This post was last updated on: February 27, 2025. I have updated point #21 with my Solar Fire settings.
The most important link is The Portal blog ( All the other links are second to it.
1) Flower of Life grid creator
This tool allows you to create the coordinates for a Flower of Life grid in just a few seconds. Just specify your center point, radius, and number of points. To use it, you can download 'FOL creator' notebook from the link above, and open it in Google Colab.
2) Archive of Untwine's blog (
Compilation of all articles from Untwine's blog.
3) Compilations of The Portal blog posts, Q&A's, Conference notes:
All of The Portal blog posts in one PDF:
All Cobra Q&A's (interviews) in one PDF:
All Cobra Conference/Workshop Notes in one PDF:
Alternate links-
All Cobra Conference Notes:
All Cobra Q&As (interviews):
All Cobra blog posts:
The Portal Alerts on Telegram:
Other blogs Alerts on Telegram:
4) Quantum Energy Generator document:
5) Read more about the Agartha network-
And here's the archive of the Secrets in Plain Sight blog. Links to some blog posts-
7) Picture of the 12 major energy vortexes of the Earth icosahedron grid (Source):
9) We should connect with our Higher Self if we want to dissolve our implants, remember our past lives, etc. In the Phoenix conference we were given a meditation to connect with our Higher Self. It can be found in my Phoenix conference notes, or pasted here:
Meditation to connect with our Higher Self
Close your eyes and watch your breath coming in and out. As you breathe in, you breathe in brilliant white light. As you breathe out, you breathe out brilliant white light.
Now visualize a sphere of brilliant white light 5 inches above the top of your head. Put all your focus into that sphere of light. This is the location of your soul star chakra. The soul star chakra is the portal for the Soul to manifest in this reality. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred word ‘OM’ out loud once. (Author’s note: It should sound like ‘OOOOOOOOO-MMMM’).
Now put your awareness into your heart chakra. Call upon your soul star chakra from your heart chakra. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred word ‘OM’ once out loud.
Now reply from your soul star chakra. Put your awareness into your soul star chakra and bless your personality with the light coming from your soul star chakra. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred word ‘OM’ once out loud.
Now put your awareness into your heart chakra. Call upon your soul star chakra from your heart chakra. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred word ‘OM’ once out loud.
Now reply from your soul star chakra. Put your awareness into your soul star chakra and bless your personality with the light coming from your soul star chakra. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred word ‘OM’ once out loud.
Now put your awareness into your heart chakra. Call upon your soul star chakra from your heart chakra. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred word ‘OM’ once out loud.
Now reply from your soul star chakra. Put your awareness into your soul star chakra and bless your personality with the light coming from your soul star chakra. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred word ‘OM’ once out loud.
(Repeat the above 2 steps for some time)
Sit in silence and integrate these energies into your being. You can open your eyes after 10 minutes of doing the above steps. You can do this meditation to connect to your Higher Self. Connecting to your Higher Self is the key channel to planetary liberation.
First we say the following three times out loud:
I decree and I command
To release all my conflicts with my parents
With my children
With my partner
With other Lightworkers
With other people
With the Dark Forces
I decide forgiveness
) x 3
Then we should close our eyes and visualize a violet flame coming from the sky, rotating in an anticlockwise direction. We are releasing all our conflicts by putting them into this violet flame. We put our conflicts into the violet flame and just let them go. After a few minutes when we are ready we can open our eyes.
13) Phoenix conference notes, taken by me:
Let me know if you are able to install and configure it.
22) Solara’s Starborne book: