Thursday, March 20, 2025

Webinar recording from March 19, 2025 (updated link)

It was such a beautiful webinar which went better than expected. Thanks to all of you who joined!

We mainly went through my notes from the 2024 Phoenix conference.

You can access the recording here:

Victory of the Light!

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Webinar on March 19 at 5 pm EDT (9 pm UTC)

We will have a webinar on March 19 at 5 pm EDT (9 pm UTC).

It will mainly be Q&As and explaining the 2024 & 2025 Phoenix conference notes. I would love for people from USA and the Americas to attend, so the time has been chosen for them.

If you want to sign up, email me at and I will send you the Google Meet link. It will be recorded for those who cannot make it.

There can be subsequent webinars depending on the response.

Victory of the Light!

PS: You can check out the recording of the previous webinar which explained 2025 & 2026's astrology:

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Parts 2 & 3 of Portal of Preparedness, Portal 12:21, and upcoming webinar (updated March 25, 2025)

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are my own and are based on my understanding as well as astrological research. It is not certain for anything to happen on any date written below. Speculating what will happen on a given day is not the point of this post or this blog. The point of this post/blog is to simply analyze energy dynamics. Please do not ask me when the Event will happen. It is in fact an impossible question for anyone to answer, since humanity's free will shapes when the Event will happen. Please cultivate your own inner guidance.

Updates on March 11:

Add some new and relevant information. 

Search for terms like: Mirzam, Shapley Attractor, Great Attractor, AN stargate, Dubhe, 2012 VP113, Ending the Cycle, Blue Lodge of Sirius, Chariklo, Dipole Repeller, Neptune sextile Pluto, Sumatra, Haumea, Kali Yuga, asteroid Isis, 2002 AW197, Jupiter Command, Event window, Cosmic turning point, Metatron, AntariOn, Rigel, Andromedan dark forces, cycles converging, positive militaries, pan American dragon leyline, Thuban, Barbault basket.

Added on March 12: UFC, Mantak Chia, Saint Germain

Update March 13: I have now understood that 7/7/2025 is the anchoring of Octave Seven. We are all one permanent atom in Octave seven. More on this soon.

Added on March 18: Vulcanus

 Added on March 25: out of bounds

Massive credit goes to The Portal and Philip Sedgwick for information.



This is a very long post. It contains everything I know about astrology until August 21, 2025. I ended up almost writing a book chapter. The astrology of 2025 warrants a book to be written on it. This year will go down in history as one of the best astrological years in 26,000 years. It might even be *the* best year for astrology.

If you read this post before March 7 you might want to give it another look. I have added a lot of information. The core thesis has not changed though. Most people might just be interested in section #7.

Here are the sections in this post:

0. Preface

1. War between Russia and Ukraine

2. Upcoming webinar and advice on critical thinking

3. Portal of Preparedness parts 2 & 3

4. Astrology from March to June 2025, workshops in April

5. Event Window

6. Astrology of July 2025

7. Event prediction & the United States’ role. (Also contains Master key for manifestation)

8. Portal 12:21 & Astrology of August 2025

9. Gamma timeline

10. Conclusion

0. Preface

We are approaching the convergence point of many cycles which is expected to erase darkness from this universe. This convergence point is expected to occur in 2025.”

“All those aspects will be so powerful that nothing and nobody will be able to resist them, and the planet and the whole Solar system will go through a transformation.”

“In the first half of next year, things on the surface might appear as business as usual; however, the second half of the year will be incredibly exciting and dynamic. It will showcase phenomena we’ve never seen before.”

1. War between Russia and Ukraine

At the outset, we need to keep praying for peace between Russia and NATO:

This war will be especially highlighted when Saturn and Neptune conjunct from May 25 onwards. We will discuss this in section #4. For now we need to keep praying for peace. 

Below is what the Black Nobility is trying to achieve: 

Black Nobility families and Jesuits believe in the Armageddon end time prophecies of a war in the Middle East that would expand into the third world war between Israel and Iran, and between Russia / China and NATO.” (Source)

They are trying to use the Event flash (Galactic Central Sun pulse) for malevolent purposes. Needless to say, their project will completely fail:

“Black Nobility families and Jesuits know about the coming Galactic pulse and are worshiping the Galactic central Sun as the Black Sun:

They would like to trigger the Galactic pulse as part of their End Time prophecies with nuclear war “ordo ab chao” ekpyrosis:

On the Russian side, one of their main agents is Patriarch Kirill. He was a KGB agent under codename Mikhailov, where he fell under the Jesuit influence.”

You can read more about Plan Z here:

It’s also worth noting the below information:

“Black Nobility families are using Knights of Malta as the core organization which is the hidden hand behind the military conflicts:” (Source)

2. Upcoming webinar and advice on critical thinking

I will host either a webinar or I will record many videos (at least 12 hours). I’m working on preparing slides for the same. Let me know if any of you are interested in Q&As and I can organize a Google Meet even for that. Most likely we can start with Q&As this Saturday or Sunday, if there is interest.

I wanted to use this opportunity to tell everyone to please learn to think critically with your own brain. 95% of what you believe is false. From 2024 Phoenix conference notes:

“There are many layers of programming. Firstly, we were given implants during the times of Atlantis. Secondly, the Archons gave us astral, etheric & physical implants. Thirdly, we are subject to various mind programming from the areas of business, school, finance, etc. 

The US is the country with the strongest mind programming. The reason for this is because it has the greatest potential. We thus have to use our own creativity, logic, cognizance, and intuition. We need to dump information that makes no sense. 95% of intel is bullshit and info dumping is a tactic used by the dark forces. We need to develop inner discernment by using our common sense + intuition. True intel is very limited on this planet.”

The alternative media and spiritual websites are also run by implanted people. It is an unfortunate reality that we have to confront:

“Here it is good to know that every intel source on the surface of the planet has been implanted and/or mind controlled since 1996 and therefore can not have a complete overview of the situation. More they have worked on themselves and cleared their past programming, more reliable their intel is. Many of those intel sources are well meaning people and instead of arguing over who is right and who is wrong, we all together can create a clearer picture of what is really going on:” (Source)

True channeling is very rare. Not trying to hate on channelers, but I’d say most intel about the Ascension Plan is off-limits to them. Solara is a great source of information. A lot of her knowledge is from before 1996. These days most channelers are simply repeating their own mental forms/subconscious thoughts etc. Most channeled information is recycled. We have been hearing the same things since decades. I certainly would not count on them for tactical intel like the latest Ascension Plan (even though they might be well intentioned). 

We are living in a False Vacuum here on the surface of the Earth. This means that we are not truly aware of what is going on in the rest of the Universe. We are certainly not receiving direct information about the Ascension Plan here on the surface:

With the speed of light as the maximal possible speed of information transmission the picture of the universe that beings receive is inevitably distorted. Therefore people on Earth cannot easily get a clear picture about what is really going on in this universe. 

Between tachyonic and photonic universe the Ascended masters have set a tachyonic membrane which transmits subtle signals from liberated universe into photonic form that human eyes and scientific instruments can perceive.”

Even I do not receive any physical Intel from off-world sources. I am simply making educated guesses. I am implanted just like everybody else on the surface. I am working on it and am trying my best to get spiritual insights. We should all be trying to really understand Portal 12:21. It will definitely help us a lot with our Ascension.

Thus, the key is for you to learn to think with your own brain:

“Here I would like to communicate that I release intel to empower people to think with their own head and expand their horizons, not to create followers. I release intel about the Event not to make people passively wait, but to participate in the creation of the Event actively in whatever way they feel guided. Even on the highest level, intel is highly compartmentalized and on a need to know basis, so I do not know everything and my understanding of the deepest layers of the rabbit hole evolves with time when new intel comes in. Still, my intel sources are very reliable and are not subject to personality distortions, subjectivity and mind programming that the surface intel sources exhibit.” (Source)

Psychological denial is one of the biggest problems among surface humans. People refuse to acknowledge the extent of darkness and suffering. I suspect denial has to do with implants. That’s why people keep listening to recycled feel-good channelings. Denial of problems leads to blockages in sexual energy. We need to smarten up and face reality. Pluto’s transit in Aquarius is ruthless in destroying falsehoods. Discernment will help you differentiate the true from the false:

“The key to true discernment is to:  
1. Acknowledge your fear and other suppressed emotions and transform them. There are many ways, approaches, healing modalities and techniques to transform emotions:  
2. Educate yourself in basics of science, art and all other areas of human knowledge so that your mind can not be distracted with total nonsense many times appearing in alternative media (Nibiru crashing into Earth anyone?)  
3. Meditate or find any other way to connect with your higher self  
4. Free yourself from the bias and nonsense of the alternative media as you have freed yourself from the bias and nonsense of the mainstream media, and think with your own head.” (Source)

In my opinion one of the best ways to get mental clarity is to read reliable off-world intel. You can its PDFs of The Portal in point #3 of my Spiritual Resources post. Due to their importance, I am re-sharing their links below:

3. Portal of Preparedness parts 2 & 3

Here are parts 2 & 3 of the Portal of Preparedness, as per my latest understanding. These parts are likely connected to the Aldebaran Plan.

Part 2:

On February 22, Pluto made an exact geocentric T-square with Shapley Attractor & Dipole Repeller. This configuration is repeated in July and December. I will talk about it later in this post.

Saturn has returned to the exact position where it was on January 11, 1996 (archon invasion). This occurred on February 25, 2025. Curiously, Mercury was conjunct Saturn on that day.

Part 3:

It is interesting how another astrologer has discovered the same time period (March 29 to May 18). He has emphasized the need for common sense during this time period:

4. Astrology from March to June 2025, workshops in April

You can refer to my post with important astrological dates in 2025.

Pluto entered Aquarius for good on November 19, 2024. It will transit Aquarius until March 2043. Aquarius is an air sign. Its meaning is that we have to be ready for changes. We need to be able to adapt quickly to anything. Time is running out.

Pluto transiting Aquarius brings the energy of Disclosure, Exposure, & First Contact. The quarantine status of this planet is no longer possible with Pluto in Aquarius. It brings revolutionary transformation in areas of space travel, finance, healthcare, free energy, government, nanotechnology, etc. It propels us into Oneness by ending the 26,000 year holding pattern of the quarantine of Earth. Pluto’s moon Charon is the main relay station for Cosmic Love from M87 Galaxy. It is the relay station for the Event flash. Thus, Pluto in Aquarius will liberate humanity.

One astrologer is talking about free energy. This is the energy of Pluto in Aquarius:

Now let’s talk about the astrology of March. From Kyoto conference:

The first part of this year, especially February and March, will be a critical period. When we go through the period, it will be getting little bit easier. Common sense will be the key for February and March.”

On March 4 we had an exact heliocentric conjunction of Jupiter with AN stargate in Orion (Al Nilam). Coincidentally, we invoked Metatron in our Sisterhood of the Rose meeting. Pluto made an exact square with Haumea as well.

We can see that Orion looks like an Antarion conversion stargate. It looks like the double conversion vortex of Portal 12:21 (mentioned in section #8). Al Nilam is at the centre of Orion’s Belt. Al Nilam is called the AN stargate. The 3 stars in the belt of Orion are called EL AN RA. Metatron is residing in Orion and is in charge of the AN stargate. He is in charge of the gate between duality and Oneness. He will play a key role this year.

AntariOn refers to:

On = our starry family on the ships.
An = we starseeds on Earth.

AntariOn is thus a codeword for merger of people from heaven (On) and Earth (An). AntariOn also means the end of black magical wars among the heavens (Rigel) and Earth.

AntariOn is intimately connected to AN stargate in Orion’s Belt. The upper part of Orion = Light (Betelguese) and lower part = darkness (Rigel). The middle belt (Al Nilam) is the boundary which leads to transmutation of darkness. Planet Earth is connected with the constellation of Orion, because in the Atlantean times it was under strong influence of the Dark Lords and represents a zone for the experiment of duality. In short, Orion, Metatron, Rigel, etc. are going to be important in 2025.

You can watch this video about the March 13-14 Lunar Eclipse. Note that March 13 is a Portal day (313 Portal). On March 13 we have an exact heliocentric trine of Jupiter with Arcturus.

Saturn is heliocentrically square Capella on March 15. Capella was a stronghold of the dark forces. It has been liberated now.

On March 18 we have an exact heliocentric sextile of Jupiter with Eris. This will bring Goddess energy to our solar system.

On March 19 we have Jupiter exactly opposite the Great Attractor.

We have the Spring Equinox on March 20, 2025. Sun enters Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. This is the astrological new year. As has been pointed out, in March the Sun conjuncts Mercury, Venus, Lunar Node, Saturn, Neptune. This stellium signifies a powerful transition between the outdated patterns of the old society into a new spiritual cycle. It’s worth noting that the Kali Yuga ends on March 21, 2025.

We have a geocentric Yod (Finger of God) among the outermost planets of Sedna, Neptune & Haumea. It will be active from March to September. Uranus & Alcyone will add to this Yod by conjuncting with Sedna (discussed in section #6). 

Haumea entered Scorpio in October 2023. Its entry into Scorpio prompted spirituality to become deeper. The last time it changed its sign was in 1994.

The yod looks like this:

Ephemeris lines of Sedna, Neptune & Haumea are shown below. We can see them converging from end of March to September:

Key dates for this configuration are:
  • Haumea conjunct Shapley Attractor on March 23, 2025. This will supercharge its yod with Sedna and Neptune. 
  • Neptune sextile Sedna on April 11, 2025
  • Neptune quincunx Haumea on May 19, 2025
  • Sedna quincunx Haumea on June 13, 2025
  • Neptune sextile Sedna on August 11, 2025
  • Neptune quincunx Haumea on August 28, 2025
  • Sedna quincunx Haumea on September 18, 2025

Another configuration worth mentioning is the heliocentric conjunction of Venus and Earth on March 22, 2025. It occurs at 2 degrees 38 minutes Libra. That is almost the position of center of M87 Galaxy (2 degrees 14 minutes Libra). Mercury joins this configuration on March 24, making it a triple conjunction. These aspects will bring much needed Cosmic Love to Earth. They will balance out the influence of Saturn’s rings being edge-on on March 23rd. They will help clear a lot of anomaly on the surface of Earth.

It's worth mentioning that Pluto makes an exact opposition with Vulcanus on March 23. The explanation of this aspect is shown below:

You can read the below post about the strong etheric leyline grid activation on March 29 (Solar eclipse):

Observe the powerful grand trine and minor grand trine of March 29:

On March 29 we have an exact Yod among Jupiter, Vega and Dubhe. You might remember that Goddess DouMu is from Dubhe. This configuration will bring powerful Light codes to Earth.

On March 29 asteroid Isis conjuncts Eris heliocentrically. It will bring Isis energy to our solar system during the solar eclipse.

On March 30 Neptune will enter Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. We will begin a new 164-year Neptune cycle. It will be the start of a new spiritual cycle.

You can watch this video to get some more insights into the astrology of March 2025:

The Portal blog will talk about the activations in April and May. The activations will happen in quick succession. Below is what I’ve come across.

It’s worth highlighting the 4:4 Portal. Sedna conjuncts Alcyone on April 3rd. This only happens once every 20,000 years. It will be a very strong activation. You might remember that April 3, 2024 was the first time Light was able to be anchored on the physical plane since 1996. This had taken place in Sedona. We might see a repeat of this.

From Kyoto conference:

“But the most important event is conjunction between Sedna and Alcyone, the main star of Pleiades on December 21 last year. This was a moment of huge breakthrough which I will speak about later. And this will be repeated in beginning of April and August.” (Source)

“There will be another important breakthrough moment between end of March and beginning of April this year.”

We know that Metatron is working closely with Sedona. He will surely be involved with the Sedna-Alcyone conjunction of April 3. It will allow him to transmute a large amount of darkness from the surface of Earth.

Alcyone is our Local Logos’ central sun. Our solar system is located in the Local Logos which has Alcyone at its center. Our sun makes one revolution around Alcyone every 25,800 years. All darkness was concentrated to within our Local Logos. This was because our Local Logos was relatively undeveloped. It was not able to be shielded from darkness, compared to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. 

Sedna’s orbital period of 12,000 years is symbolic of one half of the Galactic Superwave’s 26,000 year cycle. Hence, Sedna conjunct Alcyone represents the end of 26,000 years of darkness for our Local Logos. It means the end of darkness for our solar system and the Universe. Even if the Event happens in early July (as I speculate later), that’s just 3 months after Sedna conjuncts Alcyone. That is a very short time span when considered cosmically. We will look back at April 3, 2025 as the day when quarantine really ended.

The 4:4 Portal will not immediately trigger the Event as I previously thought. But it will help tremendously by injecting even more energy into the quarantine. The energy it brings will eventually culminate in the Event.

On April 8, 2025 we have Neptune sextile Alcyone. We also have Jupiter conjunct Rigel. You might remember that Rigel was the main stronghold of the dark forces. The planet with maximum suffering used to be near Rigel until Earth took its place in 1996. This will signal the downfall of Rigelian dark forces on Earth.

On April 9 we have an exact heliocentric semisextile of Jupiter with Uranus.

On April 11, 2025 we have Neptune sextile Sedna. On April 12, 2025 we have Jupiter heliocentrically opposite the Galactic Central Sun. Thus, the period until April 12, 2025 will contain many powerful energetic events.

It’s worth talking about the trans-Neptunian object named 2012 VP113. It looks like a pink egg. It is the transmitter of Cosmic Goddess Energy into our solar system. 

2012 VP113 has an orbital period of over 4,000 years. It has been dubbed “the second Sedna”. It is currently located at around 26 degrees Taurus. It stationed direct on February 7, 2025. You might remember February 6 was the day of a flash from M87 galaxy. Uranus made an exact heliocentric conjunction with 2012 VP113 on February 24, 2025. That was almost exactly the turning point of part 2 of the Portal of Preparedness. 

Jupiter makes an exact semisextile with 2012 VP113 on April 4, 2025 at 5:55:55 am EST. That is the day of the 4:4 PortalSaturn makes an exact sextile with 2012 VP113 on April 14, 2025. 

After the quantum leaps between March 29 and early April, more information about Portal 2025 will be released. Starting with the workshop in Bogota on April 13:

And NYC workshop on April 19th:

I would like to ask everybody to join us for the NYC workshop. Your presence at the workshop will help the Light Forces recapture the NYC vortex. Once NYC is taken, the financial system can be reset. NYC is also the vortex for official First Contact at the UN headquarters in Turtle Bay. Hence, once enough anomaly is cleared, NYC will be used to trigger the financial reset and First Contact. In other words, NYC is the vortex for the Event.

The second half of the NYC workshop will talk about the pan American dragon ley line. This connects the workshop to the Event. The following passages from last year’s dragon workshops are quite relevant:

“Positive beings from Andromeda galaxy have built many bases beneath the Tibet dragon leyline (VOTL 628: also below the Pan American dragon leyline). When surface dragon leylines are being activated, the divine masculine energy from Andromeda galaxy will enter the surface world through the Tibet dragon leyline (VOTL 628: also Pan American dragon leyline).

The most important part of the dragon leyline activation operation is the Event. Positive militaries and star races will participate in the mass arrest. Many dragon groups will be involved in this process. There are many dragon groups around the world now. Every Chinatown in the United States might have a dragon group. Many dragon groups are working behind Kung Fu schools and martial arts groups. Triads and Hongmen societies also include dragon groups. When the Event happens, they will receive the signal for action.”

It’s worth noting that Pluto will make an exact heliocentric conjunction with Altair on the day of the NYC workshop. Altair used to be a stronghold of the dark forces. This symbolizes the downfall of the dark forces in our solar system. The dark forces will finally lose control of the NYC vortex. Hence, they will lose control of the physical plane of the surface of the Earth.

NYC will be one of the main emergence points onto the surface for the Resistance Movement. From 1975-1999, the Resistance Movement’s headquarters were 1000 feet below the NYC subway system. The Resistance movement will emerge onto the surface when enough darkness is cleared. That will be the moment of the Event. The activation on March 29th will take the NYC vortex to the next level. From March 29th onwards the New Renaissance will make its presence felt in NYC.

On April 21 Pluto makes an exact heliocentric square with Haumea. And Saturn conjuncts Lunar Node. 

On April 22 Earth makes an exact heliocentric conjunction with Shapley Attractor. You can watch this video to learn more about Shapley Attractor. I talk about it in more detail in section #8.

Also on April 22 Venus makes an exact heliocentric conjunction with Juno. And Pallas enters Aquarius (heliocentrically).

On April 24 Saturn squares Galactic Center.

On April 27 Jupiter makes an heliocentric exact trine with Izar (Epsilon Bootes). This star used to be a stronghold of the dark forces. Now it has been recaptured. This will bring healing to the timeline of 1996 invasion. 

Uranus makes an exact conjunction with 2012 VP113 on April 29, 2025. This conjunction will powerfully release pent up Goddess energies.

Now let’s talk about May. The month of May is a huge Portal. Pluto stations retrograde on May 4th at 3 degrees 49 minutes Aquarius. On the same day, Jupiter makes an exact conjunction with the star Capella. Capella used to be a stronghold of the dark forces. Also, Jupiter trines Chariklo. Heliocentrically, Pluto conjuncts Pallas. Earth conjuncts Vesta. Saturn squares AN stargate (Al Nilam). Jupiter conjuncts Betelgeuse. These aspects will result in an outpouring of Goddess Light on the 5:5 Portal (May 4th-5th).

Shortly after, there is a Cosmic Love activation of our solar system. An exact heliocentric grand trine of Pluto, M87 Galaxy, Sedna & Alcyone occurs on May 12, 2025 (Wesak Full Moon):

On the same day, Jupiter conjuncts AN stargate in Orion (Al Nilam). This will bring the white Light of transmutation to Earth via AN stargate and Jupiter. Chiron makes an opposition with Arcturus. Chariklo’s square with 2012 VP113 stations separating. These configurations will clear a lot of darkness in our solar system. 

So, on May 12 Metatron will most probably activate planet Earth and sublunar space into an Ascension Portal connected to the Galactic Center.

On May 15 Jupiter makes an exact heliocentric square with Neptune. Jupiter enters cancer on the same day (heliocentrically). Sun makes an exact conjunction with 2012 VP113 on May 16, 2025.

May 18th is the turning point of part 3 of the Portal of Preparedness. You can refer to its astrology in section #3.

May 25th is a huge timeline day. This year it will be made even stronger due to the numerology of 5/25/2025. May 25th will be a milestone signaling that we’re almost at the end of the 50-year process of planetary liberation. We will finally approach the end of 7 million years of darkness caused by implantation. 

“A very strong timeline runs through the date of May 25th. On May 25th, 1975 the whole 50 year process of the planetary liberation has started. On May 25th, 2010 a special portal called Mission Blue Shield was activated and it marked the beginning of the downfall of the Archons. And now on May 25th, 2013, we will open the Portal. The purpose of the Portal is to liberate humanity from the grip of the negative energy grid that was enslaving humanity since late Atlantis.” (Source)

Star Wars was released on the May 25th timeline day in 1977. That was just 2 years after the 50-year cycle of planetary liberation began (May 25, 1975). It was introduced by the Light Forces. It brought the reality of the Galactic Wars to humanity’s awareness.

The Orsini family will lose power again on May 25th. I would dub this “Mission Blue Shield 4” (parts 1-3 are done). They will not be able to stop the reactivation of the vortex of Antarion conversion for this planet. I will not name that vortex. A hint is here:

Around May 25, 2025 we have:
  • Neptune enters Aries on May 23 (heliocentric). This is the beginning of a new 164-year Neptune cycle for our solar system. The last time Neptune entered Aries was in 1861. The next time will be in 2189.
  • Saturn enters Aries on May 25. It forms a conjunction with Neptune and Ceres, both in Aries. This is the beginning of a new 29-year Saturn cycle. I will talk more about the Saturn-Neptune conjunction in section #6 of this post.
This is tied to the following hint given in an article in the latest update:
Will Saturn in Aries be a hard reset, or a shared universe collapsing into an infinity of solo galaxies?” (Source)

Saturn-Neptune conjunction is connected to the war between Russia and Ukraine:
“It’s pretty well-established in the astrological lore that the Saturn/Neptune cycle is relevant to the history of communism, and to major turning points in Russian history. Given where things stand in the world right now, this will probably have implications for the war in Ukraine.

In wartime, Saturn/Neptune alignments often coincide with the later stages of a war when a collective sense of physical and spiritual exhaustion, disillusionment, and low morale — often on both sides — is dominant”. 

Might the Saturn-Neptune conjunction bring an end to the war between Russia and Ukraine? Donald Trump is already quite disillusioned with Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He is in secret talks with Ukrainian opposition leaders.

The below video talks about Saturn-Neptune conjunction’s connection with Russia. You can watch it at around 15 minute mark:

  • Chiron conjunct Eris on May 27
  • Jupiter opposite Galactic Central Sun on May 28. This will help Light from the Galactic Centre to reach us.
  • Vesta conjunct Black moon (Lilith) on May 26. This conjunction occurs at 6 degrees 47 minutes of Scorpio. That is almost exactly the position of Vesta on the day of the Archon invasion in 1996. Vesta was at 6 degrees 41 minutes Scorpio on January 11, 1996.
  • Mercury conjunct Uranus on May 24
  • Sun will be in the middle of conjunctions with Alcyone (May 20) and Aldebaran (May 31)
  • Sun conjunct Sedna on May 21
  • Sun sextile Neptune on May 22 
  • Sun trine Pluto on May 24
  • Neptune conjunct Ceres on May 21
  • Jupiter enters Cancer on May 15 (heliocentric)
  • Sun conjunct Uranus on May 17
  • Sun and Mercury conjunct at 9 degrees 1 minute Gemini on May 30. That is almost exactly the position of Uranus in the US natal chart (Uranus at 8 degrees 55 minutes Gemini).
  • Jupiter heliocentrically sextile Mirach (Beta Andromedae) on May 24.
  • Jupiter heliocentrically semisextile Sedna on May 27.
  • Chariklo stations retrograde on May 25. It makes an exact trine with Capella.
  • Haumea heliocentrically semisextile M87 Galaxy on May 22
  • Jupiter sextile Eris and Chiron from May 18-20
  • Neptune quincunx Haumea on May 19

On June 5 it will be the anniversary of the fall of Atlantis in 9564 BCE. There will be a heliocentric six pointed star. On the same day, Jupiter conjuncts Betelgeuse. And Earth makes an exact heliocentric conjunction with Great Attractor. Pluto makes an exact opposition with Vulcanus. We will activate the template of the New Atlantis on that day:

Jupiter enters cancer on June 9, 2025.

On June 10 Saturn makes an exact heliocentric semisextile with Eris. This means Goddess energy will heal darkness in our solar system.

On June 12 Jupiter makes an exact heliocentric quincunx with Pluto. It occurs at 2 degrees 23 minutes in their respective signs. On the same day, it makes an exact heliocentric square with M87 Galaxy. And an exact heliocentric semisextile with Eris. On June 16 Jupiter makes an exact heliocentric trine with Shapley Attractor. These will force our solar system to let go of its outdated patterns. In other words, they will push our solar system to exit the quarantine.

We can see the ephemeris lines of Jupiter, Saturn and Sedna intersecting in mid June. On June 13 Sedna quincunx’s Haumea. On June 14 Saturn makes an exact sextile with Sedna and exact quincunx with Haumea. On June 15 Jupiter squares Saturn and Mars squares Uranus. On the same day, Jupiter trines Haumea.

On June 19 Jupiter forms an exact T-square with Neptune and M87 Galaxy. Jupiter is almost exactly at the position of the Kuiper Belt object named Chaos. Jupiter is also almost exactly trine Shapley Attractor. This shows a spiritual purification of primary anomaly. It will be healed with Jupiter’s Galactic Love, deeply connected with Sirius & Isis.

This is similar to the T-square among Jupiter, Saturn and Great Attractor on December 21, 2024.

I found this Yod configuration on June 24, 2025. It shows a Yod among Sun conjunct Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto.

The above moments will be Quantum leaps which will bring a lot of divine masculine and feminine energy. They will bring us much closer to the final victory.

5. Event Window

Now let’s talk about Event dynamics. As a caveat, my primary purpose is not to predict when the Event will happen. I am simply analyzing energy. So, the below narrative is just my educated guess. The energy analysis should still be completely sound. Even if the Event somehow doesn’t happen by July 7, 2025, we can still look forward to Portal 12:21’s opening in August.

1975 had a mini archon invasion (like January 11, 1996). That’s why the Planetary Liberation window was opened by Source in 1975. It is a Cosmic window which is only open from May 25, 1975 to July 7, 2025:

In 1968, which is one sixteenth of half-millennial cycle before the turning point, a spiritual awakening happened in the shape of hippie movement and the sexual revolution. This was the peak period of American space program, which is the greatest publicly known achievement of Earthlings in the area of space exploration. As a reaction of the dark side a stroke of Andromedan dark forces happened in 1975 which caused a downfall of the hippie movement and almost destroyed the space program. Other consequences of this stroke were not publicly seen, although they were even more painful. Through the intervention of the Absolute on 25th May 1975 a cosmic doorway opened on Earth, which began to transform darkness of this planet.”

The Light Forces always planned to trigger the Event between May 25, 1975 and July 7, 2025:

The Ascension window has opened on this planet on May 25th, 1975, had its turning point on August 11th, 1999 and will close on July 7th, 2025. It was always the plan of the Light forces to clear the primary anomaly of darkness and to trigger the Event within this time window, and that plan did not change.” 

This is due to the 50-year Sirius pulse cycle:

A Sirius pulse in 1975 has opened the Ascension window and a Sirius pulse in 2025 will close it.”

I am aware that the Ascension Window will remain permanently open:

“Most importantly, the Light forces have communicated that the Ascension window of 1975-2025 will NOT close in 2025, but will remain PERMANENTLY OPEN. This means that energies will keep increasing and since 2025, the Ascension energies will forever permanently flow from the Galactic Central Sun through our Solar System towards the planetary surface.”

Ascension energies will permanently flow from the Galactic Center to Earth from July 7, 2025 onwards. The permanent flow of energy will enable the three Ascension waves before humanity’s evacuation near 2032. However, that doesn’t change the Event window (planetary liberation window). The Event window is linked to the 50-year Sirius cycle. Thus, the Event window remains from May 25, 1975 to July 7, 2025:

Another factor supporting the Event window is the solstice sun being perfectly aligned with the Galactic Equator for only some more time:

This time window has its basis in the scientific fact that solstice Sun is completely aligned with the Galactic equator within the 1975-2021 timeframe, and this alignment is perfect within the 1980-2016 timeframe.

Actually, the precessional cycle is perfectly entrained with the pulse of the Galactic heart, which sends a Galactic superwave into the spiral arms of the Galaxy every 26,000 years. So each solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs right at the time of the Galactic superwave”.

Therefore, we can expect the Galactic Pulse to occur in 2025. This is not to be confused with the Galactic Superwave / Solar Flash, which will be delayed to the next solar maximum i.e. 2037. 

Here is another quote about the 50-year cycle:

“The year 2025 marks the completion of a 50 year cycle that started in 1975 and it represents a dimensional doorway through which the absolute will transform all darkness of the universe and will help Earth in its transition into the fifth dimension. This is the most intensive period in our whole incarnational cycle and let's do our best since opportunity like this one only occurs once in millions of years.”

6. Astrology of July 2025

To further explain why July 7, 2025 is a hard deadline we can look closer at the astrology of that date. Coincidentally, the “Fall of the Chimera” article was posted on July 7 in 2014. 

Actually this deadline is something that is completely obvious to any off-worlder involved with Earth’s liberation. They would know this like we know 2+2 equals 4. The galactics (aliens) have always been working with the deadline of liberating Earth by July 7, 2025. This is mainly because the 4 outermost planets will be in their new signs between July 7 and September 1. We will discuss it in this section.

First, I’m expecting the 50-year Sirius pulse to occur between July 4-7, 2025. This is because Sun conjuncts Sirius A (located in Canis Major) on July 6. 

Additionally, Jupiter conjuncts Mirzam (Beta Canis Majoris) on July 12, 2025. This conjunction will be within 2 degree orb from July 4-7. You might remember that Jupiter is the midway station between our solar system and the Galactic Central Sun, via Sirius. Venus is exactly quincunx Jupiter and Mirzam on July 10, 2025.

Sirius A & B are at their maximum separation in 2025. A Sirius pulse always happens every 50 years when Sirius A & B are at maximum separation. A Sirius pulse will close the Event window in 2025 just like it opened the Event window in 1975. (Notice how I said Event window, not Ascension window.)

We have been told that there’s a connection between Sirius (“SI” or “21”) and Isis (“IS” or 12). Isis and Sirius together represent 12:21 (IS:SI). Thus, the Event (Sirius pulse) is connected to Portal 12:21 via the Code 12:21. 

By speaking the Great Invocation we align ourselves with the world of Ascended Masters. We align ourselves with the Blue Lodge of Sirius & Brotherhood of the Star (Og-min):

“Jupiter command arranged its Star Bases around the twelve important Jupiter moons and so created a twelve fold Star which serves as an intermediary between the Blue Lodge of Sirius and Earth.”

The Sirius pulse will bring Isis energy. It will bring the Return of the Goddess. This energy is the trigger for the Event and is connected to Code 12:21. We will see later why the Event can happen closer to July/August. In short, the Event can only happen just before the big 12:21 Portal opens. After Portal 12:21 opens, it will permanently anchor Isis energy on the surface of Earth.

It’s worth mentioning the Esterházy (Astara-Házy) family from Hungary:

Here it is interesting to note that the original positive Vril Society was financed by the Esterhazy family, which is a positive White Nobility Templar family from Hungary that claims its origin from the Sirius star system.” (Source)

Secondly, the 4 outermost planets will have entered their new signs on July 7, 2025. They will remain in their new signs until September 1, 2025. On that day Saturn exits Aries. On the same day, Sedna stations retrograde.

Here I will focus mainly on the outermost 3 planets. Pluto entered Aquarius on November 19, 2024. Neptune enters Aries on March 30, 2025. Uranus enters Gemini on July 7, 2025. This leads to a very explosive energy. From Taiwan workshop:

“Uranus will enter Gemini next July. When Uranus enters Gemini, it will inspire humanity and bring a surge of creativity. Uranus will create an explosive energy. This is a very potent process, but I cannot disclose too much information yet.”

On July 7 we have a very powerful heliocentric Barbault basket. It is made by all 4 outer planets plus Sedna, Mercury, Venus, Ceres, Vesta, Juno. It will close the Event window.

Geocentrically, on July 7 the three outer planets form a minor grand trine. Neptune (conjunct Saturn) will be at the apex of this configuration. They will be at the midpoint of Uranus & Pluto, at approximately 2 degrees Aries. Aries, being the first sign of the zodiac, signals new beginnings. This shows that the minor grand trine will be extremely powerful. This configuration is active in July & August.

The above minor grand trine & Barbault basket will completely change the scalar energy field in our solar system & around Earth. We have never seen such an energy pattern. This is the energy of the New Renaissance. That’s why the below chart has been called the most important information which has been kept hidden from us (Source). It shows the geocentric ephemeris of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Notice how all 3 lines meet in July-August 2025.

On July 4, 2025 Neptune stations retrograde at 2 degrees 10 minutes Aries. Neptune will be almost exactly opposite M87 Galaxy (2 degrees 14 minutes Libra). This will allow the Event flash to travel to Earth via M87 Galaxy and the outer planets.

In July & August Neptune will be at the midpoint of Uranus and Pluto. Neptune at midpoint of Uranus & Pluto opens the door to Antarion conversion (more on this in section #8). The last time Neptune was at midpoint of Uranus & Pluto was in 1504. This triggered the European Renaissance. However, the 3 outer planets did not form a minor grand trine (or any other configuration) back in 1504. This year’s Neptune at midpoint configuration will thus be much more powerful than 1504.

Uranus’ sign changes have rich historical context. They were correlated with many important events in the past 30 years. Uranus entered Aquarius on Jan 12, 1996. You might remember that as the day of the archon invasion (January 11, 1996). Uranus entered Pisces on December 30, 2003. That is very close to the harmonic concordance of November 8, 2003. It marked the end of the 7-year period of absolute darkness (1996-2003). 

Uranus entered Aries on May 27, 2010. That was almost exactly the day of Mission Blue Shield (May 25, 2010). On that day the Orsini family lost most of their underground Vatican gold. 

Uranus entered Taurus on May 15, 2018. Just a few days prior (March 9, 2018), Entry Protocols to the Resistance were published. Uranus then retrograded into Aries. It finally entered Taurus on March 6, 2019. 1 day before, we had the post “Whatever It Takes”. Notice that its tag is “LSIP BNF ANNABELLA.exe”. We can still see this ANNABELLA message in the footer of The Portal. Just a day prior, The Portal’s footer had “OS: VTXC.LSIP” and “RPS: 12:21/XORTSMODE”.  This shows us that Uranus’ sign change was a major operating status change for the Resistance movement. 

To conclude, Uranus entering Gemini in July 2025 will definitely be a moment of change. Especially since Uranus in Gemini is acutely linked to the United States. I will explain this in section #7. You can watch this video about the outer planets’ sign changes in 2025:

Thirdly, divine masculine energy strongly begins after the summer solstice (June 21st). The Light Forces will be urged to take final physical action from June 21st onwards. 

Fourth, in July, Saturn and Neptune will be almost conjunct in the first degrees of Aries. The closest separation will be on July 16. On that day Saturn and Neptune will be separated by just 0 degrees 12 minutes. As one person pointed out in the comments, this near-conjunction will bring a revolutionary spiritual energy.

The exact conjunction of Saturn and Neptune takes place on February 20, 2026. They make an exact sextile with Sedna when they conjunct.

Fifth, July 4, 2025 is the date of Venus-Alcyone conjunction. Both of them are almost conjunct Uranus. Venus-Alcyone conjunction will bring Goddess energy, supporting the Sirius pulse.

To further understand Uranus-Alcyone conjunction, we can refer to 2024 Phoenix conference notes:

"There is also a conjunction of Uranus and Sedna with Alcyone (Pleiades). This will lead to First Contact in an ‘explosive’ manner. Thus, 2025 is a very important year as it opens the doorway for First Contact".

Uranus-Alcyone conjunction will be exact on July 15, 2025. This is just 10 days after July 4-7, 2025. This will bring a very powerful “First Contact” energy. Below is the ephemeris of Uranus and Alcyone:

Uranus makes a near-conjunction with Sedna from July - October 2025. Below is the geocentric ephemeris of Uranus and Sedna:

There is a roughly 12,600 year cycle of Uranus-Sedna-Alcyone conjunction. I wrote about this in my post about Sedna from last year. I postulated that this is linked to the 12,800 year cycle which is halfway between Galactic Superwaves.

Uranus’ exact geocentric conjunction with Sedna occurs on May 25, 2026. Its exact heliocentric conjunction with Sedna occurs on May 31, 2026. So, May 31, 2026 will be the end of the 26,000 year platonic year cycle. 

Sixth, Neptune will make an exact heliocentric sextile with Alcyone on July 19, 2025. Neptune will be at 0 degrees 21 minutes Aries and Alcyone will be at 0 degrees 21 minutes Gemini. This configuration will be felt during July 4-7, 2025. Neptune will be at 0 degrees 16 minutes Gemini during that time.

Seventh, Earth will be conjunct Vega on July 7, 2025. Vega has always been a stronghold of the Light Forces. It played an important role in combating darkness within our Local Logos. The Vega Portal will be a boost to the Light Forces.

Eighth, on June 25, 2025 we have a triple conjunction of Moon, Sun, and Jupiter. They are all conjunct at 3 degrees 30 minutes of Cancer. That is exactly the position of the Kuiper Belt object named Chaos. This signals the purification of primary anomaly.

Ninth, on June 27, 2025 we have an exact heliocentric conjunction of Vesta and Juno. It occurs at 0 degrees 27 minutes Sagittarius. It forms an almost exact trine with Neptune at 0 degrees 13 minutes Aries. Mercury joins this conjunction on July 8, 2025. This shows us that the asteroids will be supporting the spiritual energy of the New Renaissance.

Tenth, on July 7 Vesta will be almost exactly where it was during the archon invasion of 1996. The three dates when Vesta is at the same position as it was in 1996 are:
- January 20, 2025. This was almost at the closing of the Portal of Preparedness (January 21st). 
- May 27, 2025. This is close to the May 25 Portal (5/25/2025).
- July 2, 2025. This is just before the period from July 4-7, 2025.

Eleventh, on July 7 the Lunar Node will be almost exactly at the position where Saturn was on January 11, 1996. This shows that the wounds of 1996 will be healed.

Twelfth, it is worth mentioning that we reached Solar Maximum in late 2024. Studies show that 60% of all social unrest happens within a year and a half of the solar maximum.

Thirteenth, Earth’s magnetic field is rapidly losing strength in preparation for the pole shift of 2037:

The coming polar shift is one of their main secrets they (The Cabal) are trying to hide. But the truth is coming out, and the magnetic flip which is a precursor to the physical axis shift, is already happening.” (Source)

This process will accelerate from 2025 onwards:

Also, according to sources, around 2032 the Earth's magnetic field will drop below 50% to allow the increased solar pre-micronova activity to collapse the surface civilization based on electricity and internet.” (Source)

Fourteenth, Haumea stations direct on July 15. It will almost be stationary during July 4-7. This will make its Yod more powerful.

Fifteenth, Venus makes an exact conjunction with 2012 VP113 on July 1, 2025. This will activate Cosmic Goddess energy just prior to the Event.

Sixteenth, on July 5 Chiron makes an exact sextile with AN stargate (Al Nilam).

Seventeenth, on July 7 Jupiter makes exact geocentric & heliocentric sesquisquares with Chariklo. This will powerfully send Isis energies to planet Earth as well as our solar system. It is very interesting how both the geocentric & heliocentric aspects take place on the same day i.e. July 7.

Eighteenth, Pluto will be almost exactly in a T-square with Shapley Attractor and Dipole Repeller from July 4-7. Pluto will be at 3 degrees 1 minute Aquarius and Shapley Attractor at 2 degrees 42 minutes Scorpio. This configuration becomes exact on July 20. It will allow planet Earth to receive the Event flash via the Cosmic Central Sun. It shall be relayed through Pluto’s moon Charon. The heliocentric version of this aspect is quite striking. It’s discussed in section #8.

Nineteenth, on July 18, 2012 VP113 makes an exact quincunx with Galactic Centre. This aspect will be within orb even during July 4-7.

Twentieth, the trans-Neptunian object 2002 AW197 conjuncts Thuban on June 22.

Twenty first, on July 14 we have an exact sextile of Jupiter with Thuban. It will be within orb even a week prior. This will connect the Blue Dragons to Sirius (via Jupiter). It will give them spiritual support from the Brotherhood of the Star to implement their financial system.

To conclude, Sirius stargate will send its pulse from July 4-7, 2025. At the same time Alcyone stargate will be activated by Venus and Uranus’ conjunctions. Galactic Central Sun will be activated on June 17 when Earth heliocentrically conjuncts it. AN stargate in Orion will be activated by our Sun conjuncting Betelgeuse on June 19. On July 4, 2025 Neptune will be stationary and opposite M87 Galaxy. This will create an energetic doorway between the Cosmic Central Sun and the outer planets of our solar system. So, we have activations of many major stargates during or just prior to the July 4-7, 2025 time period.

We thus observe all cycles converging into July-August 2025:

7. Event prediction & the United States’ role. (Also contains Master key for manifestation)

Hence, I now believe the Event (phase transition) will most likely occur between July 4-7, 2025:

You can read this article to learn more about the above phases.

July 4th is coincidentally the US Independence Day. The US adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 i .e. 249 years ago. You might remember the post about Lurker disentanglement from July 4, 2024.

On July 5 the US will have an exact Jupiter return. It will be its 21st Jupiter return. This happens only once in 11 years. Below is the US natal chart along with transits chart for July 7, 2025:

Uranus entering Gemini on July 7 will particularly affect the United States. There is an 84-year cycle between Uranus in Gemini and the United States. Uranus was in Gemini when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Each time Uranus entered Gemini in the past, the US got involved in a war. Examples include US Independence war around 1775,  Civil War around 1859, World War 2 around 1941. This time, the US will emerge victorious in the Galactic War for planet Earth. You can watch the below video for the history of Uranus and the US:

We need to remember Saint Germain’s role as the leader of surface operations. The United States is his project. The United States will be the trigger for the Event. Thus, we can have martial law on the long weekend of July 4-6. 

You might remember that Saint Germain was a master manifester. Without him manifesting the United States, humanity would still be in the Middle Ages. Actually one of the main reasons why Saint Germain was a master manifester was because he surrounded himself with Goddesses (women). Manifestation springs from the divine feminine. We will discuss about Octagon's (figure 08) later in this section.

The below article is the master key for manifestation (from The Portal):

“We can manifest The Event by making a clear decision, invoking it and taking action. Many have taken the decision, but only few are taking action on the physical plane. Many are waiting for another update of the blog. Everyone needs to DO something. Create a group and take physical action. We need a group of co-creators to manifest a joint vision of The Event. We all have a piece of the puzzle. KEY: DO NOT GIVE UP”.

The below advice could help Lightworkers and Lightwarriors to manifest abundance:

“Many Light Workers have problems with money. So, buy a silver coin. Put it in your pocket and take it with you. Look at it every day. Focus your attention firmly on it, then more will come. When you’ve got enough silver coins, move to gold coins.

When you focus on something every day a vortex support field is created. Make a map and visualize it, act on it. Sacred Geometry can harmonize your Free Will / decisions in a more exact pattern. They work as an amplifier of our Divine Will (other amplifiers are sound and light). This is why Mandala’s are so powerful.”

The US West Coast contains the Dragon leyline:

The US East coast is exactly on the Goddess Equator:

The Event (financial reset) will be triggered from the JP Morgan headquarters in New York City. Thus, there need to be more tachyon chambers in the Americas. They will support the pan American Dragon leyline (Andromedan / masculine) and Goddess Equator (Galactic Central Sun / feminine). You can find out more and open your own tachyon chamber:

More Sisterhood of the Rose groups are needed in the Americas. Women will liberate America (and the Earth). Their unconditional loving sexual energy will collapse the patriarchal financial system. 

The next level is for women to anchor unconditional loving sexual energy. This is linked to Galactic Tantra, working with Galactic Goddesses such as Iona. 

The below image is taken from the post called “The MasterKey”. New York City is in the United States and it is on the Goddess Equator/Leyline. The Goddess Leyline is the master key for control over the planet. The below image (showing Galactic Goddess tantric initiation) is very relevant for women in NYC and the Goddess leyline in general.

Sacred Union needs to be practiced on the Goddess leyline:

The second secret that the Cabal is trying to hide is that interactions between female and male polarity create a toroidal electromagnetic field that triggers kundalini energy which leads to planetary liberation.” (Source)

Interestingly, the post about Sacred Union was made almost on July 7th (July 8). You can give it a read. Sacred Union is linked to Command 1208 (more on that in section #8).

Goddess tantric initiation (especially in the US) is the master key to liberate Earth. We are in the Milky Way Galaxy which is a feminine Galaxy. We need to remember our past lives. We would remember initiations into Isis mysteries in ancient Egypt. And tantric practices in parts of Asia such as Tibet, Ladakh and Afghanistan. We could even remember Cosmic Goddess Tantra on green Pleiadian planets. These memories will help us create the New Atlantis on Earth, and in the United States.

COBRA – The most easiest and most sure way to remember past incarnations is to strengthen your connection with your soul, and when the time is right the soul memory will come into your physical brain and you will remember.”

2025 is the year when the Goddess finally returns to the surface of Earth. Women who heal their sexual trauma will play a key role in the Return of the Goddess.

It is not a coincidence that the US gold reserve (Fort Knox) is shaped like an octagon. The octagon represents figure 8 or ♾️ , the symbol of the divine feminine. Actually we can see the octagon encased inside a square or cube. This shows the suppression of feminine sexual energy.

I found this funny meme about Fort Knox on The Portal. All the gold at Fort Knox was seized by the Resistance Movement in 2012. The gold bars there are actually gold-coated tungsten bars. The current financial system is simply propped up by people’s trust in it. It has no physical backing.

We can see the same octagon and cube design in the logo of JP Morgan Chase bank. The global financial system’s computer program is located in JP Morgan Chase bank’s headquarters in NYC. It shows us how the global financial system suppresses feminine sexual energy.

Contrast this with physical coins in France around 1774/1775. The octagon shows the Goddess initiation of the queen of France. Coincidentally, the post from which the below image is taken was made on July 5th (i.e. between July 4-7)

The UFC fighting ring is an octagon surrounded by a cage:

Temple Mount in Jerusalem is shaped like an octagon. Jerusalem was the main Orion implanting center during late Atlantean times (15,000 years ago). King Solomon attempted to purify the energy of Jerusalem using the power of the octagon. He tried to bring feminine sexual energy to heal the wounds of implantation. Implants have kept us disconnected from our Soul and from our sexual energy. This ends now.

The Blue Dragons will be happy on July 7th. Their financial system is finally going to be implemented. The below photo is taken from Dragon Portal Initiation.

For example look at the octagons at this Buddhist temple in Sumatra (Indonesia). It must be connected to the Blue Dragons. It is on the Tibetan dragon leyline.

Mantak Chia is a Blue Dragon. His organization’s logo has infinity ♾️ symbols in the middle of an Octagon. It has double spirals in the center, such as the shape of the Milky Way galaxy. A circle forms around the octagon, which completes the “08” part (O + 8). The circle depicts the Soul family & priestesses gathered around the inner circle. The symbol shows a deep understanding of the divine feminine.

8. Portal 12:21 & Astrology of August 2025

Now that we have discussed the energy until early/mid July, let’s discuss a little bit about Portal 12:21. Till now we were operating in the 11:11 Portal from January 11, 1992 to November 22, 2024. It helped tremendously with the final transmutation of duality. Now that 11:11 is over, we are entering a completely new paradigm. We have finished the 26,000 year paradigm of incarnating in quarantine Earth. Antarion conversion will take us into a completely new reality of Oneness. This is being done using Portal 12:21.

Let’s talk about astrology. On July 15 Haumea stations direct. Pluto makes an exact square with Shapley Attractor on July 20, 2025. On July 22 Eris stations retrograde. Earth conjuncts Pluto on July 25. Saturn & Ceres make an exact heliocentric sextile with 2012 VP113 on July 26, 2025. Saturn makes an exact geocentric sextile with Sedna on July 28, 2025. On July 30 Chiron stations retrograde.

August is the month of the Return of the Goddess. It is the 8th month which represents infinity ♾️ (Goddess’ symbol).

We have a grand sextile of planets and asteroids throughout August. It represents the Goddess Stargate:

On August 9 the midpoint of Uranus & Pluto will station retrograde. On the same day we have an exact grand trine among Pluto, M87 Galaxy, Sedna, Alcyone and Uranus. It looks like this:

In my understanding, the above configuration will trigger the Galactic Wave of Love.

Below are the dates of Pluto trine M87 Galaxy:

And here are the dates of Pluto trine Sedna. We can see an exact trine on August 27, 2025:

It’s worth mentioning that from 2026-2028 there will be exact trines of Sedna with M87 Galaxy. And from 2026-2032 there will be exact sextiles of Neptune with Pluto.

On August 11, 2025 we have an exact sextile of Neptune and Sedna. Neptune and Sedna (conjunct Alcyone and Uranus) form a Yod with Haumea (discussed in section #4). Saturn forms an exact quincunx with Haumea as well. And Saturn sextiles Uranus.

On the same day, we have a triple Venus-Jupiter-Sirius conjunction. Jupiter makes an exact heliocentric conjunction with Mirzam (Beta Canis Majoris). We also have an exact heliocentric square of Saturn with Galactic Centre.

On August 12 Jupiter quincunx’s Great Attractor.

On August 13, 2025 we have exact conjunctions of Pluto with Altair and Jupiter with Sirius. This shows a simultaneous destruction of darkness (Altair) and huge activation of Light (Sirius). And Uranus quincunx’s Haumea.

From August 16-18, 2025 we have exact heliocentric conjunctions of Venus with 2012 VP113, Alcyone, and Sedna. This will bring Cosmic & Galactic Goddess energy to our solar system. 2012 VP113 will station retrograde on August 27, 2025.

On August 16 we have an exact heliocentric sextile of Jupiter with Thuban. This will activate the positive dragon energy in our solar system.

On August 18 Neptune sextile Pluto will “station direct” (turn from separating to applying).

Jupiter makes an opposition with Vega on August 20. That will create an outpouring of Light.

From August 18-22 Pluto makes an exact heliocentric T-square with Shapley Attractor and Dipole Repeller:

Here’s an excerpt about Dipole Repeller from the post “Disclosure Process”:

“Dipole Repeller, one of the biggest toroidal structures in the Universe is a sector in this Universe with the Local group of galaxies in its center and two lobes of opposite polarity laterally spaced in both directions. This is the cosmic purification station for the Primary Anomaly with planet Earth in its central null zone. Dipole Repeller is the cosmic dynamo that energizes the process of Compression Breakthrough.”

We can see that the hierarchy is:

1) Our Sun revolves around Alcyone, the Local Central Sun
2) Alcyone revolves around the Galactic Central Sun
3) The Galactic Central Sun revolves around M87 Galaxy supermassive black hole
4) M87 Galaxy revolves around the Great Attractor
5) The Great Attractor revolves around the Shapley Attractor
6) Shapley Attractor presumably revolves around much bigger forces which revolve around the Cosmic Central Sun

An aspect like this among the outermost planet in our solar system and Shapley Attractor / Dipole Repeller definitely has Cosmic proportions. It will send a flash from the Cosmic Central Sun via the above hierarchy. This will absorb all darkness in our solar system into Cosmic Light, ending all darkness. It will be instrumental in opening Portal 12:21. A configuration like this happens only once in 160 years.

You can refer to these links for more information about Shapley Attractor & Dipole Repeller:

These videos are very good too:

On August 28 Uranus sextiles Neptune. On the same day, Uranus & Neptune quincunx Haumea. These aspects will be active 1 week prior too.

On August 29, Pluto will be out of bounds. It will remain out of bounds till November 23.

All the above will prepare us for the energy of August 21st.

August 21, 2025 is when Portal 12:21 opens. From that day onwards Portal 12:21 will remain open forever. On August 21 there are geocentric and heliocentric conjunctions of Neptune with the midpoint of Uranus & Pluto. A small note, the geocentric conjunction is exact on August 18, 2025. And the heliocentric conjunction is exact on August 21, 2025. There is only one heliocentric conjunction. The geocentric conjunction is the 3rd of total 5. 

August 18-21, 2025 will be the first conjunction in the sign of Aries. It will create the process of Antarion conversion for our solar system as well as for planet Earth. Till August 21st we are in the build-up phase to Portal 12:21’s opening.

The below image illustrates Antarion conversion which arises due to Neptune at midpoint of Uranus & Pluto:

“Neptune will conjunct with the midpoint of Uranus (and Pluto). This configuration creates a powerful energetic resonance field within the solar system, enabling the portal to be activated.”

Below is the geocentric ephemeris of Neptune and midpoint of Uranus & Pluto. We can see 5 exact conjunctions between September 2024 and July 2026.

And so we can create the below diagram. It shows the 2 year process of Antarion conversion of the old reality (aka Ending the Cycle). August 18-21, 2025 is thus even more powerful because it is the turning point of the 2-year process.

On August 21, 2025 we will start Antarion conversion into the True Vacuum Universe. Every particle in this Universe will go through a phase transition. We will be at the end of the 13.7 billion year cycle of final transmutation of cosmic anomaly. 

The real reason for the end of darkness is because Source wants the entire Universe to live in Oneness. That is why the Universe is changing its state from expansion (out breath) to contraction (in breath). The Cosmic turning point (“no breath”) occurs on August 21, 2025:

First, there is the completion of the great cosmic cycle which lasted over 13 billion years. This universe is right now at the turning point from expansion into contraction. That is a unique moment, when the Source (the Absolute) can intervene directly into the Creation and dissolve the primary anomaly and all evil related to it, and this is the real reason why all darkness will soon disappear. That moment of direct intervention is called the Apocalypse (the Revelation in English) and is quite accurately described in a famous, almost 2000 year old vision.”

The underlying physics of darkness will soon cease to exist. On August 21, 2025, the Source (the Absolute) will directly be able to intervene and resolve the primary anomaly. So we should not be in quarantine by then:

“All three cycles, cosmic, galactic and solar, converge into the opening of the Ascension portal of 2025, which is an orientational milestone for us to estimate when the big changes are expected to occur.”

“Cobra: No, no, no. The May 2023 is the demarcation line. The hope was to make the Event, to push for the Event, before that demarcation line in May. That will not happen. So my educated guess now would be the Event between May 2023 and up until the opening of the big portal in August, 2025. So that would be just.. this is just an educated guess. It can be completely wrong. It can be right. We will see.”

August 21, 2025 will be linked to Apocatastasis:

Apocatastasis is the moment when all quantum and subquantum anomaly will be cleared and all evil consciousness either transformed into the Light or annihilated in the Central Sun. New, stable quantum vacuum will connect the whole universe into one superentangled tachyon field, which will finally allow the unhindered evolution of this universe into the Light.” (Source)

Here it is worth mentioning Command 1221 & Command 1208. We know about Command 1221. It is linked to Portal 12:21. 

Command 1208 is another Command. It is directly linked to August 21 via the numerology of 08/21. Command 1208 has been called the “PHXKEY” (refer to this post). PHXKEY refers to the key which will lead to Phoenix, the codeword for our liberation. Notice how the post about Command 1208 was on August 21, which is the exact day when Portal 12:21 opens. 

In my understanding, Command 1208 represents the divine feminine. Figure 8 = infinity symbol (♾️) = horizontal. Figure 0 represents the Soul Family centered around the figure 8. There is an aspect of Command 1208 which relates to merger of divine masculine and divine feminine energies. Thus, it is directly connected to Twin Souls, Soul Families, Galactic & Cosmic Tantra, Mandala’s, and merging into Oneness.

In my understanding, Command 1221 represents the divine masculine. 12 and 21 represent Antarion conversion cones. Command 1221 is linked to AN stargate in Orion thanks to the Antarion connection.

Additionally, Command 1221 is connected to merger of Isis (IS=12, color red, feminine) and Sirius (SI=21, color blue, masculine).

Command 1208 is also connected to Antarion conversion. We can see this from the below Minkowski spacetime diagram. We can see the past and futures cones representing 12:21 (this is the vertical/time aspect). The 08 pertains to the hypersurface of the present (horizontal/space aspect). Thus, spacetime arises as a divine combination of Command 12:21 and Command 1208. Point 12:21 sits in the middle i.e. in the present moment. It serves as the entry/exit Stargate into the True Vacuum universe. 

You can read more about Code 12:21 in my Phoenix workshop notes. Here I have simply connected it to Command 1208.

So, the opening of Ascension Portal 12:21 is the perfect Sacred Union of Command 1221 and Command 1208:

The Event is thus a natural precursor to the huge Antarion conversion energy of Portal 12:21. It is the maximum energy we will experience on the surface of the Earth while in quarantine. You can think of the Event like a pressure cooker’s whistle right before it bursts. By saying “it bursts” I’m referring to the opening of Portal 12:21. The quarantine of the surface of Earth will not be able to withstand the opening of Portal 12:21. That’s why the Event occurs just 1 month before August 21, 2025. 

You can refer to the below video. It’s almost impossible to tell that the pressure cooker’s whistle will blow. You can maybe tell just 1 second before. That’s how swift the phase transition will be. There will not be any warning signs until we are maybe a few days away from it. It will just quickly take place.

9. Gamma timeline

Things won’t appear to get better until the Event. Surface society is collapsing under the weight of its entropy. That’s the definition of the gamma timeline. 

Even I’m not happy with being on the gamma timeline. In fact I was quite sad in the Phoenix workshop after hearing how much darkness there still is. It totally collapsed most possibilities before the final deadline of July 7, 2025. 

We are on the slowest timeline and that’s by design. To quote the Phoenix workshop notes:

“Entire timelines collapsed due to key Lightworkers not being able to handle power and responsibility. That is the reason why the Light Forces had to choose a slow & boring but steady and very safe method. Cobra has the keys to liberate this planet very quickly. Cobra could give instructions to the people in this room about exactly what to do. But people wouldn’t be able to handle it. Our parents, brothers, sisters, etc. wouldn’t be able to handle it. It would be too energetically demanding.”

The Light Forces are most probably going to blindside us by not telling us about August 21, 2025 until July 4-7, 2025. Unfortunately, they had to do it this way. Surface humans are too programmed by the dark forces. Over 50% of humanity is defending the matrix i.e. their free will is against Goddess energy and First Contact. More Sisterhood of the Rose groups are needed to stabilize the chaos of the phase transition and invoke peace.

We have been told that there needs to be a certain response from the surface population before the Event can happen. Sadly most surface humans still have an incorrect understanding of Nash equilibrium:

“People are not following their inner guidance because they have been programmed with selfishness Archon mind program. This program gives people a distorted understanding of Nash equilibrium. People incorrectly assume that the will be better off if they only take care of themselves and exclude all others. This creates a highly entropic society that is extremely difficult to predict, because chaotic free wills of surface individuals pose a n-body problem.”

So, sorry for saying the Event could happen in April. I do not believe that can happen anymore. There is too much darkness still left to be dealt with. This includes surface humanity, reptilians & draco’s in human bodies, black nobility, dark members from other universes, etc. Evidence for this is the recent grid ratio failures. Europe, Israel & China remain the main dark strongholds. Anyhow, there’s not that much time left. So don’t give up!

10. Conclusion

Until July 4-7, 2025 we are most probably going to remain in the 9-5 job slavery illusion. The financial and political systems will remain largely intact. The Event is the moment of the financial reset. Nothing will change substantially before it. The dark forces will have grip of the surface of the earth until the Event. But after that point the shift will be sudden, just like the pressure cooker’s whistle. The Resistance movement will finally be able to spring into action and end surface humanity’s suffering.

The below was said at the recent Phoenix workshop:

“Question about how the shift will occur. Answer: the shift will first be gradual then sudden.”. 

This probably refers to things appearing to be Business-As-Usual in the first half of 2025. Here are similar quotes from the Taiwan workshop:

“In the first half of next year, things on the surface might appear as business as usual; however, the second half of the year will be incredibly exciting and dynamic. It will showcase phenomena we’ve never seen before. For now, I cannot discuss the events of the second half of the year”.

“I certainly cannot talk about the second half of next year.”

It’s always worth remembering what we’re fighting for:

“We are born for something much greater. This process has been longer and much more difficult. We are here to reunite with our Galactic sisters and brothers and to celebrate the Golden Age.”

People will have doubts until the Event happens. That’s fine, let them believe it when they see it:

“(Cobra) Actually, it’s very simple. It’s a psychological response to something that’s never happened before. Everything that happened in human history had to happen for the first time. For example, before Mt. Everest was climbed, it was impossible before somebody did it. The same is true of the Event. Whenever we go beyond a certain psychological barrier, an impossibility and belief system, we create a breakthrough.”

Victory of the Light!