Meditation for Neptune sextile Pluto

I fully endorse Ailish’s proposal for a mass meditation for Neptune sextile Pluto:

As can be seen in the link above, we will meditate at 10:19 am EDT on 08/16/24.

I like these recent updates from KejRaj of EraOfLight-

From my understanding, we will see major changes once the negative Agartha network is gone. In their Paris workshop, Cobra said that the dragons will eat up all remaining anomaly once they wake up. The dragons have been tortured by this negative Agartha network since 26,000 years. Enough is enough, as Cobra also wrote in their recent blog updates. Red dragon C cleaning sequence is now operable. In past Q&As, Cobra said that the red dragons are involved with the physical removal of the Cabal. And they’re also part of introducing a new financial system (possibly quantum financial system) using Yamashita Gold. I support distributing bitcoins to Lightworkers, as Cobra said in the Taiwan workshop. Let’s see how things go with the financial crash though. If the stock market has already started crashing as of Aug 5, one can only wonder what’ll happen on Aug 16. As we can see below, things are really accelerating as Neptune gets closer to midpoint of Uranus & Pluto:



  1. "If the stock market has already started crashing as of Aug 5"

    Oh, I remember now that I read yesterday in the BILD news online that over "7.5 trillion Euro are gone".
    Bro... 7.5 trillion!

    Here's the link I mean:

    1. Yes and tech stocks lost $3T as well:,could%20be%20delayed%20by%20months.

      All this money is just Monopoly money. We need the QFS now to guarantee abundance and safe money for all

  2. Love comes from China!Chinese lightworker team BlueDawnlight also called on us to participate in meditation this time. Some participants also experienced the inner feeling of The Lurker being stripped off. Great meditation! Victory of light!

    1. Amazing!! Yes it was an amazing meditation. Thanks to all of you and especially Ailish for creating and organizing it
