The only strength of the Dark Forces is in their numbers. The Lightworkers’ strength is in their connection to Light. The Light will win, and Cobra could prove this by showing graphs with the arrow of time, law of entropy, etc. (See Syntropic Inequation)
COBRA – Suffering exists, not by intent, but by the randomness of the cosmic anomaly. It was never intended. It exists without a purpose. It exists as an anomaly that has to be transformed. It does not have any higher purpose. It does not educate us. It does not make us stronger. It does not make us wiser. It is there as something other than as an aberration faction that was never intended to be. The highest purpose of the source is to transform this so that it can never happen again.
C: I would say that Beings of Light would like to help and would like to heal this last cancer cell as I would describe it. They just want the whole galactic organism to be healthy. It is a natural healing process, which occurs through other galaxies.
COBRA – OK, basically what is happening in Mt. Shasta is there has been an attempt by the chimera group and by the Archons to pollute the energy grid there. That attempt has been, I would say, quite successful within Mt. Shasta town but not higher up on the mountain.
C: No I don’t think so. Most of the channeling is coming from the astral plane. The astral plane is a plane of much illusion. This is a plane of existence where we have our unexpressed desires, wishes, hopes, aspirations. Most people are channeling this. They are channeling their own self-conscious ideas. Very few people have a real connection with positive extraterrestrial races. Information coming from those people is always something fresh and something that has value. But there are not many of them.
C: I would not say so. I would say that the majority of human beings are of the earth population. There is a very small percentage that are not of this planet. Most are incarnated humans that were created here and they have evolved here all their history.
COBRA – Yes, yes, that was a real discovery which was made in 2003 by the Romanian, I would say, secret service. And, of course, the Jesuits have been informed about the discovery immediately and the Black Nobility families have, of course, news has gotten to the Cabal faction almost immediately after that and they have put the Romanian government under great pressure financially and otherwise and, of course, the Romanian secret service had to release all their findings to the Cabal faction of the US. Since then the Cabal has been taking control of that discovery, which is actually subterranean complex which has tunnels leading to Quebec, to Egypt and to some other locations. It is part of a very complex underground system. Part of this discovery has been released to the public through certain channels, through certain books which have already been translated also into English.
COBRA – Yes, the most important thing, the most important weapon we have is the truth, to spread intel, to spread it everywhere you can. To inform people, to educate people and to coordinate because together we are stronger. I have seen many times that the Archons manage to divide people because of the things that are not so important. What is more important is that we are all aware of the most, the core beliefs that people have, the core orientation we all have. We all want freedom for this planet and this is the basic orientation that every light warrior and every light worker should have and not to focus so much on those little differences which are not important in the long run.
COBRA – Okay. The soul has been created by a dynamic interaction between the source and a randomness, the cosmic anomaly, because the only way the source can absorb and transform the anomaly is by experiencing itself and our source, our projections of the one, projections of the soul of the source into this cosmic anomaly. So it’s an interaction of two very strong and opposing forces.
Lynn – OK. Great. USA – SEDONA You have said that Sedona, Arizona in the United States is a very important energy vortex. What is the significance of Sedona? COBRA – Sedona is one of the major contact zones after the event for the first contact.
Elon Musk is the visible representative of a certain positive SSP faction and in his latest statement he hinted at extraterrestrial involvement in Falcon 9 explosion. This was openly reported in Russian mainstream media:
U : Ok. So about the return of the divine feminine, we are more talking about energies and not genders yes ?
C : We are speaking about energies but these energies do manifest in a female form in a humanoid body.
U : Ok. And they are also present in males yes ?
C : Yes of course, they are also present in males, and they are also present in other species and other forms of life.
U : Ok. So males and females are equal in all aspects yes ?
C : Yes.
U : Can you talk about how the return of the divine feminine manifests in our daily lives ?
C : It manifests in psychological changes in human beings, and psychologists in the west have discovered that the psychological structures of male and female beings on this planet have been changing drastically in the last few decades. And this is exactly and precisely because of the return of the feminine on this planet, where men are more in contact with their emotions, and women are more able to express their own truth. This is part of the process.
U : Ok. It feels that we are also getting more receptive to each other, more cooperative and listening to each other ?
C : Yes. On a global scale.
U : Sometimes it's difficult to be receptive when there are so many things on this planet that should not be received, do you have insights on this ?
C : Yes. It is very important not to be receptive to negativity, but to be receptive only to the good things, so to be selectively receptive.
U : Yes. So is it that there was not enough feminine energy on this planet, or is it that it was always here but it was distorted ?
C : It was distorted. Actually it is not possible to destroy it, the dark forces were trying to destroy it, but the only thing they could do is to distort it. So it was present, but it was suppressed and distorted.
U : Ok. So the return is a healing ?
C : The return is an actual fact, an energetic fact. The pure and balanced feminine energy is returning right now through cosmic ley lines, throughout the galaxy, into the solar system, and on the surface of this planet.
U : Ok. So it's healing all the feminine that was present here all along, but which was distorted.
C : Yes exactly.
U : And so would you agree that to be able to return in a healthy way, it needs to be connected with the masculine as well, that they both need each other ?
C : Yes actually there is a certain phase when connection between masculine and feminine is required to continue the healing. It is not possible to completely embody healthy feminine without being connected with the masculine, and the other way around as well,
Horizontal implant programming misuses the fact that twin souls enter the fourth and third dimensional universe as a couple of male (electric) and female (magnetic) polarity. In its pure form, electric (kundalini) force of the male and magnetic (Soul) force of the female create attraction which in turn creates triangulation which is the force of evolution.
Chakras of the New Earth were experiencing their awakening and activation commencing on the 11th of November 1995, culminating on the 21st of December 1995 and concluding on the 11th of January 1996. This was the beginning of the planetary Mer-ka-ba body activation and a preparation of the planetary Light grid for the coming of the main section of the photon belt between October and December 1996.
As an ascended being, Athena works with the motherships of Ashtar command. One of her main anchor on Earth is the city of Athena in Greece.
First, astrology is not meant to make exact preditctions. It is not the pre-written book of the destiny of our lives. Astrology can read archetypal energies which are at play in a situation, but the way this will manifest is up to free will. Astrology is like saying, we have a purple and an orange pencil, or yellow and blue, but what we draw with the pencils is up to us. It is like reading an energetic weather forecast, what we do on the day is still up to us. So the way we experience a planet or a sign is influenced by the way we choose to read it and the way our consciousness resonates, consciously via our choices and/or subconsciously via the collective consciousness and planetary grid.
COBRA – OK. The key here is balance. It’s very simple. Balance between various elements you have just stated can create harmony for the surface population. And one more thing is drink a lot of pure water, as pure as you can find. (thank you)
COBRA – The Cabal actually suppresses and lowers the vibrational frequency of people during the sleep through various veiled technologies as they do also in the waking state.
Lynn – OK. In a recent interview it was revealed that in certain Hilton Hotels there are certain rooms that have the ability to send the occupants into an astral state for meetings in 4D. It was said that trainings are done in 4D because it’s more fluid. Is this true Cobra? Can you elaborate? COBRA – I cannot confirm this because I would say that those trainings can happen not only in Hilton Hotels but many locations throughout the world regardless. It is not tied to that specific brand of hotel.
Lynn – OK. We know that the chemtrails and common household products that we use: tooth paste, sun screen, hair spray, deodorant, etc. are laced with chemicals that decrease our body’s immune system & promote disease. Are there other things that we’re not aware of that are also causing harm or suppressing our immune system? COBRA – I would expose here drinking water that is poisoned quite much.
COBRA – OK. Again I will state it this way. The Republic and the currency re-set will happen at the moment of The Event and not before. It’s part of the global process. It is not just isolated to the United States. It will be a planetary re-set which will include the reinstatement of the Republic in the US and will include the introduction of the Treasury dollar and it will also include the phasing out of the petrodollar, actually the finalization of the existence of the petrodollar. So all this is going to happen on a global scale at the moment of the Event and not before. So people who are waiting for the reset and who are waiting for the New Republic before the Event, this is not going to happen.
The introduction of mobile phones were a final attempt to prevent the inevitable and the development of telepathic powers. Intuition relates closely with telepathy.
Around 2011, a new era started. This year involved a new sense of time. Time began to be perceived as a spiral energy. Time is now pushing consciousness higher. We have to learn to just be 'Now'. The experience of Goddess Energy is as spiral energy. Through dance we can allow in that energy. Isis experienced Goddess energy as turning in a spiral and forming a vortex. Isis received the Goddess Energy through dancing.
Essentially, we are each a unique star. The symbol of this Sisterhood is a rose. Another symbol is the pentagram. When you draw a pentagram with the point uppermost, it has similarities to the human form. The head, two arms and two legs are fivefold. We also have five fingers and five toes. We have five senses. The pentagram encircled, is symbolic of the Soul Star. In our body we bring our unique style into manifestation our creative organs are in the centre spirit enters into the matter.
Many people would like evidence. But the evidence of the Goddess Energy comes through inner experience. It has always been like that in history. Mankind needs to have the right consciousness to receive it. Enough people need sufficient understanding.
Richard – Cobra, Are there common ritual dances on other planets? COBRA – They dance but it’s not as formalized as it usually on this planet, especially the last few centuries. Because the controlling forces have been using dance, actually they have been formalizing dance in order to control human population. In the past dance was much less formalized and much more spontaneous. (OK)
Saint Germain will support your manifestation process if you want to connect with him. At the moment of the invocation call upon Saint Germain because your decision is in the I am presence. Saint Germain has spread teaching of the I am presence, higher self divine will, and he is the one who has mastered the process of manifestation.
Some 200 to 300 cloaked ships are above this conference centre right at this moment. When they would de-cloak, within minutes aircraft would be deployed and they would be bombed. There are 500-1000 Pleiadians here watching this room and eager to make contact with you. But they can’t appear physically because there are RADAR-systems in place that would detect them. Artificial Intelligence and scalar technology monitors everything: head, pulse, skin. This happens all the time. However it is not perfect, it has faults. The AI is stupid. It is just as smart as its programmer. This is not a smart individual. It is a being connected to the dark forces, which does not understand the Light. That is their weakness. That will make a crack in The Matrix possible through which the Pleiadians can and will come in and land.
Soul Families started to be initiated from 27/1/2018.
One example to help understand the amounts of money that indeed belong to us the people : the new "Fighter" (a military fighter jet) in the USA costs so much money that if that money would have been given to A L L homeless beings inside of the COMPLETE USA, they would all own a villa now (not a small house). Only to clarify things a little bit.
The financial system involves an occult economy that goes beyond this planet. The Cabal has invested. For this reason, they think they own the planet and also the Solar System. But this is not a reality. There are forces that will prevent that. The BRICS Alliance want the new financial structure to be solid, and to sustain The Event. The Resistance Movement will activate a virus, within all banks, stopping all transactions. The banks will close. They will remain closed for a period of between three days and two weeks. Because of this, the Cabal will lose their source of money. They will not be able to pay mercenaries, buy helicopters and so forth. The alternative system will be activated. BRICS and the Eastern Alliance, will go online, but with new rules. There will be no stock market. Many very large companies will be forced into bankruptcy by having to buy back their own shares. Many banks will go bankrupt. There is very little physical money in the world. 200 billion dollars, not more. Police and the military will prevent bank robberies. When the banks reopen, individual’s bank accounts will return. However, the real value of houses will go down. This will enable real estate to be available for all. The value of the house will closely relate to the real cost of building that house, a fraction of the value of many houses now. Everyone will have enough.
Despite the threats he was facing, Eisenhower put the task force within the Solar Warden Program. By doing this, he saved the world. He infiltrated the Secret Space Program. Some information about this is known to his granddaughter, Laura Eisenhower (who can be found on YouTube). Eisenhower also helped set up The Organisation. This is where the “mass arrests” will come from. Bitcoin - Bitcoin was an invention developed by the Light forces. However, in time to come, for as long as money is still needed, it will have to be physical.
It is one thing to read material surrounded by the EMF of the computer screen, it is quite another to hear information presented with all the cadences of the human voice. Going to a Conference allows this. By being with other relatively ordinary people, sharing extra-ordinary ideas, the sense that these ideas are deeply true is more than just a hope or a fancy, it becomes a real possession in consciousness. That being so, we all become integers in the change we wish to see.
COBRA – It is simply that the eastern new alternative system is getting stronger. The western old Petro-dollar system is getting weaker and at a certain point they will be equal and then the new alternative system will become stronger than this one This is a process which takes some time and this process will drastically accelerate around the time of The Event. Then the new eastern system will be the back bone of the financial reset.
COBRA – Operation Dreamland will explode with bursts of creativity after the event. It will be the new renaissance.
COBRA – The best way to reverse age and stay young is to keep the energy of light flowing. The energy of kundalini or ____. This is the theory. This practically is not always reasonable, but this is the theoretical answer to this question.
Cobra: OK, people need to understand that the so-called RV, or I would call it a reset, of the financial system is directly tied with The Event itself. No revaluation, as people call it, can happen before The Event because the cabal still holds control over the financial system. At this moment the financial system is actually a computerized network. The cabal holds the control keys of that computer network. If anybody would attempt to reevaluate currencies or create a reset before the cabal is removed, the cabal would simply not allow that to happen. So, the cabal has to be removed first to allow the reset to happen. It cannot happen with the old financial system. This is the reason why the BRICS alliance and the Eastern Alliance is building an alternative structure that will be very helpful in the whole process of the reset.
COBRA: What the BRICS is doing is not a new financial system, they are just creating the leverage against the cabal that will accelerate the creating of a new financial system. The new Financial System will happen everywhere, simultaneously at the same time after the event.
COBRA – OK. It is not about the bonds. Bonds are just Financial instruments. The main . . the basis structure of the new financial system will be real assets, gold, land, production, creative resources, food, all that. The bonds will be used before the event to bankrupt the Federal Reserve. They will just be the instruments of re-set of the financial re-set. They will not be something that will . . . The owners of those bonds will not receive the gold back. The owners of those bonds will just bankrupt the Federal Reserve and then the wealth of the world, the collateral accounts will be distributed among humanity.
Cobra: There are Russian doctors which can very effectively heal many nerve pain that is associated with the spine. So there is very effective, I would say, manual medicine techniques that can actually remove that pain completely. And they are known in Russia. They are known in countries associated with Russian Eastern Alliance, but they are almost non-existent in the Western world, because, of course, the Rothschild’s medical, and the Rockefeller . . . sorry, the Rockefeller medical cartel did not want to make those available to people. So if you search a little bit more, if you have any Russian friends, ask them about it and most likely they will know about this.
COBRA – Yes, it is one of the top priorities. When the funds will be released people who are hungry or extremely poor will be on the top priority lists along with those who need medical assistance.
COBRA - Yes, of course. The event is the moment of the compression breakthrough. The compression breakthrough is when the light forces from above the surface of the planet and from below the surface of the planet meet in the middle that is on the surface of the planet. I hope that we all agree that there are certain factions that support the light and support the liberation that exists inside of the solar system. There are some factions that support the light and the liberation of the planet that are existing below the surface. They’re progressing towards the surface of the planet because the surface of the planet is the main battleground is the main focus of all this situation that is not just limited to the planet Earth. When this breakthrough happens, this is what we term the Event. The Event is actually many things at the same moment. It is when the light forces take over the mass media and release intel about ET involvement, about the crimes of the Cabal, about the advanced technologies, so FULL disclosure. This is part of it. The other part of it is the mass arrest of the Cabal. The other part of it is Financial re-set that the Eastern alliance has been preparing for quite a long time. And of course we have been gradually going towards the first contact which is an actual official contact between the earth civilization and other positive ET races that exist throughout the galaxy. And the Event is a trigger point which begins that process. That’s the short overview of what the Event is. And of course we have the pulse from the galactic central sun. The galactic central sun is a living entity and it times the pulse of energy according to our global awareness and the level of that awareness and the level of the awakening. And when we have this compression breakthrough the level of awakening is high enough for humanity to receive that pulse of increased energy from the galactic center.
COBRA – Yes, people are quite tired, but we just need to insist, and we are getting closer and closer every day and in spite of that you don’t see any tangible changes outside you can see many signs if you just know where to look. You can see the progress of the Eastern alliance on the financial front, on the political front. Little by little every day there is more and more self-disclosure things coming out. And if you see a larger perspective, it’s all part of a greater picture, and if you know how to look, you would see that it all leads to the Event. It is part of a greater plan, so you can see a small aspect of that plan being carried out every day and this is also for the first time in human history coming into the mainstream media. This was not happening before, so we just need to continue just a little bit longer. For some people it’s quite much longer, because some people would like the Event to happen today or tomorrow or next week. Most likely this will not happen, but we have gone a long way and we are getting closer and closer and we have been born in this lifetime with the purpose of making it happen. This is why we are here. And we will not give up.
COBRA – Yes, of course the same process is continuing in the last few weeks. There is a lot of preparations in the back ground to reposition the basket of currencies to give them more equal and balanced perspective when the reset comes. There is strengthening of the Eastern alliance on the financial front. There is the continuation of the attack against the cabal by lowering the oil prices because this will bring the Cabal to their knees. This is one of the major sources of their income and this is why the price of oil is dropping so fast to bring the Cabal to their knees. And along with that of course there is continuation on the political front and on the military front. So it’s an ongoing process which is slow becomes things need to continue carefully, not to trigger any unwanted responses from the Cabal, so we need to do it in the way that everybody can manage.
COBRA – The Eastern Agarthan network (of China) is actually present there for thousands and thousands of years, and actually are connecting with the surface. It was actually the other way around. They are contacting the surface. They were the ones who were the source of the Blue Dragon spirituality and now they are connecting again with the Eastern Alliance, in a certain way, to give guidance in this process of planetary transformation. They are giving guidance for the financial reset and for the formation of the Eastern Alliance on the surface. There is a connection.
Very few people understand that the current financial system is actually a fuzzy logic artificial intelligence computer program with algorithms that at least in the last few years have no correlation with the real world of trade, stock market or even with derivatives or high speed trading. It is totally independent from real market, and its algorithms were designed by JP Morgan IT specialists. Many of them could not bear the fact that they have created a global financial monster (and yes-it is connected with the plasma octopus entity) that is eating up the wealth of all humanity:
Those information technology specialists and computer programmers of JP Morgan that wanted to spill the beans were methodically removed from the planet by the Cabal:
Cobra: Okay, it’s a matter of terminology. Basically, what we have here is sentient organic intelligence that uses technology, that actually uses technology as its body. Fuzzy logic software program is part of that body. So one person could say, “Hey, this is artificial intelligence. This program thinks and makes decisions.” When in reality, there is a being behind that program that makes decisions and is assisted to a great degree by that program. So if you would look from a certain perspective, what would appear is that the program is making decisions. But there is always an entity, a living being, free will, which is behind those decisions. And the Chimera group has invented so-called artificial intelligence millions upon millions of years ago and has tried to spread its infection throughout the galaxy through scalar plasma networks. And they were successful to a certain degree, but I would say that the most evolved cosmic races know how to deal with that.
Iruka: Who in Japan are connected with Eastern Alliance?
Cobra: Benjamin Fulford.
Iruka: Who are the ascended masters from Japanese?
Cobra: Ancient Goddesses such as Amaterasu and Goddesses from Jomon culture.
Iruka: Is there any effect by looking into the Sun?
Cobra: We may intake a prana energy. But you have to be very careful in directly looking into the Sun. Not too much. Sun rise and Sun set would be a good timing to look.
Iruka: What is an effective way for remote healing?
Cobra: Gaia Eternal Light is effect.
Iruka: Finally, do you have any message to the Japanese?
Cobra: Many Japanese are detached from their origin. Please reconnect with the wonderful spirituality from the old times in Japan. Important message should be concealed in Jomon Era. Please rediscover such a great spirituality by scrutinizing the past history.
Iruka: Which areas in Japan are negative? Cobra: The U.S. military bases.
Iruka: Can you tell us some names of public figures on Earth whose origins are Pleiades and Sirius? Cobra: Mozart is from the Pleiades. J.S. Bach most probably so.
Iruka: If we receive a ray initiation of Pleiades, will we be able to connect with Pleiadians?
Cobra: Yes
Iruka: Can you recommend some books about Pleiades or Sirius?
Cobra: “The Sirius Mystery” by Robert Temple and books by Sheldan Nidle and Amorah Quan Yin are good.
Iruka: Do you have any other books that you will like to recommend?
Cobra: “Return of Light” for example.
Iruka: Can you list some Draconians other than Hillary and Rockefeller?
Cobra: Bill Clinton, Angela Merkel, Mario Draghi, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Henry Kissinger.Most of Rockefeller families also. Shinzo Abe in Japan is Draconian too, though he would not be aware of it himself.
Iruka: Pokemon Go is quite popular in the world. Is it the attempt of Cabal?
Cobra: It can be said as a tool to let human to become obedient slaves.
Iruka: Is the Japanese game company Nintendo related to Cabal?
Cobra: Yes. All of the game companies are related to Cabal.
Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld also travelled through the solar system. Multinational corporations had been participating in the construction of space crafts like for example Boeing and Airbus. The engineers working there thought they where designing airplanes, in truth their knowledge was used for insights to create space ships. Within this context Cobra shows a picture of a space shuttle that has the logo of the US Post Company on it.
Aaron – Once again, in order to get a handle of the degree of evil that certain prominent people in the world are, could you give us, in your opinion, a rating on a one to ten scale, one being a good person, and ten being the epitome of evil. Starting off the first person to rate:
1. What would Henry Kissinger Rate? pure 10 (Wow, I didn’t expect that)
2. What would Dick Cheney Rate? pure 10
3. What would Donald Rumsfeld Rate? 9
4. What would George H. W. Bush Senior Rate? Bush Sr. 10 (wow)
5. What would George W Bush Junior Rate? 8 (OK)
6. What would Barack Obama Rate? Barack Obama – 5 (so he’s almost a good guy)
7. What would Vladimir Putin Rate? 2-3 I would say (OK)
8. What would Angela Merkel Rate? 8 (wow, thank you Cobra)
Dick Cheney has stolen all the money to invest it into the Mars corporation (managed by him) : the Mars bases and Mars colonies.
COBRA: It will not force them to give up control, this is just the first phase. So when there is enough awareness among the surface population about the existence of child abuse, and the extent of child abuse, it will be harder and harder for those people to hide behind their masks. It is a matter of exposure, and when exposure reaches the critical mass, when there is enough exposure in the consciousness field of humanity, then the Light Forces can take physical action and arrest those people.
On this planet everything and everybody has something to do with money, because life has been organized like that by intent, everybody has to fight for survival. Already now there are many technologies available that would allow all of humanity to live in abundance without the artificial construct of lack-consciousness. Up to now money has been used as an instrument to control and not as a tool to exchange energy. It gets presented to the masses as if it would be a tool for exchange, in truth it is used for sustaining the old power structures over the masses.
We have the power to step out of that process and it starts with an energetic shift. First of all we understand now, that the people who made the old system, have been using occult knowledge. We use our higher spiritual wisdom to create cracks in the Matrix : as soon as we make ourselves invisible to the system, those cracks are being made. People who maintain the dark system use the collective unconsciousness to steer things that are invisible, they control in that way. They key of financial freedom is to go inside of "spaces in between", to go into the cracks in the Matrix, into the non-visible realms. One possibility to become invisible for the system is to use only cash money. The system is less able "to see" cash money than electronic money. If we use credit cards or bank cards the system can detect all our actions. When we take the money out of the account, no one knows what we do with it. It is good to take all money out of the bank now and transform it into gold and silver or any other real material value, or to realize a dream, invest it into projects for the good of all humanity. It is even better to make it circulate into good things than keeping it as cash or gold and silver. Through actions like this the flow of the collective money energy improves already, because the invested money gets a higher frequency, already now. So the key is, to get invisible financially.
The Event is a financial new beginning and now we are in the Pre-Event phase. What is happening right now within the financial system is the creation of an alternative reality through the Eastern Alliance/BRICS states. Everything happens step by step and gets prepared for the moment of the Event, so that the global financial system can be shut down. The institutions of the old system have been created by the cabal and are working only for them: Worldbank, IWF, FED, Swift. Nearly all of the money goes to them through a branched self-contained computer network.
Who owes money to whom ? For example: Greece is in debt to the European Central Bank (ECB). Behind the ECB are the Jesuits and behind the Jesuits are the Chimera who use it for the Secret Space Program (SSP). Everywhere else the way with the debts is the same. This will change physically at the day of the Reset.
Cobra ok, we are now touching very deep subconscious issues here, fear of death is one of the deepest programmes that we...that the Cabal has created and that we, as humanity, as a species have received and this is the basis of financial control. People struggle with their jobs, make compromises because they are afraid to die of hunger, this is the biggest fear, and this is why exploitation of humanity is even possible. The Light Forces have the technology to overcome that, it is possible to make human body immortal. The Resistance Movement has that technology, that technology will be given to humanity after we liberate the planet. So, immortality is not an issue here, the issue here is fear of death which is part of the program, of the control program. And when you overcome the fear of death, then you are free, then the Cabal cannot control you financially because you are not afraid to die, and when you are not afraid to die, your inner power expands, you get creative, you can do things independently from the control system. This is the Key here.
COBRA – The situation in our solar system is much better. The number of those hostages is much lower but on the surface of the planet the whole surface population is taken hostage in 9-5 slavery jobs. It’s not as harsh existence for example the slaves in Roman times but still human beings are not free and now it’s time to liberate the planet.
COBRA – OK. It’s a double edge sword. First there is many of them have deep spiritual experiences because they were outside of the veil. At the same time the controlling forces tried their best to suppress those experiences and keep the secrets going. So all those people, all those astronauts were under great psychological pressure and were heavily mind controlled to suppress what they had seen and experienced. So being an astronaut was not an easy job. They have some beautiful experiences and they were also heavily traumatized. This is the reason for the strange behavior of the astronauts. There are some famous cases of astronauts who returned from the moon and had deep psychological problems as a result of their psychological and physical mind programing that had been subjected to.
Lynn – On another subject, one of our readers is asking about men and women staying as virgins and if there is any spiritual value for this.
COBRA – If somebody is guided in that direction of course it has a spiritual significance for that particular person. But I would say, I would not support any ideology that would put this as a condition to achieve a certain spiritual state. (OK that you)
Cobra: Yes, actually we have two pulses. The first one is triggering the Event, and the second one is triggering the planetary ascension.
Debra: I understand. Will there be a series of natural disasters after the Event? It is said that many people will lose their lives possibly. Can these damages be slowed down or avoided?
Cobra: We are not expecting any drastic cataclysms at the Event or shortly after the Event, but as we get closer to the final, big solar and galactic flash, there will be more and more shaking of the Earth and more and more of the earthquakes and reaching the final moment of the polar shift.
Debra: Are we still on track for the Event to happen as previously explained or has there been a change? Will it be still triggered by a huge solar flash, or as some people speculate, has that timeline collapsed and it is now coming in many "mini" solar flashes that will continue until 2025?
Cobra: It will not be a solar flash. It will be, I would say, a Galactic pulse, which is not yet a big, big solar flash, which creates the cataclysm. So when the Event happens, there will be no global cataclysm, but there will be a strong flash of energy. And the plan is still the same.
Debra: How will different people experience it? For instance, awakened Lightworkers or dysfunctional people, 'asleep people', or those who do not wish to change? Will the implants and programming automatically resolve at this time, or will people still need to 'do the work' themselves?
Cobra: The awakened people, for them it will be a very enjoyable experience. For those who have been in denial will have to face whatever they have denied. And the implants will for sure be cleared to a certain degree, but there will still be work that needs to be done. But people will have to do this work by themselves, and of course, with the assistance of the Light Forces.
Debra: That makes sense. People are curious what life will look like for the awakened Lightworkers during and after the Event? Will we be busier than ever helping people deal with the disclosures and fulfilling our missions, or will we be whisked off to some galactic paradise for rest and healing?
Cobra: This will be quite individual. Certain people have been overworked and are on the verge of collapse. They will need healing and rest. And some people will be bursting with enthusiasm after the Event and will be just running around helping everybody, awakening everybody. So, it's very individual.
Cobra: The Light Forces are monitoring the activity of all the Lightworkers in this liberation process. And those who have been contributing the most are on a top priority list, and those are the ones who will be contacted first. And also, those who are in a great need of healing will also be among those who are contacted first.
Cobra: The plan is that everybody will be able to enjoy enough time in a physical reality before the Ascension to integrate whatever they need to integrate. I will not give any timing right now for obvious reasons, but I would say that it's part of the growth process for everybody to have a joyful physical life for a certain amount of time that is necessary before the Ascension.
Cobra: All that will happen before the Ascension. When the Ascension happens, you will have all that integrated. You have no more need for that, and you will have no more need for the physical body. You will be able to manifest the hologram of the physical body, but it will not be a real physical body. You will not be incarnation anymore because you will not need that anymore.
Q. Was ever any other planet in known Universe and known cosmic history in similar situation as EARTH is?
A. No, no, this is very unique, something like this has never happened anywhere before.
Q. Has the EARTH experience been able to show Cosmos at large that things are in need to be managed in a very different way from now on, than it was until now?
A. Yes, definitely, actually this was and still is a big lesson for all of the Universe.
COBRA – After the event the borders will be eliminated as soon as it is realistically possible. Sometimes it takes a few days or weeks to dismantle boarder crossings or to train officials, but yes, the intent is immediately after the event to completely erase borders on this planet.
COBRA – There will be no races that have negative agenda’s presented to humanity and each human being will make his or her own choices who to connect and under which conditions. So the first contact is basically an individual event. It’s not a mass scenario. It is a mass scenario in a certain way, but each individual will need to make an individual choice: Do I want to connect? Do I want to communicate with other races, or not? Nobody will be forced to communicate. No one will be forced to make contact, but contact will be made and it will be distributed through mass media and people will be informed and of course each individual will make individual choices of how the contact is being made.
COBRA – A replicator is a machine that translates the etheric plane into the physical matter. So you have a design of an object on the etheric plane. You can actually design the computer on a graphic design program and create a mould on the etheric plane and you press a button and the whole thing materializes on the physical plane. It’s a very simple physical process of transition of etheric matter into the physical matter and they use the same technology to materialize or dematerialize a mothership or ship from the etheric to physical, in and out of our reality. And basically it’s possible to manifest whatever you wish from the etheric matter. So there will be no limitations after a certain point when human beings are healed and purified enough internally not to misuse that technology.
COBRA – Okay. The orgonite is an invention, I would say, which tries to influence the etheric plane and it tends to dissolve negative energies on the etheric plane. Shugite is a stone, but actually it’s a certain material which can actually be a very strong protector against the negative energies and against negative energy fields.
Rob – Thank you, very much. Here’s an interesting one dear to my heart. Can you confirm or deny rumors of Michelle Obama is in reality a man and his/her name is really Michael Lavon Robinson?
COBRA – I have not been checking into this very deeply, but I would agree with that.
COBRA – Monatomic elements are usually they produce them from noble metals and they have a very special physical characteristic and one of those characteristics is connection between the physical plane and the higher plane. The monatomic gold, for example, can connect human consciousness with beings in higher dimensions quite directly.
COBRA – Yes, because each electron here in the atomic shell is actually a little portal – a little star gate. The electron is a wave. It’s a hyper-dimensional worm-hole you might say. And it can transmit information. It can transmit energy. And if those electrons are in right position, they can very effectively connect physical plane with higher energies, with higher dimensional beings.
COBRA – Okay. Throughout the entire universe, marriage is a ceremony or a ritual of a positive nature that deepens the soul connection between twin souls. This is what it usually is. It is not a religious ceremony. It is not something that binds you in any way. It deepens the connection and confirms the connection between you and your twin soul. This is originally what marriage was meant to be, and it is inside of this galaxy and other galaxies throughout the universe.
COBRA – Well, the term simultaneous time lines is actually a misinterpretation of the fact that when you are in the higher frequency you can remember everything at once. But time is still happening in linear sequence. Something happened before something else happened. But, yes, we are behind the schedule. I think everyone can agree with that.
Cobra: Okay. I can explain basically what Ascension is. Ascension is a liberation of consciousness from all third dimensional realities. It is liberation from the physical plane. It is a liberation from all the emotional states and mental states. It’s actually quite similar to what the eastern religions were terming as enlightenment.
Cobra: Free energy, food replicators, and med beds will be very much needed to reduce the suffering of human population. So they will be distributed as fast as possible after the Event.
Cobra: The Light Forces are now leaning towards making the First Contact as soon as possible after the Event. I would say as soon as the surface population can process much of the fact this can happen. There might be incidences or individuals contacted even before, and there are certain plans to push that even sooner. So I would say that many, many groups have an interest to make this First Contact happen as soon as possible.
Cobra: Actually, all of the Lightworkers were ascended long time before they came here. And they went through very strong implantation process and strong forgetting process.
Cobra: Crucifixion process was, I would say, a dark initiation orchestrated by the dark forces. And it had absolutely no value or teaching to humanity. It was just a manifestation of suffering, which was not part of the life plan.
Cobra: It is an end-of-era geological and astrological shift, combined with a cosmic cycle conversion, which involves the planetary Ascension process. So this is a convergence of geological, astrological, and cosmic cycles. It's all, all in one.
Cobra: Since the collapse of the alpha timeline in 2018, there is almost zero intel out there. So, in that vacuum, most of what is out there is disinformation. And in a way, it will be better just to switch off social media, switch off the internet, and spend your time with your higher self. You will be much better off.
Cobra: Yes, of course. For example, in Beijing the Lightworkers have created a strong cintamani grid. And as a result, there is much less fog. In Taiwan, they have deflected typhoons. There are now almost zero typhoons, zero harmful hurricanes reaching the island in the last few years. So cintamani grids can influence the physical reality.
Cobra: You can always use the Violet Flame. You can drink as pure water as possible, and you can spend some time in nature.
COBRA – Enlightenment is just a moment when your personality gets into contact with the truth. While Ascension is the completion of the complete transformation of your personality into that truth. (alright, thank you)
COBRA – OK. I cannot talk about the time lines or time estimates. I would just say that at The Event, very soon money will become obsolete because we will have, first we will have advanced technologies to materialize everything we need with replicators and 2nd, the spiritual awareness of humanity will be reaching the point where money is not needed any more. So I would say very soon after The Event those things will happen but before The Event it’s impossible.
COBRA – OK. Disclosure and The Event are coexisting. When The Event pulse reaches, at that very moment there will already be intel dumps in the main stream media and they will escalate and accelerate after The Event quite, quite fast.
C: Catal Hoyuk and Sanliurfa are Goddess vortexes of planetary importance. Peaceful neolithic civilization in Anatolia was the source of the Goddess energy for the whole region. Ku-bi-le-ja (Cybele) is an ancient Anatolian Goddess: (link provided by C)
COBRA – Again, the exact moment of the galactic pulse is a result of interaction of our consciousness with the galactic consciousness and the date has not been set yet. Richard – It’s sort of still waiting for us to reach the point when we’re ready for it. COBRA – It has not reached the planet as you can obviously see. (yes) And outside a certain area of the solar system, the physical wave is traveling with superluminal speeds. It does not travel with the speed of light but with much greater speed.
COBRA – It does not need to destroy the civilization. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesnt. Humanity lives on this planet for millions of years. Some of those galactic core explosions are quite drastic. Not all of them are. Some of them can be quite intense. This solar system is much more dynamic than science wants to portray. There are on going changes in the solar system which are quite noticeable. For example the Jupiter great red spot(?) has changed dramatically in the last 10 years or so.
Rob – How soon after the event will people be able to go and travel and live anywhere around the world with out restrictions or boarders.
COBRA – I would say the whole process will being within the first week after the event and it will take a few months to settle everything completely Its just a matter of logistics and infrastructure.
COBRA – Actually its a natural way for star being to descend into physicality. There are many different forms that it can take. It can be materialization for very highly developed beings. It can be entering into a cloned body or it can be reincarnating through a birth process. So most of the star people that are physically present on this planet came through the birth process many lifetimes ago to assist in the liberation of the planet and to complete this experience, to complete this liberation process for the whole galaxy.
COBRA – This was one part of the, I would say, the secret space program. Yes, that civilization went through deep transformation when the light forces entered those systems which are quite close to our solar system. Its quite a recent occasion. It was like the last 10 or 15 years. There was a great transmission of many solar systems in this section of the galaxy and most of the greys have crossed into the light.
Rob – Yes. Some people want to know what is the galactic central sun. Is it really a sun or a star or is it a portal, a field of super consciousness and is it at the geometric center of the milky way of our galaxy?
COBRA – Yes, it is in the geometric center of the milky way galaxy. It is actually a living entity, a star gate, a star – its all of that. Its actually an entrance into the higher dimensions beyond space and time, beyond duality. It is the entrance/exit point and this is the space where souls cross through when they start their evolution, so its actually an entry point of birth place for the souls and of course also the dying place for the soul who have lost their purpose in their evolution like the cabal.
COBRA – Yes, and most of them did cross into the light, those who were not of the reptilian race. Those who were of the reptilian race actually, many of them did not choose the light.
COBRA – Yes, exactly. It is very important if you want to have a great degree of cooperation and create a planetary change. You need to have a group with a same purpose doing the same thing at the same time. Its a physical law. I did not invent it. It is simply a part of hyper dimensional physics. So thats why its important to get critical mass to, shall I say, accelerate change on the planet.
C : Both, actually, France was a very important center of the Light in the 18th century, when the Freemasonry was still part of the Light forces, and France was exactly where the infiltration happened, at the end of the 18th century by the jesuits. They infiltrated the masonic networks, and the top jesuits and the archons, italian black nobility family, used the same symbols, especially through France, after the French revolution, to further suppress human freedom.
C : Actually these are sacred symbols, the pentagram is a symbol of divine will, and the hexagram is a symbol of divine love. They're actually symbols of divine masculine and divine feminine.
C : The 5 is masculine and the 6 is the feminine in a certain aspect. But in the other aspect the 5 can also be attributed to the divine feminine, because of the Venus cycle, and the hexagram can be determined as a unification of male and female, or polarities of opposites, like heaven and earth, day and night, and similar others
C : Actually we are going through a process of convergence of all different universes into One Universe, which is part of the cosmic evolution. And most of the universes were very small and undeveloped, and this is actually one of the major manifestations.
C : Night is not negative, night is simply a phase of rotation of a planet when the sun is not present in the sky. When i say darkness it is the negativity, which is a result of the interaction between contingency and free will.
U : So is there a purpose of lightworkers being all spread out in different locations to create a grid ? C : Yes exactly.
COBRA – OK. After the event, the process of reunification with the twin souls will start.
Rob – Very Good. Here’s an interesting one. It goes hand in hand with another one that people asked. After the event, will people be able to make contact with their family members that have passed on. Will there be a process, will it be telepathic, will it be open or will it still be more difficult.
COBRA – The light forces will have certain technology quite shortly after the event where people will be able to have contact with their loved ones on the other side.
On a very positive note, I have received certain awesome intel on the level I did not receive since the year 2000, from a very high and reliable source. I can just say that the amazing future we have been fighting for is real, and will happen. Replicators, free energy, interstellar travel, the Golden Age, all this is awaiting us. Trillions upon trillions of dollars are spent by the Cabal every year to give us the impression that nothing has changed and nothing every will. When this Truman show falls apart, you will all be amazed. Until then, instead of falling into a black hole of despair and passivity, you can use this book as a tool to go through an inner transformation and experience a better life:
You need to understand that if you wish to make your life better, you need to do 80% of the work yourself so the Light forces can help you with the remaining 20%.
Cobra: Well, I have been briefed about that. There was a claim that are positive reptilians, but I have never encountered one or had any indirect contact with them. So it's hard to believe, but apparently also positive reptilians do exist, but now most of them are not.
James: Are we talking, I mean, you said it was 80 to 90% of the Draco were, were mostly negative. What about the reptilians? What ratio are you thinking of?
Cobra: Well over 95% negative.
Cobra: It's good to spend some time in nature and after all, and before or you need to listen to your inner guidance, your higher self, and be brutally sincere with yourself. Do not lie to yourself. Just be honest and admit to yourself everything you need to admit to yourself. Self denial is the most spread disease on this planet.
Cobra: It has to be after the Event. It's part of the disclosure program. It's all the same, basically. It's all the same question. We are now living in this old, boring reality when there is no disclosure there we have this unfair system. And when things really begin to move, it will be quite drastic and it will be quite explosive and it will be very, very evident.
Cobra: It is, again, this is the dark forces still control the surface of the planet. And basically they are taking humanity hostage. So any direct actions against the dark members would trigger a strong retaliation. So when the whole operation happens in the whatever way it will happen, it will happen in a way that will not endanger human surface... Humanity surface population.
Cobra: I cannot confirm the existence of those med beds, but I can say that tachyon chambers cannot regenerate the body. Like they cannot grow a limb for example, but they can definitely improve the state of the physical body because they improve the state of the immune system and they can actually realign the subatomic structure of the physical body with a perfect prototype.
Cobra: What would help a lot are more unity among the so-called Lightworkers. I know this is not realistic, but if there are really, if we would achieve more unity, that would create a very strong harmonic resonance field that would allow Light forces to do things faster and more efficiently.
Cobra: There would need to be much more mutual support between the Lightworkers. They could create support groups supporting each other physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. This is what needs to happen. There is simply far too little support between the Lightworkers and that needs to change immediately.
Terry: Okay. Understand. Next question. Is there enough Goddess energy now existing on the surface of the planet?
Cobra: Far from it. We have far too little Goddess energy on the surface of the planet. We will need much, much, much, much, much more.
Cobra: What is important is not just meditating in a weekly meeting. What is important is to embody Goddess energy in daily life. So those people who are connected with the Goddess energy can invoke that energy and let it emanate through their actions in daily life. This is what is most important right now.
Cobra: The vast majority of spiders you see at home have absolutely no connection with the Chimera group
Jedi: Oh, great. Okay, the next. There are Ascension vortexes around the world like Mount Fuji in Japan and the Mount Jade in Taiwan for example. How can we utilize this vortex for planetary liberation and the personal spiritual advancement? Cobra: Those locations have a very strong spiritual energy. If you are able to go there to visit those locations, you can get a lot of spiritual upliftment. If you cannot physically go there, you can connect with those locations through our meditations and can get some of that upliftment as well.
Cobra: Goshenite is a mineral which connects with the central race in the most powerful way among all the minerals known to humanity.
Cobra: The Age Of Aquarius is the golden age that everybody's waiting for. The Age of Aquarius is actually our life after the Event. It Is a transition from the old society. And a new society where there will be equality; There'll be love; There will be understanding between people; There will be new advanced technologies introduced; There will be First Contact and abundance and healing for everybody.
Cobra: It is again, not about invoking St. Germain on December 21st. It is to invoke him... his presence in your daily life. And you can have his image, his picture [and] meditate upon that picture, or you can just connect with him during your meditations.
COBRA: On August 11th, 1999, a huge interdimensional portal opened which actually reversed the trend of the Draco invasion. Between 1996 and 1999, the Dark Forces were just attacking the planet, coming here and gaining power. This powerful stargate reversed the trend, so since then they are losing power. This was visible two years later, and the 9/11, which they engineered, was not a sign of strength, it was a sign of their weakness and desperation—because always when they do something so visible, so easily noticeable, it means that they are desperate. They understood at some point people would be investigating and everything would come out, so they had no option. It means that they started to lose the war, the Galactic War, in 1999.
COBRA: The most simple, practical way would be to spend some time each day in nature. I would say half an hour to one hour each day in nature would help quite much. And do not say you don’t have time for that, you can create time for that. It is one of the top priorities to keep sanity in the world as it is now.
COBRA: As the very word sisterhood implies, there are people, especially women, who are sisters to each other, and that means transcending old belief systems and patterns that women have towards each other. So they need to start behaving towards each other as sisters and not as competitors, and this will solve one-half of the problem. The other half of the problem will be solved when there is enough Goddess energy present in a group, that the group will become a magnetic vortex that will draw other people to it. So it is a matter of making a conscious decision, everybody who is involved in those groups, to actively embody sisterhood principle in daily life, and then bring Goddess energy into the group through meditation and other practices that were given through my blog and through other sources.
COBRA: It can have, but I would say many, many, many times less because we are on the physical plane and physical action is very important. A virtual group will stay on the mental plane and it will not affect the physical plane so much. This is one of the tricks of the Dark Forces; they have created a mental network. The internet was created by the Light ones, but the Dark Forces have misused the internet to keep people completely enmeshed into the world of ideas and the world of artificial social networking which has nothing to do with our physical lives. And virtual groups have very little impact on the planetary situation.
COBRA – OK, Every time you fall you just get up and just continue. This is how we proceed. It is the same for everybody. If you loose your job if you are down or you loose your home, I would say that it’s a personal re-set situation. When you have an opportunity to leave the old and start something different. Instead of having a slave job in the old financial system, you can start creating something independent. It is an opportunity for a new beginning. Of course it is not easy. A new beginning always starts with a new vision with your own determination of what you would like to create and slowly this begins to become reality .
COBRA - Light workers are forced only on the light and their purpose is to spread light and anchor light on the planet and they have a tendency to deny the existence of darkness on this planet, so the vast majority of light workers are in certain level of denial about the presence of darkness but they are still doing a great job of holding and anchoring the light on the planet. The light warriors are usually focused more on removal of the darkness of this planet and there needs to be a certain balance needs to be created between the light worker’s approach and the light warrior’s approach to the situation because the truth is somewhere in the middle. It is important to be aware of the darkness but it is also very important to focus on the light and to anchor the light on the planet.
COBRA - Yes. Actually it is very important to put things into perspective. I know that everybody is tired and this is taking far too long but if we understand that we are actually un-doing 25,000 years of darkness. We are deconstructing the quarantine which has been here for 25,000 years and our purpose is to do this in a few years time. We are doing a great job and we are making big progress and the final breakthrough will come and when it comes we will all be rewarded for our hard work.
Lynn - I’m looking forward to that celebration.
COBRA - Yes. After the event there will be a big celebration and a period of happiness will begin that will never end. The suffering was never intended to be part of the life experience and it will never be again after the darkness is gone from this planet.
Actually the Platonic solids, especially some of them are not just expressed through music they are basic ingredients of the basic structure of the universe itself so musical expression is just one way of expressing cosmic diversity and Plato came to this awareness through the mystery school which was actually a reflection of the old mystery schools from Atlantis at that time they knew how the spheres works and how many of the spheres were actually resonate frequency waves which hold the planet in the orbit. It’s actually the cosmic music is a combination of force fields which keep this universe in balance, so from a cosmic perspective music is much more than what we hear through our ears. It can be felt through higher energy bodies. It can be experienced directly in higher states of awareness and its even more beautiful than what we can experience here in human bodies.
COBRA – It's an unfortunate situation. All the life streams on this planet have been actually made hostage to the cabal and the animals are not excluded to this. After the event happens it will be a big relief for all the life streams on this planet because they will given much loving healing and attention. Many of the life forces will be resorted to their previous beauty.
COBRA – Yes, of course. There might be some people that still need to eat meat but that will be done in a much more loving and humane way than it's done now. It will not be a mass industry as it is now. This will be over. This will be finished.
Rob - How is the best way to contact your soul?
Cobra – The first thing is to be absolutely sincere with yourself. The second thing is to allow yourself to feel your emotions and integrate. 3rd – is to appreciate beauty. 4th is meditation.
COBRA – Actually, now as the most universe is liberated, most beings experience whatever they do, they do it from that frequency of divine love. They originate all their actions from that frequency and therefore their lifes are full of joy and beauty and harmony and they do not experience this intense conflict that we have here on this planet. So their lives are very very beautiful. The only problem they have is when they look to this planet and they want to help, and they feel the agony and suffering of beings here. So this the major focus and the major problem in this universe right now, to completely resolve this primary anomaly and this hostage situation that we have on this planet and then the whole universe will experience huge cosmic leap that everyone is looking towards.
Richard – Thank you very much for that. What do most extraterrestrials do Do they have jobs How do they spend their day, other than what you just said.
COBRA – They dont need to have jobs because they can create everything whatever their wish from their advanced technology. They focus on their creativity, they focus on exploring the universe deeper. They advance their science. They advance their spirituality. They connect with each other. They create. They have a good time.
Richard – Thats amazing. Thank you so much.
COBRA – They dont have this slavery routine. Jobs on this planet are part of Orion. This is not something that is normal. It is not considered normal in the rest of the universe.
Debra: How can tired and exhausted lightworkers tap into the power of their consciousness to heal their bodies and their finances once they tap into the knowledge that we really do live in a universe of thought, not a universe of dead matter?
Cobra: By utilizing the law of manifestation. I was speaking about law of manifestation a few times; also on my conferences, there are a written notes about that on my blog somewhere, people can find it and study that. It's not that easy, I know, but it's possible for us to make our conditions better, regardless of all those external effects and influences. The law of manifestation is still valid, so we can utilize that.
Debra: That actually was exactly my next question: do these techniques that you teach in your conferences still work? Some people are feeling like there's just way too much interference by the dark forces in the lives of lightworkers to be able to fully manifest joy and abundance—but you're saying that they still do work and it's still worth putting energy into?
Cobra: Yeah, there is a lot of counter interference or counter current, I would say. It's not that easy to manifest complete joy and abundance, but you can have partial success at least, which is better than nothing at this moment.
Debra: Do you have any extra tips that you can add to your original protocols that could help us at this point?
Cobra: I would say if you really study those protocols and utilize them, you have more than enough.
C: I would say that it is not possible to reconcile those polarities in a harmonious way because the Dark Forces have no [inaudible] intention of cooperating. So the only way that this can be resolved is by transporting certain of those beings into the Galactic Central Sun. There is no other way. The Light Forces were trying to resolve that conflict in a peaceful way for a very long time – even for too long a time – and it was not successful. So the only way out is that certain beings will simply have to be disintegrated.
Connecting with our soul family is the key to creating a new society. Soul mates are connected by energy and essence and are beings that were created in a similar way, have similar origins, and soul structure. Beings connected on a soul level is the key to relationship and harmony. This is the norm in societies in the rest of the universe. The Resistance Movement was given instructions on how to form soul families in 1997. At the time they were not as harmonious. It took 4 to 5 years in doing inner work to transform their society where they now have zero conflict. The Pleiadians have asked me to introduce this info.
(Through the sophisticated programming) of the Matrix, the Archons have internalized our enslavement within us. We have 2 basic options. One is to stay in the matrix and live “normal” lives as most of the surface population is living. This a convenient way of living but not very healthy. Many are depressed. The other option is to break free. In the short term it is hard and difficult, yet in the long term it is rewarding. If you go to India for a month or if you own your own business, this is a from of making an initial breakthrough. Each time we make a break through, our options increase and our freedom expands. We expand our sphere of availability. We have a choice of making a breakthrough (whatever form it takes) or listening to our fear and holding back. The Event is not a magical potion that will solve all your problems and give you total freedom. A small group of us are ready to breakthrough and gather with our soul families and create bubbles of heaven.
Becoming face to face with sexual energies will be hard for most. This has been the most manipulated sphere. A key to stabilization will be to start gathering into soul families, which will ease and stabilize the energy grid. As these connections are made and this stabilization made, the Event can happen easier and sooner.
Biological families were introduced to control our DNA. Problems are received from our family, which is a closed system where entropy exists, and this increased the problems. There will be dramatic change at the time of the Event. The transformation that occurs will allow everything that is an illusion to fall away, be taken away. We will see our own trauma and not relate from it. There will be a critical mass of soul awareness. There will be an interlocking (connection) of soul families on the surface of the planet that will link to a universal connection of soul families.
The whole financial structure of the world can only function with women’s sexual energy suppressed. The torroidial field of the Light body becomes distorted.
Cobra: Okay. Universe is actually shaped as a Torus. and Torus, as you know, does not have a central point, but it does have a central entry point. This is the point where the Cosmic Central Sun is located, and that is the most powerful entry point from the higher planes towards the physical plane in this universe.
The main message of the Light Forces for the surface population now is that people need to connect to their Soul, release their dependency from digital media, be honest and sincere with themselves, connect to what is beautiful, pure and true, develop nobility of character and release judgement and denial.
Besides plasma anomaly, physical pain is the second most powerful source of evil when combined with negative free will. Physical pain originates from imperfect evolution of central nervous system in the physical bodes on planets with excessive amount of primary anomaly. Fear of physical pain is the source of trauma-based mind programming which structures the society on planets controlled by the dark forces, the last such planet being planet Earth.
Here I would like to communicate that I release intel to empower people to think with their own head and expand their horizons, not to create followers. I release intel about the Event not to make people passively wait, but to participate in the creation of the Event actively in whatever way they feel guided. Even on the highest level, intel is highly compartmentalized and on a need to know basis, so I do not know everything and my understanding of the deepest layers of the rabbit hole evolves with time when new intel comes in. Still, my intel sources are very reliable and are not subject to personality distortions, subjectivity and mind programming that the surface intel sources exhibit.
One plan of the Archons was to completely shut down the emotional life and meaningful social interactions of human beings. This is why they have introduced smart phones:
Younger generations are especially targeted, because those born after 1996 had very little experience of positive plasma, etheric and astral energy environment that would allow them to develop healthy emotional and social habits.
People who are already involved in projects for the planetary liberation need to refrain from communication on Facebook because that platform have been heavily infiltrated. They need to use end-to-end encrypted email services such as Tutanota (excellent) or Protonmail (good) or encrypted phone apps such as Signal (excellent) or Whatsapp (good).
Cobra: The United States was a country with the greatest potential, enormous potential, I would say and far more than most people imagine, and it has been suppressed more deeply than most countries on the planet. And as we approach closer to the event and I would say when we will be very close to the Event, there will be a huge and fast acceleration of consciousness in the United States that will be super fast.
The main stronghold of female Lightwarriors of the Resistance Movement under wise leadership of a woman with a codename Ariel is on Eris, a small planetary body on the edge of the Solar system:
The time of the AION portal activation signifies the peak of Uranus Pluto square, which is occurring in the 2012-2015 timeframe. This is the most important astrological aspect of our times and its meaning is very simple: revolution of Light. The exact heliocentric moment of the Uranus Pluto square comes on November 23rd. At that moment, a very interesting heliocentric configuration will be taking place apart from Uranus Pluto square. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto will form a six pointed star mandala around the Sun:
The six pointed star is the very same configuration that happened at the Harmonic Concordance in November 2003 (when the Resistance hacked the etheric implant computer program) and it happened again at the Peace Portal on August 25th this year (when we have collectively prevented the military invasion in Syria).
Cobra: Okay. When the veil drops Tachyon energy will begin to infuse human bodies and will begin to restore health, and also emotional and mental harmony in the surface population. So this is what we can expect after the Event.
Cobra: Okay. the tachyon chambers that we have installed on the surface of the planet will conduct very strong energies and will actually ground a lot of tachyon energy for the whole planet. And this will help stabilizing the Grid. So there will be no massive earthquakes or drastic cataclysms at the moment of the Event.
It is interesting to note that more details about the Shapley attractor were published on January 11th 2006, exactly 10 years after the Congo Archon invasion in 1996.
The Event will be a multidimensional breakthrough for planet Earth that will send waves of Light across the Universe. The Event will be spiritual and physical in nature. It will encompass a breakthrough in removal of non-physical negative entities, mass arrests of the Cabal and drastic increase of sightings of positive UFOs. It will be a unified effort of the Pleiadians, the Resistance Movement, Positive Military, White Dragon Society and other positive groups.
Cobra: And actually, what the Cabal needs to keep their financial system running is not just fiat money, they need solid gold, because, at the deepest level of the financial system, it can only operate if there is gold present. This is a well-kept secret, but if the Cabal has zero gold, absolutely zero gold, the whole structure collapses immediately. Very, very quickly. So they have to grab a little bit of gold here and there, to keep the machine running.
COBRA – One questions at a time. yes – there are chemtrails. I am not denying their existence. I'm just saying, what most people are not seeing chemtrails they are seeing on contrails. There are chemtrails but they are far less than what people think. Yes it's good to move out of the US as that is the country under most strong attack from the Cabal as far as chemtrails, food poisoning, scalar weapons and on and on. Anywhere else in the world would be better.
COBRA – The first possibility is they are MK ultra programmed victims and they expect them to sit back and they have a strong mission that would endanger the Cabal. Either they have a strong spiritual potential or they have some other potential that they view as a threat from the cabal. I would give a certain piece of advice here. Re-locate out of the US, if possible. And in many instances it is possible.
A: Contact Dish can happen also before the Event; as soon as it is safe, they will start contact. After the Event it will be easier. A private land of 30x30 meters is needed for that. It takes care of legal issues, otherwise the military could intervene."
Inviting a Mothership
Cobra invites us call a pleadian mothership down onto our land. This can be done by reaching our with your consciousness towards them and telling them that you give them permission and wish them to land. Important points: You must own the land, you must be the one who signed the documents of ownership. If you do call a mothership, you must NOT discuss this with anyone. Do NOT write this anywhere. This must be a mental descision and comunication with the pleadians must be telepathic. You do not need to be living on that land, you can be further away. The pleadians will check out if it’s safe and an appropriate location for their ship to land before they come. They will evaluate the person who invited them to see if they can handle the situation if/when they do land. Cobra says that if we invite a pleadian mothership to land on our private land that we own, we will have their protection if any earth forces try to interfere. The law says that we are allowed to do what we wish on our private land which is why this is possible.
Pure Feminine energy is: unconditionally loving and receptive. Pure Masculine energy is: pure action. Both energies are equally important, however the suppression of this plannet hinges on keeping the feminine energies under tight control. In the past Cobra has posted that more feminine energy on the planet would stop all wars. Cobra explained that female sexual energy is actually the key to cracking through the matrix, AND also triggering the solar flash from the central sun. The receptivity of the feminine sexual energy acts as the contact dish for this event, a signal that we are ready. With this said it’s very important that women come into contact with their sexually and start to break through the blockages that have been put in our way.
Taiwan is the centre of "population gravity". With 2000 Cintamani stones planted in the island, it is the epicentre of Ascension. The underground base in Northern Taiwan is almost ready, and can accommodate up to 2.5 billion people.
Last year, I have introduced Galactic Cintamani Stones. Their origins are galactic center so they are even more powerful. I had to introduce these gradually because the energy is simply too strong. Whenever I mentioned this stone, crazy things began to happen so I had to be very careful and decided to release slowly. But now I can release next level of information about galactic cintamani stones. They will have a very important role in the Event. They will intercept the pressure of the energy coming from the central sun. So they will stabilize the energy grid of the planet, so that the polar shift will not happen too soon.
A. Galactic Cintamani itself is not about Goddess energy, it is the energy of the galactic center.
The galactic cintamani stones have also the very important function that I will talk about later, is clearing Sub-Quantum Anomaly.
Take a look at this picture, it is the pattern of positive standing waves and that is what a light grid should look like. In the middle part, it shows the light grid vortex of cintamani stone. When you bury a cintamani stone, it will create an energy vortex just like you can see in the middle.
Sirius star system has a very strong connection with the Galactic Central Sun. It is protected by a highly evolved race. During the 1996 Archon invasion, it was the only safe, unaffected sector in our galaxy. Since 1996, the Light forces have utilized the Sirius portal to liberate this region. The Light forces also use Sirius to transmit powerful energy from the Galactic Central Sun. This is why we have to build a global cintamani grid of Light on the Earth, as it can help transmit powerful energy from Sirius smoothly.
The Cintamani project is about putting more energy points into the energy grid. Cintamani stones are conductors of energy. For every Cintamani stone on this planet a mothership is activated and putting energy into it. Put the stone into the ground, a mothership will put the energy into the ground. Each time a stone gets planted in the ground it becomes a point for an Angelic being to anchor a vortex for the Goddess energy in the ground. Next to mass meditations, it is the most powerful tool to transfer galactic energy to the surface.
COBRA – The best strategy is to put Cintamani stones in strategic positions. Not only on the land masses but also in the oceans far away from, far away from the coast.
We can change the climate and geopolitical situation of a country by burying cintamani stones. The infight among some teams will make a country become chaotic. They had a chance to create a better grid of Light, but they failed and caused a national crisis.
C: The Archons try to manipulate the emotions because this is the easiest way to manipulate human beings. If the emotions are too excited, people cannot think clearly. To keep triggering the emotions all the time; people are always in reaction. Then they have no way to get clear thinking. This is how the Archons keep humans in slavery.
Operation Stardust 2 was carried out by the Pleiadian Fleet from the orbit of planet Earth. Stardust is the codename of a special advanced nanotechnology. It is a dust made of small nanoparticles that were sprayed into the physical bodies of the members of the Cabal and their minions (think “cosmic chemtrails”). This nanodust can not be removed by any technology known on Earth. Its activation has two phases. The first phase blocks the central nervous system immediately and a person can not move. The second phase kills the person. It will be activated at the time of the Event to block members of the Cabal trying to do any harm. In vast majority of cases Phase 1 activation will be sufficient. The purpose of the Operation Stardust is to counteract any negative effects of Doom 33 that the Cabal might want to use at that point. In combination with the Positive Military action, this basically check-mates the power of the Cabal. This technology will NOT be activated before the Event. At the Event, the Positive Military and civilian authority will still need to do their part. The purpose of this operation is to make it easier for them. If high-ranking members of the Cabal need to have proof that Operation Stardust 2 is real, this proof can be arranged.
"Some people find it difficult forgiving the Cabal. True forgiveness to the Cabal can happen only after they are stopped in what they are doing. Before that, you can use your anger constructively by assisting in the planetary liberation process. Forgiving the Cabal will be easier if you understand that they are acting out of trauma they themselves have received in the past. After they are stopped, violence will solve nothing. Those who are unredeemable will go to the Galactic Central Sun for restructuring and the rest will feel their conscience giving them a really hard time when they finally realize what they have done:
Forgiveness is easy if you understand that everybody on this planet had some really traumatic experiences in this or any of the previous lifetimes. Each individual reacts upon those experiences in a unique way. To release the past and learn from it is the key to the new reality. We need to start focusing on how to make things work in the new society. Forgiveness will open a flow of cosmic Love upon the surface of this planet and this energy is exactly what the advanced extraterrestrial races need to anchor their ships here after the First Contact."
COBRA OK. humanoid ____ type has evolved on many different places, not only throughout this galaxy but also other galaxies. I would not say there is a certain specific region that is the birthplace of the human race. Its a universal archetype which is actually a natural result of the laws of physics. This is the most convenient way for a physical body to function on the physical plane.
The last two years have witnessed Cabal attacks on Goddess energy (the gentleness and care aspect). For cosmic balance we need both aspects of energy, the hard and the soft. It's the same thing on the physical level. Goddess energy brings physical beauty. The Cabal strives to make everything ugly through modern art and modern architecture.
Cobra – People are so focused on DNA they forget the key aspect which is consciousness. What is the most important here is the state of consciousness. Whatever you can do to raise your consciousness to keep higher vibrational frequency the consciousness is the way to go.
COBRA – Basically the status of the physical body of that person. When the body is in a state when it’s not a good enough to sustain life, this is basically the moment when the soul leaves the body.
Rob – This is a natural phenomena or is it determined by destiny or does a soul choose this?
COBRA – It’s a natural phenomena. The body can sustain itself for a certain period of time and then it’s too fragile or there’s too much entropy to continue.
COBRA – Basically it’s not about DNA. DNA is part of the physical body. What needs to awaken is the conscious body. And the DNA transformation of the physical body is just a consequence of that transformation. The consciousness needs to transform first and then the DNA transforms by itself.
C: Consciousness shapes the DNA. DNA is just the code system for the replication of the physical body. Only ET groups with little access to higher consciousness are fascinated with DNA manipulation.
Lynn- Can you describe if or how time is
experienced on higher dimensional level or in the Universe?
COBRA – OK. Time is experienced as a flow of energy not so much as a
linear concept with past, present and future but it’s more like
eternal NOW which still moves, still moves. . . there is still a time
vector from past to the present and into the future but it is
experienced more multi dimensionally with much greater understanding
of cause and effect of our actions.
Cobra: For the Resistance members that come to the surface and go
back, it’s quite a process. They go, as I said, through something that
looks like a shower. Then they go through a shower that is actually a
scanning device, and it scans their physical body, etheric body,
plasma body, astral body, mental body, everything, and removes every
kind of infection before they can enter. And then, of course, they
have the medical check. They have other checks before they can enter
again. And this is quite a procedure. And this is really why they
don’t like to come to the surface because they know when they come
back they have to go through all that process.
And the surface of the planet is infected and they know that. And they
are very careful about this. The technologies to disinfect the surface
will be available at the time of the Event, not before. When the Light
forces have more power than the occupation forces, this is when the
technology breakthrough will happen at the same time as the Event.
I was not speaking about this before, but there are certain
technologies that the Resistance have and other Light forces have that
will be brought to the surface at the moment of the Event that will
disinfect the surface from many things. This is one part of the
Compression Breakthrough.
So the living standards on the surface are artificially low also because of this. This infection creeps into the consciousness of human beings and this is why they are so depressed, so uninspired. And I would say the vast majority of human conflicts that are happening are engineered. They are not real. And this is all orchestrated by this technology.
C : After the Event, there will be a lot of energy support from the Galactic Central Sun, and it will be much easier then to develop these telepathic abilities, and the Light forces will give guidance and instructions how to develop that and of course it will take some dedicated time and practice for those to be awakened, it will not just happen by itself. People will still need to dedicate quite much time and effort to develop those, but it will be much easier than it is now.
C : It is simply a symbol which came from the time of Atlantis, when the golden apple was the symbol of the soul, and gold as a metal was a connection with the spiritual Light of the soul.
Cobra: Okay. This technology that people call med beds is actually a technology that has been around the galaxy for quite some time, and it can reverse the aging process. It can heal the disease, it can repair the energy bodies, it can repair the physical bodies. And this will start to be distributed at some point after the Event where there is enough consciousness for that. And again, the first who'll be given those technologies are the Lightworkers and then it will slowly begin to precipitate towards the general population.
Aaron – You said that in an interview that after The Event humanity
will have to put as much effort and energy into maintaining our
physical body. Does this imply that we will be eating less? If not
what does this exactly imply?
COBRA – Yes, we will also be eating less.
Cobra: Okay. What Tachyons do - they flow through the lower planes through the physical body, through the etheric body, through the astral body, through the mental body, and they harmonize and align everything. They decrease the amount of primary anomaly, and they increase the amount of Light in those in those bodies.
Cobra: They actually also flow through those higher bodies, through the soul body and through higher bodies and through higher dimensions of the soul essence. And they increase the Light there also, and actually make the connection between the soul and the personality stronger.
Rhona: Okay. Can you explain how Tachyon energy works with the Ego triangle, Atma, Buddhi, Manas?
Cobra: Okay. Actually what Tachyons do - they activate permanent atoms on those higher planes and through activating permanent atoms, they increase something that I would describe as an Ascension rate. They manifest more of the energy of the Divine will for Ascension. So they actually accelerate the Ascension process.
Cobra: Okay. Each memory, each event that has not been cleared completely creates a signature imprint into the energy bodies. And some of those imprints are not cleared between the incarnations and they get passed into the next incarnation. So while we live here in this incarnation, now some of those imprints are still here. And one part of the healing process in the chamber is to clear those imprints.
Cobra: Actually, Tachyon chambers bring Tachyon energy into your
energy field and then your energy field spontaneously rearranges with
the energy of the Source because Tachyons are coming directly from
the Source. And this is the shortest possible shortcut towards the
Ascension. And of course, as your energy field rearranges and
realigns with full alignment with the divine archetype, your physical
body reacts also and you bring your physical body state of greater
health. So that's the main principle. And as the energies get
stronger, as we get closer to the Event, the effect of those chambers
will only increase.
Cobra: Okay, actually [it] can help this transition of the deceased person into the Light. The person will not manage to completely escape the matrix, but it can escape from being captured by the dark forces on the etheric plane and the lower astral plane. And this can help the person getting into the area where it's relatively calm and peaceful surroundings on the astral plane.
Cobra: I cannot confirm the existence of those med beds, but I can say that tachyon chambers cannot regenerate the body. Like they cannot grow a limb for example, but they can definitely improve the state of the physical body because they improve the state of the immune system and they can actually realign the subatomic structure of the physical body with a perfect prototype.
Cobra: After we are dead, we die. We have to go into the Light. There is a lot of disinformation out there such as you should not go into the Light, and this is not true because the Light is the essence of our being. And if you go into the Light you will feel with positive energy, and you will cross through the tunnel to the other side. And you don't need to wait 28 days, a few days is enough, but it's good to wait about three days. So the etheric body can fully leave the physical body
Cobra: Okay. I will not comment on them directly, but I would say that there are extremely few people on the planet that really have a connection with the Pleiadians. There are many people who claim to be channeling Pleiadians, but I would say only people who had physical experience with the Pleiadians, or with Sirians or with Arcturians are reliable because they had this link for connection was created in their physical body. So channeling Pleiadians is usually not enough to get reliable information.
C : First, the person who leaves the physical plane goes through a plasma tunnel, and if he succeeds passing through the plasma tunnel, the plasma body gets dissolved, and then he enters the etheric plane, and after a particular time, if he dissolved the etheric body he enters the astral plane.
C : Esoteric means that which is not exoteric, it is inner not outer, it means all that is not connected directly with the physical plane. Occult means that which has techniques or ways to deal with those energies in a more concrete way, occult by itself is not positive or negative, it is just an approach to deal with energies, to direct energies, to work with energies one way or the other. And esoteric is more inner connection with the energies, not so much outer manipulation or direction of energies.
P : Did Jesus go to Tibet to study Buddhism when he was young ? Or He actually worked on his spiritual training at Egyptian mystery school with Mary from age of 12 to 31 years old ?
C : Actually yes he was trained in Egypt in mystery school that is absolutely correct, and yes he also travelled to, not exactly Tibet but to area between Ladakh and Kashmir
Richard – Can you describe how the transition we currently call death will change after The Event?
COBRA – It will be much more conscious. Everybody will understand the process and they will know where they will be going and there will be no fear associated with that process.
COBRA – OK As you have mentioned Nirvikalpa Samadhi, this is exactly what ascension is. Ascension is when your awareness of your own self is so strong that you integrate all aspects of your personality. You shine a light through them and imperfect loving acceptance transforms them so that you actually no longer have a personality. That you dissolve all your lower bodies including the physical body, the etheric body, the emotional body, the mental body, and you completely align with your own divine spark. And then, of course, when you transcend all laws of entropy, you can materialize or project an image of yourself into the physical. But you never again identify with your physical body. You never again identify with your thoughts or with your emotions. That’s a short description of ascension. Of course, there’s much more to it. I will write an article at a certain moment about this, but the time is not right yet.
COBRA – OK. The situation looks complex but in reality it is not. It is simply that we have apart from the physical plane, we have I would say higher planes of creation, higher dimensions and in those higher dimensions many things are happening. We have aside from our physical bodies, we have our plasma bodies, we have our etheric bodies, we have our astral bodies, we have our mental bodies and all those energy fields that we have have been manipulated by the Archons and have been actually kept in quarantine. They have been locked in a certain vibrational frequency to prevent us from setting ourselves free. And implants are actually tools of that control and strangelet bombs are tools of that control and now all this is being dissolved because there is a big wave of free will taking place throughout the galaxy. There is a strong wave of light emanating form the galactic center at the moment, which is purifying everything that has not been right. It is aligning everything that has not been right with the purpose of the creation, which is to experience love and light throughout the creation. And this is why we have a very strong and very intense process of purification on this planet and in our solar system. And this is why we are going trough this drastic change and this is why the event will happen. This is why the liberation of the planet will happen. It is part of the larger galactic plan.
U : Ok. Is it ok to burn a dead body ?
C : It is ok after a certain period of time when the etheric body has completed departing from the physical body, so it's very important to wait a few days after the moment of death.
COBRA - Menstruation does change when the woman reaches a certain vibrational frequency then it is actually ceases to exist. It is a very high frequency that is not happening long before the ascension. It is something that will happen shortly before the ascension.
Rob – Right, but after the event it will be less painful, probably will be much more understanding and balanced chemistry. It won’t be such a painful process for women, is that correct.
COBRA - It does not need to be painful. It is pain only when there is certain energetic blockage in the energy bodies and also in the physical bods. When those blockages are removed the menstruation itself does not need to be painful.
U : So when we sleep we actually receive cosmic energies no ?
C : Yes
Rob – What happens in deep dream state that we don’t remember anything.
COBRA - Actually what happens is that the soul together with the astral body, leaves the physical body and is just connected with the physical body with a little tiny thread. And then the consciousness is put into rest because it needs to integrate whatever happened during the day.
COBRA Its not the same body. The astral body is a little bit different shape. It has a humanoid shape but theres an oval of light around it. (Yes. Yes.) Its a little bit different.
The movie ‘The Matrix’ shows quite precisely what is
happening on planet Earth: every individual protects The matrix of the
planet, just like the agents [Mr. Smith] do in the movie. Everyone is
an agent of The Matrix. Everyone.
People have internalized their enslavement because The Matrix is
constructed in such a way that it is risky to break free from it: you
get into trouble.
Basically, an individual has two options:
1) Stay in The Matrix:
- You are born,
- at the age of 4 you go to kindergarten, at age 7 to school, at age
12 to college, then university, etc.,
- then you get a job, you marry at the age of 27 and have children,
- eventually you retire and you die at the age of 72
You get vacations and have some free time on Saturday when the kids
are in bed. The whole process is exactly designed so that you know
what to do and to say and how to behave. Most people choose this
option because in a way it is safe and comfortable. It is convenient,
but not really healthy. You become unhappy, depressed and sick, feel
empty inside and ask yourself: “What am I doing here?”
2) Breakthrough:
You break through the programming. In the short term that is hard. In
the long term it is very rewarding. However The Matrix reacts: it will
try to do anything to hold you back and push you down. You will be
controlled by your spouse, your children, best friends, even your
pets… they are all programmed to control you. However each time you do
something else outside the programming you break free a little. First
there is pain, but when you break through, you expand your sphere of
availability more and more. This creates options and the connection
with your True Inner Self expands.
Thus: either we listen to our fears and pull back, or conquer our
fears and go forward. Our key here is to change!
There will be a small group of pioneers among us that will break free
and go this path of change. They will create Bubbles of Heaven.
Aaron – What medicines and technologies do the RM, Pleiadians, and
off-worlders use instead of vaccines to keep themselves healthy?
COBRA – They simply are healthy because of their state of
consciousness. That state of consciousness creates a very powerful
energy field that prevents any negativity in the form of bacteria or
viruses from entering their physical body.
In an exclusive connection women control the life force of men through
biological exclusivity. This unhealthy way of connecting between men
and women is the only way to control human DNA and was imported from
the Orion star system to Atlantis 25000 years ago. We have been in
this patriarchal system forever since. When you control a society on
DNA level you have a perfect controlling human slave system.
If you control the sexual energy of your partner, you are under
programming of The Matrix. Putting a psychological fence around your
partner is acting out of Matrix programming. An extreme example is
found in the Middle East where women are still property of men.
If you bond through love and let the other person free, there is a
spirit or soul connection. That is healthy and okay.
The Black nobility wants to control the surface people through health problems. That’s why we are in an absurd situation where the Resistance movement has medbeds just 30 metres below the surface, but we don’t have them.
Cobra – Human body, before it reaches a certain vibrational frequency actually needs a certain amount of meat. Do not force yourself to stop eating it if your body requires it but there is a certain point when you spontaneously release that meat. It is not needed any more.
Rob – Who did Mary have sex with?
COBRA - There is a certain person who has been erased from the Bible. You see, a lot of information, I would say 50% of the information about the life of Jesus has been fabricated. It has been taken from different mythologies that were prevalent at that time. From Mythriism, from Apollo cult, from Egyptian mysteries. I would say the other half was a section of his life that suited the programming cult of Christianity at that time, so you can not make conclusions about his life based on bible if you want an accurate perception.
COBRA - He was a star being like many star seeds, light warriors and light beings now on the planet.
COBRA - Actually, there were quite many prophecies at that time and of course his birth was expected as was the birth of many prophets which did incarnate in that time frame. He was not the only one. But he was the one who had a very important message and that is the message of unconditional love which is something that this planet is evolving towards.
COBRA - OK. I would say his mission is very important because his mission is the distribution of the energy of unconditional love among humanity which is one of the most important aspects of the planetary liberation and he has been dedicated to that mission for the last 2,000 years and preparing humanity for this transition which is happening now. That is quite important.
COBRA - There is a certain person who has been erased from the Bible. You see, a lot of information, I would say 50% of the information about the life of Jesus has been fabricated. It has been taken from different mythologies that were prevalent at that time. From Mythriism, from Apollo cult, from Egyptian mysteries. I would say the other half was a section of his life that suited the programming cult of Christianity at that time, so you can not make conclusions about his life based on bible if you want an accurate perception.
COBRA - He was a star being like many star seeds, light warriors and light beings now on the planet.
COBRA - Actually, there were quite many prophecies at that time and of course his birth was expected as was the birth of many prophets which did incarnate in that time frame. He was not the only one. But he was the one who had a very important message and that is the message of unconditional love which is something that this planet is evolving towards.
COBRA - OK. I would say his mission is very important because his mission is the distribution of the energy of unconditional love among humanity which is one of the most important aspects of the planetary liberation and he has been dedicated to that mission for the last 2,000 years and preparing humanity for this transition which is happening now. That is quite important.
COBRA - Yes, there was a peace treaty that was signed in 1995, and as you all know the next year was the big invasion, the Archon invasion that happened on this planet. Because not all races and not all beings were happy with that treaty. Actually one large segment of negative races have crossed into the light as a result of that treaty and the other ones who did not sign the treaty were very unhappy with that treaty and they decided to invade the planet and that’s what happened in 1996.
COBRA – OK, basically what is happening in Mt. Shasta is there has been an attempt by the chimera group and by the Archons to pollute the energy grid there. That attempt has been, I would say, quite successful within Mt. Shasta town but not higher up on the mountain.
C: Yes, because the rest of the Universe has been liberated. It is not a coincidence that we are here right on this planet. The last planet has not been liberated because it was the last stronghold of the Dark Forces. The most skilled galactic warriors have incarnated on this planet in the last couple of hundreds of thousands of years, actually because it was known that this planet was the toughest one, the hardest one to liberate. I would say the most advanced souls with the highest possible skills have been incarnated here exactly for this purpose. So that is why we are here.
C: I would not agree with that but I would say there was certain testing that was done to determine if we were fit to incarnate here or not.
C: Exactly, and the difficulty of the vibrational frequency which exists here. Because there were actually not many planets in this galaxy with such strong control of the Dark Forces. This was one of the toughest.
C: No I don’t think so. Most of the channeling is coming from the astral plane. The astral plane is a plane of much illusion. This is a plane of existence where we have our unexpressed desires, wishes, hopes, aspirations. Most people are channeling this. They are channeling their own self-conscious ideas. Very few people have a real connection with positive extraterrestrial races. Information coming from those people is always something fresh and something that has value. But there are not many of them.
C: I would not say so. I would say that the majority of human beings are of the earth population. There is a very small percentage that are not of this planet. Most are incarnated humans that were created here and they have evolved here all their history.
COBRA – Yes, yes, that was a real discovery which was made in 2003 by the Romanian, I would say, secret service. And, of course, the Jesuits have been informed about the discovery immediately and the Black Nobility families have, of course, news has gotten to the Cabal faction almost immediately after that and they have put the Romanian government under great pressure financially and otherwise and, of course, the Romanian secret service had to release all their findings to the Cabal faction of the US. Since then the Cabal has been taking control of that discovery, which is actually subterranean complex which has tunnels leading to Quebec, to Egypt and to some other locations. It is part of a very complex underground system. Part of this discovery has been released to the public through certain channels, through certain books which have already been translated also into English.
COBRA – Yes, the most important thing, the most important weapon we have is the truth, to spread intel, to spread it everywhere you can. To inform people, to educate people and to coordinate because together we are stronger. I have seen many times that the Archons manage to divide people because of the things that are not so important. What is more important is that we are all aware of the most, the core beliefs that people have, the core orientation we all have. We all want freedom for this planet and this is the basic orientation that every light warrior and every light worker should have and not to focus so much on those little differences which are not important in the long run.
COBRA – Okay. The soul has been created by a dynamic interaction between the source and a randomness, the cosmic anomaly, because the only way the source can absorb and transform the anomaly is by experiencing itself and our source, our projections of the one, projections of the soul of the source into this cosmic anomaly. So it’s an interaction of two very strong and opposing forces.
Rob – Yes, on the lower planes things divide. Would you agree in the high pure positive planes, this phenomena does not exist?
COBRA – It does not exist in this place. In 5D and above this does not exist as darkness or anything negative, or suffering. It just exists as a lack of understanding or lack of power to transform this anomaly immediately. That’s why the ascended masters and all those enlightened beings don’t have all the answers and do not have all the power to transform the earth situation immediately. That’s why it takes so long.
COBRA – It does not exist in this place. In 5D and above this does not exist as darkness or anything negative, or suffering. It just exists as a lack of understanding or lack of power to transform this anomaly immediately. That’s why the ascended masters and all those enlightened beings don’t have all the answers and do not have all the power to transform the earth situation immediately. That’s why it takes so long.
COBRA – Okay. The primary anomaly was always present, but it was not something that was first understood to be a great danger. The primary anomaly became dangerous when certain beings decided to experience it directly. Those were the first angels who decided to plunge into that primary anomaly and this was the beginning of the dark forces. What is really dangerous is the combination of free will and the primary anomaly and this is what is called Evil.
If you want to dissolve this primary implant, you need to start to reconnect again with the Source. The main key for reconnection with Source is accessing your emotions. It is some intense emotional programming that needs to be undone. A connection with Source/ your Higher Self is activated by Kundalini energy, located in the head. The Kundalini needs to rise all the way up to and out of the crown. You need to create a force in the head to push up the Kundalini. The implants create a mental structure. This mental structure tells you how to behave and what you can and cannot do. Your emotions are the key to breakthrough. Emotions are a stargate. If you allow yourself to feel your emotions, you get the connection back. Whatever they are, a part of the implant will dissolve. If you allow feeling them, you will have a Kundalini Samadhi experience and start to integrate and remember who you are. You will not go to Cobra’s conferences and listen to him speak. You’ll get an understanding from the inside.
If you want to dissolve this primary implant, you need to start to reconnect again with the Source. The main key for reconnection with Source is accessing your emotions. It is some intense emotional programming that needs to be undone. A connection with Source/ your Higher Self is activated by Kundalini energy, located in the head. The Kundalini needs to rise all the way up to and out of the crown. You need to create a force in the head to push up the Kundalini. The implants create a mental structure. This mental structure tells you how to behave and what you can and cannot do. Your emotions are the key to breakthrough. Emotions are a stargate. If you allow yourself to feel your emotions, you get the connection back. Whatever they are, a part of the implant will dissolve. If you allow feeling them, you will have a Kundalini Samadhi experience and start to integrate and remember who you are. You will not go to Cobra’s conferences and listen to him speak. You’ll get an understanding from the inside.
Our reality is about to shift and changes will affect everybody. Planet Earth is now traveling through an interdimensional doorway, called Portal 2012. This portal has opened at the 11-11-11 activation on November 11th, 2011. It will have its turning point at the Venus transit on June 6th, 2012 and will close at the end of Mayan calendar on December 21th, 2012. Then on May 20th (2012) a total annular solar eclipse in front of the Pleiades will take place. This will open a direct beam of light and love that will emanate from the Pleiades, travel through the Sun and the Moon directly towards the Earth. It will be the most powerful shaft of Divine Love that we have experienced in our lifetimes! Then on June 6th there will be a transit of Venus across the Sun disk exactly at the position of Rigel, a massive star within Orion constellation.
Lynn – OK. Great. USA – SEDONA You have said that Sedona, Arizona in the United States is a very important energy vortex. What is the significance of Sedona? COBRA – Sedona is one of the major contact zones after the event for the first contact.
Elon Musk is the visible representative of a certain positive SSP faction and in his latest statement he hinted at extraterrestrial involvement in Falcon 9 explosion. This was openly reported in Russian mainstream media:
U : Ok. So about the return of the divine feminine, we are more talking about energies and not genders yes ?
C : We are speaking about energies but these energies do manifest in a female form in a humanoid body.
U : Ok. And they are also present in males yes ?
C : Yes of course, they are also present in males, and they are also present in other species and other forms of life.
U : Ok. So males and females are equal in all aspects yes ?
C : Yes.
U : Can you talk about how the return of the divine feminine manifests in our daily lives ?
C : It manifests in psychological changes in human beings, and psychologists in the west have discovered that the psychological structures of male and female beings on this planet have been changing drastically in the last few decades. And this is exactly and precisely because of the return of the feminine on this planet, where men are more in contact with their emotions, and women are more able to express their own truth. This is part of the process.
U : Ok. It feels that we are also getting more receptive to each other, more cooperative and listening to each other ?
C : Yes. On a global scale.
U : Sometimes it's difficult to be receptive when there are so many things on this planet that should not be received, do you have insights on this ?
C : Yes. It is very important not to be receptive to negativity, but to be receptive only to the good things, so to be selectively receptive.
U : Yes. So is it that there was not enough feminine energy on this planet, or is it that it was always here but it was distorted ?
C : It was distorted. Actually it is not possible to destroy it, the dark forces were trying to destroy it, but the only thing they could do is to distort it. So it was present, but it was suppressed and distorted.
U : Ok. So the return is a healing ?
C : The return is an actual fact, an energetic fact. The pure and balanced feminine energy is returning right now through cosmic ley lines, throughout the galaxy, into the solar system, and on the surface of this planet.
U : Ok. So it's healing all the feminine that was present here all along, but which was distorted.
C : Yes exactly.
U : And so would you agree that to be able to return in a healthy way, it needs to be connected with the masculine as well, that they both need each other ?
C : Yes actually there is a certain phase when connection between masculine and feminine is required to continue the healing. It is not possible to completely embody healthy feminine without being connected with the masculine, and the other way around as well,
Horizontal implant programming misuses the fact that twin souls enter the fourth and third dimensional universe as a couple of male (electric) and female (magnetic) polarity. In its pure form, electric (kundalini) force of the male and magnetic (Soul) force of the female create attraction which in turn creates triangulation which is the force of evolution.
Chakras of the New Earth were experiencing their awakening and activation commencing on the 11th of November 1995, culminating on the 21st of December 1995 and concluding on the 11th of January 1996. This was the beginning of the planetary Mer-ka-ba body activation and a preparation of the planetary Light grid for the coming of the main section of the photon belt between October and December 1996.
As an ascended being, Athena works with the motherships of Ashtar command. One of her main anchor on Earth is the city of Athena in Greece.
First, astrology is not meant to make exact preditctions. It is not the pre-written book of the destiny of our lives. Astrology can read archetypal energies which are at play in a situation, but the way this will manifest is up to free will. Astrology is like saying, we have a purple and an orange pencil, or yellow and blue, but what we draw with the pencils is up to us. It is like reading an energetic weather forecast, what we do on the day is still up to us. So the way we experience a planet or a sign is influenced by the way we choose to read it and the way our consciousness resonates, consciously via our choices and/or subconsciously via the collective consciousness and planetary grid.
COBRA – OK. The key here is balance. It’s very simple. Balance between various elements you have just stated can create harmony for the surface population. And one more thing is drink a lot of pure water, as pure as you can find. (thank you)
COBRA – The Cabal actually suppresses and lowers the vibrational frequency of people during the sleep through various veiled technologies as they do also in the waking state.
Lynn – OK. In a recent interview it was revealed that in certain Hilton Hotels there are certain rooms that have the ability to send the occupants into an astral state for meetings in 4D. It was said that trainings are done in 4D because it’s more fluid. Is this true Cobra? Can you elaborate? COBRA – I cannot confirm this because I would say that those trainings can happen not only in Hilton Hotels but many locations throughout the world regardless. It is not tied to that specific brand of hotel.
Lynn – OK. We know that the chemtrails and common household products that we use: tooth paste, sun screen, hair spray, deodorant, etc. are laced with chemicals that decrease our body’s immune system & promote disease. Are there other things that we’re not aware of that are also causing harm or suppressing our immune system? COBRA – I would expose here drinking water that is poisoned quite much.
COBRA – OK. Again I will state it this way. The Republic and the currency re-set will happen at the moment of The Event and not before. It’s part of the global process. It is not just isolated to the United States. It will be a planetary re-set which will include the reinstatement of the Republic in the US and will include the introduction of the Treasury dollar and it will also include the phasing out of the petrodollar, actually the finalization of the existence of the petrodollar. So all this is going to happen on a global scale at the moment of the Event and not before. So people who are waiting for the reset and who are waiting for the New Republic before the Event, this is not going to happen.
The introduction of mobile phones were a final attempt to prevent the inevitable and the development of telepathic powers. Intuition relates closely with telepathy.
Around 2011, a new era started. This year involved a new sense of time. Time began to be perceived as a spiral energy. Time is now pushing consciousness higher. We have to learn to just be 'Now'. The experience of Goddess Energy is as spiral energy. Through dance we can allow in that energy. Isis experienced Goddess energy as turning in a spiral and forming a vortex. Isis received the Goddess Energy through dancing.
Essentially, we are each a unique star. The symbol of this Sisterhood is a rose. Another symbol is the pentagram. When you draw a pentagram with the point uppermost, it has similarities to the human form. The head, two arms and two legs are fivefold. We also have five fingers and five toes. We have five senses. The pentagram encircled, is symbolic of the Soul Star. In our body we bring our unique style into manifestation our creative organs are in the centre spirit enters into the matter.
Many people would like evidence. But the evidence of the Goddess Energy comes through inner experience. It has always been like that in history. Mankind needs to have the right consciousness to receive it. Enough people need sufficient understanding.
Richard – Cobra, Are there common ritual dances on other planets? COBRA – They dance but it’s not as formalized as it usually on this planet, especially the last few centuries. Because the controlling forces have been using dance, actually they have been formalizing dance in order to control human population. In the past dance was much less formalized and much more spontaneous. (OK)
Saint Germain will support your manifestation process if you want to connect with him. At the moment of the invocation call upon Saint Germain because your decision is in the I am presence. Saint Germain has spread teaching of the I am presence, higher self divine will, and he is the one who has mastered the process of manifestation.
Some 200 to 300 cloaked ships are above this conference centre right at this moment. When they would de-cloak, within minutes aircraft would be deployed and they would be bombed. There are 500-1000 Pleiadians here watching this room and eager to make contact with you. But they can’t appear physically because there are RADAR-systems in place that would detect them. Artificial Intelligence and scalar technology monitors everything: head, pulse, skin. This happens all the time. However it is not perfect, it has faults. The AI is stupid. It is just as smart as its programmer. This is not a smart individual. It is a being connected to the dark forces, which does not understand the Light. That is their weakness. That will make a crack in The Matrix possible through which the Pleiadians can and will come in and land.
Soul Families started to be initiated from 27/1/2018.
One example to help understand the amounts of money that indeed belong to us the people : the new "Fighter" (a military fighter jet) in the USA costs so much money that if that money would have been given to A L L homeless beings inside of the COMPLETE USA, they would all own a villa now (not a small house). Only to clarify things a little bit.
The financial system involves an occult economy that goes beyond this planet. The Cabal has invested. For this reason, they think they own the planet and also the Solar System. But this is not a reality. There are forces that will prevent that. The BRICS Alliance want the new financial structure to be solid, and to sustain The Event. The Resistance Movement will activate a virus, within all banks, stopping all transactions. The banks will close. They will remain closed for a period of between three days and two weeks. Because of this, the Cabal will lose their source of money. They will not be able to pay mercenaries, buy helicopters and so forth. The alternative system will be activated. BRICS and the Eastern Alliance, will go online, but with new rules. There will be no stock market. Many very large companies will be forced into bankruptcy by having to buy back their own shares. Many banks will go bankrupt. There is very little physical money in the world. 200 billion dollars, not more. Police and the military will prevent bank robberies. When the banks reopen, individual’s bank accounts will return. However, the real value of houses will go down. This will enable real estate to be available for all. The value of the house will closely relate to the real cost of building that house, a fraction of the value of many houses now. Everyone will have enough.
Despite the threats he was facing, Eisenhower put the task force within the Solar Warden Program. By doing this, he saved the world. He infiltrated the Secret Space Program. Some information about this is known to his granddaughter, Laura Eisenhower (who can be found on YouTube). Eisenhower also helped set up The Organisation. This is where the “mass arrests” will come from. Bitcoin - Bitcoin was an invention developed by the Light forces. However, in time to come, for as long as money is still needed, it will have to be physical.
It is one thing to read material surrounded by the EMF of the computer screen, it is quite another to hear information presented with all the cadences of the human voice. Going to a Conference allows this. By being with other relatively ordinary people, sharing extra-ordinary ideas, the sense that these ideas are deeply true is more than just a hope or a fancy, it becomes a real possession in consciousness. That being so, we all become integers in the change we wish to see.
COBRA – It is simply that the eastern new alternative system is getting stronger. The western old Petro-dollar system is getting weaker and at a certain point they will be equal and then the new alternative system will become stronger than this one This is a process which takes some time and this process will drastically accelerate around the time of The Event. Then the new eastern system will be the back bone of the financial reset.
COBRA – Operation Dreamland will explode with bursts of creativity after the event. It will be the new renaissance.
COBRA – The best way to reverse age and stay young is to keep the energy of light flowing. The energy of kundalini or ____. This is the theory. This practically is not always reasonable, but this is the theoretical answer to this question.
Cobra: OK, people need to understand that the so-called RV, or I would call it a reset, of the financial system is directly tied with The Event itself. No revaluation, as people call it, can happen before The Event because the cabal still holds control over the financial system. At this moment the financial system is actually a computerized network. The cabal holds the control keys of that computer network. If anybody would attempt to reevaluate currencies or create a reset before the cabal is removed, the cabal would simply not allow that to happen. So, the cabal has to be removed first to allow the reset to happen. It cannot happen with the old financial system. This is the reason why the BRICS alliance and the Eastern Alliance is building an alternative structure that will be very helpful in the whole process of the reset.
COBRA: What the BRICS is doing is not a new financial system, they are just creating the leverage against the cabal that will accelerate the creating of a new financial system. The new Financial System will happen everywhere, simultaneously at the same time after the event.
COBRA – OK. It is not about the bonds. Bonds are just Financial instruments. The main . . the basis structure of the new financial system will be real assets, gold, land, production, creative resources, food, all that. The bonds will be used before the event to bankrupt the Federal Reserve. They will just be the instruments of re-set of the financial re-set. They will not be something that will . . . The owners of those bonds will not receive the gold back. The owners of those bonds will just bankrupt the Federal Reserve and then the wealth of the world, the collateral accounts will be distributed among humanity.
Cobra: There are Russian doctors which can very effectively heal many nerve pain that is associated with the spine. So there is very effective, I would say, manual medicine techniques that can actually remove that pain completely. And they are known in Russia. They are known in countries associated with Russian Eastern Alliance, but they are almost non-existent in the Western world, because, of course, the Rothschild’s medical, and the Rockefeller . . . sorry, the Rockefeller medical cartel did not want to make those available to people. So if you search a little bit more, if you have any Russian friends, ask them about it and most likely they will know about this.
COBRA – Yes, it is one of the top priorities. When the funds will be released people who are hungry or extremely poor will be on the top priority lists along with those who need medical assistance.
COBRA - Yes, of course. The event is the moment of the compression breakthrough. The compression breakthrough is when the light forces from above the surface of the planet and from below the surface of the planet meet in the middle that is on the surface of the planet. I hope that we all agree that there are certain factions that support the light and support the liberation that exists inside of the solar system. There are some factions that support the light and the liberation of the planet that are existing below the surface. They’re progressing towards the surface of the planet because the surface of the planet is the main battleground is the main focus of all this situation that is not just limited to the planet Earth. When this breakthrough happens, this is what we term the Event. The Event is actually many things at the same moment. It is when the light forces take over the mass media and release intel about ET involvement, about the crimes of the Cabal, about the advanced technologies, so FULL disclosure. This is part of it. The other part of it is the mass arrest of the Cabal. The other part of it is Financial re-set that the Eastern alliance has been preparing for quite a long time. And of course we have been gradually going towards the first contact which is an actual official contact between the earth civilization and other positive ET races that exist throughout the galaxy. And the Event is a trigger point which begins that process. That’s the short overview of what the Event is. And of course we have the pulse from the galactic central sun. The galactic central sun is a living entity and it times the pulse of energy according to our global awareness and the level of that awareness and the level of the awakening. And when we have this compression breakthrough the level of awakening is high enough for humanity to receive that pulse of increased energy from the galactic center.
COBRA – Yes, people are quite tired, but we just need to insist, and we are getting closer and closer every day and in spite of that you don’t see any tangible changes outside you can see many signs if you just know where to look. You can see the progress of the Eastern alliance on the financial front, on the political front. Little by little every day there is more and more self-disclosure things coming out. And if you see a larger perspective, it’s all part of a greater picture, and if you know how to look, you would see that it all leads to the Event. It is part of a greater plan, so you can see a small aspect of that plan being carried out every day and this is also for the first time in human history coming into the mainstream media. This was not happening before, so we just need to continue just a little bit longer. For some people it’s quite much longer, because some people would like the Event to happen today or tomorrow or next week. Most likely this will not happen, but we have gone a long way and we are getting closer and closer and we have been born in this lifetime with the purpose of making it happen. This is why we are here. And we will not give up.
COBRA – Yes, of course the same process is continuing in the last few weeks. There is a lot of preparations in the back ground to reposition the basket of currencies to give them more equal and balanced perspective when the reset comes. There is strengthening of the Eastern alliance on the financial front. There is the continuation of the attack against the cabal by lowering the oil prices because this will bring the Cabal to their knees. This is one of the major sources of their income and this is why the price of oil is dropping so fast to bring the Cabal to their knees. And along with that of course there is continuation on the political front and on the military front. So it’s an ongoing process which is slow becomes things need to continue carefully, not to trigger any unwanted responses from the Cabal, so we need to do it in the way that everybody can manage.
COBRA – The Eastern Agarthan network (of China) is actually present there for thousands and thousands of years, and actually are connecting with the surface. It was actually the other way around. They are contacting the surface. They were the ones who were the source of the Blue Dragon spirituality and now they are connecting again with the Eastern Alliance, in a certain way, to give guidance in this process of planetary transformation. They are giving guidance for the financial reset and for the formation of the Eastern Alliance on the surface. There is a connection.
Very few people understand that the current financial system is actually a fuzzy logic artificial intelligence computer program with algorithms that at least in the last few years have no correlation with the real world of trade, stock market or even with derivatives or high speed trading. It is totally independent from real market, and its algorithms were designed by JP Morgan IT specialists. Many of them could not bear the fact that they have created a global financial monster (and yes-it is connected with the plasma octopus entity) that is eating up the wealth of all humanity:
Those information technology specialists and computer programmers of JP Morgan that wanted to spill the beans were methodically removed from the planet by the Cabal:
Cobra: Okay, it’s a matter of terminology. Basically, what we have here is sentient organic intelligence that uses technology, that actually uses technology as its body. Fuzzy logic software program is part of that body. So one person could say, “Hey, this is artificial intelligence. This program thinks and makes decisions.” When in reality, there is a being behind that program that makes decisions and is assisted to a great degree by that program. So if you would look from a certain perspective, what would appear is that the program is making decisions. But there is always an entity, a living being, free will, which is behind those decisions. And the Chimera group has invented so-called artificial intelligence millions upon millions of years ago and has tried to spread its infection throughout the galaxy through scalar plasma networks. And they were successful to a certain degree, but I would say that the most evolved cosmic races know how to deal with that.
Iruka: Who in Japan are connected with Eastern Alliance?
Cobra: Benjamin Fulford.
Iruka: Who are the ascended masters from Japanese?
Cobra: Ancient Goddesses such as Amaterasu and Goddesses from Jomon culture.
Iruka: Is there any effect by looking into the Sun?
Cobra: We may intake a prana energy. But you have to be very careful in directly looking into the Sun. Not too much. Sun rise and Sun set would be a good timing to look.
Iruka: What is an effective way for remote healing?
Cobra: Gaia Eternal Light is effect.
Iruka: Finally, do you have any message to the Japanese?
Cobra: Many Japanese are detached from their origin. Please reconnect with the wonderful spirituality from the old times in Japan. Important message should be concealed in Jomon Era. Please rediscover such a great spirituality by scrutinizing the past history.
Iruka: Which areas in Japan are negative? Cobra: The U.S. military bases.
Iruka: Can you tell us some names of public figures on Earth whose origins are Pleiades and Sirius? Cobra: Mozart is from the Pleiades. J.S. Bach most probably so.
Iruka: If we receive a ray initiation of Pleiades, will we be able to connect with Pleiadians?
Cobra: Yes
Iruka: Can you recommend some books about Pleiades or Sirius?
Cobra: “The Sirius Mystery” by Robert Temple and books by Sheldan Nidle and Amorah Quan Yin are good.
Iruka: Do you have any other books that you will like to recommend?
Cobra: “Return of Light” for example.
Iruka: Can you list some Draconians other than Hillary and Rockefeller?
Cobra: Bill Clinton, Angela Merkel, Mario Draghi, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Henry Kissinger.Most of Rockefeller families also. Shinzo Abe in Japan is Draconian too, though he would not be aware of it himself.
Iruka: Pokemon Go is quite popular in the world. Is it the attempt of Cabal?
Cobra: It can be said as a tool to let human to become obedient slaves.
Iruka: Is the Japanese game company Nintendo related to Cabal?
Cobra: Yes. All of the game companies are related to Cabal.
Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld also travelled through the solar system. Multinational corporations had been participating in the construction of space crafts like for example Boeing and Airbus. The engineers working there thought they where designing airplanes, in truth their knowledge was used for insights to create space ships. Within this context Cobra shows a picture of a space shuttle that has the logo of the US Post Company on it.
Aaron – Once again, in order to get a handle of the degree of evil that certain prominent people in the world are, could you give us, in your opinion, a rating on a one to ten scale, one being a good person, and ten being the epitome of evil. Starting off the first person to rate:
1. What would Henry Kissinger Rate? pure 10 (Wow, I didn’t expect that)
2. What would Dick Cheney Rate? pure 10
3. What would Donald Rumsfeld Rate? 9
4. What would George H. W. Bush Senior Rate? Bush Sr. 10 (wow)
5. What would George W Bush Junior Rate? 8 (OK)
6. What would Barack Obama Rate? Barack Obama – 5 (so he’s almost a good guy)
7. What would Vladimir Putin Rate? 2-3 I would say (OK)
8. What would Angela Merkel Rate? 8 (wow, thank you Cobra)
Dick Cheney has stolen all the money to invest it into the Mars corporation (managed by him) : the Mars bases and Mars colonies.
COBRA: It will not force them to give up control, this is just the first phase. So when there is enough awareness among the surface population about the existence of child abuse, and the extent of child abuse, it will be harder and harder for those people to hide behind their masks. It is a matter of exposure, and when exposure reaches the critical mass, when there is enough exposure in the consciousness field of humanity, then the Light Forces can take physical action and arrest those people.
On this planet everything and everybody has something to do with money, because life has been organized like that by intent, everybody has to fight for survival. Already now there are many technologies available that would allow all of humanity to live in abundance without the artificial construct of lack-consciousness. Up to now money has been used as an instrument to control and not as a tool to exchange energy. It gets presented to the masses as if it would be a tool for exchange, in truth it is used for sustaining the old power structures over the masses.
We have the power to step out of that process and it starts with an energetic shift. First of all we understand now, that the people who made the old system, have been using occult knowledge. We use our higher spiritual wisdom to create cracks in the Matrix : as soon as we make ourselves invisible to the system, those cracks are being made. People who maintain the dark system use the collective unconsciousness to steer things that are invisible, they control in that way. They key of financial freedom is to go inside of "spaces in between", to go into the cracks in the Matrix, into the non-visible realms. One possibility to become invisible for the system is to use only cash money. The system is less able "to see" cash money than electronic money. If we use credit cards or bank cards the system can detect all our actions. When we take the money out of the account, no one knows what we do with it. It is good to take all money out of the bank now and transform it into gold and silver or any other real material value, or to realize a dream, invest it into projects for the good of all humanity. It is even better to make it circulate into good things than keeping it as cash or gold and silver. Through actions like this the flow of the collective money energy improves already, because the invested money gets a higher frequency, already now. So the key is, to get invisible financially.
The Event is a financial new beginning and now we are in the Pre-Event phase. What is happening right now within the financial system is the creation of an alternative reality through the Eastern Alliance/BRICS states. Everything happens step by step and gets prepared for the moment of the Event, so that the global financial system can be shut down. The institutions of the old system have been created by the cabal and are working only for them: Worldbank, IWF, FED, Swift. Nearly all of the money goes to them through a branched self-contained computer network.
Who owes money to whom ? For example: Greece is in debt to the European Central Bank (ECB). Behind the ECB are the Jesuits and behind the Jesuits are the Chimera who use it for the Secret Space Program (SSP). Everywhere else the way with the debts is the same. This will change physically at the day of the Reset.
Cobra ok, we are now touching very deep subconscious issues here, fear of death is one of the deepest programmes that we...that the Cabal has created and that we, as humanity, as a species have received and this is the basis of financial control. People struggle with their jobs, make compromises because they are afraid to die of hunger, this is the biggest fear, and this is why exploitation of humanity is even possible. The Light Forces have the technology to overcome that, it is possible to make human body immortal. The Resistance Movement has that technology, that technology will be given to humanity after we liberate the planet. So, immortality is not an issue here, the issue here is fear of death which is part of the program, of the control program. And when you overcome the fear of death, then you are free, then the Cabal cannot control you financially because you are not afraid to die, and when you are not afraid to die, your inner power expands, you get creative, you can do things independently from the control system. This is the Key here.
COBRA – The situation in our solar system is much better. The number of those hostages is much lower but on the surface of the planet the whole surface population is taken hostage in 9-5 slavery jobs. It’s not as harsh existence for example the slaves in Roman times but still human beings are not free and now it’s time to liberate the planet.
COBRA – OK. It’s a double edge sword. First there is many of them have deep spiritual experiences because they were outside of the veil. At the same time the controlling forces tried their best to suppress those experiences and keep the secrets going. So all those people, all those astronauts were under great psychological pressure and were heavily mind controlled to suppress what they had seen and experienced. So being an astronaut was not an easy job. They have some beautiful experiences and they were also heavily traumatized. This is the reason for the strange behavior of the astronauts. There are some famous cases of astronauts who returned from the moon and had deep psychological problems as a result of their psychological and physical mind programing that had been subjected to.
Lynn – On another subject, one of our readers is asking about men and women staying as virgins and if there is any spiritual value for this.
COBRA – If somebody is guided in that direction of course it has a spiritual significance for that particular person. But I would say, I would not support any ideology that would put this as a condition to achieve a certain spiritual state. (OK that you)
Cobra: Yes, actually we have two pulses. The first one is triggering the Event, and the second one is triggering the planetary ascension.
Debra: I understand. Will there be a series of natural disasters after the Event? It is said that many people will lose their lives possibly. Can these damages be slowed down or avoided?
Cobra: We are not expecting any drastic cataclysms at the Event or shortly after the Event, but as we get closer to the final, big solar and galactic flash, there will be more and more shaking of the Earth and more and more of the earthquakes and reaching the final moment of the polar shift.
Debra: Are we still on track for the Event to happen as previously explained or has there been a change? Will it be still triggered by a huge solar flash, or as some people speculate, has that timeline collapsed and it is now coming in many "mini" solar flashes that will continue until 2025?
Cobra: It will not be a solar flash. It will be, I would say, a Galactic pulse, which is not yet a big, big solar flash, which creates the cataclysm. So when the Event happens, there will be no global cataclysm, but there will be a strong flash of energy. And the plan is still the same.
Debra: How will different people experience it? For instance, awakened Lightworkers or dysfunctional people, 'asleep people', or those who do not wish to change? Will the implants and programming automatically resolve at this time, or will people still need to 'do the work' themselves?
Cobra: The awakened people, for them it will be a very enjoyable experience. For those who have been in denial will have to face whatever they have denied. And the implants will for sure be cleared to a certain degree, but there will still be work that needs to be done. But people will have to do this work by themselves, and of course, with the assistance of the Light Forces.
Debra: That makes sense. People are curious what life will look like for the awakened Lightworkers during and after the Event? Will we be busier than ever helping people deal with the disclosures and fulfilling our missions, or will we be whisked off to some galactic paradise for rest and healing?
Cobra: This will be quite individual. Certain people have been overworked and are on the verge of collapse. They will need healing and rest. And some people will be bursting with enthusiasm after the Event and will be just running around helping everybody, awakening everybody. So, it's very individual.
Cobra: The Light Forces are monitoring the activity of all the Lightworkers in this liberation process. And those who have been contributing the most are on a top priority list, and those are the ones who will be contacted first. And also, those who are in a great need of healing will also be among those who are contacted first.
Cobra: The plan is that everybody will be able to enjoy enough time in a physical reality before the Ascension to integrate whatever they need to integrate. I will not give any timing right now for obvious reasons, but I would say that it's part of the growth process for everybody to have a joyful physical life for a certain amount of time that is necessary before the Ascension.
Cobra: All that will happen before the Ascension. When the Ascension happens, you will have all that integrated. You have no more need for that, and you will have no more need for the physical body. You will be able to manifest the hologram of the physical body, but it will not be a real physical body. You will not be incarnation anymore because you will not need that anymore.
Q. Was ever any other planet in known Universe and known cosmic history in similar situation as EARTH is?
A. No, no, this is very unique, something like this has never happened anywhere before.
Q. Has the EARTH experience been able to show Cosmos at large that things are in need to be managed in a very different way from now on, than it was until now?
A. Yes, definitely, actually this was and still is a big lesson for all of the Universe.
COBRA – After the event the borders will be eliminated as soon as it is realistically possible. Sometimes it takes a few days or weeks to dismantle boarder crossings or to train officials, but yes, the intent is immediately after the event to completely erase borders on this planet.
COBRA – There will be no races that have negative agenda’s presented to humanity and each human being will make his or her own choices who to connect and under which conditions. So the first contact is basically an individual event. It’s not a mass scenario. It is a mass scenario in a certain way, but each individual will need to make an individual choice: Do I want to connect? Do I want to communicate with other races, or not? Nobody will be forced to communicate. No one will be forced to make contact, but contact will be made and it will be distributed through mass media and people will be informed and of course each individual will make individual choices of how the contact is being made.
COBRA – A replicator is a machine that translates the etheric plane into the physical matter. So you have a design of an object on the etheric plane. You can actually design the computer on a graphic design program and create a mould on the etheric plane and you press a button and the whole thing materializes on the physical plane. It’s a very simple physical process of transition of etheric matter into the physical matter and they use the same technology to materialize or dematerialize a mothership or ship from the etheric to physical, in and out of our reality. And basically it’s possible to manifest whatever you wish from the etheric matter. So there will be no limitations after a certain point when human beings are healed and purified enough internally not to misuse that technology.
COBRA – Okay. The orgonite is an invention, I would say, which tries to influence the etheric plane and it tends to dissolve negative energies on the etheric plane. Shugite is a stone, but actually it’s a certain material which can actually be a very strong protector against the negative energies and against negative energy fields.
Rob – Thank you, very much. Here’s an interesting one dear to my heart. Can you confirm or deny rumors of Michelle Obama is in reality a man and his/her name is really Michael Lavon Robinson?
COBRA – I have not been checking into this very deeply, but I would agree with that.
COBRA – Monatomic elements are usually they produce them from noble metals and they have a very special physical characteristic and one of those characteristics is connection between the physical plane and the higher plane. The monatomic gold, for example, can connect human consciousness with beings in higher dimensions quite directly.
COBRA – Yes, because each electron here in the atomic shell is actually a little portal – a little star gate. The electron is a wave. It’s a hyper-dimensional worm-hole you might say. And it can transmit information. It can transmit energy. And if those electrons are in right position, they can very effectively connect physical plane with higher energies, with higher dimensional beings.
COBRA – Okay. Throughout the entire universe, marriage is a ceremony or a ritual of a positive nature that deepens the soul connection between twin souls. This is what it usually is. It is not a religious ceremony. It is not something that binds you in any way. It deepens the connection and confirms the connection between you and your twin soul. This is originally what marriage was meant to be, and it is inside of this galaxy and other galaxies throughout the universe.
COBRA – Well, the term simultaneous time lines is actually a misinterpretation of the fact that when you are in the higher frequency you can remember everything at once. But time is still happening in linear sequence. Something happened before something else happened. But, yes, we are behind the schedule. I think everyone can agree with that.
Cobra: Okay. I can explain basically what Ascension is. Ascension is a liberation of consciousness from all third dimensional realities. It is liberation from the physical plane. It is a liberation from all the emotional states and mental states. It’s actually quite similar to what the eastern religions were terming as enlightenment.
Cobra: Free energy, food replicators, and med beds will be very much needed to reduce the suffering of human population. So they will be distributed as fast as possible after the Event.
Cobra: The Light Forces are now leaning towards making the First Contact as soon as possible after the Event. I would say as soon as the surface population can process much of the fact this can happen. There might be incidences or individuals contacted even before, and there are certain plans to push that even sooner. So I would say that many, many groups have an interest to make this First Contact happen as soon as possible.
Cobra: Actually, all of the Lightworkers were ascended long time before they came here. And they went through very strong implantation process and strong forgetting process.
Cobra: Crucifixion process was, I would say, a dark initiation orchestrated by the dark forces. And it had absolutely no value or teaching to humanity. It was just a manifestation of suffering, which was not part of the life plan.
Cobra: It is an end-of-era geological and astrological shift, combined with a cosmic cycle conversion, which involves the planetary Ascension process. So this is a convergence of geological, astrological, and cosmic cycles. It's all, all in one.
Cobra: Since the collapse of the alpha timeline in 2018, there is almost zero intel out there. So, in that vacuum, most of what is out there is disinformation. And in a way, it will be better just to switch off social media, switch off the internet, and spend your time with your higher self. You will be much better off.
Cobra: Yes, of course. For example, in Beijing the Lightworkers have created a strong cintamani grid. And as a result, there is much less fog. In Taiwan, they have deflected typhoons. There are now almost zero typhoons, zero harmful hurricanes reaching the island in the last few years. So cintamani grids can influence the physical reality.
Cobra: You can always use the Violet Flame. You can drink as pure water as possible, and you can spend some time in nature.
COBRA – Enlightenment is just a moment when your personality gets into contact with the truth. While Ascension is the completion of the complete transformation of your personality into that truth. (alright, thank you)
COBRA – OK. I cannot talk about the time lines or time estimates. I would just say that at The Event, very soon money will become obsolete because we will have, first we will have advanced technologies to materialize everything we need with replicators and 2nd, the spiritual awareness of humanity will be reaching the point where money is not needed any more. So I would say very soon after The Event those things will happen but before The Event it’s impossible.
COBRA – OK. Disclosure and The Event are coexisting. When The Event pulse reaches, at that very moment there will already be intel dumps in the main stream media and they will escalate and accelerate after The Event quite, quite fast.
C: Catal Hoyuk and Sanliurfa are Goddess vortexes of planetary importance. Peaceful neolithic civilization in Anatolia was the source of the Goddess energy for the whole region. Ku-bi-le-ja (Cybele) is an ancient Anatolian Goddess: (link provided by C)
COBRA – Again, the exact moment of the galactic pulse is a result of interaction of our consciousness with the galactic consciousness and the date has not been set yet. Richard – It’s sort of still waiting for us to reach the point when we’re ready for it. COBRA – It has not reached the planet as you can obviously see. (yes) And outside a certain area of the solar system, the physical wave is traveling with superluminal speeds. It does not travel with the speed of light but with much greater speed.
COBRA – It does not need to destroy the civilization. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesnt. Humanity lives on this planet for millions of years. Some of those galactic core explosions are quite drastic. Not all of them are. Some of them can be quite intense. This solar system is much more dynamic than science wants to portray. There are on going changes in the solar system which are quite noticeable. For example the Jupiter great red spot(?) has changed dramatically in the last 10 years or so.
Rob – How soon after the event will people be able to go and travel and live anywhere around the world with out restrictions or boarders.
COBRA – I would say the whole process will being within the first week after the event and it will take a few months to settle everything completely Its just a matter of logistics and infrastructure.
COBRA – Actually its a natural way for star being to descend into physicality. There are many different forms that it can take. It can be materialization for very highly developed beings. It can be entering into a cloned body or it can be reincarnating through a birth process. So most of the star people that are physically present on this planet came through the birth process many lifetimes ago to assist in the liberation of the planet and to complete this experience, to complete this liberation process for the whole galaxy.
COBRA – This was one part of the, I would say, the secret space program. Yes, that civilization went through deep transformation when the light forces entered those systems which are quite close to our solar system. Its quite a recent occasion. It was like the last 10 or 15 years. There was a great transmission of many solar systems in this section of the galaxy and most of the greys have crossed into the light.
Rob – Yes. Some people want to know what is the galactic central sun. Is it really a sun or a star or is it a portal, a field of super consciousness and is it at the geometric center of the milky way of our galaxy?
COBRA – Yes, it is in the geometric center of the milky way galaxy. It is actually a living entity, a star gate, a star – its all of that. Its actually an entrance into the higher dimensions beyond space and time, beyond duality. It is the entrance/exit point and this is the space where souls cross through when they start their evolution, so its actually an entry point of birth place for the souls and of course also the dying place for the soul who have lost their purpose in their evolution like the cabal.
COBRA – Yes, and most of them did cross into the light, those who were not of the reptilian race. Those who were of the reptilian race actually, many of them did not choose the light.
COBRA – Yes, exactly. It is very important if you want to have a great degree of cooperation and create a planetary change. You need to have a group with a same purpose doing the same thing at the same time. Its a physical law. I did not invent it. It is simply a part of hyper dimensional physics. So thats why its important to get critical mass to, shall I say, accelerate change on the planet.
C : Both, actually, France was a very important center of the Light in the 18th century, when the Freemasonry was still part of the Light forces, and France was exactly where the infiltration happened, at the end of the 18th century by the jesuits. They infiltrated the masonic networks, and the top jesuits and the archons, italian black nobility family, used the same symbols, especially through France, after the French revolution, to further suppress human freedom.
C : Actually these are sacred symbols, the pentagram is a symbol of divine will, and the hexagram is a symbol of divine love. They're actually symbols of divine masculine and divine feminine.
C : The 5 is masculine and the 6 is the feminine in a certain aspect. But in the other aspect the 5 can also be attributed to the divine feminine, because of the Venus cycle, and the hexagram can be determined as a unification of male and female, or polarities of opposites, like heaven and earth, day and night, and similar others
C : Actually we are going through a process of convergence of all different universes into One Universe, which is part of the cosmic evolution. And most of the universes were very small and undeveloped, and this is actually one of the major manifestations.
C : Night is not negative, night is simply a phase of rotation of a planet when the sun is not present in the sky. When i say darkness it is the negativity, which is a result of the interaction between contingency and free will.
U : So is there a purpose of lightworkers being all spread out in different locations to create a grid ? C : Yes exactly.
COBRA – OK. After the event, the process of reunification with the twin souls will start.
Rob – Very Good. Here’s an interesting one. It goes hand in hand with another one that people asked. After the event, will people be able to make contact with their family members that have passed on. Will there be a process, will it be telepathic, will it be open or will it still be more difficult.
COBRA – The light forces will have certain technology quite shortly after the event where people will be able to have contact with their loved ones on the other side.
On a very positive note, I have received certain awesome intel on the level I did not receive since the year 2000, from a very high and reliable source. I can just say that the amazing future we have been fighting for is real, and will happen. Replicators, free energy, interstellar travel, the Golden Age, all this is awaiting us. Trillions upon trillions of dollars are spent by the Cabal every year to give us the impression that nothing has changed and nothing every will. When this Truman show falls apart, you will all be amazed. Until then, instead of falling into a black hole of despair and passivity, you can use this book as a tool to go through an inner transformation and experience a better life:
You need to understand that if you wish to make your life better, you need to do 80% of the work yourself so the Light forces can help you with the remaining 20%.
Cobra: Well, I have been briefed about that. There was a claim that are positive reptilians, but I have never encountered one or had any indirect contact with them. So it's hard to believe, but apparently also positive reptilians do exist, but now most of them are not.
James: Are we talking, I mean, you said it was 80 to 90% of the Draco were, were mostly negative. What about the reptilians? What ratio are you thinking of?
Cobra: Well over 95% negative.
Cobra: It's good to spend some time in nature and after all, and before or you need to listen to your inner guidance, your higher self, and be brutally sincere with yourself. Do not lie to yourself. Just be honest and admit to yourself everything you need to admit to yourself. Self denial is the most spread disease on this planet.
Cobra: It has to be after the Event. It's part of the disclosure program. It's all the same, basically. It's all the same question. We are now living in this old, boring reality when there is no disclosure there we have this unfair system. And when things really begin to move, it will be quite drastic and it will be quite explosive and it will be very, very evident.
Cobra: It is, again, this is the dark forces still control the surface of the planet. And basically they are taking humanity hostage. So any direct actions against the dark members would trigger a strong retaliation. So when the whole operation happens in the whatever way it will happen, it will happen in a way that will not endanger human surface... Humanity surface population.
Cobra: I cannot confirm the existence of those med beds, but I can say that tachyon chambers cannot regenerate the body. Like they cannot grow a limb for example, but they can definitely improve the state of the physical body because they improve the state of the immune system and they can actually realign the subatomic structure of the physical body with a perfect prototype.
Cobra: What would help a lot are more unity among the so-called Lightworkers. I know this is not realistic, but if there are really, if we would achieve more unity, that would create a very strong harmonic resonance field that would allow Light forces to do things faster and more efficiently.
Cobra: There would need to be much more mutual support between the Lightworkers. They could create support groups supporting each other physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. This is what needs to happen. There is simply far too little support between the Lightworkers and that needs to change immediately.
Terry: Okay. Understand. Next question. Is there enough Goddess energy now existing on the surface of the planet?
Cobra: Far from it. We have far too little Goddess energy on the surface of the planet. We will need much, much, much, much, much more.
Cobra: What is important is not just meditating in a weekly meeting. What is important is to embody Goddess energy in daily life. So those people who are connected with the Goddess energy can invoke that energy and let it emanate through their actions in daily life. This is what is most important right now.
Cobra: The vast majority of spiders you see at home have absolutely no connection with the Chimera group
Jedi: Oh, great. Okay, the next. There are Ascension vortexes around the world like Mount Fuji in Japan and the Mount Jade in Taiwan for example. How can we utilize this vortex for planetary liberation and the personal spiritual advancement? Cobra: Those locations have a very strong spiritual energy. If you are able to go there to visit those locations, you can get a lot of spiritual upliftment. If you cannot physically go there, you can connect with those locations through our meditations and can get some of that upliftment as well.
Cobra: Goshenite is a mineral which connects with the central race in the most powerful way among all the minerals known to humanity.
Cobra: The Age Of Aquarius is the golden age that everybody's waiting for. The Age of Aquarius is actually our life after the Event. It Is a transition from the old society. And a new society where there will be equality; There'll be love; There will be understanding between people; There will be new advanced technologies introduced; There will be First Contact and abundance and healing for everybody.
Cobra: It is again, not about invoking St. Germain on December 21st. It is to invoke him... his presence in your daily life. And you can have his image, his picture [and] meditate upon that picture, or you can just connect with him during your meditations.
COBRA: On August 11th, 1999, a huge interdimensional portal opened which actually reversed the trend of the Draco invasion. Between 1996 and 1999, the Dark Forces were just attacking the planet, coming here and gaining power. This powerful stargate reversed the trend, so since then they are losing power. This was visible two years later, and the 9/11, which they engineered, was not a sign of strength, it was a sign of their weakness and desperation—because always when they do something so visible, so easily noticeable, it means that they are desperate. They understood at some point people would be investigating and everything would come out, so they had no option. It means that they started to lose the war, the Galactic War, in 1999.
COBRA: The most simple, practical way would be to spend some time each day in nature. I would say half an hour to one hour each day in nature would help quite much. And do not say you don’t have time for that, you can create time for that. It is one of the top priorities to keep sanity in the world as it is now.
COBRA: As the very word sisterhood implies, there are people, especially women, who are sisters to each other, and that means transcending old belief systems and patterns that women have towards each other. So they need to start behaving towards each other as sisters and not as competitors, and this will solve one-half of the problem. The other half of the problem will be solved when there is enough Goddess energy present in a group, that the group will become a magnetic vortex that will draw other people to it. So it is a matter of making a conscious decision, everybody who is involved in those groups, to actively embody sisterhood principle in daily life, and then bring Goddess energy into the group through meditation and other practices that were given through my blog and through other sources.
COBRA: It can have, but I would say many, many, many times less because we are on the physical plane and physical action is very important. A virtual group will stay on the mental plane and it will not affect the physical plane so much. This is one of the tricks of the Dark Forces; they have created a mental network. The internet was created by the Light ones, but the Dark Forces have misused the internet to keep people completely enmeshed into the world of ideas and the world of artificial social networking which has nothing to do with our physical lives. And virtual groups have very little impact on the planetary situation.
COBRA – OK, Every time you fall you just get up and just continue. This is how we proceed. It is the same for everybody. If you loose your job if you are down or you loose your home, I would say that it’s a personal re-set situation. When you have an opportunity to leave the old and start something different. Instead of having a slave job in the old financial system, you can start creating something independent. It is an opportunity for a new beginning. Of course it is not easy. A new beginning always starts with a new vision with your own determination of what you would like to create and slowly this begins to become reality .
COBRA - Light workers are forced only on the light and their purpose is to spread light and anchor light on the planet and they have a tendency to deny the existence of darkness on this planet, so the vast majority of light workers are in certain level of denial about the presence of darkness but they are still doing a great job of holding and anchoring the light on the planet. The light warriors are usually focused more on removal of the darkness of this planet and there needs to be a certain balance needs to be created between the light worker’s approach and the light warrior’s approach to the situation because the truth is somewhere in the middle. It is important to be aware of the darkness but it is also very important to focus on the light and to anchor the light on the planet.
COBRA - Yes. Actually it is very important to put things into perspective. I know that everybody is tired and this is taking far too long but if we understand that we are actually un-doing 25,000 years of darkness. We are deconstructing the quarantine which has been here for 25,000 years and our purpose is to do this in a few years time. We are doing a great job and we are making big progress and the final breakthrough will come and when it comes we will all be rewarded for our hard work.
Lynn - I’m looking forward to that celebration.
COBRA - Yes. After the event there will be a big celebration and a period of happiness will begin that will never end. The suffering was never intended to be part of the life experience and it will never be again after the darkness is gone from this planet.
Actually the Platonic solids, especially some of them are not just expressed through music they are basic ingredients of the basic structure of the universe itself so musical expression is just one way of expressing cosmic diversity and Plato came to this awareness through the mystery school which was actually a reflection of the old mystery schools from Atlantis at that time they knew how the spheres works and how many of the spheres were actually resonate frequency waves which hold the planet in the orbit. It’s actually the cosmic music is a combination of force fields which keep this universe in balance, so from a cosmic perspective music is much more than what we hear through our ears. It can be felt through higher energy bodies. It can be experienced directly in higher states of awareness and its even more beautiful than what we can experience here in human bodies.
COBRA – It's an unfortunate situation. All the life streams on this planet have been actually made hostage to the cabal and the animals are not excluded to this. After the event happens it will be a big relief for all the life streams on this planet because they will given much loving healing and attention. Many of the life forces will be resorted to their previous beauty.
COBRA – Yes, of course. There might be some people that still need to eat meat but that will be done in a much more loving and humane way than it's done now. It will not be a mass industry as it is now. This will be over. This will be finished.
Rob - How is the best way to contact your soul?
Cobra – The first thing is to be absolutely sincere with yourself. The second thing is to allow yourself to feel your emotions and integrate. 3rd – is to appreciate beauty. 4th is meditation.
COBRA – Actually, now as the most universe is liberated, most beings experience whatever they do, they do it from that frequency of divine love. They originate all their actions from that frequency and therefore their lifes are full of joy and beauty and harmony and they do not experience this intense conflict that we have here on this planet. So their lives are very very beautiful. The only problem they have is when they look to this planet and they want to help, and they feel the agony and suffering of beings here. So this the major focus and the major problem in this universe right now, to completely resolve this primary anomaly and this hostage situation that we have on this planet and then the whole universe will experience huge cosmic leap that everyone is looking towards.
Richard – Thank you very much for that. What do most extraterrestrials do Do they have jobs How do they spend their day, other than what you just said.
COBRA – They dont need to have jobs because they can create everything whatever their wish from their advanced technology. They focus on their creativity, they focus on exploring the universe deeper. They advance their science. They advance their spirituality. They connect with each other. They create. They have a good time.
Richard – Thats amazing. Thank you so much.
COBRA – They dont have this slavery routine. Jobs on this planet are part of Orion. This is not something that is normal. It is not considered normal in the rest of the universe.
Debra: How can tired and exhausted lightworkers tap into the power of their consciousness to heal their bodies and their finances once they tap into the knowledge that we really do live in a universe of thought, not a universe of dead matter?
Cobra: By utilizing the law of manifestation. I was speaking about law of manifestation a few times; also on my conferences, there are a written notes about that on my blog somewhere, people can find it and study that. It's not that easy, I know, but it's possible for us to make our conditions better, regardless of all those external effects and influences. The law of manifestation is still valid, so we can utilize that.
Debra: That actually was exactly my next question: do these techniques that you teach in your conferences still work? Some people are feeling like there's just way too much interference by the dark forces in the lives of lightworkers to be able to fully manifest joy and abundance—but you're saying that they still do work and it's still worth putting energy into?
Cobra: Yeah, there is a lot of counter interference or counter current, I would say. It's not that easy to manifest complete joy and abundance, but you can have partial success at least, which is better than nothing at this moment.
Debra: Do you have any extra tips that you can add to your original protocols that could help us at this point?
Cobra: I would say if you really study those protocols and utilize them, you have more than enough.
C: I would say that it is not possible to reconcile those polarities in a harmonious way because the Dark Forces have no [inaudible] intention of cooperating. So the only way that this can be resolved is by transporting certain of those beings into the Galactic Central Sun. There is no other way. The Light Forces were trying to resolve that conflict in a peaceful way for a very long time – even for too long a time – and it was not successful. So the only way out is that certain beings will simply have to be disintegrated.
Connecting with our soul family is the key to creating a new society. Soul mates are connected by energy and essence and are beings that were created in a similar way, have similar origins, and soul structure. Beings connected on a soul level is the key to relationship and harmony. This is the norm in societies in the rest of the universe. The Resistance Movement was given instructions on how to form soul families in 1997. At the time they were not as harmonious. It took 4 to 5 years in doing inner work to transform their society where they now have zero conflict. The Pleiadians have asked me to introduce this info.
(Through the sophisticated programming) of the Matrix, the Archons have internalized our enslavement within us. We have 2 basic options. One is to stay in the matrix and live “normal” lives as most of the surface population is living. This a convenient way of living but not very healthy. Many are depressed. The other option is to break free. In the short term it is hard and difficult, yet in the long term it is rewarding. If you go to India for a month or if you own your own business, this is a from of making an initial breakthrough. Each time we make a break through, our options increase and our freedom expands. We expand our sphere of availability. We have a choice of making a breakthrough (whatever form it takes) or listening to our fear and holding back. The Event is not a magical potion that will solve all your problems and give you total freedom. A small group of us are ready to breakthrough and gather with our soul families and create bubbles of heaven.
Becoming face to face with sexual energies will be hard for most. This has been the most manipulated sphere. A key to stabilization will be to start gathering into soul families, which will ease and stabilize the energy grid. As these connections are made and this stabilization made, the Event can happen easier and sooner.
Biological families were introduced to control our DNA. Problems are received from our family, which is a closed system where entropy exists, and this increased the problems. There will be dramatic change at the time of the Event. The transformation that occurs will allow everything that is an illusion to fall away, be taken away. We will see our own trauma and not relate from it. There will be a critical mass of soul awareness. There will be an interlocking (connection) of soul families on the surface of the planet that will link to a universal connection of soul families.
The whole financial structure of the world can only function with women’s sexual energy suppressed. The torroidial field of the Light body becomes distorted.
Cobra: Okay. Universe is actually shaped as a Torus. and Torus, as you know, does not have a central point, but it does have a central entry point. This is the point where the Cosmic Central Sun is located, and that is the most powerful entry point from the higher planes towards the physical plane in this universe.
The main message of the Light Forces for the surface population now is that people need to connect to their Soul, release their dependency from digital media, be honest and sincere with themselves, connect to what is beautiful, pure and true, develop nobility of character and release judgement and denial.
Besides plasma anomaly, physical pain is the second most powerful source of evil when combined with negative free will. Physical pain originates from imperfect evolution of central nervous system in the physical bodes on planets with excessive amount of primary anomaly. Fear of physical pain is the source of trauma-based mind programming which structures the society on planets controlled by the dark forces, the last such planet being planet Earth.
Here I would like to communicate that I release intel to empower people to think with their own head and expand their horizons, not to create followers. I release intel about the Event not to make people passively wait, but to participate in the creation of the Event actively in whatever way they feel guided. Even on the highest level, intel is highly compartmentalized and on a need to know basis, so I do not know everything and my understanding of the deepest layers of the rabbit hole evolves with time when new intel comes in. Still, my intel sources are very reliable and are not subject to personality distortions, subjectivity and mind programming that the surface intel sources exhibit.
One plan of the Archons was to completely shut down the emotional life and meaningful social interactions of human beings. This is why they have introduced smart phones:
Younger generations are especially targeted, because those born after 1996 had very little experience of positive plasma, etheric and astral energy environment that would allow them to develop healthy emotional and social habits.
People who are already involved in projects for the planetary liberation need to refrain from communication on Facebook because that platform have been heavily infiltrated. They need to use end-to-end encrypted email services such as Tutanota (excellent) or Protonmail (good) or encrypted phone apps such as Signal (excellent) or Whatsapp (good).
Cobra: The United States was a country with the greatest potential, enormous potential, I would say and far more than most people imagine, and it has been suppressed more deeply than most countries on the planet. And as we approach closer to the event and I would say when we will be very close to the Event, there will be a huge and fast acceleration of consciousness in the United States that will be super fast.
The main stronghold of female Lightwarriors of the Resistance Movement under wise leadership of a woman with a codename Ariel is on Eris, a small planetary body on the edge of the Solar system:
The time of the AION portal activation signifies the peak of Uranus Pluto square, which is occurring in the 2012-2015 timeframe. This is the most important astrological aspect of our times and its meaning is very simple: revolution of Light. The exact heliocentric moment of the Uranus Pluto square comes on November 23rd. At that moment, a very interesting heliocentric configuration will be taking place apart from Uranus Pluto square. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto will form a six pointed star mandala around the Sun:
The six pointed star is the very same configuration that happened at the Harmonic Concordance in November 2003 (when the Resistance hacked the etheric implant computer program) and it happened again at the Peace Portal on August 25th this year (when we have collectively prevented the military invasion in Syria).
Cobra: Okay. When the veil drops Tachyon energy will begin to infuse human bodies and will begin to restore health, and also emotional and mental harmony in the surface population. So this is what we can expect after the Event.
Cobra: Okay. the tachyon chambers that we have installed on the surface of the planet will conduct very strong energies and will actually ground a lot of tachyon energy for the whole planet. And this will help stabilizing the Grid. So there will be no massive earthquakes or drastic cataclysms at the moment of the Event.
It is interesting to note that more details about the Shapley attractor were published on January 11th 2006, exactly 10 years after the Congo Archon invasion in 1996.
The Event will be a multidimensional breakthrough for planet Earth that will send waves of Light across the Universe. The Event will be spiritual and physical in nature. It will encompass a breakthrough in removal of non-physical negative entities, mass arrests of the Cabal and drastic increase of sightings of positive UFOs. It will be a unified effort of the Pleiadians, the Resistance Movement, Positive Military, White Dragon Society and other positive groups.
Cobra: And actually, what the Cabal needs to keep their financial system running is not just fiat money, they need solid gold, because, at the deepest level of the financial system, it can only operate if there is gold present. This is a well-kept secret, but if the Cabal has zero gold, absolutely zero gold, the whole structure collapses immediately. Very, very quickly. So they have to grab a little bit of gold here and there, to keep the machine running.
COBRA – One questions at a time. yes – there are chemtrails. I am not denying their existence. I'm just saying, what most people are not seeing chemtrails they are seeing on contrails. There are chemtrails but they are far less than what people think. Yes it's good to move out of the US as that is the country under most strong attack from the Cabal as far as chemtrails, food poisoning, scalar weapons and on and on. Anywhere else in the world would be better.
COBRA – The first possibility is they are MK ultra programmed victims and they expect them to sit back and they have a strong mission that would endanger the Cabal. Either they have a strong spiritual potential or they have some other potential that they view as a threat from the cabal. I would give a certain piece of advice here. Re-locate out of the US, if possible. And in many instances it is possible.
A: Contact Dish can happen also before the Event; as soon as it is safe, they will start contact. After the Event it will be easier. A private land of 30x30 meters is needed for that. It takes care of legal issues, otherwise the military could intervene."
Inviting a Mothership
Cobra invites us call a pleadian mothership down onto our land. This can be done by reaching our with your consciousness towards them and telling them that you give them permission and wish them to land. Important points: You must own the land, you must be the one who signed the documents of ownership. If you do call a mothership, you must NOT discuss this with anyone. Do NOT write this anywhere. This must be a mental descision and comunication with the pleadians must be telepathic. You do not need to be living on that land, you can be further away. The pleadians will check out if it’s safe and an appropriate location for their ship to land before they come. They will evaluate the person who invited them to see if they can handle the situation if/when they do land. Cobra says that if we invite a pleadian mothership to land on our private land that we own, we will have their protection if any earth forces try to interfere. The law says that we are allowed to do what we wish on our private land which is why this is possible.
Pure Feminine energy is: unconditionally loving and receptive. Pure Masculine energy is: pure action. Both energies are equally important, however the suppression of this plannet hinges on keeping the feminine energies under tight control. In the past Cobra has posted that more feminine energy on the planet would stop all wars. Cobra explained that female sexual energy is actually the key to cracking through the matrix, AND also triggering the solar flash from the central sun. The receptivity of the feminine sexual energy acts as the contact dish for this event, a signal that we are ready. With this said it’s very important that women come into contact with their sexually and start to break through the blockages that have been put in our way.
Taiwan is the centre of "population gravity". With 2000 Cintamani stones planted in the island, it is the epicentre of Ascension. The underground base in Northern Taiwan is almost ready, and can accommodate up to 2.5 billion people.
Last year, I have introduced Galactic Cintamani Stones. Their origins are galactic center so they are even more powerful. I had to introduce these gradually because the energy is simply too strong. Whenever I mentioned this stone, crazy things began to happen so I had to be very careful and decided to release slowly. But now I can release next level of information about galactic cintamani stones. They will have a very important role in the Event. They will intercept the pressure of the energy coming from the central sun. So they will stabilize the energy grid of the planet, so that the polar shift will not happen too soon.
A. Galactic Cintamani itself is not about Goddess energy, it is the energy of the galactic center.
The galactic cintamani stones have also the very important function that I will talk about later, is clearing Sub-Quantum Anomaly.
Take a look at this picture, it is the pattern of positive standing waves and that is what a light grid should look like. In the middle part, it shows the light grid vortex of cintamani stone. When you bury a cintamani stone, it will create an energy vortex just like you can see in the middle.
Sirius star system has a very strong connection with the Galactic Central Sun. It is protected by a highly evolved race. During the 1996 Archon invasion, it was the only safe, unaffected sector in our galaxy. Since 1996, the Light forces have utilized the Sirius portal to liberate this region. The Light forces also use Sirius to transmit powerful energy from the Galactic Central Sun. This is why we have to build a global cintamani grid of Light on the Earth, as it can help transmit powerful energy from Sirius smoothly.
The Cintamani project is about putting more energy points into the energy grid. Cintamani stones are conductors of energy. For every Cintamani stone on this planet a mothership is activated and putting energy into it. Put the stone into the ground, a mothership will put the energy into the ground. Each time a stone gets planted in the ground it becomes a point for an Angelic being to anchor a vortex for the Goddess energy in the ground. Next to mass meditations, it is the most powerful tool to transfer galactic energy to the surface.
COBRA – The best strategy is to put Cintamani stones in strategic positions. Not only on the land masses but also in the oceans far away from, far away from the coast.
We can change the climate and geopolitical situation of a country by burying cintamani stones. The infight among some teams will make a country become chaotic. They had a chance to create a better grid of Light, but they failed and caused a national crisis.
COBRA – Plasma based medicine works on the principles of harmonizing the plasma flow. We have our plasma bodies which are not exactly the same of our etheric bodies. The plasma body is actually a changed electromagnetic potential body which works on difference between various electro-magnetic potential space and if you harmonize that you can increase human health dramatically. Basically, what the dark forces have done, they have created scalar technology which distorts the plasma matrix of the plasma body and creates illness. Plasma medicine actually references those negative effects those harmful effects of the scalar technology and creates a health matrix in the plasma body which as a consequence balances the electro flow inside of the physical cell membrane. And of course this restores the physical health.
Cobra: Yes, exactly. The Galactic Central Sun is the home of the Galactic entity The Pleroma, and it is a living being and we are living inside that living being, we are living inside of The Pleroma, we are part of that being. The Galactic being interacts with all solar systems as cells within the galactic body and we are one cell of the galactic body and ….goes back to the galactic Central Sun and responds back. The Event will happen through the people, we are the channels for the Event, we are the transmitters of the Event. It can’t bypass us, its not possible. It goes through our energy field, to our physical bodies, to our environment, to our society. The only interaction comes from the direction within humanity and the Galactic Central , when this connection is strong enough then it will happen and luckily we are working on this.
RPS: 12:21/XORTSMODE (between Aug - Oct 2015). OS: VTXC.LSIP
OS: LSIP BNF ANNABELLA.exe (March 8, 2019)
Cobra: Yes, exactly. The Galactic Central Sun is the home of the Galactic entity The Pleroma, and it is a living being and we are living inside that living being, we are living inside of The Pleroma, we are part of that being. The Galactic being interacts with all solar systems as cells within the galactic body and we are one cell of the galactic body and ….goes back to the galactic Central Sun and responds back. The Event will happen through the people, we are the channels for the Event, we are the transmitters of the Event. It can’t bypass us, its not possible. It goes through our energy field, to our physical bodies, to our environment, to our society. The only interaction comes from the direction within humanity and the Galactic Central , when this connection is strong enough then it will happen and luckily we are working on this.
RPS: 12:21/XORTSMODE (between Aug - Oct 2015). OS: VTXC.LSIP
OS: LSIP BNF ANNABELLA.exe (March 8, 2019)
Once again, you curate a wonderful collection of his information. I started following his blog in June, 2012. This knowledge is priceless!
ReplyDeleteThanks as always for your kind words Dr. Joe! Yes, this information is definitely priceless. It’s amazing how you’ve been following The Portal since 2012! I came across the blog in Dec 2016
DeleteAgreed, I did that math too 😂
ReplyDeleteAnd when you consider the upcoming explosive astrology of Dec and Jan, you’ll realize that the Lurker will be sublimated at an even faster rate! My guess for critical mass is 70% of the Lurker has to be removed!
ReplyDeleteI got that 70% number by dividing the square root of 2 by 2. You will remember that the formula for critical mass (x) in meditations is:
ReplyDeletex = square roof of (2* population)
Thus, when we divide the square root of 2 by 2, then we reach the inflection point for sublimation!
It’s not rocket science!
square root*
ReplyDeleteJanuary 11 is a very powerful timeline day with six pointed heliocentric and geocentric stars on that day! The destiny of this planet has been shaped at least four times on January 11!
Not a coincidence for these six pointed stars to occur on January 11, 2025. The number 33 can be used to depict a six pointed star hexagram (two equilateral triangles)!