there are no rules of how to deal with this stone. You need to communicate with the stone. It is a living being, it’s not just a piece of matter. It’s a very intelligent guide that can help you go through a process but know that the process can get sometimes intense.
- COBRA – Crystals have much more power than people realize. And yes, a small stone, one single small stone at the right proportions at the right moment can change the time-lines of this planet.
New quotes on January 3, 2025:
- See my post for the derivation of the word Cintamani = Chit+Mani.
- "Cintamani stones are the famous Blue Stones of Atlantis. Blue Stones, called also Blue Apples, were used by Cathars to open portals:Needless to say, the Cathars have received their Cintmanis from the Templars who have received their first specimen from Hubertus Koch from Untersberg. He has received the stone directly from goddess Isais ( an aspect of Isis) at Nineveh near Mosul in Iraq. Nineveh is one of the most important Goddess vortexes on the planet:
- COBRA – If you have a cintimani stones you need to understand it will put you on an accelerated growth path. It will put you in accelerated purification process. This stone is a powerful stone. It is not just a piece of dead matter. It is alive with energy. It will not put any negativity in you but what it will do it will provoke whatever is within you and put it closer to the surface so you might be able to see it, watch it, observe it and release it. And for some people it means releasing strong emotions, for some people it means releasing belief systems. For some people sometimes it depends on the carrier of the stone, so there are no rules of how to deal with this stone. You need to communicate with the stone. It is a living being, it’s not just a piece of matter. It’s a very intelligent guide that can help you go through a process but know that the process can get sometimes intense.
- Cobra: They came from Sirius star system, and Sirius star system is one of the brightest spots in the whole galaxy. It's a pure light energy and those stones are pure light.
- U : How was the cinta mani stone created on Sirius, and was there a special event that brought it here ? C : Yes actually there was a planet in the Sirius star system, a planet of light blue color which actually exploded, and parts of that planet were travelling in all directions and a small part of this actually reached the planet Earth, and fell on the planet millions upon millions of years ago. This has been collected by the Light forces at that time on planet Earth and has been kept in the Agatha network, and parts of this has been given to humanity, especially at this time to assist in the Event.
- COBRA – Crystals have much more power than people realize. And yes, a small stone, one single small stone at the right proportions at the right moment can change the time-lines of this planet.
- COBRA – Actually, they’re speaking about two different stones. One of them is cintamani stone and the second one of them is animati stone. The animati stone is a so-called fire stone or fire crystals that is moldavite.
Previous quotes:
COBRA – Actually, what this stone does . . . I will not go very much into deep detail because it’s very sensitive right now, but Cintamani stone actually influences the plasma plane and it does influence the implants. There is a certain technology of the light forces that they can use and they can transmit certain energies directly from the galactic center to the Cintamani stones. Cintamani stones serve as a lens for that energy which then dissolves plasma. It is not just another crystal or pretty stone. It is much more than that. There is certain unique energetic signature of that stone because #1) it came from Sirius star system and #2) it was infused with energy directly from the galactic center many, many cycles ago, millions of years ago when the planet in the Sirius star system exploded. It actually exploded because of the galactic super-wave. There are many subatomic particles, which were traveling throughout the galaxy as a result of the galactic super wave, and it keeps that planet . . . and every fragment of Cintamani stone has those particles inside. And the light forces can use those to dissolve plasma in a certain way I will not describe here. This is not just another new age crystal; it is much more than that. It is one of the keys to the planetary liberation. Of course, you have the most powerful crystals inside your higher self. Using Cintamani stones, you can amplify and speed up the process for yourself and for the planet.
COBRA – I would recommend that people to just have physical contact with these stones during meditation and to have that contact will create an energy flow that can assist you in connecting with your higher self and transmute the plasma field around you. Those stones actually maintain their purity regardless of other people, so no need to worry about that.
COBRA – There are 3 aspects of this. The first one is the etheric aspect which means that there is always a certain angelic being that is connecting with particular stone and is transmitting energy through that stone. If you go more towards physical (2), there is a lot of plasma current going through crystals because crystalline structure tends to create a resonance field through which plasma can flow a little bit different than any other medium. (3) So it creates an unique specific plasma condition that can assist in that particular crystal in having certain characteristics that would otherwise not be possible.
Lynn – What is the purpose of the Cintamani at the time of the Event?
COBRA – Cintamani, each cintimani stone will serve as a lens, as a focal lens for the energies of the compression breakthrough. So when the energy pulse hits the planet that energy will be need to be conducted through a certain conductor or should I say energy super conductor. Cintamani stones will be energy super conductors at the time of the event. As this energy network is being quite complete to a certain degree, those energies will be able to flow through the planetary surface quite harmoniously.
COBRA – The best strategy is to put Cintamani stones in strategic positions. Not only on the land masses but also in the oceans far away from, far away from the coast.
C : Basically what the Light forces need is the surface humanity putting the Cintamani stones with their own energy on the surface of the planet, because what we are healing is the primary anomaly connected with the consciousness of humanity. The Light forces themselves for example the Agarthan network, and the Resistance Movement, have taken care of their own Cintamani grids long time ago and they are just fine. But what is needed is a network of Cintamani stones that is connected with humanity on the surface of the planet. Because the energy that those Cintamani stones receive needs to go to a human energy network.
C : It is simply because there was a lot of, I would say activity of the surface Lightworkers, that have put a strong Cintamani stone grid over China and Taiwan, and for this reason the Light forces Pleiadian ships can much more easily manifest in that area.
C : [The holy grail stones] will be activated at the time of the event, and will serve as a lens, the energy of the central sun will go through them and activate people on their positions for the event." (Author's note: The Holy Grail stones include Sirian Cintamani's, Galactic Cintamani's, Moldavites, Tibetan Tektites, Emeralds, etc.)
- Debra: In the past you mentioned that Cintamani stones are being positioned into dance floors around the planet in order to help facilitate the contact experience with positive ETs within the mainstream rave culture. Can you explain how that works? Are dancers able to have this contact when dancing in a trance state? Cobra: Actually, yes. There was a project when certain amounts of Cintamani stones were placed in sacred geometry patterns around the dance floors at certain trance parties and people were having contact experiences with positive extraterrestrial beings as a result of that field. Debra: Interesting. Does dancing increase your ability to connect? Cobra: It can.
"The Light Forces will incrementally activate the tektites. The stones will get more powerful in the coming months" (Taken from my Phoenix conference notes)
Cobra: The primary goal of a Cintamani stone is to be your own personal stone to connect with your higher self, to assist your own ascension process, to melt your implants. For mission work, you can plant your stones in positions in a planetary energy grid in the ground.
Debra: Do you suggest having a personal stone as well as planting in the ground as a grid?
Cobra: Yes.
Cobra: Okay, each Cintamani stone that is planted in the grid, there is an angelic being that attaches to them, anchors to that stone. So we're actually helping to anchor a huge number of angelic beings in the energy grid of the planet. Now, of course, that is very much needed, and this is very effective.
Debra: And what about when we wear them?
Cobra: Then we're inviting those angelic beings to assist us in our evolution.
Cobra: Of course Cintamani Stones are the most powerful to connect with positive extraterrestrial races, especially Sirians and also Aquamarine is very powerful to connect with the Galactic Confederation and Goshenite is very powerful to connect with your I AM presence. So those three stones combined would be very efficient in establishing that contact.
Terry: Okay. Understood. Thank you very much. And you mentioned in the previous update that Cintamani stone is also known as Ye Ming Zhu for Dragons. So, Ye Ming Zhu means luminous bead, night luminous bead. Do Cintamani stones in Aldebaran and Antares really become self luminous at night? Or is it just merely a spiritual metaphor?
Cobra: There are certain stones that glow and are luminous at night, but they're not Cintamani stones. And those stones are known across the galaxy, but it's too early to introduce them to the surface population because they're very powerful and misuse of that power would not be beneficial. So they are really, really strong stones with really strong spiritual force, but they are not present on the surface of the planet.
Patrick: Okay. Next one wearing aquamarine can help us connect with the energies of fifth dimension, motherships and Atlantis. What benefits can an aquamarine have when we bury it for grid work and how large can an energy vortex in diameter be created by a 10 gram aquamarine?
Cobra: If you bury aquamarine, you can strengthen the connection between the motherships in the orbit and the surface of the planet, which of course is very beneficial. And again, the vortex diameter would be around two or three miles.
Patrick: Okay. Next one. How can Lightworkers and Lightwarriors with Dragon origins effectively use Cintamani stones or other minerals when they try to connect with their home-world?
Cobra: Okay. Those who are of the Dragon origin would need to find their own stone that is connecting their home world. And this haven't been found yet on the surface of the planet. It's not yet publicly known. So, until then they can use regular meteorites, which are a close approximation to that. So a regular iron-nickel meteorites are the closest approximation I can find at the moment.
Patrick: Okay. So next question. Is there any Dragon family presence in South America?
Cobra: Yes, but very little.
Debra: Fantastic. You mentioned in your recent interview that using a cintamani stone during the meditation is definitely the most powerful tool that you can use to ground and channel this energy. Does using more than one cintamani stone magnify that energy even more? And will the galactic pulse on May 1st actually flow through our cintamani stones?
Cobra: Yes, of course. Using more than one cintamani stone does magnify the energy, and yes, the energy of the galactic pulse will flow directly through your cintamani stones.
The Agarthians have asked to bring the Cintamani stones into caves… the deeper, the better, to generate vortex’s and anchor Angelic Beings.
A. Galactic Cintamani itself is not about Goddess energy, it is the energy of the galactic center.
Last year, I have introduced Galactic Cintamani Stones. Their origins are galactic center so they are even more powerful. I had to introduce these gradually because the energy is simply too strong. Whenever I mentioned this stone, crazy things began to happen so I had to be very careful and decided to release slowly. But now I can release next level of information about galactic cintamani stones. They will have a very important role in the Event. They will intercept the pressure of the energy coming from the central sun. So they will stabilize the energy grid of the planet, so that the polar shift will not happen too soon.
The galactic cintamani stones have also the very important function that I will talk about later, is clearing Sub-Quantum Anomaly.
Take a look at this picture, it is the pattern of positive standing waves and that is what a light grid should look like. In the middle part, it shows the light grid vortex of cintamani stone. When you bury a cintamani stone, it will create an energy vortex just like you can see in the middle.
Sirius star system has a very strong connection with the Galactic Central Sun. It is protected by a highly evolved race. During the 1996 Archon invasion, it was the only safe, unaffected sector in our galaxy. Since 1996, the Light forces have utilized the Sirius portal to liberate this region. The Light forces also use Sirius to transmit powerful energy from the Galactic Central Sun. This is why we have to build a global cintamani grid of Light on the Earth, as it can help transmit powerful energy from Sirius smoothly.
The energy of the Central Galactic Sun has become stronger. The level of human consciousness has reached a certain level that we can now feel the energy of the Galactic Central Sun. Hence, the Galactic Center cintamani stones finally become available for everyone. This is something that was impossible. I knew this type of cintamani stones more than a year ago. I was instructed not to give them to the surface population. I brought a small batch of Galactic Center cintamani stones to the Paris conference last December. It was very, very difficult and troublesome to do so.
Galactic cintamani stones are connected to Galactic Central Race. It is connected to Goddess IONA. The Galactic Central Race are sometimes called “Builder Race”. It is the race that built the galactic network of Light. They built Galactic Confederation. They brought Light to the galaxy. There are other races which are participating the Liberation process.
Galactic central sun will start to emit very strong goddess energy when the enough amount of anomaly removed. This energy will smooths the transition because the transition itself will be very intense, quite drastic, and can be also quite violent. So the galactic goddess energy stabilize the transition itself.
Question: how to bury a galactic Cintamani linked to a tachyonized crystal? Answer: the same rules apply as with a classic Cintamani, there must be a minimum distance of 30 meters between the two.
Patrick: Oh, okay. The next one. There is a rule in the gridwork missions that when burying cintamani stones, we must keep every one of them at least 30 meters away from morganite and Tibetian free will crystal. It may not be very easy to know if someone else have already buried something else nearby. Can you explain the reason behind this rule and what negative effects will we have if we bury a cintamani stone, a morganite, or Tibetian crystal within 30 meters?
COBRA – The best strategy is to put Cintamani stones in strategic positions. Not only on the land masses but also in the oceans far away from, far away from the coast.
Terry: Okay. Understood. A Japanese Lightworker group has successfully planted Cintamani stones at the South Pole at the end of last year. The first Cintamani project to Antarctica was in early 2016. Although it was in Antarctica, but not exactly at the South Pole. How would the Cintamani stones at the South Pole influence the geopolitical situation surrounding the liberation?
Cobra: It does not influence the geopolitical situation. It influences the stability of the planetary axis. It helps the Light Forces stabilize the Earth axis as we are expecting a new polar shift very soon. This is very important and such Cintamani project would be very welcome on the North Pole as well.
U : Ok. So you talked also about the holy grail stones, the cintamani, the garil, the moldavite chalice. Is the cintamani feminine and the garil masculine ?
C : Both of those stones actually possess both male and female aspects inside.
Lynn – Cobra, Cintamani is a clear Sanskrit word. “Cinta” is a brain and the “mani” is called stone or crystal.
COBRA – That is not exact translation. Cinta is thought and mani is Jewel. But Cinta does not mean mind or brain. So the one who was making this translation is not absolutely correct. So what is the question.
Lynn – The question is what is mentioned here is this the illuminated brain?
COBRA – No, it’s not illuminated brain. Cintamani stone, I would say, the stone which is the reflection of your inner jewel, your higher self, your I AM presence.
Lynn – Does it have a relationship with the Pineal gland.
COBRA – No, it has a relationship with your spiritual heart, your I AM presence and the totality of your being.
Lynn – There is another stone called; “Shyamanthaka Mani” it’s (a blue stone / crystal) which KRISHNA possessed in his life time? Do you know about this stone?
COBRA – Yes, it is an extremely rare stone, more rare than the Cintamani. It’s a higher frequency of Cintamani stone. I don’t know of anybody who is having that is having that stone on the surface right now. It is simply not found. (OK Thank you).
Lynn – What is the purpose of the Cintamani at the time of the Event?
COBRA – Cintamani, each cintimani stone will serve as a lens, as a focal lens for the energies of the compression breakthrough. So when the energy pulse hits the planet that energy will be need to be conducted through a certain conductor or should I say energy super conductor. Cintamani stones will be energy super conductors at the time of the event. As this energy network is being quite complete to a certain degree, those energies will be able to flow through the planetary surface quite harmoniously.
What the surface population can do is to use their own way to heal and balance the ley lines. One example of this is putting Cintamani stones on ley line vortex points, what many people are already doing very effectively in the last few years.
Iruka: What sort of effects can we expect if we place Cintamani stones near the nuclear power plants?
Cobra: The plasma field surrounding a nuclear power plant can be purified.
J : Some cintamani stones are transparent, but others are opaque. What is the function for these two kinds of stone ?
C : Basically the transparent stones are focused more on bringing higher energies and little bit more refined, the opaque stones are better for grounding those particular energies.
People have asked the questions . . . Does the size matter that much with the cintamani stones?
Cobra: Yes, of course. The larger stone and the higher quality of the stone, the more effective it is. But each cintamani stone is a precious jewel. It’s something that can not be compared with anything else on this planet.
Cobra: Crystals are the highest possible evolved form of matter, and as such, they are anchoring light in the physical. They can protect against electronic harassment on a plasma plane to a greater degree and to a small degree also against the electronic harassment on the physical plane. But this itself is not enough.
U : Ok. So for example the Cintamani that you send beyond the veil, would they have more tachyons or less tachyons than what you tachyonize on the ground ?
C : They would have less, but different kind of tachyons, so combination of tachyonization on the ground and sending the stones beyond the veil is an excellent combination which gives them more effectivity in dissolving the anomaly here on the surface
COBRA – Tachyons strengthen the connection of any object with the Source and with Cintamani stones this process is even more effective because Tachyons interacting with Cintamani stones make them more powerful because Cintamani stones are one of the purest forms of matter available right now on the surface of the planet.
Okay, the most effective way is when there’s a clear night out there. You go out and just connect… and watch…observe Sirius Star and watch and observe the Pleiades. They are both visible in the Northern Hemisphere right now so that would not be too difficult to do in the next…I would say…six or seven or eight nights before the activation itself. You can also connect with Sirius Star Stargate through a cintamani stone and you can connect with the Pleaidian Stargate through a moldavite stone.
Cobra: Cintamani stones can strengthen your immune system and your energy field, so indirectly they would help to a certain degree against 5G, but it's not a technology to stop 5G.
Cobra: Some of the highly initiated, those Cathars who were initiated to higher grades of their order and some of the Templars who were also initiated into the Goddess mysteries, used this to communicate with non-physical positive ascended beings and also ascended Goddesses, such as Goddess Isis. They were using Cintamani stones to create a portal to connect the physical plane with higher dimensions and they were quite successful sometimes.
Cintamani stones are put in the planetary energy grid as a part of one of the greatest projects for the New Atlantis which is being overseen by St. Germain, and actually cintamani stones are key anchors for angelic beings that are healing and restructuring the planetary energy grid.
Jedi: Okay, good. The next one, are those countries where many Cintamani stones are buried and Tachyon chambers are installed safer for people to live in the coming years?
Cobra: Yes to a great degree. It's not absolute protection, but it is quite a reasonably good protection against all darkness, which people have already experienced many typhoons, many weather situations, strong storms have been deflected by Tachyon fields and Cintamani fields from many countries already. This is just one example.
Debra: And a quick question about Cintamani stones, it's been suggested that the Sisterhood of the Rose groups uses Cintamani stone as the center stone in a mandala when meeting. How are Cintamani stones linked to the Goddess energy?
Cobra: Cintamani stones come from the Sirius star system, and Sirius star system is one of the major star systems that could transmit Goddess energy in this part of the galaxy.
Debra: Good. thank you. Can burying cintamani stones help, even with things like weather modifications or decreasing harmful insects like mosquitoes?
Cobra: Yes, of course. For example, in Beijing the Lightworkers have created a strong cintamani grid. And as a result, there is much less fog. In Taiwan, they have deflected typhoons. There are now almost zero typhoons, zero harmful hurricanes reaching the island in the last few years. So cintamani grids can influence the physical reality.
Cobra: Angelic beings working with the tachyon chambers are focused on healing of a human being, being subjected to the healing process in the tachyon chamber. And the cintamani stone angels are more focused on anchoring the Light into the planetary grid.
Patrick: Okay. So next one. Is Columbianite from Sirius the same as Cintamani stone? if not, what kinds of attributes does a Columbianite have?
Cobra: It is not the same as Cintamani stone, but it is similar. It has little, slightly different vibration of frequency. It is slightly less efficient. But nevertheless, it is a very powerful stone.
Debra: Well, that was what I was about to ask you, was the Cintamani stones. What makes them the highest vibrational stone?
Cobra: They came from Sirius star system, and Sirius star system is one of the brightest spots in the whole galaxy. It's a pure light energy and those stones are pure light.
Debra: So with them being pure light, some people are confused because it's suggested that we do not wear them during times of emotional distress because that effect could seep into the planetary energy fields.
Cobra: Well, they act as a magnifying lens and if we emit negative energy, they can magnify that and put it in the network. So it's really a special stone.
Debra: So it's still guided that we do not have it on us when we're…
Cobra: If you are really strongly distressed, I would say put it down for a few moments. I would not be overly concerned with this, but if you’re already highly distressed then better just leave it, put it down.
Q: What is the difference between galactic cintamani and the original cintamani?
A: The original cintamani came from Sirius, the galactic cintamani is recent and even more powerful, it comes from the center of the galaxy. The Central Race lives closest to the Galactic Central Sun, and the galactic cintamani is empowered by this energy. It will assist greatly. Galactic cintamani has a direct connection to the Galactic Central Sun. It is not connected to Sirius; it comes from an area closer to the Galactic Central Sun. It’s very powerful and not for everyone, thus it is released slowly.
As we are getting closer to the polar shift, we will activate the goddess ley line, or the old equator. Many people are doing activations around the ley line such as putting cintamanis, activating tachyon chambers, building goddess temples, opening SOTR groups, and there will be galactic cintamanis around that ley line. This is the most important ley line on the planet. Many people ask me where is the vortex and ley line, this one is the number 1. You can bring and anchor as much goddess energy as you can. I would like to ask you to bring as much light as you can, if you feel guided, to this area.
Q. Can we merge and create a cintamani grid between different cities?
A. Yes.
Q. What is the current status of the light grid of the area around Seattle and Vancouver? Is there any light worker grid there? What is the size and scope of cintamani grid to restore the light network there?
A. They are not in a perfect condition. I don’t know any group working on this there, but you can start planting small gem grade of cintamani stones in Fower of Life pattern.
Tomorrow, I will be speaking about ATVOR technology. It is individual utilization of the Mjolnir, quantum cannon. I will explain how this can affect your daily life directly. The light forces use this technology to raise your vibrational frequency. It also raises the vibration of your cintamani and other tektites. Its intensity is only 5-7 percent now, but it will be 15-20 times more intense than now in next few years. The dark energy will dissipate more and more until they are completely dissolved.
So it is very important from now until the Event, to stabilize and enhance the planetary energy grid as much as possible. This is why we are planting cintamani stones and galactic cintamani, building tachyon chambers, doing mass meditations, creating SOTR, preparing goddess jewelries to bring more goddess energy. All of these are to stabilize the planetary energy grid. This is a operation “New Atlantis” under the guidance of St. Germain. He is the supreme command of the operation on the surface of the planet. He wants this grid stable so that the transitions will go smoothly, and as little suffering as possible.
The maximum distance between those two stars will be in 2025. When there is a maximum distance, Sirius A can send a maximum amount of light to the neighboring stars. Sirius was only the star which was not affected by the war against dark forces in 1996. It was never invaded. Pleiadians were invaded from 1996 to 1999. The dark forces were never able to conquer Sirius A. Even in the darkest galactic history, Sirius A was a free star of the light. And Sirius A will send more and more light, especially in 2025. It will trigger the gradual activation of cintamani stones. Both regular cintamani stones and Columbian tektites, which is also from Sirian star systems.
A. Galactic Cintamani can be buried in other locations anywhere around the planet. The Goddess Equator is just one focus. You can bury them anywhere.
There are also strong grids in China, Europe, everywhere. What we have discovered when there are many cintamani stones, those areas are protected against typhoons, hurricanes. There is air condition getting better, and more peace and stability in those areas. Each cintamani anchors light. But the most interesting fact that I have never said before is that these Cintamani stones are not activated yet. All the cintamanis you have are not activated yet. When the time is right, the energy will increase dramatically. They will be activated by ATVOR technology. This will happen when the conditions of planetary network of light are correct. Your cintamani stones will be activated and become much more powerful. Also, cosmic race Sirians begin to transmit certain energies to your stones.
Cintamani Stones were sent to this planet from the Sirius star system. They are to be activated when the time is right to transmit the energy of the Event. We have started the missions to plant the cintamani stones in a planetary grid many many years ago. This is a part of a big project of Ascended being St. Germain. He is a being that is overseeing the process of building and creating the planetary network of light. Under the codename of “New Atlantis”, he contacted me years ago to continue building this network of Light to prepare for the Event and coming polar shift. This network is of many ley lines and vortexes of plasma, etheric, astral and mental planes. It transmits light coming from various star systems and also from the galactic central sun. This light will be distributed around the planet to assist and heal the liberation and ascension process. It also stabilize the planet so it prevents premature polar shift.
A. Siberia is not the main problem. The cintamani light grid is needed in western part of Russia and Ukraine where people cannot enter.
This (Galactic Cintamani stone) has direct connection with the Galactic Central Sun. This is the most powerful stone right now on the surface of the planet available. This stone, again, connects you to the galactic center. Galactic cintamani stones will be activated at the moment of the Event, or the compression breakthrough. Now the surface population are becoming ready for receiving this stone, so it made me able to bring these stones with me. The galactic cintamani stones have also the very important function that I will talk about later, is clearing Sub-Quantum Anomaly. There is more about this stone, but I will gradually reveal them.
Regular Cintamani stones have come from Sirius star system. And you can use the cintamani stone in your meditation to connect to the Light. But many cintamani stones burried under ground to anchor the energy, forming planetary energy grid. If the cintamani stones are buried under ground, they invite the angelic beings into that area. And Japanese team have buried more than 20000 cintamani stones in whole Japan as you see in this map. There were not only cintamani stones buried, but you can imagine how much effort they have been making.
Graph displayed showing the outer planets converging over a 500 year cycle This shows very strong ascension energies in the last half of 2024. There is also a coinciding Sirius cycle. . Another six-year cycle within the 19 75–20 25 cycle is connecting us to the galactic central sun where there are highly Evolved Light. Since 1996 the cintamani stone has helped bring the Sirius portal to earth. (the Cintamani stone originated from a planet that was orbiting Sirius B)
The light workers in Taiwan have been planting about 2000 Cintamanis a year reaching well over a total of 10,000… including many in the Staits of Taiwan. Each Cintamani planted affect the mind, emotions and reality of people for an area af a few square miles. The Tachyon chamber also Creates an energy portal clearing the whole environment. St Germain has been involved in recreating a planet of Light. Groups of people meditating helps this process. The veil that’s around her plant keeps tachyons from entering the surface. Tachyons are the first of matter created at the birth of our universe. They hold The strongest connection to source energy. Other crystals that are effective in planting with the Cintamani stone are Goshanite, Morganite, and quartz (Tibetan quartz is the best) Goddess energy penetrates energy to body from many of these. Sapphire is good for personal protection.
When you bury a cintamani stone in a specific location, it can affect people miles around it.
We can change the climate and geopolitical situation of a country by burying cintamani stones. The infight among some teams will make a country become chaotic. They had a chance to create a better grid of Light, but they failed and caused a national crisis
Question: can the Cintamani stone be worn as a pendant or during meditations?
Answer: Yes!
Cobra reveals the existence of a new type of stone never before commercialized, which he calls a galactic cintamani stone, which allows one to reconnect with the galactic central sun. This stone would come from a stellar object in the heart of our galaxy, it would dethrone in terms of vibration our now classic Cintamani stone of origin from the Sirius star system. This galactic Cintamani could anchor the highest vibration to the surface of this planet.
The Cintamani stone project introduced some years ago placed stones in strategically important places. This has stabilized the energy to the point that now Soul Families can form. The gathering of Soul Families is important in this phase as it will stabilize the energy on this planet so that The Event can happen as smooth as possible. We need to create as much Soul Family Presence on the surface as possible. The steps we need to undertake are: Connect with our Inner/Higher Self. Connect with the Inner/Higher Self of others applying the principles of Inner/Higher Self connection.
Cintamani: comes from the Sirius Star System and were given to humanity when they were ready for ascension. It is the stone with the highest vibration of all stones known. It awakens you to your mission, strengthens your inner guidance and contact with your higher self, and dissolves implants and outdated belief systems. It is the stone that will gather Soul Families together and create our New Reality
Moldavite: comes from the Pleiadian Star System and contain the pure Pleiadian essence of divine love. They connect us to the 6th dimension and beyond
Morganite: opens our hearts to higher unconditional cosmic love
Goshenite: accelerates our Ascension Process and puts us into contact with Ascended beings Aquamarine: connects our consciousness with the 5th dimension and beyond
Ruby: for grounding
Tachyon Goddess collection: jewelry collection designed to bring Goddess divine feminine consciousness to humanity.
Taiwan Taiwan is the centre of "population gravity". With 2000 Cintamani stones planted in the island, it is the epicentre of Ascension. The underground base in Northern Taiwan is almost ready, and can accommodate up to 2.5 billion people.
Grid is a dynamic flow of energy in sacred patterns (standing wave) physical and other planes as well. Cintamani is about placing them in energy vortexes. Whenever you plant one, one mothership gets activated and begins to transmit energy to the grid, it becomes the anchor of a huge angelic being which creates a vortex of energy and anchors the goddess vortex energy grid mass meditations. The coming meditation at 4AM will save lives.
There is a huge fleet of motherships at the heliopause which guide the energy of the galaxy to the earth to direct spiritual awakening of humanity and first contact in the best way. They need conductors of high energy who are incarnated here so they can regulate the flow through this people. Cintamani grid is successful but not enough, there need to be people that transmits those energies through their own energy field. They need to be stable when everybody is freaking out.
The energy grid is not static. It is a dynamic flow according to Sacred Geometry patterns. In Science it is called a standing wave. But there are also things happening on the physical plane. The Cintamani project is about putting more energy points into the energy grid. Cintamani stones are conductors of energy. For every Cintamani stone on this planet a mothership is activated and putting energy into it. Put the stone into the ground, a mothership will put the energy into the ground. Each time a stone gets planted in the ground it becomes a point for an Angelic being to anchor a vortex for the Goddess energy in the ground. Next to mass meditations, it is the most powerful tool to transfer galactic energy to the surface.
The Cintamani grid in Antarctica counteracts the dark grid, which consists of Artificial Intelligence, plasma and scalar technology being powered from Long Island. Big Brother is really watching you. They can hear everything you say out loud, write or read, but they cannot read your mind.
The Atlantis energy network has always been here. We need it to survive. Without it, there would be no physical life on this planet. It has had various transformations. The Cintamani project was designed to heal this planetary energy grid. Master St. Germain is the main being responsible for and head of the New Atlantis project. In one of his incarnations as Francis Bacon he wrote a book called “New Atlantis, a work undefined".