"The main key for planetary healing is women allowing themselves to feel and express their sexual energy"
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Monday, July 15, 2024
Thoughts on liberation
Most of the below paragraphs were initially in the addendum section of my previous post. However, they got so big that I decided to create a separate post for them. I hope you have integrated the insights from my previous post on Neptune at midpoint of Uranus & Pluto. If you haven’t read it already, I highly recommend doing so before reading this post.
I admit that I will be a little sad if the Light Forces do not use the Neptune sextile Pluto portal of August 16, 2024. Such an opportunity takes 516 years to come. That is approximately 10 Earth lifetimes of each one of us. And just if you were wondering, in past Q&As it was said that almost none of us have managed to incarnate anywhere else in the past 26,000 years. We have all been stuck in quarantine Earth since 26,000 years.
Yesterday the following song caused me to get major goosebumps and cry:
Maybe it's just my interpretation but this song is about the separation of twin souls at the moment of the creation of the quarantine. Why else would they have a line like:
"The last thing that she sees before they turn off all the lights was there
A man up in the corner with the spiders made of light?"
We know that the archons take shapes of spiders, worms, arachnids, etc., so the spiders refer to the Archons who took us hostage. Even the beginning of the song indicates the longing of the twin souls to reunite-
"The first thing that I do before I get into your house
I'm gonna tear off all the petals from the rose that's in your mouth".
Now getting back to next month's Neptune sextile Pluto configuration. By Aug 16, 2024, the following would have taken place-
- Lurker would be majorly purified both outside of humans and within humans. Especially with Aug 11, 2024 being 25 years since Sipapu i.e. the peak date of removal of primary anomaly.
- Dark Atlantean network is gone.
- Probability of surface threats (biolabs, conventional bombs, etc.) has continuously reduced.
- Surface society's entropy would have risen a lot more. For example, Japan's financial system is already at the verge of collapse.
We are clearly closer than ever before to the intersection point of entropy of surface population and entropy of breakthrough:
From my previous post I hope to have convinced you that the financial system has a great chance of collapsing on Aug 16, 2024 (i.e. 8/16/24). If you still question that fact then I highly recommend you to do your own research. The financial system is the method employed by the Dark Forces to control the physical plane by keeping surface humanity in 9-5 slavery. Its collapse can lead to the biggest liberation.
However, I would not be surprised if the Light Forces keep waiting for more of the Lurker to get disentangled from humans before intervening on the surface. They seem to be extremely afraid of us and not understand our psychology. Light Forces, please trust in us. Billions of us are living your worst nightmare everyday. We have been living in this nightmare since 26,000 years and we are still alive and manage to find little moments of joy. We assure you that we can handle everything you are fearful of. However, also we need you to act now. We are suffering tremendously over here and need your assistance. We need you to use the Neptune sextile Pluto portal next month to liberate us.
At this point we should probably do a daily meditation to urge the Light Forces to intervene on the surface. We all need to urge the Aldebarans and Andromedans to act now, since seem to be the main factions of Ashtar Command who are in charge of liberating us. Maybe we can even add Agartha network and Resistance movement, but the latter two seem to be much more ready to intervene.
Also, to address those who think that nothing will happen before October, consider the following quotes from The Portal-
1) “When a critical mass of the Lurker will be gone, the Source will begin to disentangle it directly from the surface humanity and when that disentanglement reaches a certain critical mass, the Event can happen.” (Source)
2) “The dark Atlantean network has been completely removed. This has far reaching consequences. As a result of this, the process of disentangling the Lurker from the surface population finally began. Darkness, which was until now quantumly and subquantumly entangled with human personalities, will finally begin to leave. Between August and October we will be in the thick of this process. This will be a time of deep inner work and time of strengthening the inner connection with the Light.” (Source)
We need to read between the lines. If my understanding is correct, the main factor delaying the Event is a critical mass of the Lurker needs to be disentangled from surface humans. Basically the Light Forces are not intervening on the surface yet because they are afraid of you and me. Even us average Lightworkers are about 80% infected with the Lurker. However, by interpreting the above two paragraphs together, we can see that it is possible for the critical mass of the Lurker’s removal to be reached in August. Just because we will be in the thick till October doesn’t mean that we need to wait till October to reach the critical mass. This is how “critical mass” works- it’s not the entire mass, but rather, just a significant portion of it. And with the two fixed grand crosses occurring on Aug 11, 2024, we can be sure that a huge amount of the primary anomaly will be purified on that date. Not to mention the fact that Aug 11, 2024 is also exactly 25 years after Earth went through Sipapu, the dimensional axis of oneness. After we reach critical mass, whenever that is, we can expect the changes to happen rapidly.
We know that the Light Forces deeply use astrology, since most of their meditations/activations are during conjunctions. Imagine Uranus, Neptune and Pluto combining their energies and sending them directly to earth like three laser beams in a triangle formation. It can result in a complete financial collapse and anyone who isn’t actively aware of these astrological configurations is going to be completely blindsided. In my opinion, there really isn’t a bigger astrological event than this before Pluto permanently enters Aquarius.
In the Phoenix conference, we were told that the Light Forces are paralyzed by fear of the Lurker. And in the Paris workshop it was said that the Light Forces like to stay in their comfort zone (that is- not on the surface of the Earth). If they fail to use this once-in-516-year portal then the Dark Forces can cause so much harm and suffering to us when Pluto enters Capricorn. For example, what happens if Neptune sextile Pluto causes a hard crash of the financial system? That plays into the hands of the Dark Forces, who can unleash CBDCs/Pandemics/Conventional War on us. Even if the Dark Forces don't do anything, each minute of living in their financial system is a violation of the Section 1 of the Galactic Codex (each being has an unconditional right to positive life experience).
I understand that the Light Forces have been prevented from intervening before now due to the Chimera, Archons, Dark Atlantean network, Illuminati Breakaway Complex, Implants, Lurker, etc. Most of those factors have been completely eliminated now, and even the Lurker will be purified greatly on August 11, 2024. The Light Forces have no excuse now. Pluto is in Aquarius. We all need to urge the Light Forces to improve our lives, not just dance around high in the sky above us while tens of millions of children starve below. As we all said in Phoenix - "Light Forces help us".
I am not calling the Light Forces cowards. Far from it, in fact. They have done tremendous work behind the scenes for example by defeating the Dark Atlantean network. However, the Neptune sextile Pluto portal on August 16, 2024 is their major chance to intervene on the surface, especially before Pluto enters Capricorn. Intervening on the surface is something that they have actively avoided thus far, but that needs to change now.
I understand that the Light Forces will most likely still not intervene in August 2024, despite the conditions being extremely favorable for them. Come on Aldebarans and Andromedans! We have heard that you are fearless warriors who can very easily deal with Reptilians, Dracos and negative Andromedans. I can assure you that most surface humans are not hard to deal with, despite their infection by the Lurker. And even the most difficult humans are much easier to deal with than the beings you have experience with. It's time to show surface humans your fearless side. We promise to do the same and embrace you as you arrive here on the surface. Thanks to your intervention, life down here will not be nearly as bad as it has been thus far. Together we will make Earth a paradise planet and fulfill the prophecy of eliminating darkness from the multiverse forever. Let's aim to do that in August of this year. We have never been more ready to receive your help and to meet with you.
Saturday, July 13, 2024
Renaissance 2024
Hello! In this post I am going to analyze the astrological configuration of Neptune at midpoint of Uranus and Pluto. This configuration has a cycle of approximately 516 years. The four points in time in which I shall analyze this configuration are: the fall of the Roman Empire in 0476 AD, the peak of the Ottonian Renaissance in 0991 AD, the peak of European Renaissance in 1504, and the possible upcoming fall of Western Civilization in 2024. Let's get started.
Here is the chart of Neptune and the midpoint of Uranus & Pluto from 472 to 481 AD. I have marked Sep 4, 0476 because that is the date when the Roman Empire collapsed.
We observe that both the lines are first at their closest in September 0476. Here is the chart from above, with Uranus and Pluto's lines added:
All 3 outer planets formed a mini grand trine in 0476, as we can see in the chart below:
We also observe that there was a change in the aspect of Neptune sextile Pluto on Sep 4, 0476. Neptune sextile Pluto changed from Separating (S) to Applying (A) on that date. This was most probably the trigger point for the collapse of the Roman Empire. The change in the aspect's direction will be a pattern that we look for in future years.
2. Peak of Ottonian Renaissance
Here is the chart of Neptune and the midpoint of Uranus & Pluto from 986 to 995 AD. I have marked Nov 8, 991 because that is the date that I predict to be the peak of this astrological configuration. I shall explain this further below.
We observe that both the lines are first at their closest in Q4 991. Here is the chart from above, with Uranus and Pluto's lines added:
All 3 outer planets formed a mini grand trine in 991, as we can see in the chart below:
We also observe that there was a change in the aspect of Neptune sextile Pluto on Nov 8, 991. Neptune sextile Pluto changed from Separating (S) to Applying (A) on that date. This date signified the peak of the Ottonian Renaissance, in my estimation.
3. Peak of European Renaissance
Here is the chart of Neptune and the midpoint of Uranus & Pluto from 1500 to 1509 AD. I have marked June 22, 1504 because that is the date that I predict to be the peak of this astrological configuration. I shall explain later how I got this date.
We observe that both the lines are first at their closest in Q2 1504. Here is the chart from above, with Uranus and Pluto's lines added:
All 3 outer planets formed a mini grand trine in 1504, as we can see in the chart below:
We also observe that there was a change in the aspect of Neptune sextile Pluto on June 22, 1504. Neptune sextile Pluto changed from Applying (A) to Separating (S) on that date. This date signified the peak of the European Renaissance, in my estimation.
4. Fall of Western Civilization
Here is the chart of Neptune and the midpoint of Uranus & Pluto from 2020 to 2029. I have marked Aug 16, 2024 because that is the date that I predict to be the peak of this astrological configuration. Aug 16, 2024 is almost exactly one year before Aug 19, 2025 which is my estimation of Portal 2025. And also note the numerology of Aug 16, 2024 - it can be written as 08/16/24, all multiples of 8. It is the 33rd Friday of 2024, on the 33rd week of 2024.
We observe that both the lines are first at their closest in Q3 2024. For perspective, here's the same chart from 1910 to today. It clearly shows how this is a once in a lifetime opportunity:
Here is an extremely zoomed in version of the same chart, showing 2024 only:
Observe how the process is going to accelerate very rapidly as we enter August 2024.
Here is the same chart from above, with Uranus and Pluto's lines added:
Also observe how there is going to be a change in the aspect of Neptune sextile Pluto on Aug 16, 2024. Neptune sextile Pluto will change from Applying (A) to Separating (S) on that date.
Aug 16, 2024 is just five days after Aug 11, 2024. There is a fixed grand cross on Aug 11, 2024 occurring among Pluto, Hygeia, Vulcanus, Apollon and Moon. In fact, this configuration runs from July 7, 2024 to Sep 1, 2024:
There is also a fixed grand cross on Aug 11, 2024 among Pluto, Pallas, Sun, and Uranus. This configuration runs from July 22, 2024 to Aug 22, 2024:
The fixed grand cross alignments on Aug 11, 1999 and Aug 11, 2019 were "peak moments of purification of the primary anomaly" (Source). It seems as if Aug 11, 2024 will be no different.
Here is what I could find about Vulcanus, a transneptunian object:
"Vulcanus within a chart represents a very masculine energy, great strength, brute force, vitality and good recuperative powers, it's the athlete with the powerful physique. Yet when it's weak, insecure or manifesting negatively, Vulcanus is capable of brutality and violence. Vulcanus is represented by a triangle with an arrow shooting upward resembling a volcanic explosion alluding to massive energy potential."
Aug 11, 2024 is exactly 25 years after Earth went through Sipapu:
In my estimation, the above aspects might be the trigger point for the collapse of Western Civilization.
Supporting claims to Renaissance 2024
Interestingly, an American pastor named Brandon Briggs had a vision in which he saw Trump getting shot in the ear. In the same video, he also said that there will be a financial crash which would be worse than the Great Depression. Interestingly, his vision was given right before the Solar Eclipse:
The US Debt Clock recently posted an image of a debt-free currency, using Pleiades as the background:
On The Portal it was written that there are people in the US Debt Clock with access to high-level intel. It is very interesting that they use the words "quantum leap" to describe the process. Because what is happening is that the universe is transitioning to a true vacuum at a quantum and subquantum level. There is also a symbol in the middle of the the Bankless card which looks like a grand fixed cross. And it's worth noting that the Aldebarans' financial system is going to be a Quantum financial system.
Pluto's aspects are directly linked to instabilities in the financial system. For instance, Pluto's entry into Capricorn in 2008 was accompanied with the World financial crisis. And a Pluto-Saturn conjunction on Jan 12, 2020 led to the COVID-19 associated financial crash. Quoting the portal blog:
“Then on January 12th we have an extremely powerful Saturn-Pluto conjunction that will crack the global financial system open:
It will not be just an ordinary Saturn/Pluto conjunction, it will be a tour-de-force Sun-Mercury-Ceres-Saturn-Pluto conjunction, with Saturn and Pluto also on their south nodes, which will amplify the conjunction even more.”
And here is an excerpt on Pluto's effect on the financial system:
"The world financial crisis is a result of the influx of strong cosmic energies from Galactic central sun that are transmitted through the outer planets of our solar system, especially involving Pluto. These energies enter our planet and bring to the surface everything that was hidden and suppressed. Inside the increased vibration of those new energies, an exploitative system such as exists now on our planet can not exist much longer. The financial crisis will continue up to the point where humanity will be forced to establish a system of exchange that will be fair to everybody."
And here is a quote from conference notes:
"When Pluto exits Aquarius, it will spend a short time like 2 months in Capricorn again. That will be a time of very intense purification of financial and political systems. And then on 19th November, Pluto reenters Aquarius and stays there for decades. So after this intense purification, the real serious strong disclosure is expected after 19th November next year."
This aligns with Sebastian who said Source communicated that we can expect "tangible results" by Summer 2024.
It aligns with Martin Armstrong's chart showing the Fall of Western Civilization on Sep 2, 2024:
Moreover, his calculations perfectly incorporate the diameter of the Sun and the distance between the Earth and the moon:
Martin Armstrong's 309.6 year cycle is made of 6 cycles of 51.6 years each. And each of these 51.6 year cycles are made of 6 cycles of 8.6 years each. We can note that:
- The diameter of the sun = 8.6 *10^4 miles
- Ratio of diameter of the Sun and the distance between the Earth and the moon = 3.6
And 8.6* 3.6 = 30.96. Multiply this by 10 and we get 309.6, which is one wave of Armstrong's cycle.
I recreated Martin Armstrong's economic confidence wave from 2020-2028. It is interesting to see how major world events always seem to align with it. The date that Pluto enters Aquarius on (Nov 19, 2024) is exactly halfway between his 2nd wave of 1.075 years. In fact, the Neptune sextile Pluto date is almost exactly quarter of the way between his 2nd wave. The calculation comes to August 13, 2024 which is not far at all from August 16, 2024.
In summary, the aspects of Neptune sextile Pluto and Neptune at midpoint of Uranus & Pluto will transform the planet. They will especially affect the financial and political systems. They will most probably lead to a debt jubilee, prosperity funds, and guaranteeing better living standards for us innocent people. Then we can begin the disclosure of alien life from late 2024 onwards. This will be the New Renaissance and the creation of the New Atlantis.
5. Bonus - Portal 2025
Neptune will be at the midpoint of Uranus and Pluto on Aug 19, 2025. There will also be a change in the aspect of Neptune sextile Pluto on that date. Neptune sextile Pluto will change from Applying (A) to Separating (S). All three outer planets will be at 1 degrees each, in their new signs. This signifies the Portal 2025, which I'm sure we will be told more about next year.
Till then, enjoy this video I just took of a spaceship flying above NYC:
I highly suggest keeping your eyes on the sky.
Victory of the Light!
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