Personal Notes from Day 1 of Phoenix Ascension Conference - Feb 3, 2024

Disclaimer: These is a typed out version of the handwritten notes the author made during Day 1 of the Ascension Conference in Phoenix, AZ. The author does not claim the accuracy of these notes to be 100% true. Please use your own inner judgement and critical thinking. Some images and graphs may not be identical to those seen at the conference. The content of the notes is NOT an exact match to what Cobra spoke about. There may be mishearing, handwriting errors, or omissions in the process. Questions regarding the contents of this document will not be accepted.


  • Beginning Meditation
  • Purpose of the conference
  • Cosmic reset
  • The New Atlantis and Saint Germain
  • Key locations in the US
  • Cintamani and Galactic Cintamani stones
  • Goddess Equator
  • Tachyons
  • Q&A
  • Dynamics of the Portal 2025
  • Q&A
  • Galactic Superwave & Solar Micronova Event
  • Dyson spheres
  • Microtektites
  • Q&A
  • Physics of the quarantine
  • Subquantum anomaly and Lurker
  • Mothership above Phoenix
  • Q&A
  • Torus
  • Scalar Field & Biochips
  • Planetary Liberation update
  • Q&A
  • Tektites
  • Further Updates
  • Author's experience after Day 1

Beginning Meditation

The day started off with a meditation. I probably did not write down every single instruction of the meditation, but it roughly went as follows:

Close your eyes.

Breathe white light in and breathe out any toxins from your physical body.

Then, Breathe white light in and radiate white light outwards when you breathe out. Do this from your physical body.

Repeat the above steps for your plasma, etheric, astral (emotional), mental bodies. Finally, repeat the above steps for the totality of your being.

Now we realize that I AM a being of Light. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred mantra ‘OM’ three times together.

In this group, we all are beings of light and connected together as a being of light. WE ARE a being of light. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred mantra ‘OM’ three times together.

We are connected to other beings of light everywhere. We are confirming the fact by saying the sacred word OM (chant OM 3 times).

Now we honor the Prophecy that states that Earth will join Galactic civilization. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred mantra ‘OM’ three times together.

Now we will visualize a pillar of sky blue light coming from the sky, going through everyone in this room, into the center of the Earth. Also visualize a pillar of sky blue light coming from the center of the Earth, going through this everyone in this room, and up into the sky.

Now visualize an anticlockwise violet flame cleansing all trauma, karma, negative beliefs, etc. of everyone in this room. 

Now we will visualize a pillar of sky blue light coming from the sky, going through everyone in this room, into the center of the Earth. Also visualize a pillar of sky blue light coming from the center of the Earth, going through this everyone in this room, and up into the sky.

Then become aware of your surroundings and open your eyes when you are ready.

Purpose of the conference

The purpose of the conference is to prepare for the Event. This sector of the galaxy is going to undergo big and important changes. The conference also helps you understand this crazy place we are living in.

The purpose of the conference is also to bring about the Victory of The Light (VOTL). In order to achieve this, you must release & disentangle all past information. Most information on this planet is false. 

There are many layers of programming. Firstly, we were given implants during the times of Atlantis. Secondly, the Archons gave us astral, etheric & physical implants. Thirdly, we are subject to various mind programming from the areas of business, school, finance, etc. The US is the country with the strongest mind programming. The reason for this is because it has the greatest potential. We thus have to use our own creativity, logic, cognizance, and intuition. We need to dump information that makes no sense. 95% of intel is bullshit and info dumping is a tactic used by the Dark Forces (DF). We need to develop inner discernment, using our common sense + intuition. True intel is very limited on this planet. Cobra showed the below image to highlight that one would need a very distant/heightened perspective to see the whole picture (i.e. to see the full elephant).

We need to expand our horizons and release fixed beliefs; it is time to let go of emotional attachments to our beliefs. The situation at hand forces the release of attachments. That is, having a cosmic perspective forces releasing of attachments. There are 100s of billions of galaxies, 100 billion stars in our galaxy. But on a clear night we may only be able to see 1000 stars with our eyes. We are practically blind. Our eyes cannot see rays such as X rays, Infrared rays, etc. Unfortunately, people form beliefs from the limited things they can see with their eyes.

The Energy beyond the veil is really angelic. Once the quarantine situation is opened up, we will enter Galactic Society. There will be an intense transformation on many levels: mental level (belief systems), emotional level (past trauma etc.), physical level (financial system, societal structure). The new systems will be a quantum leap to a new level of consciousness.

We were shown a photo of Cobra flying in near-space on a Russian military aircraft. The Earth was proven not to be flat.

Cosmic reset

The cosmic reset is like a universal cosmic heart beat.  The universe grows & expands, similar to breathing in & out. We were shown a visualization of the 11D Universe:

There is a short moment of silence between the moments of maximal and minimum contraction of the universe. That moment is almost right now. The below picture was an approximation of the Universe into a 4D sphere (author's note: shows the Universe's cyclic nature):

Mainstream science has recently discovered the fact of the Universe’s expansion and contraction. The ‘false vacuum theory’ from mainstream science was spoken about. It postulates that there is a collapse of a ‘false vacuum’ which starts off small but then expands exponentially, similar to a small ‘virus’. To illustrate the false vacuum theory, we were shown a diagram of the universe which looked like the following:

This picture shows the current universe (at the bottom) transforming into a new Universe (at the top). In the new Universe the fundamental physical laws (such as matter’s underlying facts) would change.  Darkness would be removed and would no longer exist in the new Universe. The quantum and subquantum basis for darkness would cease to exist. This would mean that the old society & old reality would no longer be supported.

Mainstream science has measured the mass of the top quark and found that it is not stable:

(It is also worth noting that the top quark is used in the creation of toplet bombs)

This further illustrates that we are living in a meta-stable universe (i.e. not in a stable Universe). The Universe will undergo a phase transition if it is pushed enough. Cobra used the analogy of a water droplet. A water droplet may remain a liquid at -40 F, -50F, maybe even -60F. But come -60.1F, this tiny amount of extra energy could turn it into solid ice very quickly. Hence, Cobra remarked that we are making a (sub)quantum leap into a true vacuum, which would result in a stable universe (i.e. a new Universe).

The surface of this planet is in a state of extreme disbalance. In other words, the surface of the planet currently has extremely high entropy. Nature (i.e. the Universe) will balance this high entropy situation until the entropy drops and the Universe becomes stable.

There is an idea of moving from a 3D Earth in the old Universe to a 5D Earth:

Higher consciousness will descend into physical matter. This will lead to a change in human consciousness, eventually leading to the changing of society. In other words, the subquantum aspects of the Universe will be opened by the energy from higher dimensions.

The convergence (i.e. the move from the old Universe to the new Universe) will become faster & faster until the moment of the breakthrough. The following picture (taken from mainstream science) was shown to us:

This illustrates that the paradigm shifts for 15 lists of key events followed a near perfect logarithmic scale. In other words, as we get closer to the next Key Event, the amount of time it takes to reach there reduces exponentially (i.e. it gets much faster).

The New Atlantis and Saint Germain

In the 18th century there were even higher beings who brought light to the surface of the planet. They were active in the masonic lodges in France, especially lodges such as the 9 sisters lodge (author’s note: La Loge des Neuf Sœurs). Benjamin Franklin belonged to this lodge.

Saint Germain worked on the US Declaration of Independence. He also worked with Benjamin Franklin to create the US Constitution. The US Constitution is the basis for New Atlantis/Age of Aquarius, before the Galactic Codex gets enforced on the surface. Thus, the US was created by Saint Germain to reactivate old Atlantis, and it will become the New Atlantis. The US Constitution forms the legal basis for reactivating the old energy grid of Atlantis and bringing it to the surface of the planet.

Saint Germain’s task was to prepare the Earth for the new cosmic cycle. He worked on the new financial system. He was instrumental in the creation of lotteries (so that ordinary people could become wealthy) and he also made investments. The Saint Germain trust now has 40-50 trillion Dollars which will be released for the benefit of humanity. From September 2023 onwards Saint Germain is working more directly with Ashtar Command, the Resistance Movement, Dragon families and star races. They are gathering energies for the final breakthrough of this planet.

Cobra is also working personally on the New Atlantis project through the cintamani stone project. Cintamani stones are from Sirius and are millions of years old. They act as time capsules to reactivate the Light on the surface of the planet. They will be triggered to transmit Light at the moment of the final solar flash, galactic superwave & pole shift.

Key locations in the US

Phoenix is a city with a double Ascension/Goddess vortex. The center of the Goddess part of the Vortex is the Phoenix zoo. (it was later told to us that the Ascension part of the Vortex is in Tempe). California & Arizona are the most important states for US liberation (author’s note: there will be more on this later, especially in Day 2).

Phoenix has Cintamani stones planted in flower of life arrangement. A map of the Cintamani grid of Phoenix was shown to us and we could see the flower of life arrangement for ourselves. It looked like this (but in Phoenix of course):

A presentation was given by Pat for conference attendees to join the New Atlantis Energy grid project. This is part of the effort to stabilize the energy grid for the compression breakthrough. Attendees were encouraged to join. If you'd like to donate to this project, please visit this link: (please donate if you can!).

There are less number of grid workers in the US. There needs to be a more cohesive network of grid workers in the US. Cintamani stones can still be buried if you are not in the US (for example- in Canada, Mexico, etc.).

Cintamani and Galactic Cintamani stones

The main tasks of the Cintamani stones are to:

a) Stabilize the planet during the pole shift, and

b) Bring Goddess energy to the surface of the planet.

Cintamani stones are wise and powerful because they are very old. The ancient priests and priestesses knew this. One such example are the Druids who worked with the stones and also used sacred sounds in order to manifest miracles. The Cintamani stone is the sacred stone of Buddhist and Hindu religions. Cobra brought up a Tibetan saying: “May all beings be happy”. The Goddess would want this. There is also a Tibetan prophecy which foresees the end of darkness. Not much time is left and so it was emphasized to us that we need to complete the planetary grid as much as possible.

The Galactic Cintamani stone is similar to the Cintamani stone but is more powerful. It is connected to the energy of the Galactic Central Sun and clears quantum and subquantum anomaly very effectively. It is thus very useful in transmuting great amounts of anomaly before the Event. Those who carry this stone are the main energy transmitters of its energy on the surface of the planet.

(Galactic Cintamani stones)

Goddess Equator

We were shown us a picture of the Goddess Equator (author's note: this is the equator from 13,000 years back, before the previous Pole Shift). The Old equator/Goddess equator/Goddess Ley line passes through places such as Baalbek, Paris, Stonehenge, etc:

The topic of Goddess jewelry was brought up. We need to bring as much Goddess energy as possible in order to harmonize and stabilize the planetary transition.


Tachyons are subatomic particles which were the first particles created during the last cosmic cycle. For this reason, they are that matter which is aligned most closely with Source. They are the purest particles and harmonize the quantum field around it. The Pleiadians have introduced Tachyon chambers on the surface of the planet. The Dark Forces blocked tachyon particles from reaching the surface using scalar field technology and ionosphere heating technologies. Cosmic rays are blocked by ionosphere heating technologies, and tachyons travel with cosmic rays.

(Author's note: please get in touch with your nearest Tachyon chamber if you'd like to receive Tachyon healing: More information about Tachyons can also be found on the website)


- Sexual contact is not a condition for first contact with Pleiadians

- Awareness of animal testing can be spread. When a critical mass reaches such awareness, it can go away.

- Phoenix is a double vortex. The Goddess part of the vortex is situated in the Phoenix zoo, and the ascension vortex is located in Tempe.

- The original New Age movement in the 1970s/1980s came around at the time of Neptune-Pluto sextile. The Dark Forces unfortunately infiltrated it.

- The situation with energy weapons is still not fully improved.

- The 2012portal blog was confirmed to exist in the astral plane.

- There is an even older equator that passes through Giza and Easter Island. This equator possesses energy from before the quarantine as it was the equator before the quarantine of this planet.

Dynamics of the Portal 2025

There is a big portal coming up next year, especially now that Pluto is in Aquarius. We were shown a diagram of Pluto leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius:

We are currently in the midpoint of Pluto entering Aquarius from Capricorn.

Pluto entering Aquarius makes people stand up against corruption. The last time Pluto entered Aquarius was in the late 18th century. At that time there were the French and US Revolutions. However, last time Pluto entered Aquarius, the Dark Forces hijacked it to a degree. This time the hijack will not be possible because of the state of the Universe.

We were shown this forecast created by Martin Armstrong, predicting the fall of Western Civilization:

Understanding waves/cycles is extremely important. We are at the end of the old cycle and at the beginning of the new cycle.

An astrological chart was shown to us that looked roughly like this (please ignore the text written around it):

The Pluto-Neptune-Uranus sextile will be the trigger point for planetary liberation. This astrological configuration only occurs once in every 500 years and it triggers a Renaissance. In the previous Renaissance we had the development of the printing press. It was the age of discovery in arts, classical literature, etc. The same pattern was repeated in the 1980s with the development of the internet and the New Age liberation movement.

The upcoming Pluto-Neptune-Uranus sextile is even more special because all the planets will change their signs. Pluto goes from Capricorn to Aquarius, Neptune goes from Pisces to Aries, and Uranus goes from Taurus to Gemini. Additionally, Uranus makes a conjunction with Sedna, which signifies the completion of the Platonic year (26,000 years). There is also a conjunction of Uranus and Sedna with Pleiades. This will lead to First Contact in an ‘explosive’ manner. Thus, 2025 is a very important year as it opens the doorway for First Contact. 

Cobra also brought up Haumea (a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt) changing its sign from Libra to Scorpio. This signals the revival of spirituality. It transforms shadow/fake spirituality to deeper/authentic spirituality. This takes place this year and next year.

We are just 1 year away from the big transition (Pluto-Uranus-Neptune conjunction). A graph of this conjunct was shown to us. It is the most important diagram of our lives (and which has been kept hidden from us):

The pandemic was a catalyst for awakening. However, astrology of the pandemic was not favorable.  Pandemic deniers will not awaken until the Event and the hitting of the Galactic Superwave.

A graph of Neptune and the midpoint of Pluto & Uranus was shown to us. It looked somewhat like this:

The intersection point of this graph was in summer 2024, signifying that things would get more intense from roughly May 2024 onwards. This means that the time of waiting is almost over.

We were shown us this chart of Sirius B rotating around Sirius A. During the great forgetting of 1996, the Sirius star system was not invaded i.e. it remained intact. We would be dead today if it wasn’t for Sirius. As one can see below, 2025 is the point of maximum separation of Sirius A and B:

A stargate was opened in 1975 (author's note: this is possibly referring to the Ascension stargate). In conclusion, the key astrological factors involved in the planetary liberation process had been presented to us. But exactly how the planetary liberation will manifest is yet to be seen. The manner in which energy dynamics work is that things accelerate very rapidly. Developments come about suddenly (i.e. without warning). So, you could be having a routine day and then everything could change suddenly in the middle of the day.


- There are motherships hidden around the world which are being activated right now. Their energy is helping aid the energy of Pluto in Aquarius.

- Metatron is a superangelic being who is the guardian of the portal for the ascension of the galaxy into oneness.

- The moon is a natural object. The Galactic Central Race (also known as the 'builder race') put the moon into a synchronized orbit so that the angular diameter of the moon is equal to the angular diameter of the sun (at least for now). This creates solar eclipses. The moon has underground bases, many of which are strongholds for the Arcturian race.

- During the pole shift, all those who want to evacuate will be evacuated. Islands of light will be protected.

- Henry Kissinger was maybe not fully aware of the fact that he was a Draco entity. He was taken to the Galactic Central Sun. There were other draco, reptilian, and spider entities who were located in underground military bases, and these have been cleared.

Galactic Superwave & Solar Micronova Event

The three factors that have shifted (i.e. delayed) the plan for planetary liberation are:

a) Extent of darkness on the planet was unknown/underestimated

b) Key Lightworkers were compromised

c) Light Forces are immersed in fear

Thus, the plan for planetary liberation is still in flux. The overall plan is still for the order of events to be: The Event, followed by Ascension wave(s), followed by the Pole Shift.

We were shown an image of the galaxy which had the center of the galaxy shining with the rest of the galaxy rotating around it clockwise. It looked somewhat like the below picture:

There is a pulse in the center of the Galaxy which comes from the Cosmic Central Sun once every 26,000 years. This pulse emits physical and non-physical particles. The non-physical aspect of the Galactic pulse is actually more important. This causes the sun to be activated to a Micronova. It was also noted that the rotation of the Earth’s axis is also synchronized to this 26,000 year number.

We were shown an image from a scientific research paper showing the pole shift taking place on a planet in another galaxy over a span of 4 years: 

(author’s note: taken from the post called ‘The Apocalypse’ on Cobra’s blog, which I highly recommend reading)

The galactic magnetic field reverses its polarity in a very fast manner (similar to what’s shown above). The galactic superwave happens during the galactic magnetic field reversal.

We were shown this diagram of the Galactic Equator's movement:

(Taken from Cobra’s The Ascension Plan post)

The galactic superwave occurs within +/- 100 years of the solar micronova event.

We were shown a similar table to the one below. It contained a list of Earth’s magnetic field reversals along with a score of each reversal's impact (from 0-10) :

The Solar Flash and Earth's magnetic field

The Galactic Central Sun activates our physical sun every 13,000 years. This will happen next year, during the solar maximum. We were shown an animation depicting the magnetic field reversal of the Earth, following the Solar Flash: 

The magnetic field strength of the Earth is rapidly decreasing. If the magnetic field intensity drops below a certain point, Earth’s mantle will not be able to sustain the weight of Earth’s crust (Mohorovičić discontinuity). This would mean that Earth’s crust would stop rotating, leading to a tsunami.

Cobra created a graph visualizing the disintegration of Earth’s magnetic field:

Earth's geomagnetic field has been weakened since 1859. There was a huge solar storm in 1859, called the Carrington Event. Since that time, magnetic field of the planet Earth began to decrease. This Carrington Event also triggered a very deep sociable change in human society, especially expression of emotion. As you can see the society of humans since 1859 much more emotional. (This paragraph was taken from the Kyoto conference notes)

When Earth’s magnetic field is less strong, it leads to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Information on this topic is heavily suppressed. The drop in Earth’s magnetic field had been around 1-2% per year in recent years, although this drop would be more now. Around 25% of the magnetic field of Earth had already been lost.

There was an X5 solar flare on New Year’s Eve of 2024 which was the strongest experience of Cobra’s life. An X30 solar flare directed towards the Earth would definitely flip its pole. 

We were shown this graph that made, showing Earth’s field loss based on solar flare size:

The above graph was noted to be an oversimplification. This is because the Earth's magnetic field loss depends on whether or not a solar flare is directed towards the Earth. For this reason, The X28 solar flare in 2003 didn’t affect Earth as much, although it did have interesting spiritual effects.

We were shown a picture of particles from the Sun bombarding the Earth. It was noted that the Sun has aspects of its bombardments which are both physical and non-physical:

And a graph similar to the below was shown, to illustrate that the solar cycle is more powerful than expected:

An X15 solar flare could cause electronic malfunction. This could cause non-functioning of electronic devices, cell phones, app glitches, etc. It could also lead to electrical grid blackouts. It is not possible to predict the arising of such problems, due to the (rather unpredictable) nature of the solar cycle. But on a non-physical level, the acceleration of the sun’s activity is increasing. Subquantum anomaly is blocking the planetary liberation process, and Mjolnir technology is working on this issue.

We are in the third phase (bubbles rise phase).

The Galactic Superwave and tsunami will be more peaceful than the Event, since the Event is the moment of maximum entropy. After the Galactic Superwave there will be harmonious conditions.

The Event is the moment of maximum thermal energy and is the moment when the ruling structure will collapse. It will be cathartic for one section of the human population. However, the other part of the surface population will not be able to go through it peacefully. Since there is a lot of suppressed violence, not all of it can be transmuted peacefully. For this reason, we desperately need more Goddess energy on the surface of the planet.

The Dark Forces need a huge amount of energy to maintain their control over the surface population. Following the second law of thermodynamics, the Dark Forces will eventually not have enough energy at some point, and this will be the moment of the Event. The nucleus of the new society is created at the moment of the Event. Islands of Light will begin to be formed and they will contain ideas of how to build a better society. This network will continue to grow and expand. 

First contact is being prepared between the awakened section of the surface population and those motherships which are entering the solar system right now. These motherships are entering underground bases on the moon right now. From there they will go to below the surface of the Earth, and eventually to the surface of the Earth. Activity in the solar system will be intense in these next 1 to 2 weeks, and a blog post about this will be written in a few weeks time.

There was a 30 degree pole shift 13,000 years ago. The new North pole (after the pole shift) would be somewhere between Siberia & Japan. A huge tsunami is necessary at a certain point, but the timing of the tsunami has to be neither too soon nor too late. It is necessary to clear enough anomaly before the tsunami can take place.

Lightworkers will soon have to react in a very active manner. They will have very little time to prepare. The perfect plan doesn’t exist, and improvisation will be necessary.

Dyson spheres

The motherships are serving as Dyson spheres which stabilize the Earth. There are certain shapes of these ships around the Earth & Sun, and these are needed in order to harmonize the energy and balance of Earth’s tectonic plates. These prevent us from facing volcanoes and earthquakes everyday. However, this is becoming quite a challenging task, since the Event was expected around 3 decades ago. The Light Forces are trying their best to prevent a premature pole shift. Without their help, we would be faced with drastic cataclysms. 


Microtektites have their origin beyond Earth. Isotope dating has put the age of many of these tektites to being around 13,000 years old.

The sun was at its zenith in the area of the YDB field. Sunrise was at the left of the above map and sunset was at the right of the above map. (Author's note: This map was probably shown to us to prove that the old North Pole was in the YDB Field)


- Part of the information about the Tartarian Empire is true, and part is false.

- One of the most important things to do right now is to strengthen our connection with our I AM Presence (our Higher Self). We need to train our minds using common sense, since most information that’s out there is contrary to common sense.

- When we die we go to the etheric or the astral plane. Reincarnation still exists, even though the Lords of Karma are now gone. Entities who are not of the light still exist on the etheric and astral planes.

- A question was asked about how to fight an Archon. We were told to let the special forces deal with that, and just focus on holding the Light.

- California is one of the key states for the planet, but many things need to be resolved there.

- Planet Earth is the last bastion of the dark forces. One of the major factors delaying the liberation of the planet is that people on the surface of the planet are inviting dark presence. That is, there is willingness of surface humans towards the dark.

- The Light Forces have the technology to extend the physical body’s lifespan to 1000-2000 years. Cobra joked that that much time in one body is enough for most people.

- There are two prerequisites for Ascension: a) Connection to one’s Higher Self, and b) Decision to ascend.

- In the future there will be less and less desire among people to eat meat.

- The Dark Forces are trying to crash Western civilization, but they will not succeed.

- There is a clash between the Cabal and the Light Forces. The Light Forces will win and the New Atlantis project will not fail.

- The main teaching of Christ entails opening our Heart Chakra so that we embody Soul Love. Cobra said that Christ and Soul Love is connected with Goddess energy.

- Question by Pat: When we bury Cintamani stones in the ground, it anchors an angelic being to the planet. So, if holders of the Cintamani stones hold the stone and pray or send blessing to the planet and to humanity, will the Cintamani angels hear those prayers, and will the blessings be sent directly to the energy light grid of the planet? Cobra: Precisely. Pat’s insight (This part is added after the conference): I am really hoping that this is understood by many people, because that direct contact with the stones and actually sending the blessings and praying all these things are very potent ways to work with the Cintamani grid. I think this is desperately needed right now and is what my intuition tells me. This is one of the basic reasons why we created the grid. My intuition tells me that the Cintamani stones act as physical anchors. They allow these angelic beings to operate in the physical plane in ways they could not operate before this grid was set up. Now everything is in place; these stones are buried in all the continents, they are in the oceans, they are in the sacred caves, and now they can really have a profound effect on this physical reality. But they still need us to initiate that because we have a direct connection to the surface situation since we are working and living and breathing in the surface and interacting with the surface population.

Physics of the quarantine

There are many layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of barriers on the physical and nonphysical planes around the Earth. The energy of Pluto in Aquarius works on dissolving these barriers and ending the quarantine status of the planet.

The Earth had a strong light grid in 1995. But the January 1996 Archon invasion added many more layers of barriers. During this invasion the Dark Forces opened a portal between Earth and Rigel and conducted mass human sacrifice in places such as Congo and Rwanda. They also did more than 200 underground nuclear explosions on both the physical and etheric planes each, in addition to human sacrifices.

The Light Forces have been removing these layers of barriers around the Earth since December 21, 2012. On December 21, 2012 the last phase of clearing of the barriers started. This is clearing the most unpleasant aspects of the quarantine.

The Chinese Year of the Dragon starts next weekend (author’s note: 10 February 2024). This will activate dragon families both on the surface and not on the surface. They will do many positive rituals during this time.

People in the East (such as Russia & China) have lots of files (i.e. evidence) about UFO disclosure. There exists a surprise package about disclosure which can be released from

a) Russia & China, or

b) The United States.

Holes in the quarantine are beginning to emerge. Certain ETs are already coming to the surface of the planet. We are currently in the initial phases of dissolution of the quarantine. It is about time for the quarantine status of this planet to end.

We were shown the following calculation about the Planck length:

(Author's note: I think this calculation is useful:


The scale of quantum foam (i.e. quantum fluctuations) is that of 10^-35 metres.

Subquantum anomaly and Lurker

The dark forces have created randomness in the quantum foam by introducing anomaly that takes the form of between the Absolute and Random function. The tension due to this contingency results in the creation of subatomic particles. There is lots of anomaly in the quantum field. This anomaly was not created consciously (it’s called ‘primary anomaly’) and it emerged randomly from the quantum field. The interaction of consciousness with this anomaly created evil. Cobra showed us the below visualization to illustrate the emergence of anomaly in the quantum field:

The anomaly is gathered here on the surface of the planet. Burying of Galactic cintamani stones directly counteracts primary anomaly. (Author's note: I highly recommend reading this article to learn more about subquantum anomaly).

The quantum field of the surface of the planet is not harmonic but rather chaotic. 

The anomaly is present not just in quantum fluctuations. The anomaly present on the surface of the planet is smaller than Planck length (i.e. it exists in those dimensions/those magnitudes of length). However, it is not possible to scientifically detect possible of matter which is smaller than the Planck length (the laws of quantum physics make such detection impossible). Even the Light Forces are not able to measure subquantum anomaly directly. They cannot directly measure the shape and amount of subquantum anomaly. Rather, they can only estimate it. This makes it impossible for the Light Forces to give an exact date for the event. Moreover, the subquantum anomaly keeps shifting in its location.

Subquantum anomaly exists since the beginning of time. A small amount of subquantum anomaly will remain in this Universe even after the event. However, it will not have any real influence anymore.

In the first cosmic cycle, Source projected a part of itself into subquantum anomaly. This interaction was so traumatic that it led to the beginning of evil. There was no manifestation of evil in previous cosmic cycles. Evil manifested only in this cosmic cycle (which began 8 million years ago). Archangels descended into matter through strong implantation processes. These Archangels lost the connection to their I AM presence, in Orion.

The last remaining residue of the Dark Forces on the surface of the planet comes from the negative faction of Andromeda (i.e. the Black Nobility families). What also remain are the Draco and the Cabal. The Chimera group has been defeated and most reptilians have been cleared. 

The Light Forces are making lots of progress in our solar system (author’s note: Cobra meant that the Light Forces are moving a lot of their ships into our solar system). This is mainly happening in the previous 2 weeks and the next 2 weeks. 

The Light Forces are learning how the Lurker operates and how to diminish it. Subquantum anomaly loses its power when it exposes itself. The Lurker tends to hide in the shadow aspects of surface humans, hence its name is ‘Lurker’. The last place where the Lurker is hiding is in the energy fields of surface humans. The Lurker is in the aura of people and is influencing them. This leads to mental and emotional trauma, and disease. The real cause of cancer is actually the Lurker. The cause for people going mentally crazy is also the Lurker.

The Lurker emerges from the subquantum field into the quantum field, and from there into the etheric, plasma and physical planes. There is too much chaos & violence with the Lurker still around. This needs to be cleared before the Event can happen.

The Lurker influences the Light Forces from the subquantum field by paralyzing the Light Forces with the energy of fear. Fear is the main block everywhere in the universe. The key to defeating fear is to take a step towards the fear. In other words, the key to reducing fear is to gain experience. The Light Forces (and most people) are avoiding gaining experience because it is a painful process. The tendency is to remain within the radius of one’s comfort zone. However, what is needed to combat fear is to take balanced risks. The amount of balanced risks one has taken determines how much one is able to conquer fear. Conquering fear is key to resolving subquantum anomaly. 

The Light Forces need to be spoken to in order to gain experience about this planet, despite their fears. They are having endless meetings in their councils about this planet’s liberation. Hence, one part of the responsibility of the delay of the liberation of the Earth rests with the Light Forces. The responsibility for them is to conquer their fear and gain exposure on the surface of the planet. The Light Forces need to experience cities such as New York, Phoenix, Tokyo, Darjeeling, Geneva, Johannesburg, etc. and not just experience remote parts of the surface such as deserts and uninhabited places. They need to get street smart. Cobra joked that an Arcturian or a Pleiadian would not even survive a week if you left them on the street. The mic was given to audience members who wished to urge the Light Forces to take faster actions. Many audience members shared heartfelt messages and the Galactics were present (non physically) to listen to such messages. (Author's note: if you want to read about many of the messages that audience members including me gave to the galactics, they can be found in the Day 1 notes posted by PFC Japan).

One part of the anomaly is in the physical plane. The Galactic Superwave is necessary in order to wash through everything on the surface and cleanse it. However, the Light Forces are not taking enough action. An audience member jokingly welcomed the Light Forces to go to a session of her niece’s rehabilitation in order to gain experience.

The Light Forces are hearing our thoughts. They need to hear the message of trusting in us (the surface population). They need to hear that we can handle what they are fearful of. Debra (the organizer of the conference) made us say ‘Light Forces help us’. Our message to the Light Forces was very clear- that it was enough and it is now time for them to take action.

Mothership above Phoenix

We said the following out loud in order to request a mothership of the Light Forces to manifest above Phoenix:


In the name of I AM That I AM,

In the name of the Divine Presence that I AM,

I decree and I command 

the physical manifestation

Of a Mothership

In the sky above Phoenix tonight

in the physical plane.

So be it and so it is,

So be it and so it is,

So be it and so it is,

So be it and so it is,

So be it and so it is.

) x 3

Such a request was technically possible for the Light Forces to implement. Cobra joked that this was especially possible since Pluto is in Aquarius.


- A question was asked about the appearance of metal monoliths (such as ones in Adelaide) a few years ago. Cobra answered that these monoliths were not created by off world groups.

- We are in a hostage situation and that the collapse of the quarantine would lead to the hostages (i.e. us) being rescued.

- It is important for us to push for disclosure and first contact.

- Someone asked a question about whether Ascension was related to the 24th chromosome in our DNA. Cobra answered that Ascension has nothing to do with our DNA. Ascension has to do with our consciousness moving into a 5D Love-Light reality.

- The Light Forces should ideally stop the US bombing of Syria.

- The Light Forces rescued 150,000 children in October 2023. However, the Dark Forces retaliated by creating the war in Gaza.

- We cannot change dark people’s life path. All that Light Workers can do is not associate with them.

- The cause of autism is sometimes that the person is a starseed, but this is not always the case.


Cobra presented a diagram which looked like this:

The Calabi-Yau manifold (in physics) was mentioned.

Scalar Field & Biochips

A diagram which looked like this was shown to illustrate the shape of the Scalar Field around the planet:

The EMF Scalar Field is the network of darkness on this planet. There are two main sources of the Scalar Field:

1. Cell phones and cell phone towers

Cell phones generate individualized scalar fields which are connected to the dark scalar network. Cobra recommends Light workers not to get into a pattern (of usage) with cell phones. Additionally, cell phone towers generate scalar waves which are emitted to the whole surface of the planet.

2. Wifi networks

WiFi networks are used to create 3D images of their surroundings. The Dark Forces have a real-time live feed of everything on the surface of the planet (in addition to recording all conversations, messages, etc.)

The former AFSPC (now ‘Space Force’) have locations monitoring the sky 24x7 for ET activity. If they spot any such activity, they intervene. Cobra joked that they are probably monitoring the sky over Phoenix at the time of the conference. The following map of their locations was shown to us:

The map of locations of HAARP was also shown:

The HAARP network is a network of ionosphere heaters. They emit low frequency waves into the ionosphere to block Light from entering the surface. The HAARP network exists in Alaska, Norway, Russia, China, Japan, India, etc. There are also “mobile” HAARPs now. However HAARP is no longer functional on Long Island.

Cobra showed us the following diagram (text may be hard to read):

Here’s a higher resolution version of the same diagram:

A diagram explaining the Targeted Individual Program was also shown to us:

A picture of biochip locations in our bodies was shown to us:

Biochips in our body are accretion vortexes for subquantum anomaly. They are the weakest points through which quantum anomaly can reach our energy field. Biochips are some of the last parts of the quarantine and that they are going to get disassembled.

Planetary Liberation update

The planetary liberation process is a sudden process and everything will completely change after it. The old game of geopolitics (say, between Russia, China, US, etc.) is coming to an end. This is because the revealing of ETs changes everything. Members of the Dark Forces who are in high positions cannot stop the process of planetary liberation, so they are focusing on manipulating it. However, there are many places in the world from which ET disclosure can be released (if not from the US). Some of the places Cobra mentioned were Russia, China, India, France, Brazil, Vietnam, French Polynesia. French Polynesia has a Pleiadian presence.

Whistleblowers (of ET life) are currently occupied by fear and are afraid to speak. However, there will certainly come a moment of breakthrough of this fear, and it will destroy the NWO/Cabal. Pluto in Aquarius will connect surface humanity beyond the surface of the Earth. Cobra brought up many places on Earth (apart from the surface) where there is life. Examples included the Agartha network, Dragons, and the Resistance Movement. The surface population is also becoming aware of the existence of much more tunnels. Examples were given of the Mariupol tunnels in Ukraine, Hamas tunnels in Gaza, and Chabad tunnels in NYC. The Blue Dragons have their own tunnels in China and the Agartha network has many underground cities. The Cabal uses lots of energy in order to hide and suppress this information. It is thus only a matter of time before this information becomes known to the public. What is to be seen is when and how the information will come out.

The Aldebarans are building a Fleet on the far side of the moon. This has led to many countries sending moon landers as they wish to see what’s going on there. Some examples of countries that sent moon landers recently are Japan, India, and the US. The Aldebaran bases on the far side of the moon are making those at the top of the Dark Forces hierarchy freak out. The Aldebaran fleet is on its way here. It is a huge fleet of theirs that is coming in. From 1996 onwards there was no Light presence in this solar system. We have been born in this lifetime at exactly this location (i.e. our Soul knew). There are good things happening behind the scenes, but it ultimately has to improve the lives of everyone on the surface (i.e. your and my lives).


- A question was asked on how to reduce the effect of our biochips. Cobra answered that we can put crystals at the implant locations. We can also massage the implant locations and/or put essential oils at those locations.

- A question was asked about when the Mass Media/Mainstream Media will broadcast true information. Cobra answered that they will do so at the moment of the Event.

- There is a ship below the Sphinx in Egypt, and that it has been activated in January 2024.

- The Twitter/X platform has potential to be a bastion of freedom. Elon Musk has deep misunderstandings of the nature of reality. Elon Musk is not in touch with the Light Forces directly, but is not a part of the dark network.

- The key to curing depression is to do something you like to do. In other words, do something enjoyable. If awful things still happen to you then you should retreat from the situation, gather energy, and then do things that you like to do.

- Neuralink is not dangerous but is not part of the Light Forces efforts. Chips inserted into your brain (or other parts of your body) are not associated with the Light Forces.

- The tachyonized cell phone EMF protector helps a lot with cell phone radiation.

- A tachyon chamber needs to be set up in Sedona, AZ. Sedona used to be a powerful vortex of light until 1996. It was taken over by Draconians, and a lot of dark resonance is present there. For instance, there are 2 fake tachyon chambers in Sedona.

- Tachyon chambers are anchoring the light grid and have received an upgrade since Pluto went into Aquarius.


Scientific theories on the origin of tektites are not correct. For example, a geologist would say that Colombianites have volcanic origin (which is false, they are from Sirius). The true origin of various Tektites are: Galactic Cintamani stones are connected with the Galactic Central Race, Cintamani stones are connected to Sirius, Tibetan Tektites are connected to Andromeda or Aldebaran or sometimes even other star races, Moldevites are connected to Pleiades, Libyan Desert stones are connected to Rigel. Cobra asserted that Lightworkers need to connect with these races. Cobra brought up the concept of ‘Tektite insertion points’. This means that tektites are anchoring the energies of other star systems onto the surface of the planet. Races from these star systems are now entering our solar system.

The Light Forces will incrementally activate the tektites. The stones will get more powerful in the coming months (they already have gotten more powerful in the last few months). Tektites anchor the energies from the higher dimensions onto the surface of the planet. They help to dissolve the quarantine status of the planet. They also serve as anchor points for the Light Forces to navigate the subquantum field, and can help motherships of the Light Forces to land.

The Mjolnir/Hammer of Thor technology is akin to a strong quantum cannon. It emits a strong Directed Energy field which is effective in transmuting quantum and subquantum anomaly. In this regard, The Light Forces use tektites to transmute quantum and subquantum anomaly as well. Galactic Cintamani stones are super useful in transmuting primary anomaly and quantum anomaly.

Further Updates

The Pleiadians went through a transformation last year. The Pleiadians were quite involved in the Galactic War. They have been traumatized, and some of them have simply seen too much (for instance, they saw too much while rescuing children). The Pleiadians will now return in a more focused way. Their presence will be more individualized or in small groups. Projects that the Pleiadians are working with are: Planetary Network of Light, Tachyon chambers, Cintamani stone planters, those who embody/work with Goddess energy, and healers from the surface population.

Lightworkers are not ready for the whole Pleiadian message. Both sides (Pleiadians and surface humans) have been traumatized and need to regain each other’s trust. The Pleiadian Delta Forces have a presence underground and also on the surface of the planet. They are carrying out secret missions and are involved with the Event process.

The Andromedan and Aldebaran Special Forces are present on bases on the moon. They are currently being transferred to under the surface of the Earth. The surface of the Earth will join the underground Kingdom of Light. Cobra told us to be aware for lights and to look at the sky. End of day 1.

Author's experience after Day 1

I was guided to find a spot to look at the sky, and eventually went to Piestewa Peak. I sat in the parking lot holding my tektites and with my cellphone turned off. I saw 3 spaceships (first time in this life!). This picture from Cobra’s blog is definitely a good depiction of how I felt (and is also a good depiction of how the spaceships showed themselves to me; just replace the stone with a spaceship):

All 3 ships that I saw were moving very fast in the sky (i.e. they were not stationary). They phased in and out of visibility one at a time within a 10 minute window, with a gap of 2-3 minutes between sightings. They were all visible for 3-4 seconds each. The first two sightings were of bright white color ships moving across the sky in a straight line. The third sighting was of a light yellow color ship moving across the sky in a curved ‘J’ shape.


  1. merci beaucoup, Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa

    1. Bonjour Sandrine! Lisez mon article sur Neptune au point médian d'Uranus et de Pluton:


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