Thoughts on liberation

Most of the below paragraphs were initially in the addendum section of my previous post. However, they got so big that I decided to create a separate post for them. I hope you have integrated the insights from my previous post on Neptune at midpoint of Uranus & Pluto. If you haven’t read it already, I highly recommend doing so before reading this post.

I admit that I will be a little sad if the Light Forces do not use the Neptune sextile Pluto portal of August 16, 2024. Such an opportunity takes 516 years to come. That is approximately 10 Earth lifetimes of each one of us. And just if you were wondering, Cobra has said that almost none of us have managed to incarnate anywhere else in the past 26,000 years. We have all been stuck in quarantine Earth since 26,000 years. 

Yesterday the following song caused me to get major goosebumps and cry so hard:

Maybe it's just my interpretation but this song is about the separation of twin souls at the moment of the creation of the quarantine. Why else would they have a line like: 
"The last thing that she sees before they turn off all the lights was there 
A man up in the corner with the spiders made of light?"

I still have tears in my eyes as I write this. Cobra has said that the archons take shapes of spiders, worms, arachnids, etc., so the spiders refer to the Archons who took us hostage. Even the beginning of the song indicates the longing of the twin souls to reunite
"The first thing that I do before I get into your house 
I'm gonna tear off all the petals from the rose that's in your mouth".

Now getting back to next month's Neptune sextile Pluto configuration. By Aug 16, 2024, the following would have taken place-
  • Lurker would be majorly purified both outside of humans and within humans. Especially with Aug 11, 2024 being 25 years since Sipapu i.e. the peak date of removal of primary anomaly.
  • Dark Atlantean network is gone.
  • Probability of surface threats (biolabs, conventional bombs, etc.) has continuously reduced.
  • Surface society's entropy would have risen a lot more. For example, Japan's financial system is already at the verge of collapse.
We are clearly closer than ever before to the intersection point of entropy of surface population and entropy of breakthrough:

From my previous post I hope to have convinced you that the financial system has a great chance of collapsing on Aug 16, 2024 (i.e. 8/16/24). If you still question that fact then I highly recommend you to do your own research. The financial system is the method employed by the Dark Forces to control the physical plane by keeping surface humanity in 9-5 slavery. Its collapse can lead to the biggest liberation.

However, I would not be surprised if the Light Forces keep waiting for more of the Lurker to get disentangled from humans before intervening on the surface. They seem to be extremely afraid of us and not understand our psychologyLight Forces, please trust in us. Billions of us are living your worst nightmare everyday. We have been living in this nightmare since 26,000 years and we are still alive and manage to find little moments of joy. We assure you that we can handle everything you are fearful of. However, also we need you to act now. We are suffering tremendously over here and need your assistance. We need you to use the Neptune sextile Pluto portal next month to liberate us.

At this point we should probably do a daily meditation to urge the Light Forces to intervene on the surface. We all need to urge the Aldebarans and Andromedans to act now, since seem to be the main factions of Ashtar Command who are in charge of liberating us. Maybe we can even add Agartha network and Resistance movement, but the latter two seem to be much more ready to intervene.

Also, to address those who think that nothing will happen before October, consider the following quotes from The Portal-
1) “When a critical mass of the Lurker will be gone, the Source will begin to disentangle it directly from the surface humanity and when that disentanglement reaches a certain critical mass, the Event can happen.” (Source)
2) “The dark Atlantean network has been completely removed. This has far reaching consequences. As a result of this, the process of disentangling the Lurker from the surface population finally began. Darkness, which was until now quantumly and subquantumly entangled with human personalities, will finally begin to leave. Between August and October we will be in the thick of this process. This will be a time of deep inner work and time of strengthening the inner connection with the Light.” (Source)

We need to read between the lines. If my understanding is correct, the main factor delaying the Event is a critical mass of the Lurker needs to be disentangled from surface humans. Basically the Light Forces are not intervening on the surface yet because they are afraid of you and me. Even us average Lightworkers are about 80% infected with the Lurker. However, by interpreting the above two paragraphs together, we can see that it is possible for the critical mass of the Lurker’s removal to be reached in August. Just because we will be in the thick till October doesn’t mean that we need to wait till October to reach the critical mass. This is how “critical mass” works- it’s not the entire mass, but rather, just a significant portion of it. And with the two fixed grand crosses occurring on Aug 11, 2024, we can be sure that a huge amount of the primary anomaly will be purified on that date. Not to mention the fact that Aug 11, 2024 is also exactly 25 years after Earth went through Sipapu, the dimensional axis of oneness. After we reach critical mass, whenever that is, we can expect the changes to happen rapidly.

We know that the Light Forces deeply use astrology, since most of their meditations/activations are during conjunctions. Imagine Uranus, Neptune and Pluto combining their energies and sending them directly to earth like three laser beams in a triangle formation. It can result in a complete financial collapse and anyone who isn’t actively aware of these astrological configurations is going to be completely blindsided. In my opinion, there really isn’t a bigger astrological event than this before Pluto permanently enters Aquarius.

In Phoenix, Cobra said that the Light Forces are paralyzed by fear of the Lurker. And in the Paris workshop he said that the Light Forces like to stay in their comfort zone (that is- not on the surface of the Earth). If they fail to use this once-in-516-year portal then the Dark Forces can cause so much harm and suffering to us when Pluto enters Capricorn. For example, what happens if Neptune sextile Pluto causes a hard crash of the financial system? That plays into the hands of the Dark Forces, who can unleash CBDCs/Pandemics/ConventionaWar on us. Even if the Dark Forces don't do anything, each minute of living in their financial system is a violation of the Section 1 of the Galactic Codex (each being has an unconditional right to positive life experience).

I understand that the Light Forces have been prevented from intervening before now due to the Chimera, Archons, Dark Atlantean network, Illuminati Breakaway Complex, Implants, Lurker, etc. Most of those factors have been completely eliminated now, and even the Lurker will be purified greatly on August 11, 2024. The Light Forces have no excuse now. Pluto is in Aquarius. We all need to urge the Light Forces to improve our lives, not just dance around high in the sky above us while tens of millions of children starve below. As we all said in Phoenix - "Light Forces help us".

I am not calling the Light Forces cowards. Far from it, in fact. They have done tremendous work behind the scenes for example by defeating the Dark Atlantean network. However, the Neptune sextile Pluto portal on August 16, 2024 is their major chance to intervene on the surface, especially before Pluto enters Capricorn. Intervening on the surface is something that they have actively avoided thus far, but that needs to change now.

I understand that the Light Forces will most likely still not intervene in August 2024, despite the conditions being extremely favorable for them. If they don’t do anything, I feel like their approach can be called too cautious, choosing their own comfort over our liberation. They need to display more courage and more masculine energy. Come on Aldebarans and Andromedans! We have heard that you are fearless warriors who can very easily deal with Reptilians, Dracos and negative Andromedans. I can assure you that most surface humans are not hard to deal with, despite their infection by the Lurker. And even the most difficult humans are much easier to deal with than the beings you have experience with. It's time to show surface humans your fearless side. We promise to do the same and embrace you as you arrive here on the surface. Thanks to your intervention, life down here will not be nearly as bad as it has been thus far. Together we will make Earth a paradise planet and fulfill the prophecy of eliminating darkness from the multiverse forever. Let's aim to do that in August of this year. We have never been more ready to receive your help and to meet with you.



  1. Chiang Mai Ascension Conference Day 1 Presented by Cobra

    Q and A session 4

    Q. How this astrological manifestation influences the Lurker?

    A. we have this Pluto-Neptune-Uranus aspect which is very harmonious. This will dissolve Lurker.

    Thanks brother victory of the light ⚡🌹

    1. Yes, in the Taiwan workshop notes Cobra said that the Lurker will get dissolved at the meeting of Neptune and midpoint of Uranus & Pluto. This happens on Sep 27, 2024; and then subsequently also on Jan 5, 2025. Votl!

    2. I tried looking for Taipei ascension notes everywhere, I couldn't find them, could you post them here?

    3. Hi N'Golo Flamel, the link used to be but it's been taken down. It will be released on Aug 1 now. There are ways to find it though. It was originally posted on I cannot share more but there are ways to get it.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Hi Ailish, could you delete the link? We have been told not to send that link around. I found that link too xD

    6. @ VOTL 628:

      Well, then I recommend you to activate comment moderation in the your Blogger options. So, in such a case, I would understand if moderators don't approve comments due to certain content.

      A few years ago, I founded a Telegram chat group related to Cobra's blog, but unfortunately, I witnessed 2 incidences of illegal activities. Unlike Blogger, I wasn't able to check every message (which also would go against the principle of a live chat).

      In the meanwhile, I prefer to remain much more distant to people - even online, because I don't want to bear all this unnecessary stress anymore.

      Regarding the leaks, you must keep in mind that they can't be prevented to 100% anyway.
      Furthermore, the link contained a disclaimer and no other sensitive information, so there's no problem, if you ask me.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Yup I agree we cannot prevent leaks. In fact I made the mistake of sharing that link to some friends as well. And I’ve just activated comment moderation, thanks! Sorry to hear about those lapses on telegram. And I agree that we should respect everyone’s preferred mode of communication.

    9. Thank you very much Ailish and VOTL 628 for the comments and articles, eternal gratitude and Victory of the light!

    10. Votl N’golo the change is almost here

  2. First of all, thank you for posting your insightful analysis which even helps someone like me who doesn't understand astrology!

    It seems that Cobra's educated guess for the Event in 2025 is still very accurate. I also had a look on your previous article and especially on your recreation of Martin Armstrong's economic confidence wave from 2020-2028. I had a look on that graphic and came up with a guess:

    The Event could happen between November 19th, 2024 and June 4th, 2025.

    I really hope that the lightforces will make the best out of those critical moments!

    1. Hi Ailish,

      Thanks for your comment!
      You are correct. My next post is going to be about why the Event can happen between Jan 5 and Jan 15, 2025. I am expecting it to happen on Jan 11, 2025. This has to do with Neptune sextile Pluto peaking at Jan 15. 2025 on the US natal chart. And Neptune meets midpoint of Uranus & Pluto on Jan 5, 2025.


    2. Thank you, I'm looking forward to it!

      Also, I had in mind that the Event could potentially happen on a weekend or holidays, since most people are at home during that time = more people watching TV and less traffic chaos.

      Also, the financial aspect plays a great role, since bank closures are plan of the Event - I heard that financial Events often take place on weekends, too!

    3. Also, the following Interview excerpt is interesting as well:

      Debra: Well, basically, so many people are talking about 2025, and why 2025? And you seemed quite clear, you made your educated guess that the Event and potentially the Galactic Superwave would happen in 2025. So why 2025?

      Cobra: Okay. As I said many times on my blog, it's a convergence of quite strong cosmic cycles. There is the Sirius cycle. There is the Neptune, Uranus, Pluto cycle. There are other cycles taking place, and all those converge in 2025. So this is a very strong marker and the energies coming will be extremely strong. So this is the marker we are waiting for.

      See also here:

    4. Yeah turns out that Jan 11, 2025 is a Saturday. And Aug 16, 2024 is a Friday. I have actually written extensively about the cycles which are converging in 2025 in my blog post about Sedna- Cobra called that post "excellent".
      I really do not see why we need to wait till next year. Anyhow, playing this waiting game seems like a feature of this gamma timeline we're on.

    5. Well, August 16th, 2024 is not that far away anymore.
      I will keep an eye on it, as well as the days before and after!

    6. Hi Ailish, yes Aug 16 is right around the corner. The kundalini here in the US is rising like absolutely crazy. It’s getting harder and harder to hold on!

    7. Thank you very much Ailish and VOTL 628 for the comments and articles, eternal gratitude and Victory of the light@

    8. Most people don't understand why to wait till 2025, because Cobra himself didn't explain the background details. Sebastian has put out the crucial details.

      Archon-Grid/Multidimensional Room still exist, Dead-Mental Plane Spirits that are tied with people's own Spirits(Heavy Lurker involvment through these External Spirits), Implants are far from being cleared rather most of the heavier Implants including the Main-Attachment can only be cleared after the Event, Abyss/Distortion Field/Milking Station/Atlantean Parasitic Microorganisms(20-40%) of them.... Anyways, it's just the Chim- that have been defeated, the rest of the Dark Hierarchy: Interdimensional ETs/Archons/Jesuits/Dracos/Reps/Khazarian MAfia/Illuminati/Cabal still exist though they're clearing rapidly.

      Stability Issue: On removing those spirits however, people would start behaving similar to brain-dead zombies. Hence, they're to be supported with higher Ensoulment as most people by design of the quarantine have very small spirit size(on the Mental Plane).

      Archon Grid still maintains the asymmetric retaliation mechanisms upon deeper contact of LFs with Starseeds. Hence, the Planetary Exorcism involves removal all of these behemoth of darkness which the human aura is still drowned in.

      The LFs aren't even contacting Starseeds telepathically. The Most Direct symptom of the Event being close is the purity of Aura/ raise in your own Soul-energy income: and most people have no more than 2-6% of their energy income.

      By purity of aura: It referes to Enlightened levels of Energies...

      Note: No matter what Cobra says about implants being cleared, Implants certainly still exist otherwise people would have close to enlightened energies, brain functioning (receptivity to Spirit-Mind) would be 90%+, etc.

      Unless those kind of raise in energies occur, the LFs would very likely not trigger the Event.

      The Planetary Exorcism goes from August-October. After that period some Special Implant Removals may be done, Abyss-burning may be fuller, etc.

      Sebastian also said: If the global situation hasn't changed, the number of entities is still too high for usual humans to wake up from their slumber.

      All the Above factors apart from the Lurker that will be getting cleared in the upcoming Exorcism.

      (TheUnveiling33 has done a great job in explaining those that Cobra didn't.)

      Also Astrology is not the most direct factor.... The Main factor is the direct Cleansing of the Entities/Implants and the Free-Will Vector of the Entities/Surface Humans and how well the Cleansing process proceeds.

      Putting all of the above into Consideration, Cobra's estimation of 2025 seems pretty on point.

      However, people must definitely orient their consciousness-energy (20L Fuel/second on average) to the LFs and encourage them for faster clearings: As the FM144 blog recently stated: some of the Lightworkers have asked Source themselves to accelerate the Timeline.

    9. Hi La(w)li(e)t !! thanks for your detailed analysis. Yes I have read Sebastian's blog in depth, it is amazing. Astrology is actually super powerful. As Cobra has said-
      "Astrology is not just the superstition. It's based on real science. It's based on resonance which is being created with plasma fields from the solar system and this affects everybody. Actually, there was a study done by Federal Reserve of the influence of the Solar Cycles on the real economy. And the same thing is happening with the planets. The planetary configurations do have a real impact on the world economy."
      Anyhow, since we are on the gamma timeline the only certainty we have is that darkness will be resolved by August 19-21, 2025. I would say that Pluto entering Aquarius will definitely impact the quarantine of this planet unlike anything before it. In my next blog post I will explain why I think the quarantine will get dissolved on Jan 11, 2025.
      Sebastian has also said that Source said we can expect "tangible results" by approximately summer 2024. Our daily lives really need to improve.

    10. Who is this Sebastian guy? Any link would be much appreciated.

    11. Mario, Sebastian’s blog is Try searching for ‘summer 2024’

    12. Thank you, VOTL 628. And keep up the good work! I like reading your posts.

    13. Thanks for reading Mario 🙏

    14. Tangible results for approximately summer 2024 have been mentioned here:

      and here:

      This prediction is also very well correlating with Lurker disentanglement.
      But be careful, this beast has become more aggressive since we left the test phase!

      Here's a more detailed description of what this being is doing:

    15. Yes correct, Cobra’s latest update was very juicy. Glad to see your research getting published, it is very important information. Me personally- I feel like I would’ve gone YOLO and stopped caring about physical survival and this whole financial debauchery. Cobra has repeatedly said that the financial system is the method used to control the physical plane. And that the fear of death is what underlies the financial system’s ability to function. Even John McAfee said to overcome the fear of death and live from the heart, not the mind. ( So me personally, I’m trying to open a tachyon chamber, but I have no interest in being a part of this matrix anymore. I am only staying in this physical body because Cobra has said that we need to stay in the physical plane to reap the rewards of liberation. And I’m doing it for other people, because I know that the timelines would be worse if Lightworkers just left the physical plane. I know you’ve spoken about this earlier as well, Ailish

  3. Very recently, I made a small, but interesting discovery which I associate with the Lurker:

    1. Interesting video and observation! I do not speak German I think I could tell from the video that they were not sure whether the light would win. Which it shall, obviously

    2. A Sidenote:
      Source are the highest Twin-Soul pair/Highest descendant of the Prime Creator.
      Therefore, they are intact and hence they can intervene. Prime Creator isn't intact anymore and hence doesn't play a role directly.

      Just to clarify that Source are to be seen as a Big-Soul and not as some "Absolute/Non-intact Being" which would be Prime Creator.

  4. Hi, Votl, interesting insights of yours. For me since I am clearly understanding, that I am consciousness stuck in one tv channel, I am so pissed being here and working like a slave, but I have visited a couple of other lightworkers blogspots, and as I have noticed, some of them do not see this situation as a very bad and they can live without Event, so comparing with my memory and inner knowing I treat such people like still fully asleep. For me the number one thing is to be free and fully operational as a free consciousness which will be only allowed after the Event when all the technologies are shut down, so what I have noticed that many people from cobras blogspot actually are pretty asleep people at least again looking from my perspective. I am not interested in anything here in this aquarium because its still aquarium, its a matrix, I am only interested in regaining all my abilities and memories as a free soul that can travel wherever it wants when the human avatar is asleep at night. But for many so called lightworkers they dont see it as a as you said slavery, they are hanging pretty nicely here.

    1. Hi Crystall I agree and think that people are using psychological denial rather than facing reality

    2. Hi, Votl, again, thanks for your good work it's really very beneficial and this blogspot feels to be very needed for all of us, so please dont stop. I wait for my consciousness liberation so bad, its impossible to live when you know that in twenty years time one's body gonna die and one does not even know anything whether the soul will be captured and what body and destiny you gonna have again, for me thats so impossible to understand how all the people are okay with this crazy fairytale, we are totally controlled by the demons and cant decided for ourselves what we want to do and where we want to go, so this human presence is so pointless I call myself a taxpayer thats it and all those so called spiritual practices only easens the life in the aquarium. So let the light forces wake up and take action now! Something must happen, since my awakening in this state of being is nothing but a torture, if nothing happens I want my old sleeping consciousness back, since now I am like in a movie among many forgotten souls. But it must happen, many years of long and hard experience shows only one: we came here to experience this planetary shift, thanks god only months left, it will not take more than a year, otherwise many souls will turn away, since that would simply mean that all the calculations and timelines and knowledge and experience does not mean anything.

    3. The final deadline by which all darkness everywhere must be resolved is Aug 21, 2025. Don't give up!

    4. From conference notes-
      "There is some computer model which expect the civilization will crush
      next year already. One of the models were made by Martin Armstrong.
      This is taken from his website. He is predicting the beginning of the
      crush in August 2024. Of course, this is just a prediction. But I
      would say this is tied to several cosmic cycles. Instabilities in both
      financial and political systems are expected to get stronger next
      year. If you think the system stayed safe this year, let’s see what
      happens in next year."

      Next year = 2024 ;)

    5. Hey VOTL 628 ✌️

      I just found your blog, I find it very informative, keep up the great work 🙂

      I am just curious as to how you determined the 21st of August 2025 is the cut off date for dark forces being removed from the planet.

      I'm sure you may have already stated this information somewhere before, but like I said I am new here 😄 I would really appreciate your response as I am a starseed who has been patiently waiting for the event. Cheers 🙂

    6. Hi Memphis warrior, thanks for your comment. In my Renaissance 2024 post I have a section called “Portal 2025” where I show the mini grand trine on Aug 19, 2025 with all 3 outer planets in their new signs. And in his “Portal 2025” blog post, Cobra has also plotted the same configuration with Aug 21, 2025 as the date. And in his Q&As, Cobra has clarified that the ascension window has its end date on Aug 2025, not July 2025. The ascension window will remain permanently open from then onwards. So yup

  5. alking about your insights they are very interesting, but in my vision what I see that there are more deep hidden aspects present, not only astrological things. Such a there is a plan on top of a plan which means, that for example, if the light forces do not use this favorable conjuntions and later the dark forces use their move like negative financial crash, so that would mean that the Source decided that it would be the best for the humanity to wake up this way. In my understanding, the show has not even started we will see such an uproar in almost the whole world, and it will take a few months, thats how humanity will see and experience who controls them otherwise if the event happens without any show, its clearly felt that people are so asleep that they will not understand what is going on. Of course this topic is very long, but I tried to put it as simple as possible, so of course I want the event to happen as soon as possible, but in my understanding humanity will soon witness the real nuclear threat and many other big things for the humanity to wake up, since otherwise that will not work, people are in deep coma and so are many so called lightworkers my soul is being activated and feel myself very clearly like a consciousness stuck in one tv channel it feels like i am floating somehwere over my physical body and you are just locked here, so when I hear so called lightworkers who enjoy here by spending the time here mostly working everyday from morning to the evening, so I can clearly see that they think that they are awake, though you are awake when you experience yourself not as a human flesh, but a pure energy outside of it, its not enough to read cobras blogspot, so many many things must happen and I think that the action will only start soon, but we still must face nuclear threat, also there should not be any election in USA, so maybe then the source could trigger the Event, yes, its interesting time, we will see, again, nice perspectives from your side and I totally agree with your thoughts and calculations but there could be some surprise factor. Also, as you said about reading between the lines, so what I noticed that many people missed one interesting thing, when cobra stated that 'its not Trump who will get back to office at the moment of the EVENT', and that there could be some interim government, which means that USA election might not happen and the Event could happen around the election, really cobra stated that clearly, so it cant be that it will happen in ten years time, the time is now for Trump to win election or to be cancelled, so cobras opinion means a lot in this place, it means very much, so we will see. Or of course there can be many different variables. But what I wanted to say simply is that there will not be any Event without the biggest turmoil on this planet, even akashic. records show that, so we will see a couple of weeks before the Event that it is coming. Or again we will get a huge surprise.

  6. Even though we still have to deal with the boring status quo, I made very interesting observations lately:

  7. Another astrological conjunction that is probably important as well, quote:
    "The main aspect is Sedna conjuncting Alcyone on May 25th. This aspect happens once every 20,000 years, and its astrological meaning is the return of Pleiadians to Earth at the completion of the cosmic cycle. This aspect will start exhibiting its full power one week before May 25th, and will remain in full force until one week after. It will be reactivated again in December 2024 and in April 2025."


    1. Yes I have even got the exact dates for Sedna-Alcyone conjunction in my Sedna post. Interestingly, Sedna-Uranus-Alycone conjunction on May 25, 2026 might be the end of the 26,000 year Platonic year

    2. From conference notes-
      "There is some computer model which expect the civilization will crush
      next year already. One of the models were made by Martin Armstrong.
      This is taken from his website. He is predicting the beginning of the
      crush in August 2024. Of course, this is just a prediction. But I
      would say this is tied to several cosmic cycles. Instabilities in both
      financial and political systems are expected to get stronger next
      year. If you think the system stayed safe this year, let’s see what
      happens in next year."

      Next year = 2024! ;)

  8. Here's my new fundraiser for the Lightworker community, if appropriate:

    Feel free to share it around.
